Top Health Tips on Managing Supraventricular Tachycardia

Magnesium Deficiency - How it Affects Your Body?

PG Diploma Nutrition & Dietetics, B.Sc - Home Science
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Magnesium Deficiency - How it Affects Your Body?
We all know about magnesium as a mineral, but what most individuals do not know is the fact that it is a very important mineral for our bodily health. Magnesium is involved with more or less 300 complex metabolic processes in our body, thus earning the title of master mineral .

Here is a list of reasons why magnesium holds an important place in our body.

It is responsible for transportation of calcium across cell membranes. As such, it helps calcium get into the bone matter. Like we all know, magnesium is anti-inflammatory. It helps in waiving conditions mentioned below:

Alzheimer s disease
High blood pressure
Respiratory issues
So magnesium deficiency can definitely cause numerous problems in the human body. This element works in our body at a cellular level. It is important to have a check up done with the doctor to ensure the magnesium level, however, a simple a blood test cannot determine the presence or absence of it. Here are a few signs that might suggest that an individual is suffering from magnesium deficiency.

A lot of calcium deficiency which means brittle bones
Very poor heart health
A lot of unnecessary weakness
Very frequent muscle cramps at unusual situations
Tremors, nausea and unnecessary anxiety
High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
Difficulty in swallowing the food
Poor memory
Lots and lots of useless confusion
Although individuals with magnesium deficiency suffer from these symptoms, it is not necessary that any individual suffering from such symptoms might have magnesium deficiency. So, the only way to improve magnesium amount in the body is by changing your diet and including magnesium rich foods or my supplementing your food with magnesium-based food products.

Magnesium overdose is close to impossible and so many would not check their magnesium intake. However, consuming too much of anything can never be a good idea. Excessive magnesium intake might end up causing the following issues:

Irregular heartbeats in individuals
Slow breathing
This excess amount of magnesium in the body might be due to the fact that not all supplements can be easily absorbed by the body. So it is a better idea to eat inexpensive food to keep the magnesium levels at par with the bodily requirements.

Here is a list of items that can relieve the deficiency symptoms of low magnesium.

Seeds of pumpkin
Seeds of sun flower
Soya bean
Black beans
Sesame seeds
Spinach and many more
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Palpitations - Homeopathic Remedies Helps in Treating It

Diploma in Gastroenterology, Diploma In Pulmonary Medicine , MSCP, BHMS, SVD( Skin & Veneral Diseases)
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Palpitations - Homeopathic Remedies Helps in Treating It
The heart may sometimes face excessive fluttering or a throbbing sensation, which may make you feel uncomfortable. Such sudden throbbing sensations resulting in discomfort are called 'palpitations'. Homeopathy has some great remedies depending on the cause of these problems.

Let s have a look at these:

Palpitations caused by anxiety: This is one of the top causes for palpitations which occur before sitting for an exam, interview or before important events of your life. However, they may tend to stay longer and it is advisable that you control them with the use of Aconite or Arsenic Album.
Palpitations caused by Physical exertion: If you have a weakened heart or if you smoke and thus tend to feel a lot of exertion even with the slightest of physical efforts, then Spigelia, Iberis and Digitalis are good medications. Digitalis is especially good for palpitations caused by the slightest of movements, while spigelia is very good with palpitations that cause arm pain as well.
Anemia: Anemia or the lack of red blood cells can be very dangerous for your health as it can damage your vital organs. It can also cause palpitations along with other symptoms such as paleness, lack of strength and drowsiness. Natrum Mur and Ferrum Met are two of the most effective remedies in such cases.
Use of tobacco products: Another reason for palpitations developing is the use of tobacco products, such as cigarettes or chewing tobacco. In such cases, palpitations may occur even with the slightest of exertions or at rest. Medications effective in such situations are Kalmia, Tabacum and Convallaria. These variations may be required depending on the types of symptoms you may show such as a quick heart rate or a slow heart rate.
A palpitation caused by hyperthyroidism: Excessive secretion of thyroid is called hyperthyroidism and can cause a host of problems within the body including palpitation. Iodum and Spongia are two excellent medications in treating variations of palpitations caused by an over active thyroid gland.
Palpitations caused by acidity or gastric problems: This is possibly the most common cause for palpitations and Lycopodium as well as Abies Can are two very effective homeopathic medications, which can easily remedy the situation, depending on the type of problems you are having.
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Cardiological Disorders - How Homeopathy Can Treat It?

Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Cardiological Disorders - How Homeopathy Can Treat It?
Homeopathy is a method of treatment which is based on the fact that symptoms of a certain disease, if induced in small quantities, may help cure the same disease in a sick person. Cardiological disorders are complications of the heart; they can range from various disorders such as a heart attack to irregular heartbeats.
Homeopathic remedies based on naturally occurring substances are given to the affected person in diluted form. These substances induces symptoms of the disease in small quantities which triggers the body to heal.

The various homeopathic treatments for cardiological disorders are:

This treatment is used to treat symptoms of precordial pain in the body.

2.Aurum metallicum
Aurum metallicum is used in treating symptoms of weakness in the muscles of the heart.

This treatment is used when a person is having a heart attack.

Spigelia is used in the treatment of irregular heartbeats which may cause sharp pain in the chest.

5.Cactus grandiflorus
This treatment is used in treating angina pectoris which is characterized by symptoms of pain caused by decreased blood flow to the heart.

This homeopathic treatment is used in treating coronary insufficiency in people. This disorder causes problems in heartbeats.

This homeopathic treatment is used in treating cardiac muscle failure. This disorder causes palpitation, tightness in the heart muscles and a suffocating sensation.

8.Kalmia latifolia
This treatment is effective in treating cardiac hypertrophy which causes the heart muscle to thicken, resulting in size reduction of the ventricles. This treatment is very effective in treating cardiac hypertrophy that results after rheumatism.

This homeopathic treatment is prescribed to treat symptoms of plaque buildup in the artery and hypertension.
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Postural Tachycardia Syndrome - What Are The Causes Of It?

Non-invasive Cardiology
Ayurvedic Doctor, Thane
Postural Tachycardia Syndrome - What Are The Causes Of It?
Postural Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS, what this condition entails is a sudden and abnormal increase in the heart beat of an individual, causing them difficulty in breathing, dizziness, and even blackouts.
There are some factors that can trigger the situation and stem the sudden rise in the heart beat. Meeting with a medical expert may help bring the situation under control.

What is Postural Tachycardia Syndrome?
Postural Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS is a cardiovascular condition that is caused due to the sudden shift from an upright position to a supine position or vice versa. It is this sudden increase in heartbeat of an individual that is referred to as Tachycardia.

The longer you overlook this condition, the bigger is the trouble you are putting your health in. This is when it becomes extremely important for you to get in touch with a medical expert, who can offer you perfect consultancy, diagnose the causes and also find a result for the same.

What Causes POTS?
According to medical specialists, there are some factors that this condition stems from and it all differs from one person to the other. Some of the most common causes of the condition are-

Joint Hypermobility Syndrome
Faulty Gene
Siogren s Syndrome
Signs of Postural Tachycardia Syndrome:
There are multiple signs that indicate that an individual is stricken by Postural Tachycardia Syndrome. Some of the more common signs and symptoms include:

Orthostatic Hypotension: Orthostatic Hypotension refers to the sudden increase in the heart beat by at least 30 beats per minute, within or after 10 minutes of rising up from a sitting or lying down position. Though the condition increases the heart rate, it does not trigger any drop or rise in blood pressure. Certain medications used to diminish this effect often extend some side effects, such as lightheadedness, palpitation, difficulty to breath, discomfort in the chest, weakness, heaviness in the chest area, nausea, cognitive difficulties and also stain on the vision.
Effects in Response to Postural Change: Almost one-third of the people with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome are noticed to faint as a result of the increased heartbeat, almost 40 beats minutes, instead of the chance in postural position. Other symptoms under this head include a headache, migraine, disturbance in sleep, fatigue, acrocyanosis or blood pooling in feet, etc.
Ehlers- Danlos Syndrome (EDS): Sometimes POTS is found to coexist in an individual with other conditions, such as EDS. This condition makes an individual prone to dislocation of bones, greater laxity in skin, loose- clicking joints, chronic fatigue, reduced level of tolerance towards any exercise, etc. According to medical specialists, though these are common symptoms of POTS, there might also be other signs. These signs and symptoms differ from one person to the other.
When Should You Consult a Doctor?
The moment you experience a POTS attack or for that matter notice some of the symptoms of the condition, it is time for you to consult a medical expert. The doctor will give you valued consultation, as well as diagnose the condition properly, thus finding the best treatment and suitable medication for you.
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Homeopathic Treatment For Mental Health Problems

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Homeopathic Treatment For Mental Health Problems
The highest and most important level through which the human being functions is the mental level. The mental plane of an individual is that which registers changes in understanding and consciousness, reflecting the true essence of that person. It enables an individual to think, to complete, and to peruse the purpose of life. Disturbance of these functions in turns constitute the symptoms of mental affections, such as

Anxiety especially unrelated to any identifiable cause

Depression, especially when it is followed by withdrawal from people or from usual occupation.

Loss of self-confidence

Unexplainable mood changes

Rudeness or aggression without apparent cause or occasioned by some trivial incident.

Habitual underachievement

The inability to accept responsibilities


Unreasonable feeling of persecution

Physical ailments and complaints for which there are no organic cause

Symptoms of Mental Problems


Loss of concentration






Suicidal tendencies



Psychosomatic disorders

Personality disorders

Homeopathic Treatment For Mental Problems

Homeopathic treatment is not only confined to physical health problems but can also be used effectively against mental imbalances. Some doctors have recommended homeopathy over conventional medicines as the latter carry the risk of adverse side effects. Homeopathy can treat various kinds of mental illnesses including but not limited to bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and general anxiety disorder. Homeopathic treatment also involves intake of lesser quantity of medicine, shorter stay at hospital and laboratory examinations. What s more, you could also combine homeopathy with conventional forms of medication.

The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat mental problems but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat mental problems that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of different mental problems:

Bipolar Disorder- Homeopathic medicine, Belladonna is quite effective against bipolar disorder. This is a condition in which there are symptoms of violent behavior. For example the patient may even strike the person near him for no particular reason. Another symptom for which belladonna works quite well is when the patient indulges in anti-social behavior such as spitting on other people. An alternative medication that is generally prescribed for symptoms like destructive behavior and screaming is Veratrum Album.

Schizophrenia- Hyoscyamus Niger is the recommended homeopathic treatment for a patient who shows symptoms of schizophrenia. The main symptom of schizophrenia is a feeling in which the patient may think that there is a plot against him/her. This feeling may result in the patient avoiding everything offered to him/her, which could potentially include medicine. Another effective homeopathic medicine generally used for treating symptoms of jealousy and suspicion is Lachesis.

Depression- Ignatia Amara has proven to be effective for patients with depression. This homeopathic medicine can treat symptoms such as non-communicative behavior and dull mood along with the inability to enjoy the company of others. Aurum metallicum is typically prescribed if your patients have suicidal tendencies. Carcinosin is generally used to treat chronic and severe forms of depression.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder- If a person tends to feel worried and uneasy constantly for around 6 months or more then he/she may be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. A medical practitioner could provide an accurate diagnosis. The patient may find difficulty in concentrating and falling asleep. He/she may also get fatigued easily and have frequent urges to urinate. The Homeopathic medicine, Aconitum Napellus is very effective against Generalized Anxiety Disorder wherein the patient may also suffer from frequent panic attacks. Trembling and palpitations resulting from the anxiety can be controlled by the homeopathic medicine Gelsemium Sempervirens.
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How Homeopathic Remedies Can Manage Palpitations?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Akola
How  Homeopathic Remedies Can Manage Palpitations?
The heart may sometimes face excessive fluttering or a throbbing sensation, which may make you feel uncomfortable. Such sudden throbbing sensations resulting in discomfort are called 'palpitations'. Homeopathy has some great remedies depending on the cause of these problems.

Let s have a look at these:

Palpitations caused by anxiety: This is one of the top causes for palpitations which occur before sitting for an exam, interview or before important events of your life. However, they may tend to stay longer and it is advisable that you control them with the use of Aconite or Arsenic Album.
Palpitations caused by Physical exertion: If you have a weakened heart or if you smoke and thus tend to feel a lot of exertion even with the slightest of physical efforts, then Spigelia, Iberis and Digitalis are good medications. Digitalis is especially good for palpitations caused by the slightest of movements, while spigelia is very good with palpitations that cause arm pain as well.
Anemia: Anemia or the lack of red blood cells can be very dangerous for your health as it can damage your vital organs. It can also cause palpitations along with other symptoms such as paleness, lack of strength and drowsiness. Natrum Mur and Ferrum Met are two of the most effective remedies in such cases.
Use of tobacco products: Another reason for palpitations developing is the use of tobacco products, such as cigarettes or chewing tobacco. In such cases, palpitations may occur even with the slightest of exertions or at rest. Medications effective in such situations are Kalmia, Tabacum and Convallaria. These variations may be required depending on the types of symptoms you may show such as a quick heart rate or a slow heart rate.
A palpitation caused by hyperthyroidism: Excessive secretion of thyroid is called hyperthyroidism and can cause a host of problems within the body including palpitation. Iodum and Spongia are two excellent medications in treating variations of palpitations caused by an over active thyroid gland.
Palpitations caused by acidity or gastric problems: This is possibly the most common cause for palpitations and Lycopodium as well as Abies Can are two very effective homeopathic medications, which can easily remedy the situation, depending on the type of problems you are having.
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Top First-Aid Homeopathic Remedies

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Top First-Aid Homeopathic Remedies
If you are looking for effective first-aid remedies, you can opt for homeopathy. A first-aid kit should be a part of every household, containing medicines which serve a variety of medical conditions. For putting up a first-aid homeopathic kit, you need to add around 10 homeopathic medicines to start with as homeopathy is an ideal branch of medicine, which is efficient for a lot of first-aid purposes. Here is a list of the top first-aid medicines, which should be a part of your homeopathic kit:

Arnica- Arnica is the best homeopathic medicine in case of all types of injuries and shocks. It helps in moving blood back into the blood vessels. This medicine is ideal for every injury or pain-related first-aid. It is good for curing strains and sprains, and also essential in case of jet lag and extreme exhaustion.

Aconite- This medicine is used in cases of sudden emotions and intense anxiety. It is effective for all kinds of health issues, which occur after being exposed to cold, windy, and dry weather conditions. This is an ideal first-aid remedy for cough, cold, fever, and chill. Aconite is also used during a panic attack.

Apis- This homeopathic medicine is used in cases of swelling, redness, and heating of the skin along with stinging pain. It is commonly used in case of insect bites and bee stings. It also serves as an emergency medicine in the cases of anaphylactic shock.

Argentum Nitricum- This medicine is an important first-aid remedy, which should be taken in case of anxiety, tension, and fear before some event. It is used when palpitations, diarrhea, burping, and stomach distention are experienced.

Arsenicum Album- This homeopathic first-aid medicine is used in cases of food poisoning accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. A person tends to feel cold, and is usually afraid of being alone.

Belladonna- Belladonna is a popular homeopathic medicine, which is used in the case of fever. A person s skin becomes hot and red, the pupils get dilated, and a throbbing pain is experienced. It is an effective first-aid remedy for mild sunstrokes and intense, throbbing headaches.

Bellis Perennis- This medicine is specifically used where there is a bruising of soft tissues such as the breast tissue, and other internal organs. The medicine is effective after a fatal injury or blow. It is a good remedy for internal bruising, following a hysterectomy.

It is important for you to consult a homeopathic practitioner or go through several homeopathic books for coming up with an ideal homeopathic first-aid kit, covering all the important medicines.
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Cardiological Disorders - How To Handle It?

BHMS, MD- Alternative Medicine, Basic Life Support (B.L.S)
Homeopathy Doctor, Surat
Cardiological Disorders - How To Handle It?
Homeopathy is a method of treatment which is based on the fact that symptoms of a certain disease, if induced in small quantities, may help cure the same disease in a sick person. Cardiological disorders are complications of the heart; they can range from various disorders such as a heart attack to irregular heartbeats.

Homeopathic remedies based on naturally occurring substances are given to the affected person in diluted form. These substances induces symptoms of the disease in small quantities which triggers the body to heal.

The various homeopathic treatments for cardiological disorders are:

1. Lactrodectus
This treatment is used to treat symptoms of precordial pain in the body.

2. Aurum metallicum
Aurum metallicum is used in treating symptoms of weakness in the muscles of the heart.

3. Aconitum
This treatment is used when a person is having a heart attack.

4. Spigelia
Spigelia is used in the treatment of irregular heartbeats which may cause sharp pain in the chest.

5. Cactus grandiflorus
This treatment is used in treating angina pectoris which is characterized by symptoms of pain caused by decreased blood flow to the heart.

6. Craetaegusoxyacantha
This homeopathic treatment is used in treating coronary insufficiency in people. This disorder causes problems in heartbeats.

7. Digitalis
This homeopathic treatment is used in treating cardiac muscle failure. This disorder causes palpitation, tightness in the heart muscles and a suffocating sensation.

8. Kalmia latifolia
This treatment is effective in treating cardiac hypertrophy which causes the heart muscle to thicken, resulting in size reduction of the ventricles. This treatment is very effective in treating cardiac hypertrophy that results after rheumatism.

9. Glonoinum
This homeopathic treatment is prescribed to treat symptoms of plaque buildup in the artery and hypertension.
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Cardiological Disorders - How Homeopathy Can Treat It?

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Cardiological Disorders - How Homeopathy Can Treat It?
Homeopathy is a method of treatment which is based on the fact that symptoms of a certain disease, if induced in small quantities, may help cure the same disease in a sick person. Cardiological disorders are complications of the heart; they can range from various disorders such as a heart attack to irregular heartbeats.
Homeopathic remedies based on naturally occurring substances are given to the affected person in diluted form. These substances induces symptoms of the disease in small quantities which triggers the body to heal.

The various homeopathic treatments for cardiological disorders are:

1. Lactrodectus
This treatment is used to treat symptoms of precordial pain in the body.

2. Aurum metallicum
Aurum metallicum is used in treating symptoms of weakness in the muscles of the heart.

3. Aconitum
This treatment is used when a person is having a heart attack.

4. Spigelia
Spigelia is used in the treatment of irregular heartbeats which may cause sharp pain in the chest.

5. Cactus grandiflorus
This treatment is used in treating angina pectoris which is characterized by symptoms of pain caused by decreased blood flow to the heart.

6. Craetaegusoxyacantha
This homeopathic treatment is used in treating coronary insufficiency in people. This disorder causes problems in heartbeats.

7. Digitalis
This homeopathic treatment is used in treating cardiac muscle failure. This disorder causes palpitation, tightness in the heart muscles and a suffocating sensation.

8. Kalmia latifolia
This treatment is effective in treating cardiac hypertrophy which causes the heart muscle to thicken, resulting in size reduction of the ventricles. This treatment is very effective in treating cardiac hypertrophy that results after rheumatism.

9. Glonoinum
This homeopathic treatment is prescribed to treat symptoms of plaque buildup in the artery and hypertension.
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Abnormal Heart Rhythm - How To Resolve It?

Multi Speciality, Chandigarh
Abnormal Heart Rhythm - How To Resolve It?
Are you experiencing irregular and fluctuating heartbeats? Is your heartbeat too fast or too slow? If yes, then it signifies that you are suffering from arrhythmias or abnormal heart rhythms. This is a disorder which affects the heart rate or heart rhythm and the heartbeat becomes irregular.

Causes of abnormal heart rhythms
Arrhythmias occurs due to problems with the electrical conduction system of the heart. In this case, abnormal signals might occur; the electrical signals might get blocked or slowed down, or the electric signals may travel in different paths throughout the heart. Abnormal heartbeats are commonly caused by the following:

Abnormal potassium levels in the body
Heart attacks or due to a damaged heart muscle, owing to a previous heart attack
Inborn heart diseases
Cases of an enlarged heart and heart failure
Overreaction of the thyroid gland
Several other substances or medicines may lead to arrhythmias, such as alcohol, stimulant drugs, caffeine, nicotine, and antidepressant medicines or blood pressure medicines.
Common symptoms of this condition apart from irregular heartbeat patterns include chest pain, fainting, dizziness and light-headedness, trouble in breathing and paleness.

Diagnosis of abnormal heart rhythms
For the diagnosis of arrhythmias, your doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to your heartbeat. Health monitoring devices are used to detect abnormal heart rhythms. These include the Holter monitor and the event monitor, or a loop recorder.

Other diagnosis tests which are required to be carried out include coronary angiography, ECG or electrocardiogram, and an echocardiogram. A test known as an electrophysiology can be undertaken for getting a closer look at the electrical system of the heart.

Treatment for abnormal heart rhythms
When a case of arrhythmias is severe, urgent treatment is required for restoring the heart s rhythm to normal. The different forms of treatment are as follows:

Electrical shock therapy such as defibrillation or cardioversion
Implanting of a heart pacemaker for a short term
Certain medications which are given through the veins or orally
A group of medicines known as anti-arrhythmic drugs is used for the prevention of recurrence of the condition and to keep the heart rate from fluctuating continually.
Cardiac ablation may be carried out for destroying some areas in the heart from where the rhythm problems are caused.
An implantable cardiac defibrillator is used in people who are at a risk of facing cardiac death.
In case you experience abnormal heart rhythm, you must consult a doctor immediately. You should only start taking medicines and follow a treatment after it has been recommended by a doctor.
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