Top Health Tips on Managing Periods

Menorrhagia - How Homeopathy Can Subdue It?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Menorrhagia - How Homeopathy Can Subdue It?
Excessive release or flow of blood during the menstrual cycle or periods is referred to as menorrhagia. It is an abnormally long-lasting and heavy menstrual period at regular intervals. It usually occurs in premenopausal women, affecting their overall health, decreasing the quality of life, weakness and many interruptions in their lifestyle.

As a treatment for menorrhagia, homeopathy has shown proven results. The medicines maintain the emotional, mental, physiological and immune reactions of the person to guarantee long lasting and permanent help. The medicines will necessarily have to be prescribed by a doctor.

A few women have almost no issue with their menstrual cycles, however, others suffer every month. A variety of distressing side effects may occur with premenstrual women. These include irritation, mood swings, headaches, bloating, excessive urination, and soreness of the breasts. Periods can be irregular and disturbed, with cramping, heavy flow, anxiety and discomfort. Here are a few homeopathic treatments for this problem:

Belladonna: It is one of the haemorrhagic cures. The flow is mostly dark red and hot and once in a while, it comes as decayed blood. The related side effect is the pain in the back. It is a decent solution for the initial phases of swelling. The blood is constantly overflowing.
Crocus sativus: This cure is generally used by a large number of homeopathic doctors. It is one of the most effective cures in stopping excessive bleeding during the periods. The bleeding is extremely thick at times. The blood flow consists of threads or strings and is usually very dark.
Erigeron: During the menstrual cycle, since the bleeding is dark and profuse, an important side effect, which is very common, is burning urine and irritation in the rectum. This is one of the symptoms that is particularly cured by this medicine.
Ferrum met: Ferrum met is one of the cures that prevents haemorrhaging. Women who are having long and heavy periods that tend to come early are better off with this cure. The people who are weak and pale are the appropriate individuals for this cure.
Cyclamen: It generally plays a very important part in female reproductive organs and helps in curing numerous infections that happen in the female reproductive system. During periods, the women have extreme pain that feels like they are in labour and the blood flow is thickened. After periods, they have swelling and tenderness in their breasts and sometimes also experience a milky secretion as well.
Crotalus horridus: Delayed periods and the blood is usually a diluted, thin and light liquid. This kind of blood flow can also cause infections. This homeopathic medicine tends to treat the same and maintain a normal flow and colour of the blood.
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Squirting In Indian Women - How Can You Induce It?

Sexual Health Clinic
Sexologist, Delhi
Squirting In Indian Women - How Can You Induce It?
Do Indian women Squirt !! How to Induce squirting? The simple answer Yes!

Achieving an orgasm is the pinnacle of sexual intercourse. This is marked by the ejaculation of semen for men, but not all women ejaculate while orgasming. However, it is possible to make a woman ejaculate or squirt. The trick here is stimulating a woman s G-spot on the anterior walls of the vagina.

Stimulating the G-spot while having intercourse may be a little difficult, and if you really want to give a woman an orgasm worth remembering, a little foreplay goes a long way. It is important for the woman to be completely relaxed in order to allow herself to let go and ejaculate. It could also be a good idea to use the restroom so that she is not worried about urinating while squirting.

By inserting your middle and index finger with our palm side up, you should be able to feel the G-spot two to three inches inside the vagina. The G-spot typically has a ridged, bumpy texture and feels rougher than the surrounding area. This spot is usually more easily accessible when the woman is already sexually aroused.

You could also use water based lubricants on your fingers to prevent any possible friction. Flex your knuckles open and shut to stimulate this spot. Through all of this, do not put any pressure on the woman to ejaculate and don t be in a hurry. Creating a fantasy or experimenting with movement and varying levels of pressure can make the experience more pleasurable. Simultaneously, you could use your other hand to caress and stimulate other erogenous zones. However, when she begins to squirt, maintain a steady rhythm. While men can ejaculate very easily, it may take a lot of patience and perseverance to make a woman squirt. Even then, not every woman will squirt and hence do not try and force it.

Natural herbs can also help intensify a woman s orgasm and trigger squirting. This is because they increase blood flow and sensations in the genital area and ease tensions. Some well-known herbs that may be used as aphrodisiacs include the Yohimbe bark, damiana, maca, oat straw and horny goat weed. The easiest way to benefit from these herbs is to drink a tea made by steeping them in hot water. Increasing the intake of foods such as spinach, olive oil, fish, garlic, nuts and chocolate can also increase a woman s libido and help her achieve an orgasm.
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Menstruation - What Should You Know?

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Menstruation - What Should You Know?
Menstruation facts

Menstruation is a monthly shedding of a female's uteral lining; it lasts about 3 to 5 days (average) and contains blood and tissue that exits her body through the cervix and vagina the first day of menstruation is the first day of your period.
The menstrual cycle is the recurrent approximately monthly menstruation.
The menstrual cycle is the hormonal driven cycle; day 1 is the first day of your period (bleeding) while day 14 is the approximate day you ovulate and if an egg is not fertilized, hormone levels eventually drop and at about day 25; the egg begins to dissolve and the cycle begins again with the period at about day 30.
Most periods vary somewhat, the flow may be light, moderate or heavy and can vary in length from about 2 to 7 days; with age, the cycle usually shortens and becomes more regular.
Problems with periods abnormal bleeding
The average age for a girl to get her first period in the US is 12, but the range of age is about 8 to 15 years old.
Women usually have periods until about ages 45 to 55.
See your doctor for any abnormalities in your period (for example, excessive bleeding, no
Women should change the pad/tampon before it becomes soaked with blood (about every 4 to 8 hours); follow directions on the box to help avoid TSS (toxic shock syndrome), a potentially

What is menstruation?

Menstruation (men-STRAY-shuhn) is a woman's monthly bleeding. When you menstruate, your body sheds the lining of the uterus (womb). Menstrual blood flows from the uterus through the small opening in the cervix and passes out of the body through the vagina. Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days.

What is the menstrual cycle?

When periods (menstruations) come regularly, this is called the menstrual cycle. Having regular menstrual cycles is a sign that important parts of your body are working normally. The menstrual cycle provides important body chemicals, called hormones, to keep you healthy. It also prepares your body for pregnancy each month. A cycle is counted from the first day of 1 period to the first day of the next period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days in young teens.
The rise and fall of levels of hormones during the month control the menstrual cycle.

What happens during the menstrual cycle?

In the first half of the cycle, levels of estrogen (the "female hormone") start to rise. Estrogen plays an important role in keeping you healthy, especially by helping you to build strong bones and to help keep them strong as you get older. Estrogen also makes the lining of the uterus (womb) grow and thicken. This lining of the womb is a place that will nourish the embryo if a pregnancy occurs. At the same time the lining of the womb is growing, an egg, or ovum, in one of the ovaries starts to mature. At about day 14 of an average 28-day cycle, the egg leaves the ovary. This is called ovulation.

After the egg has left the ovary, it travels through the Fallopian tube to the uterus. Hormone levels rise and help prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. A woman is most likely to get pregnant during the 3 days before or on the day of ovulation. Keep in mind, women with cycles that are shorter or longer than average may ovulate before or after day 14.

A woman becomes pregnant if the egg is fertilized by a man's sperm cell and attaches to the uterine wall. If the egg is not fertilized, it will break apart. Then, hormone levels drop, and the thickened lining of the uterus is shed during the menstrual period.

Day 1 starts with the first day of your period. This occurs after hormone levels drop at the end of the previous cycle, signaling blood and tissues lining the uterus (womb) to break down and shed from the body. Bleeding lasts about 5 days.
Usually by Day 7, bleeding has stopped. Leading up to this time, hormones cause fluid-filled pockets called follicles to develop on the ovaries. Each follicle contains an egg.
Between Day 7 and 14, one follicle will continue to develop and reach maturity. The lining of the uterus starts to thicken, waiting for a fertilized egg to implant there. The lining is rich in blood and nutrients.
Around Day 14 (in a 28-day cycle), hormones cause the mature follicle to burst and release an egg from the ovary, a process called ovulation.
Over the next few days, the egg travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If a sperm unites with the egg here, the fertilized egg will continue down the fallopian tube and attach to the lining of the uterus.
If the egg is not fertilized, hormone levels will drop around Day 25. This signals the next menstrual cycle to begin. The egg will break apart and be shed with the next period.
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Do Indian women Squirt - How Can You Induce Squirting?

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Do Indian women Squirt - How Can You Induce Squirting?
Do Indian women Squirt !! How to Induce squirting? The simple answer Yes!

Achieving an orgasm is the pinnacle of sexual intercourse. This is marked by the ejaculation of semen for men, but not all women ejaculate while orgasming. However, it is possible to make a woman ejaculate or squirt. The trick here is stimulating a woman s G-spot on the anterior walls of the vagina.

Stimulating the G-spot while having intercourse may be a little difficult, and if you really want to give a woman an orgasm worth remembering, a little foreplay goes a long way. It is important for the woman to be completely relaxed in order to allow herself to let go and ejaculate. It could also be a good idea to use the restroom so that she is not worried about urinating while squirting.

By inserting your middle and index finger with our palm side up, you should be able to feel the G-spot two to three inches inside the vagina. The G-spot typically has a ridged, bumpy texture and feels rougher than the surrounding area. This spot is usually more easily accessible when the woman is already sexually aroused.

You could also use water based lubricants on your fingers to prevent any possible friction. Flex your knuckles open and shut to stimulate this spot. Through all of this, do not put any pressure on the woman to ejaculate and don t be in a hurry. Creating a fantasy or experimenting with movement and varying levels of pressure can make the experience more pleasurable. Simultaneously, you could use your other hand to caress and stimulate other erogenous zones. However, when she begins to squirt, maintain a steady rhythm. While men can ejaculate very easily, it may take a lot of patience and perseverance to make a woman squirt. Even then, not every woman will squirt and hence do not try and force it.

Natural herbs can also help intensify a woman s orgasm and trigger squirting. This is because they increase blood flow and sensations in the genital area and ease tensions. Some well-known herbs that may be used as aphrodisiacs include the Yohimbe bark, damiana, maca, oat straw and horny goat weed. The easiest way to benefit from these herbs is to drink a tea made by steeping them in hot water. Increasing the intake of foods such as spinach, olive oil, fish, garlic, nuts and chocolate can also increase a woman s libido and help her achieve an orgasm.
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Hypertension - Can it Affect Your Sexual Bliss?

M.D.Medicine, Diploma in Diabetology
Sexologist, Jaipur
Hypertension - Can it Affect Your Sexual Bliss?
Blood pressure is basically what happens when the blood exerts force against the walls of the blood vessels. This force matches the cardiac output and also, the resistance experienced from the walls of the blood vessels a process that produces blood pressure. Hypertension is a condition that occurs when this pressure rises above the normal which is anything over 140 over 90 mHg. The symptoms of this condition will include hot flashes, dizzy spells, fatigue, accelerated heartbeat and other debilitating conditions. Sex is also an area that gets affected by hypertension.

Let us find out the causes and treatment for the same.

Hypertension and male sexuality: A chronic patient of hypertension will go through a depletion of the lining that flanks the blood vessels, which in turn, limits the flow of blood. This also means that there is less blood flowing towards the penis and surrounding areas that get activated during sexual intercourse. This makes it difficult for many hypertensive men to achieve and retain an erection for long enough to enjoy sexual activity. This problem is most commonly known as erectile dysfunction. Also, these blood pressure problems can have an effect on ejaculation which leads to lack of sexual satisfaction. Many drugs prescribed for such patients may also lead to this problem as a side effect, which causes further fear and anxiety for the patient.

Hypertension and female sexuality: While the effect of high blood pressure on a woman s sexuality is not as conclusive as its effect on male sexuality, it is a medically proven fact that decreased blood flow due to high blood pressure will also lead to a reduction in the blood flow to the vaginal area. This can lead to many problems including vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse, lack of arousal, difficulty in achieving an orgasm and relationship as well as anxiety issues.

Treatment: For women, better lubrication for better arousal is one of the key factors. For men, the use of safe medication as far as hypertension is concerned, is crucial. Medicines like sildenafil and tadafil as well as vardenafil are not known to interfere with the blood pressure medication. Yet, it is important to contact the doctor before having any medication.

Therapy: Better responses can be garnered by building intimacy, an area that a sex therapist or sexologist can help you with. With the help of proper therapy, the patient can learn to relax and enjoy the act with lots of foreplay and experiences that will help in building closeness like taking a warm bath together and other such activities. Promoting overall health can also help in improving your sex life if you are a patient of hypertension.
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Menorrhagia - How To Tackle It?

Multi Speciality, Chandigarh
Menorrhagia - How To Tackle It?
Menorrhagia is a medical condition in which a woman experiences excessive blood loss during menstruation. Though for some women, heavy bleeding might be normal, but Menorrhagia refers to such a condition in which a woman encounters anomalous bleeding. Generally, menstrual bleeding continues for a maximum period of seven days, however, in case of Menorrhagia, the bleeding continues for more than seven days.

Different causes are responsible for Menorrhagia. Some of the causes are mentioned below:

In case of some women, miscarriage during pregnancy can lead to the development of Menorrhagia.
Hormonal imbalance (especially Estrogen and Progesterone) can cause Menorrhagia.
Any fibroid growth in the uterus region can also result in Menorrhagia.
Birth control procedures like birth control shot, vaginal ring or intake of birth control pills can sometimes lead to a condition of Menorrhagia.
For some women, anovulation (unable to ovulate at least once in a month) may result in Menorrhagia.
Disorder related to platelet count can also cause Menorrhagia.
Uterus cancer can also result in Menorrhagia.
Maladies, related to kidney, liver or thyroid can also result in Menorrhagia.
Sometimes, hereditary bleeding complications like Willebrand's disease (drop in the blood's clotting protein) can also cause Menorrhagia.
At times, pelvic inflammatory diseases such as a fallopian tube infection can cause Menorrhagia.
The most common symptoms of Menorrhagia are as follows:

Constant necessity to replace sanitary pads
Unbearable menstrual cramps
You may often notice passage of blood clots with regular bleeding
Sometimes, the person may become anemic
Body fatigue and drowsiness
Treatment for Menorrhagia: Menorrhagia is easily curable. Many treatment methods are available such as intake of iron tablets to prevent anemia, painkillers like Ibuprofen to control menstrual cramps and hormone therapy to cease excess bleeding.
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Vaginal Bleeding - What Can Cause It?

DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Pune
Vaginal Bleeding - What Can Cause It?
Vaginal bleeding is something that most women experience between their periods when they are not due for a menstrual cycle. It is considered as an abnormal occurrence when you bleed before you are expecting your menstrual period, or after you are done with your monthly cycle. It is usually characterised by bouts of spots where a thick brown reddish discharge may be experienced. Also, this kind of bleeding is considered abnormal if it occurs during pregnancy or menopause.

Here are a few causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding:

- Hormones: An imbalance in the hormones like the estrogen and progesterone can lead to abnormal vaginal bleeding. These are the hormones that help in the regulation of the monthly menstrual cycles. An imbalance can occur due to side effects caused by birth control pills that may not suit the individual, a contraceptive patch, or even contraceptive implants and injections. Further, an intrauterine device may also be the cause of this kind of bleeding. The hormonal balance can also get affected due to internal ailments like a dysfunctional thyroid gland and ovaries.

- Pregnancy and Delivery: Some amount of spotting is considered normal in the first trimester of one's pregnancy. Yet, severe bleeding and persistent spotting must be reported to the gynaecologist immediately. Women also bleed for a while after the delivery of the baby, in the post-partum period. This may also happen when an abortion takes place as the uterus may not have come back to its original size and due to remaining foetal tissues within. Complications during the pregnancy like an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage can also lead to such kind of bleeding. An ectopic pregnancy is one where the egg gets implanted in the fallopian tube instead of entering and implanting itself in the uterus.

- Fibroids: Uterine fibroids are usually considered as non-malignant and non-cancerous growths within the uterus. These are common in many women who have gone through childbirth. These fibroids can also cause some amount of bleeding and spotting.

- Infections: When there is an infection in the reproductive organs like the ovaries and uterus of the patient, there may be some amount of bleeding. An infection in this area can also cause inflammation, which is one of the primary causes of abnormal bleeding. This can also occur due to a sexually transmitted disease or STD, as well as painful intercourse and sexual abuse which can lead to scarring as well.

- Cancer: One of the least common causes includes cervical, ovarian and other forms of cancer.

Stress and diabetes can also cause abnormal vaginal bleeding in rare cases. It is best to see a doctor as soon as such bleeding takes place.
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Start Your Pregnancy Right - Unravel First Trimester Guide For It!

DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Pune
Start Your Pregnancy Right - Unravel First Trimester Guide For It!
So you have just found out that you are pregnant and you and your partner are over the moon about it! While congratulations are in order, so are a host of tips which will help you settle into the pregnancy. It is important to remember that the first trimester of your pregnancy is a crucial phase where you may not change that much physically, but will be prone to many emotional changes. It is also a phase where you will make way for the changes that will inevitably come in the next two trimesters and for a long time after delivery of the baby too. Read on to unravel our first-trimester guide.

- Pregnancy Test: You must ensure that you know you are pregnant by monitoring your menstrual cycles closely so that even one missed period points at the possibility of pregnancy. This test can be a home-based kit available at the chemists' or can even be conducted with a lab test based on a urine sample. Despite the results that you may get on a home pregnancy test, it is best to get a professional opinion as well.

- Finding the Right Doctor: In this phase of your pregnancy itself, it is imperative to home in on a gynaecologist who will put you ease. Take care to pick someone who may be recommended by family and friends. Have a talk with the doctor a few times to see how well he or she engages you as a patient and if you are suitably convinced with the sessions and appointments.

- Activity: While heavy activities may not be recommended by all doctors as the foetus needs to latch on, one can indulge in plenty of walks and a normal routine as well. Ensure that your pregnancy is a normal one and ask your doctor about any precautions that you may need to take with the progressing trimesters. Also, find ways to deal with any morning sickness with the help of the doctor.

- Supplements: In this crucial phase, ensure that your doctor gives you plenty of folic acid supplements that you must ingest on a regular basis. This will keep any risk of neural tube birth defects at bay.

- Other Medication: Find out more about over the counter drugs or any medication that you may have been taking as this may have to be stopped or adjusted for the pregnancy. The doctor should be able to guide you on this aspect too.

The other activities during the first trimester include taking prenatal appointments and choosing and interacting with your caregiver who will also be supported after you have had the baby.
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Missing Periods - Are Your Aware Of The Reasons?

Speciality Birthing Care
Gynaecologist, Bangalore
Missing Periods - Are Your Aware Of The Reasons?
The absence of periods is medically termed as amenorrhoea. Normally, women do not get their periods prior to puberty, throughout pregnancy and after menopause. If you do not get your periods when you normally should, you might be suffering from amenorrhoea.

Amenorrhoea can be of two types, which include:

Primary amenorrhoea: menstruation does not begin till age 16
Secondary amenorrhoea: normal menstruation is disrupted when you skip your periods for more than three months
Amenorrhoea is usually caused by a variety of changes in the hormones, glands and organs responsible for a healthy menstrual cycle.

Primary amenorrhoea is usually caused by:
1. Deterioration in the ovaries
2. The central nervous system (spinal cord and brain) or pituitary gland can get affected, which leads to the malfunctioning of the hormones which are concerned with menstruation.
3. Poorly developed reproductive organs

However, in several cases, what really causes primary amenorrhoea is unknown. The causes of secondary amenorrhoea include:
1. Pregnancy
2. Breast feeding
3. Discontinuation of birth control use
4. Menopause
5. Polycystic ovary syndrome induced hormonal imbalances
6. Removal of ovaries or uterus

Usually, underlying conditions can lead to amenorrhoea. The conditions that lead to amenorrhoea include:
1. A condition called galactorrhoea, in which the glands in the breasts produce milk, even if the woman is not breastfeeding or pregnant; can also cause absent periods.
2. Hirsutism, an overproduction of the male hormone androgen, can lead to amenorrhoea.
3. Premature failure of the ovaries can cause absence of periods.
4. Weight gain or weight loss is another cause
5. Psychiatric anomalies, such as excessive anxiety, can cause women to develop amenorrhoea.

Amenorrhoea can either be treated with medication or surgery.
1. Dopamine agonists (dopamine activating compounds) are extremely beneficial for women with amenorrhoea.
2. Hormone replacement therapy (treatment with the use of oestrogens for reducing menopausal symptoms) is a very common treatment.
3. Sometimes, oral contraceptives may restore your normal menstrual cycle.

The surgery options for amenorrhoea include:
1. Surgery or radiation therapy may have to be performed if you have a tumour in your pituitary gland or hypothalamus (part of brain that controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland).
2. If you have an intrauterine attachment (contraceptive attachments fitted in the uterus), you may need surgery to remove it.
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Iron Deficiency - 7 Signs to Help You Spot it!

BHOM, MD - Alternate Medicine, Diploma in Weight Loss, Diploma in Nutrition, DNHE
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Iron Deficiency - 7 Signs to Help You Spot it!
As per the latest statistics published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 9% women suffer from a deficiency of iron. Though the proportion is relatively low, iron deficiency can lead to various diseases, which can be very difficult to cure. So, look out for these telltale signs of iron deficiency and check whether you suffer from any of them.

Fatigue: Your internal system uses iron for the production of haemoglobin, which is a component in the red blood cells, responsible for carrying oxygen to all parts of the body. So when the iron content is low, there is not enough haemoglobin production and all organ do not receive oxygen in the required quantities. This is bound to make you feel tired at most times.
Inability to focus: People with iron deficiency often suffer from alteration in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. This can lead to decreased functionality and focusing abilities. This may also lead to the development of apathy towards all things, including family, friends, books, music or anything that you loved and enjoyed doing.
Breathlessness: Without a proper supply of iron, there could be an oxygen crunch in the body, compelling you to feel breathless. This may happen anytime when you are working out or walking or reading a book.
Paleness: Do you think your skin has lost lustre and become pale in the last few days? That s definitely not a good sign and may be a symptom of decreased flow of blood and reduction in the RBC count.
Trouble doing your daily chores: Low levels of iron in the body can cause your endurance level to suffer. Thus, you may find it difficult to run up the stairs or catch a vehicle or swim for a while.
Soreness of muscles: Even if you could push yourself to reach the gym, you would experience the burns last longer than normal. Lack of right amount of iron prevents your muscles to recover at the right pace. As a result, you are likely to suffer from aches in the muscles.
Brittle nails: If there is a recent a development of spoon shaped or concave depression in the nails, it could be a sign of possible deficiency of iron.
Often people tend to ignore the warning signs that the body gives to inform about the problem that s cropping up. But you can t take chances with your health and so, check for these signs without any delay.
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