
Top Health Tips on Managing Mild Kidney Failure

20-Year-Old Indians Experiencing Kidney Failure! 4 Killer Reasons.

DNB (Nephrology), MD, MBBS
Nephrologist, Delhi
20-Year-Old Indians Experiencing Kidney Failure! 4 Killer Reasons.
Kidney failure is happening even to 20-year-old Indians now! 4 Reasons why. Usually more common in the elderly as a consequence of the chronic kidney disease, kidney failure is now increasingly becoming common amongst 20-somethings in the country. Why? Mainly because of their unhealthy lifestyle habits, they are falling prey to a disease that normally strikes later on in life. Kidney failure, a...moreKidney failure is happening even to 20-year-old Indians now! 4 Reasons why.

Usually more common in the elderly as a consequence of the chronic kidney disease, kidney failure is now increasingly becoming common amongst 20-somethings in the country.

Mainly because of their unhealthy lifestyle habits, they are falling prey to a disease that normally strikes later on in life.

Kidney failure, also known as renal failure, occurs when the kidneys stop functioning properly, that is, they are unable to filter out waste and toxins efficiently from the body. It is the most severe stage of chronic kidney disease. To ensure that toxins don't build up in the body, treatment usually involves dialysis (process for removing excess fluid and waste from the blood) or kidney transplant, among others. It is said that about 1 million people all over the world are on dialysis or are surviving on transplanted kidneys. The condition is permanent and can occur either very suddenly or slowly over time.

These frightening habits of the young are leading to the rise of the incidence of renal failure:
1. A sedentary lifestyle - A research conducted by the University of Utah School of Medicine suggests that if you spend 80 minutes a day sitting, you see a 20% increase in the risk of developing chronic kidney disease and, in turn, renal failure.Sedentary behaviour can also increase your risk of diabetes, hypertension as well as obesity (causes of chronic kidney disease).India is said to have about 60% of patients who suffer from hypertension and diabetes also suffer from kidney problem.

2. Poor eating habits - Studies suggest that the right diet consisting of fruits legumes, nuts, and whole grains can help in preventing kidney disease.On the other hand, a diet that is high in processed meats; salt and sugar can worsen the vicious cycle of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and kidney disease. Furthermore, a BMI of over 30 can increase your risk of developing common kidney ailments by two-fold. With the proliferation of fast food outlets and junk food due to lack of time, Indians are increasingly now at a risk.

3. Smoking - Smoking brings about a decrease in blood flow to the kidneys, rendering the organs inefficient. When you smoke, the arteries of your body harden and the blood vessels become narrow, leading to a worsening of conditions like high blood pressure. A study by the John Hopkins University says that smoking can increase your chances of developing kidney disease by about 60%. Many young Indians view smoking as fashionable and some even take it up to 'look cool', to beat stress or just to blend in with their peers.

4. Drinking alcohol - Excessive alcohol consumption can bring about significant changes to the way your kidneys may function. Your kidneys end up becoming less efficient at removing alcohol from the blood due to regular drinking. Additionally, more than 2 drinks a day has been found to significantly increase your risk of high blood pressure, a common cause of kidney disease.

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Kidney Disorders - How Homeopathy Can Combat Them?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Kidney Disorders - How Homeopathy Can Combat Them?
Kidney problem in early stage happens to be a common path towards the emergence of a number of diseases as well as the association with a significant level of morbidity and mortality. Whereas the end-stage kidney problem arises due to Hypertension or Diabetes. In both the cases of early stage and end-stage kidney problems, homeopathy treatment happens to be ideal as it look to cure people from the...moreKidney problem in early stage happens to be a common path towards the emergence of a number of diseases as well as the association with a significant level of morbidity and mortality. Whereas the end-stage kidney problem arises due to Hypertension or Diabetes. In both the cases of early stage and end-stage kidney problems, homeopathy treatment happens to be ideal as it look to cure people from the root of the problems, which we would talk in great detail as we progress.

Treatment in Homeopathy for Early Stage Kidney Patients
Homeopathic treatment is ideal for those patients who are suffering from renal failure due to their suffering from kidney disease. It is even appropriate for those who have a strong family history of renal failure and in order to avoid getting passed from the first stage to the advanced stage.

Benefits include:

One can stop homeopathic medicines within 2 to 5 years as per the severity and its cause.
Homeopathy can help to revive the damaged organ.
A patient s kidney starts to improve as and when he or she undergoes homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathy helps in stimulating one s immune system to carry out normal functions.
Classical homeopathic treatment not only helps to repair the damaged kidneys but also assists in maintaining the blood sugar and blood pressure at normal levels.
Treatment in Homeopathy for End-Stage Kidney Problems
The end stage kidney problem is a pathetic situation not only for the patients but also for the whole family. Homeopathic treatment in this situation involves case individualization, modality as well as mental symptoms, necessary part for finding out the exact similimum homeopathic medicine. The treatment works as wonder and has helped to prevent a number of cases from progressive towards Renal Transplant and Hemodialysis.

Benefits include:

It helps by offering CRF patients with cheap and easy treatment through homeopathy.
Homeopathic treatment remedies help to reduce the number of dialysis required over time
Homeopathy remedies even reduce and help people overcome the complications associated with chronic dialysis therapy.
The homeopathic medicines like heparin help to prevent clotting which can lead to complications like subdural hematoma and intracerebral hemorrhage
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Kidney Issues - How Can Ayurveda Help You Out?

Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences (BNYS), in yoga and naturopathy, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
Kidney Issues - How Can Ayurveda Help You Out?
Two kidneys are present on either side of the spine, above the waist. The kidneys perform important functions of cleansing the blood, controlling blood pressure and maintaining salt and mineral balances. Kidney related issues are to be treated as soon as they occur as failing to do so might lead to kidney failure, which is a serious condition. Ayurvedic approach for treating kidney related proble...moreTwo kidneys are present on either side of the spine, above the waist. The kidneys perform important functions of cleansing the blood, controlling blood pressure and maintaining salt and mineral balances. Kidney related issues are to be treated as soon as they occur as failing to do so might lead to kidney failure, which is a serious condition.

Ayurvedic approach for treating kidney related problems
Each type of medical treatment has their distinctive approaches towards such treatment and so does Ayurvedic care. The weak body is toned up in a natural way in the first stage. The second stage is the prevention of diseases using natural remedies and the final stage is treatment through ayurvedic care.

Causes for kidney related issues and Ayurvedic care for such issues
The causes for kidney related issues are toxins, anatomical abnormalities, abiotic stress, mental imbalance, the easy entrance of microvita, and side effects of various allopathic medicines. One major reason for kidney related problems is the side effects of modern medicines or over dosage of allopathic medication. On the contrary, the medication system of Ayurveda effectively treats all the issues in a natural way without imposing ill-effects to the human body.

When to seek Ayurvedic care?
A few symptoms, the occurrence of which indicates that you should consult a doctor for checking of kidney related issues are nausea, weakness, ankle swelling, vomiting and shortness of breath. A few other symptoms are high blood pressureor urea and decreased hemoglobin. If these symptoms are due to kidney related problems, Ayurveda cure for kidney related issues is one of the best options for recovery.

Prevention of kidney failure- Ayurveda treatment to avoid dialysis
"Prevention is better than cure." If kidney problems arise, it is best to take preventive measures to avoid kidney failure. A few things that help in preventing kidney failure are controlling blood pressure, controlling blood sugar and improving breathing pattern. Diet plays a major role in preventing kidney failure. Ayurveda approach insists the change of acidic diet to an alkaline one. Diabetes and blood sugar can also lead to kidney failure. According to Ayurveda, natural remedies are available to treat chronic kidney failure patients. Dialysis can be avoided and the kidney functions can be restored with the help of a few herbal remedies in the Ayurveda approach. The level of creatinine and urea are controlled effectively by Ayurveda treatment

Recovery using Ayurveda care for kidney failure patients
Kidney damage for a period of 3 months or more is known as chronic kidney failure. The treatment of underlying cause, treatment of damaged kidneys and treatment of dhatus (body tissues) which makes up the kidneys are done in the case of Ayurvedic care. The kidneys are made up of "Rakta" and "Meda" and treating these two will lead to recovery. The benefits of using Ayurvedic medications for kidney related issues are plenty. The kidney damage is recovered, the risk of death can be reduced to a significant extent and frequency of dialysis can be minimized effectively.
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Sodium Consumption - 4 Ways You Can Reduce It

B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Faridabad
Sodium Consumption - 4 Ways You Can Reduce It
How to reduce sodium consumption through diet Minerals and salts are important parts of our daily diets. These minerals play significant roles in the functioning of the human body but, if found in excess, they might adversely impact your health. One such mineral is sodium, which is abundant in most food sources. Sodium is present in every food in the form of salt. Most forms of meat, canned vege...moreHow to reduce sodium consumption through diet

Minerals and salts are important parts of our daily diets. These minerals play significant roles in the functioning of the human body but, if found in excess, they might adversely impact your health. One such mineral is sodium, which is abundant in most food sources.

Sodium is present in every food in the form of salt. Most forms of meat, canned vegetables and soup, junk food and pickles are some examples of food which are naturally high in sodium. Apart from this, any cooked food will have salt crystals within it. Medical research has shown that most people consume more sodium than what is recommended.

Ill Effects of Sodium Intake in Excess

- The most common problem caused by the excessive consumption of sodium is high blood pressure.
- High blood pressure, apart from being the cause of strokes can also affect internal organs like kidneys and cause renal failure over time.
- It can also be detrimental to the heart and be a contributing factor to heart conditions as well.

Here are some of the ways through which you can reduce sodium intake through changes in diet.

Increasing the intake of fruits within the diet - Inclusion of more fresh fruits in your diet will reduce the amount of sodium consumption. Canned and processed fruits may increase sodium consumption and hence should be reduced.

Changing to fresh unprocessed meats - Certain processed and packaged meats such as in snacks and fast foods should be avoided as they have high sodium content. Hence, consumption of fresh meat instead of processed meat is an effective way to reduce your daily sodium intake.

Including more leafy vegetables in your diet - Leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and celery have a lot of water and also help reduce the sodium intake in your body.

Drinking plenty of water - Sodium levels can rise within the body when it is dehydrated. Thus, it is prudent to always keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on 'Consult'.
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Health Conditions That Are Caused By Diabetes!

MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS
Internal Medicine Specialist, Mumbai
Health Conditions That Are Caused By Diabetes!
Diabetes is an acute ailment that can badly affect your heart, eyes, nerves, kidneys and feet. Therefore, it is important to understand how these organs and components are connected and how diabetes affects them. This will help you to follow your treatment procedure more thoroughly and improve your health condition more effectively. Beginning of Health Ailments from Diabetes- When diabetes in a ...moreDiabetes is an acute ailment that can badly affect your heart, eyes, nerves, kidneys and feet. Therefore, it is important to understand how these organs and components are connected and how diabetes affects them. This will help you to follow your treatment procedure more thoroughly and improve your health condition more effectively.

Beginning of Health Ailments from Diabetes-

When diabetes in a person is not properly regulated and maintained, the blood-sugar levels rise up and this syndrome is called 'hyperglycaemia' or high blood sugar. The way sugar particles stick to each other when they are left uncovered for some time, blood vessels within human body also get stuck with sugar in the blood and make it difficult for blood circulation. Over time, this causes a severe damage to blood vessels connected to kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes and nerves.

Diabetes affecting all the major parts of the body-

Having uncontrolled blood sugar for a prolonged period of time can damage the tiny vessels around the eye causing vision troubles and eventual blindness. High levels of blood sugar in the blood vessels that supplies oxygen to the brain, and heart can develop a fat deposit around them leading to stroke and heart attack. Nerves in the human body serve the function of messengers that carry impulses from different body parts to the brain and vice versa. Having high blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels that carry oxygen and blood to all parts of the body. With the passage of time, nerves can get choked, and they may stop sending pain impulses to the brain.

Diabetes or high blood sugar levels can be detrimental for your feet as well. It mostly harms feet in two possible ways- firstly, it can damage the nerves and their functionality which, in turn would stand in the way of feeling pain as well as other problems occurring in your feet.

Secondly, diabetes leads to poor blood circulation, which makes it nearly impossible for sores and infection around the feet to heal. Once the healing process stops, it can even pave the way for amputation.

Lastly, diabetes is equally detrimental for kidneys, which are the filters of the human body. Kidneys are filled with miniature blood vessels, and high blood sugar can lead to clogged vessels, which disturb blood circulation. Once the kidney does not get ample oxygen and blood, lesser amounts of fluids are taken off the body that may subsequently lead to kidney failure.

Therefore, it is time to build awareness and lead a healthier lifestyle to keep diabetes under control, and a good physician will be able to guide you better on this.
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How Ayurveda Can Help Manage Kidney Issues?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Mumbai
How Ayurveda Can Help Manage Kidney Issues?
Two kidneys are present on either side of the spine, above the waist. The kidneys perform important functions of cleansing the blood, controlling blood pressure and maintaining salt and mineral balances. Kidney related issues are to be treated as soon as they occur as failing to do so might lead to kidney failure, which is a serious condition. Ayurvedic approach for treating kidney related proble...moreTwo kidneys are present on either side of the spine, above the waist. The kidneys perform important functions of cleansing the blood, controlling blood pressure and maintaining salt and mineral balances. Kidney related issues are to be treated as soon as they occur as failing to do so might lead to kidney failure, which is a serious condition.

Ayurvedic approach for treating kidney related problems
Each type of medical treatment has their distinctive approaches towards such treatment and so does Ayurvedic care. The weak body is toned up in a natural way in the first stage. The second stage is the prevention of diseases using natural remedies and the final stage is treatment through ayurvedic care.

Causes for kidney related issues and Ayurvedic care for such issues
The causes for kidney related issues are toxins, anatomical abnormalities, abiotic stress, mental imbalance, the easy entrance of microvita, and side effects of various allopathic medicines. One major reason for kidney related problems is the side effects of modern medicines or over dosage of allopathic medication. On the contrary, the medication system of Ayurveda effectively treats all the issues in a natural way without imposing ill-effects to the human body.

When to seek Ayurvedic care?
A few symptoms, the occurrence of which indicates that you should consult a doctor for checking of kidney related issues are nausea, weakness, ankle swelling, vomiting and shortness of breath. A few other symptoms are high blood pressure or urea and decreased hemoglobin. If these symptoms are due to kidney related problems, Ayurveda cure for kidney related issues is one of the best options for recovery.

Prevention of kidney failure- Ayurveda treatment to avoid dialysis
"Prevention is better than cure." If kidney problems arise, it is best to take preventive measures to avoid kidney failure. A few things that help in preventing kidney failure are controlling blood pressure, controlling blood sugar and improving breathing pattern. Diet plays a major role in preventing kidney failure. Ayurveda approach insists the change of acidic diet to an alkaline one. Diabetes and blood sugar can also lead to kidney failure. According to Ayurveda, natural remedies are available to treat chronic kidney failure patients. Dialysis can be avoided and the kidney functions can be restored with the help of a few herbal remedies in the Ayurveda approach. The level of creatinine and urea are controlled effectively by Ayurveda treatment

Recovery using Ayurveda care for kidney failure patients
Kidney damage for a period of 3 months or more is known as chronic kidney failure. The treatment of underlying cause, treatment of damaged kidneys and treatment of dhatus (body tissues) which makes up the kidneys are done in the case of Ayurvedic care. The kidneys are made up of "Rakta" and "Meda" and treating these two will lead to recovery. The benefits of using Ayurvedic medications for kidney related issues are plenty. The kidney damage is recovered, the risk of death can be reduced to a significant extent and frequency of dialysis can be minimized effectively.
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Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Fellowship In Andrology, DNB-Urology , MS - General Surgery, MBBS
Urologist, Hyderabad
Symptoms of Kidney Failure
Kidneys are an important part of the human body. From filtering wastes from the blood to maintaining the blood pressure and red blood cell count in the body, the kidney does it all. Both the kidneys are essential organs and should there be any discomfort in the kidneys, one should consult a medical practitioner as soon as possible. Kidney failure is a common problem in people. This issue manifests...moreKidneys are an important part of the human body. From filtering wastes from the blood to maintaining the blood pressure and red blood cell count in the body, the kidney does it all. Both the kidneys are essential organs and should there be any discomfort in the kidneys, one should consult a medical practitioner as soon as possible. Kidney failure is a common problem in people. This issue manifests itself with certain signs and symptoms. One should listen to these symptoms and act quickly before the condition worsens. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of kidney failure.

Interestingly, in the initial stages, kidney failure portrays no symptoms. It starts developing slowly and steadily causing discomfort in other parts of the body and hindering the working of other organs.

Weakness: If you are suffering from kidney failure, you will start feeling weak. Weakness is however not a symptom which can confirm a kidney failure. Weakness is caused due to many other health issues and thus, you need to verify with other symptoms to be sure of the fact that you are suffering from kidney failure only.

Shortness of Breath: You may start experiencing heavy breathing right after doing some rigorous work. In fact, you might feel shortness of breath or be panting for long moments after climbing just a set of stairs. Shortness of breath is quite common indicating that the body is getting tired after doing work. Such indication, more than once a day, calls for an immediate check up of the body.

Lethargy: While most people, especially the young generation to those in the early thirties jokingly declare themselves as lazy people; lethargy, however, is a symptom of many diseases. Various health issues develop if you feel lethargic of working. Apart from kidney failure, diabetes is also manifested in lethargic body movements. At times, just getting out of the bed in the morning seems very tiring and one continues to lie on the bed even after he/she is fully awake.

Stomach Pain: If you experience pain in the stomach, especially in the sides, then it should be immediately checked by a medical practitioner. Doctors say that kidney failure can bring about stomach pains.

Unusual Urine Discharges: This would include clear urine discharges which indicate that the kidney has stopped filtering the waste products.

Thus, these are some of the most important and common symptoms of kidney failure. If you notice any of these, it is advised to visit a doctor for a check up.
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Kidney - 5 Things To Keep Them Healthy & Fit!

MBBS, D.N.B. (General Surgery), D.N.B. (Genito Urinary Surgery)
Urologist, Mumbai
Kidney - 5 Things To Keep Them Healthy & Fit!
When we talk about health, the kidneys are rarely spoken of. These unsung heroes are responsible for filtering waste out of our bodies and ensuring that only clean blood flows through our system. The kidneys are a pair of small, bean-shaped organs located at the back of the abdomen. Along with removing waste from the blood, the kidneys also balance electrolytes and control the fluid balance in the...moreWhen we talk about health, the kidneys are rarely spoken of. These unsung heroes are responsible for filtering waste out of our bodies and ensuring that only clean blood flows through our system. The kidneys are a pair of small, bean-shaped organs located at the back of the abdomen. Along with removing waste from the blood, the kidneys also balance electrolytes and control the fluid balance in the body. Thus, keeping the kidneys healthy is as important as keeping the heart and lungs healthy.

Kidney stones are the most common condition that can affect these organs. Other conditions that can affect the kidneys include inflammation of the kidneys, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and cysts. Thankfully, keeping the kidneys healthy is easy. Here are a few things you can do to improve the health of your kidneys.

Drink plenty of water: Keeping your body hydrated is crucial to kidney health. Ideally, a person should drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water a day. Water helps control the production of aldosterone- a hormone that regulates blood pressure- by the adrenal glands and helps the kidneys retain enough water and sodium to balance blood volume levels. If the kidneys do not get enough water, the adrenal glands are stressed into increasing blood pressure levels.
Limit consumption of caffeine: We drink caffeine in many ways- sodas, coffee, tea etc. While caffeine may act as a stimulant and keep you focused on what you are doing in the short run, in the long run, it dehydrates the body. Dehydration can also lead to the formation of kidney stones. Hence reduce your caffeine intake and instead drink more water and fresh juices.
Quit smoking: Smoking not only affects the lungs but also damages blood vessels thus decreasing blood flow to the kidneys thus preventing the optimal functioning of the kidneys. Smoking can also increase one s risk of suffering from renal cancer.
Get regular exercise: Exercise benefits all parts of your body including the kidneys. Regular exercise reduces blood pressure and helps keep the blood moving. This can help prevent kidney diseases and a number of other conditions. Ideally, aim for half an hours exercise a day at the least.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables: Fruits like grapes, apples and blueberries and vegetables like spinach, beets, garlic and red bell peppers help improve kidney functioning. Women should also include oestrogen boosting foods like chickpeas, fennel, tomatoes, cherries and carrots in their diet to protect themselves against kidney damage and fibrosis. Foods that are low in gluten, sugar and soy also help reduce the risk of kidney inflammation.
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Chronic Renal Failure - How Homeopathic Treatment Is Best For You?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Chronic Renal Failure - How Homeopathic Treatment Is Best For You?
The three primary functions of the kidney are- eliminating waste materials and toxins from the body, producing hormones that help control your body mechanism and regulating blood pressure. Chronic Renal Failure, also known as Chronic Kidney Disease, refers to the condition where your kidney gradually stops functioning properly over time- weeks, months or years. As the condition worsens, wastes and...moreThe three primary functions of the kidney are- eliminating waste materials and toxins from the body, producing hormones that help control your body mechanism and regulating blood pressure. Chronic Renal Failure, also known as Chronic Kidney Disease, refers to the condition where your kidney gradually stops functioning properly over time- weeks, months or years. As the condition worsens, wastes and fluids start to build up in your system instead of being filtered out. This leads to an end-stage renal failure/disease.

What causes Chronic Renal Failure?
Chronic renal failure is caused due to a condition or disease that impairs kidney function. The most common causes are- diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2), polycystic kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis. Glomerulonephritis occurs when the filtering units of the kidney become, inflamed. Interstitial nephritis refers to an inflammation in the kidney tubules and its surrounding regions. Prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract due to kidney stones or enlarged prostate, also can cause chronic renal failure.

What are the symptoms that you must watch out for?
Symptoms and signs of chronic renal failure develop gradually over time. Therefore, most of the time people suffering from this condition are diagnosed at the later stage when functioning of the kidney is significantly impaired. Nevertheless, if you encounter signs such as unintentional weight loss, weakness and fatigue, vomiting and nausea, swelling of face and legs, cramps and muscle twitches, change in the urinating pattern, easy bruising, blood in the stools etc., then you should see a doctor and have yourself diagnosed. In case the fluids get accumulated in the lining of your heart or lungs, you may experience chest pain and shortness of breath.

Role of homeopathy in curing Chronic Renal Failure-
Unlike conventional treatment methods which focus on the pathological condition, homeopathy takes a holistic approach to treat the individual. Homeopathy remedies and medicines are natural, and try to rectify the underlying causes of this condition. The medications are selected and prescribed after thorough analysis of the patient s medical history and health condition. A particular remedy is chosen keeping in mind the general symptoms of the condition. Among several homeopathic medicines, the frequently used ones are- Belladonna and a solution made from gold and sodium. Homeopathy remedies reduce swelling of the face, cures kidney inflammations, and reduce severe, recurring pain in the lumbar region. They work by stimulating your immune system so that the damaged kidney and other organs start functioning more correctly.

Homeopathy remedies do not provide substitutes for any organ of your body. They simply repair the damaged organs, improve your overall health and thereby prevent the person from suffering a relapse.
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How Ayurveda Helps Deal With Kidney Issues?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
How Ayurveda Helps Deal With Kidney Issues?
Two kidneys are present on either side of the spine, above the waist. The kidneys perform important functions of cleansing the blood, controlling blood pressure and maintaining salt and mineral balances. Kidney related issues are to be treated as soon as they occur as failing to do so might lead to kidney failure, which is a serious condition. Ayurvedic approach for treating kidney related proble...moreTwo kidneys are present on either side of the spine, above the waist. The kidneys perform important functions of cleansing the blood, controlling blood pressure and maintaining salt and mineral balances. Kidney related issues are to be treated as soon as they occur as failing to do so might lead to kidney failure, which is a serious condition.

Ayurvedic approach for treating kidney related problems
Each type of medical treatment has their distinctive approaches towards such treatment and so does Ayurvedic care. The weak body is toned up in a natural way in the first stage. The second stage is the prevention of diseases using natural remedies and the final stage is treatment through ayurvedic care.

Causes for kidney related issues and Ayurvedic care for such issues
The causes for kidney related issues are toxins, anatomical abnormalities, abiotic stress, mental imbalance, the easy entrance of microvita, and side effects of various allopathic medicines. One major reason for kidney related problems is the side effects of modern medicines or over dosage of allopathic medication. On the contrary, the medication system of Ayurveda effectively treats all the issues in a natural way without imposing ill-effects to the human body.

When to seek Ayurvedic care?
A few symptoms, the occurrence of which indicates that you should consult a doctor for checking of kidney related issues are nausea, weakness, ankle swelling, vomiting and shortness of breath. A few other symptoms are high blood pressure or urea and decreased hemoglobin. If these symptoms are due to kidney related problems, Ayurveda cure for kidney related issues is one of the best options for recovery.

Prevention of kidney failure- Ayurveda treatment to avoid dialysis
"Prevention is better than cure." If kidney problems arise, it is best to take preventive measures to avoid kidney failure. A few things that help in preventing kidney failure are controlling blood pressure, controlling blood sugar and improving breathing pattern. Diet plays a major role in preventing kidney failure. Ayurveda approach insists the change of acidic diet to an alkaline one. Diabetes and blood sugar can also lead to kidney failure. According to Ayurveda, natural remedies are available to treat chronic kidney failure patients. Dialysis can be avoided and the kidney functions can be restored with the help of a few herbal remedies in the Ayurveda approach. The level of creatinine and urea are controlled effectively by Ayurveda treatment

Recovery using Ayurveda care for kidney failure patients
Kidney damage for a period of 3 months or more is known as chronic kidney failure. The treatment of underlying cause, treatment of damaged kidneys and treatment of dhatus (body tissues) which makes up the kidneys are done in the case of Ayurvedic care. The kidneys are made up of "Rakta" and "Meda" and treating these two will lead to recovery. The benefits of using Ayurvedic medications for kidney related issues are plenty. The kidney damage is recovered, the risk of death can be reduced to a significant extent and frequency of dialysis can be minimized effectively.
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