Top Health Tips on Managing Teething (Child)

Homeopathy For Children's Health!

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Homeopathy For Children's Health!
It has been seen that children absolutely resist taking medicines, especially the conventional kind that may not agree with their sweet craving taste buds. Yet, the sweet pellets of Homeopathic medicines appeal to many children. Also, these drugs are safe and they make use of the body s defenses when it comes to fighting and treating ailments. Read on to know more about improving your child s health with the help of homeopathy.

Treating Infant Problems: Homeopathic drugs are known to treat a number of infant related ailments like teething and the aches and pains caused by the same, as well as colic and other ailments like earache. These drugs are usually quick and effective when it comes to removing the discomfort that the child may be experiencing which can keep the child from turning cranky. These medicines can be used to treat acute and sudden problems as well as long term issues that seem to reoccur often.

Side Effects: One of the most common benefits of Homeopathic drugs includes the lack of side effects for children and adults alike. This quality is especially helpful for children. Let us understand why. The side effects of many conventional medicines may have a direct or indirect bearing on the growth as well as the development of the child s immunity. With Homeopathy, the child is at no such risk. With its complete lack of side effects, these kinds of medicines ensure that the child s growth, development and immunity do not suffer. In fact, these medicines are completely safe and are known to use resources from within the body rather than impairing such resources with an intense effect.

Response: Children are known to respond to very well to Homeopathic remedies because their bodies are still not used to the intensity of conventional medication, which makes them more receptive in general.

Various Homeopathic Medicines for Children: Aconite is one of the most widely used Homeopathic drugs that is used for treating sudden ailments like fever, fright, shock and cough or cold, as well. Arnica can also be used for various injuries. Belladonna is best used for fever and persistent crying or fretfulness. Borax can be used to cure various digestive upsets. Calendula is also used to treat minor abrasions as well as sunburns as well as scalds and wounds. Chamomilla also helps in treating bedwetting problems for children. One can also use Homeopathic drugs on a regular basis once teething begins so that the child is not prone to fever and fits of crying. Also, children can be given Homeopathic drugs for deworming at least once a year. This will also help to clear out the toxins and build a better appetite.
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Missing Teeth - Know The Problems Associated With It!

BDS, Fellow of Academy of General Education (FAGE), Advanced Endotontic Course On Root Canal, Postgraduate in Aesthetic Dentistry
Dentist, Kolkata
Missing Teeth - Know The Problems Associated With It!
A loss of tooth or teeth is one of the biggest dental problems that someone can face. The irony is that people consider loss of teeth to be very insignificant. But in reality loss of teeth can lead to not only cosmetic problems, but also functional problems and an unstable chewing mechanism.

Loss of teeth can lead to many problems. Some of them are:
1. Supra eruption of opposing teeth
2. Compromised efficiency of chewing
3. Adjacent teeth might drift into the space created by missing teeth
4. Food tend to accumulate between teeth, which have moved
5. Food accumulation also leads to periodontal disease and caries
6. A lopsided chewing pattern as there is loss of equilibrium in the mechanism of chewing
7. The extracted area might reveal a loss of bone height
8. Problems of the temporomandibular joints, like closed bite and TMJ osteoarthritis
9. The existing functional teeth might lead to problems due to overload
10. There are increased chances of cheek biting due to collapse of the cheek in the missing space, thus leading to functional and cosmetic problems
11. The frequency of tongue biting and ulceration might increase in the area of missing teeth or tooth
When missing teeth are replaced, one can easily restore the healthy look of the teeth and also prevent any other dental problems which are due to the missing teeth.

While replacement of the missing teeth it is of utmost importance that the equilibrium is maintained with the distribution of the forces caused by chewing. Care is also taken that the cosmetic outlook is also maintained in the treatment.

Ideally the teeth when extracted or lost should be immediately replaced. This is because the replacement prevents the bone resorption or bone loss in the area and also retains the good bone. But a drawback is that such an immediate replacement might lead to limitation. Immediate treatment is usually done with the help of implants which easily fit in the sockets created by extraction. But even for this an analysis of the bone and gum health is necessary, thus leading to only a few instances for such replacements. Other alternative is that immediate removable dentures can be prepared and these can be replaced once the gums of the area have healed. The time period for this is usually 3 months. If these need to be fixed permanently then a waiting period of 3 months is mandatory for the settling and healing of the gums and bone of the area.

The 3 basic ways of fixing missing teeth are through implants, fixed bridgework (bridges and crowns) and dentures, which can be removed.
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Consequences Of Unreplaced Missing Teeth - Know More!

Dentist, Jaipur
Consequences Of Unreplaced Missing Teeth - Know More!
Our teeth are most definitely, vital for our living. Our everyday choices, pertaining to our lifestyle would call for changes, adjustments and lots of sacrifices without them. Though, a number of replacement options are available for the people with missing teeth, the most recommended are dental implants. Ask why?

They are simply the ideal solution due to their look and feel, which is similar to the natural teeth.

What happens if replacement is not considered?

To prevent the nasty repercussions from occurring, it is necessary that any missing teeth are replaced in time. Though, the symptoms of problems due to missing teeth only appear to be superficial in the early stages, the long term effects may certainly prove to be quite severe.

Some of the short term consequences of missing teeth are as follows...

People with missing teeth tend to feel self-conscious or even embarrassed at times, while they talk to others or smile.
Problem in speech is a common issue that may arise due to tooth loss.
When teeth are missing, people find it difficult to consume some certain food types. These may include ones which contain some essential nutrients, hence leading to possible malnutrition.
Increased wear or stress can also lead to the weakening of the teeth that are remaining.
People with tooth loss find it difficult to chew the food properly.
When teeth are missing, there is movement of the teeth that remain, to compensate for the gap places created. This leads to ugly looking gap teeth.
Though, these were the short term issues, the major consequence of not getting any lost teeth replaced is the gradual bone loss. Our teeth are firmly embedded in the jaw bone. Chewing and biting are the constant uses, which are required by the jaw bone to remain hale and hearty as well as active. You may believe it or not, be it at the beginning or at the end; the major focus is not on the teeth, but on the bones.

Maintaining form as well as density of the bone requires regular stimulation, coming from the teeth, as mentioned above. The contact with teeth causes small stresses, which the periodontal ligament transmits to the bone and prompts its continual rebuilding as well as remodelling. When any missing teeth are not replaced, it leads to the gradual deterioration in the jaw bones, over time. This not only results in facial shape changes but also will eventually burn a huge hole in your pockets, as increased complications will also lead to increased costs required for rectifying the problems.

So, now it's up to you. Choose healthy and wise. Go for teeth replacement at the earliest, if and when, need arises.
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Toothache - Know Homeopathic Medications That Can Do Wonders!

BHMS, MD- Alternative Medicine, Basic Life Support (B.L.S)
Homeopathy Doctor, Surat
Toothache - Know Homeopathic Medications That Can Do Wonders!
Odontalgia or severe toothache is characterized by extreme pain or inflammation of the tooth and its surrounding areas. The excruciating pain that you might experience may stem as a result of gum infection, tooth decay, infection of the dental pulp, abscess and due to certain other reasons like extraction or filling of the teeth. Another key reason for extreme toothache is the fact that a number of heart problems such as myocardial infarction and angina tend to affect your dental health negatively.
While some toothaches might occur sporadically, they might pose a danger against your overall well being in the long run if the condition is left untreated. Homeopathy can serve as the perfect antidote to your toothache problems and its effects are noted to be significantly higher when it comes down to the question of long-term consumption.

Here is a list of homeopathic medications that might prove to be a pain alleviator for your dental complications:

Root abscess responds positively to both Hepar Sulph and Silicea. For fever accompanied with occasional chills due to severe toothache, Hepar Sulph is considered to be the perfect remedy and tends to significantly decrease the level of swelling and pain. On the other hand, if your face swells and there is an incidence of gum inflammation, Silicea must be used to numb the effects of root abscess.

Plantago is noted to be the most commonly prescribed medicine for toothaches and for treating sensitivity. The pain extending to the ears from the teeth receives maximum relief due to the effects of Plantago. It might have to be taken internally or applied externally depending on the severity of the toothache and its accompanying conditions.

Sensitivity is best taken care of by Staphysagria and resolves the problem of worsening of toothache when any drink or food is consumed. Bleeding gums and excess salivation is also another aspect that is looked after by Staphysagria.

Tooth extraction and filling may often lead to the consequence of nerve-wrecking pain in the gums and the affected area. For this, Arnica is prescribed to assuage the nerve pain and must be taken in along with Hypericum, another homeopathy medicine, for best results.

Problems of halitosis and excessive salivation that tend to occur simultaneously with toothaches can be solved by a dosage of Merc Sol. Bleeding gums, looseness of teeth and sensitivity are all taken care of by the same medication.

For jaw swells along with toothache, you must always opt for Hecla Lava. The effect is instantaneous and relieves both swelling and pain.

Chamomilla serves as the best remedial homeopathic medicine for easing heat sensitivity that is likely to worsen the existing toothache. Drinks and food, either hot or cold, can then be consumed easily because of the numbing effect of this medicine.
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Braces - Is There An Age Limit For It?

BDS, MDS - Periodontology and Oral Implantology
Dentist, Bangalore
Braces - Is There An Age Limit For It?
A smile is said to be your best accessory. For a beautiful smile, it is important not only for your teeth to be pearly white, but they should also be well aligned. Just like a toothbrush and teeth whiteners, which can make your teeth sparkle, braces can align them efficiently. If you're thinking of getting braces, here are six things you should know.

1. There is no age limit to braces-
Braces are usually linked to the awkward teenage years, but there really is no age limit to straightening your teeth. It is no longer uncommon for adults to opt for orthodontic treatment to straighten their smiles. All you need to ensure is that your gums and teeth are healthy. Even a senior citizen can wear braces!

2. Types of Braces-

Traditional Metal Braces are made of the stainless steel brackets and wires that inspired the term, 'metal mouth' years ago. Fortunately, today's metal braces are noticeably smaller. And new heat-activated arch wires move your teeth more quickly and less painfully as they respond to your body's heat.
Ceramic Braces mock metal braces in shape and size as they use tooth-colored or clear ceramic brackets that blend more naturally into your teeth.
Lingual Braces use the same metal brackets and wires used in traditional braces, but the brackets and wires are installed on the inside of your teeth to keep them hidden.
Invisalign consists of a series of customized, clear BPA-free plastic tray aligners that are removable and typically replaced every 2 weeks to keep your teeth moving in the desired direction.
3. Certain oral health conditions can prevent you from getting braces-
Healthy teeth and gums are a prerequisite for braces at any age. In some cases, patients with exceedingly receded gums may not be eligible for braces. Another oral condition, which is commonly seen with people who cannot get braces, is the teeth with shallow roots.

4. You may feel a little discomfort-
It does take a while to get used to wearing braces. The first week is usually the most uncomfortable or sometimes, there is no discomfort. If feeling discomfort, your mouth and teeth may feel sore and tender. A salt water gargle can help relieve this discomfort. As the braces begin to work, you may feel your teeth getting loose. This happens because for the braces to straighten your teeth, they must first dislodge them from their current position and angle. As your teeth will soon get repositioned, this looseness will disappear.

5. You will probably need to wear a retainer:
Getting braces means signing up for a long term treatment. Even after the braces are removed and your teeth have been repositioned, you will probably need to wear a retainer for some time. This is to ensure that your teeth do not return to their original positions.

6. Be prepared to put more time into your teeth cleaning routine-
Wearing braces means you can not neglect brushing and flossing. Teeth can become permanently stained if food and beverage debris is not cleaned away from all the nooks and crannies formed by your braces.

The sooner you treat your teeth, the faster you will be able to flash that million dollar smile.
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Best 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Pyorrhea

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Best 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Pyorrhea
What is Pyorrhea?
Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, is inflammation and destruction of the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth. Periodontitis mainly begins with gingivitis. Gingivitis refers to inflammation of gums as a result of plaque formation due to poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis, when left untreated, leads to periodontitis. Gingivitis is a milder form of the disease and in gingivitis, no irreversible changes take place. However, persistent gingivitis leads to formation of deep pockets between the gums and teeth. These pockets get filled with plaque and bacteria over time and start to damage the tissue and bone surrounding and supporting the teeth. Eventually, the teeth lose their grip and fall off.

Symptoms of Pyorrhea:
Symptoms of pyorrhea include swollen gums, pain and tenderness of gums, red/purple gums, bleeding gums, spitting of blood after brushing, bad breath, metallic taste in the mouth, receding gums and loose teeth in sockets.

Treating Gum Disease With Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat gum disease but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat gum disease that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of gum disease:

Merc Sol: This is one of the best homeopathic medicines for pyorrhea. It is used when symptoms such as swollen, bleeding, and tender gums are experienced. The gums are likely to turn bluish red. A metallic taste in the mouth and foul breath are also indicated. An increase in saliva is another likely symptom, along with loosening of teeth in the sockets.
Carbo Veg: This homeopathic medicine is used for treating pyorrhea, especially in cases where there is gum bleeding after cleaning the teeth. The gums are receding and become blackish in color. Toothache is also experienced, which worsens when you chew food. A sour, bitter taste may be felt in the mouth.
Kreosotum: This medicine is effective for treating teeth and its surrounding structures in case of pyorrhea. It is ideal for use when symptoms such as puffy, bluish gums, and foul odor from the mouth are observed. Bleeding of dark blood is also indicated. Teeth may become decayed or turn dark and crumbly. Kreosotum is beneficial in treating such symptoms associated with pyorrhea.
Phosphorus: This is another important homeopathic medicine used for the treatment of pyorrhea. It is useful in cases of pyorrhea when gum bleeding occurs easily. It is an effective anti-hemorrhagic medicine. Gum pain and soreness are also likely in such cases. The pain worsens by both heat and cold. Pain in the teeth may also occur along with gum pain.
Lachesis: This medicine is used for curing pyorrhea when there is a swelling of the cheeks along with other symptoms. The gums become dark purple in color and swell up immensely. Burning along with a coppery taste in the mouth is also experienced, which is a unique symptom. The tooth pain is likely to extend into the ears.

There are homeopathic medicines meant for curing pyorrhea occurring from various factors, with different symptoms. However, it is important for you to consult a homeopathic practitioner before taking any of these medicines. This is because homeopathy does not work the same for all people, in spite of similar symptoms, and only a licensed doctor will know about the best medicine that will suit your purpose.

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Braces - Good To Know Things!

Dentist, Jaipur
Braces - Good To Know Things!
A smile is said to be your best accessory. For a beautiful smile, it is important not only for your teeth to be pearly white, but they should also be well aligned. Just like a toothbrush and teeth whiteners, which can make your teeth sparkle, braces can align them efficiently. If you're thinking of getting braces, here are five things you should know.

1. There is no age limit to braces-
Braces are usually linked to the awkward teenage years, but there really is no age limit to straightening your teeth. It is no longer uncommon for adults to opt for orthodontic treatment to straighten their smiles. All you need to ensure is that your gums and teeth and are healthy. Even a senior citizen can wear braces!

2. Types of Braces-

Traditional Metal Braces are made of the stainless steel brackets and wires that inspired the term, 'metal mouth' years ago. Fortunately, today's metal braces are noticeably smaller. And new heat-activated arch wires move your teeth more quickly and less painfully as they respond to your body's heat.
Ceramic Braces mock metal braces in shape and size but they use tooth-colored or clear ceramic brackets that blend more naturally into your teeth.
Lingual Braces use the same metal brackets and wires used in traditional braces, but the brackets and wires are installed on the inside of your teeth to keep them hidden.
Invisalign consists of a series of customized, clear BPA-free plastic tray aligners that are removable and typically replaced every 2 weeks to keep your teeth moving in the desired direction.

3. Certain oral health conditions can prevent you from getting braces-
Healthy teeth and gums are a prerequisite for braces at any age. In some cases, patients with exceedingly receded gums may not be eligible for braces. Another oral condition, which is commonly seen with people who cannot get braces, is the teeth with shallow roots.

4. You may feel a little discomfort-
It does take a while to get used to wearing braces. The first week is usually the most uncomfortable or sometimes, there is no discomfort. If feeling discomfort, your mouth and teeth may feel sore and tender. A salt water gargle can help relieve this discomfort. Feeling your teeth get a little loose as the braces begin to work is normal. This is because, in order for the braces to straighten your teeth, they must first dislodge them from their current position and angle. As your teeth are repositioned, this looseness will disappear.

5. You will probably need to wear a retainer:
Getting braces means signing up for a long term treatment. Even after the braces are removed and your teeth have been repositioned, you will probably need to wear a retainer for some time. This is to ensure that your teeth do not return to their original positions.

6. Be prepared to put more time into your teeth cleaning routine-
Wearing braces means you can not neglect brushing and flossing. Teeth can become permanently stained if food and beverage debris is not cleaned away from all the nooks and crannies formed by your braces.

The sooner you treat your teeth, the faster you will be able to flash that million dollar smile.
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Unreplaced Missing Teeth - Know Impact Of Them!

Dentist, Kota
Unreplaced Missing Teeth - Know Impact Of Them!
Our teeth are most definitely, vital for our living. Our everyday choices, pertaining to our lifestyle would call for changes, adjustments and lots of sacrifices without them. Though, a number of replacement options are available for the people with missing teeth, the most recommended are dental implants. Ask why?

They are simply the ideal solution due to their look and feel, which is similar to the natural teeth.

What happens if replacement is not considered?

To prevent the nasty repercussions from occurring, it is necessary that any missing teeth are replaced in time. Though, the symptoms of problems due to missing teeth only appear to be superficial in the early stages, the long term effects may certainly prove to be quite severe.

Some of the short term consequences of missing teeth are as follows-

People with missing teeth tend to feel self-conscious or even embarrassed at times, while they talk to others or smile.
Problem in speech is a common issue that may arise due to tooth loss.
When teeth are missing, people find it difficult to consume some certain food types. These may include ones which contain some essential nutrients, hence leading to possible malnutrition.
Increased wear or stress can also lead to the weakening of the teeth that are remaining.
People with tooth loss find it difficult to chew the food properly.
When teeth are missing, there is movement of the teeth that remain, to compensate for the gap places created. This leads to ugly looking gap teeth.
Though, these were the short term issues, the major consequence of not getting any lost teeth replaced is the gradual bone loss. Our teeth are firmly embedded in the jaw bone. Chewing and biting are the constant uses, which are required by the jaw bone to remain hale and hearty as well as active. You may believe it or not, be it at the beginning or at the end; the major focus is not on the teeth, but on the bones.

Maintaining form as well as density of the bone requires regular stimulation, coming from the teeth, as mentioned above. The contact with teeth causes small stresses, which the periodontal ligament transmits to the bone and prompts its continual rebuilding as well as remodelling. When any missing teeth are not replaced, it leads to the gradual deterioration in the jaw bones, over time. This not only results in facial shape changes but also will eventually burn a huge hole in your pockets, as increased complications will also lead to increased costs required for rectifying the problems.

So, now it's up to you. Choose healthy and wise. Go for teeth replacement at the earliest, if and when, need arises.
4783 people found this helpful

Teething Pain - How Can Homeopathy Subdue It?

MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
Teething Pain - How Can Homeopathy Subdue It?
Excruciating pain while teething can be an extreme time both for the child and the entire family. The first tooth generally comes in when infants are in the vicinity of 4 and 7 months of age.

Symptoms of getting the first few teeth may include:

Drooling, swollen or delicate gums
Declining sustenance
Biting on strong items
Fractiousness and rest issues
Most pediatricians say that diarrhea, low fever or irritation are not identified with getting teeth. However, for some mothers, these indications are normal for their babies getting teeth.
You need to dependably call your specialist if your child has side effects that stress you or a temperature of 101 degrees F or higher.
Teething can normally be taken care of at home with homeopathic drugs.
Homeopathy is a protected and regular approach to alleviate the red, swollen gums and the pain. Homeopathic solutions additionally help your child quiet down and give them the opportunity to rest. Some of the medicines are as follows:

Chamomilla 30C: It is the most widely recognized homeopathic medicine for problems associated with growing teeth. The baby is usually in pain, irate and shouting. Child quits crying just when carried and shook, or when riding in a car. Getting teeth is regularly joined by greenish diarrhea and an ear infection.
Belladonna 30C: This medicine is administered when the child has red, swollen gums and is unable to sleep. Getting teeth is now and then joined by tonsillitis or ear infection with a high fever.
Calcarea phosphorica 30C: This medicine is given when the teeth are painful at the back and getting teeth is extremely agonizing. The main tooth typically shows up at 10 to 11 months of age. It is difficult to sooth the baby. Teeth are rotting, not long after they come in.
Mercurius solubilis 30C: This homeopathic medicine is effective when the baby drools a lot, has terrible breath and a covered tongue. Pain is frequent and more terrible during the evening.
Pulsatilla 30C: A clingy and mournful child needs to be held and consoled constantly. Pain is soothed by sucking an icy therapeutic stick or when breathing cool, crisp air. You need to give the drug that most nearly matches your baby s side effects. You can crush the pellets or mix them in some water. In extreme pain, give the child five pellets three to four times every day.
Other homeopathic medicines given to babies while teething are Podophyllum (mayapple), Belladonna, Calcarea Carbonica (calcium carbonate), Coffea (espresso), and Caffeinum (caffeine). A few parents might be worried in giving some of these substances to their babies. However, these homeopathic medicines are known to be protective as well as successful in treating numerous basic illnesses.
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Dental Implants - Types and Benefits

MDS - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Post Graduation Certicate In Clear Aligner Therapy, Post-Graduate Certificate in Oral Implantology (PGCOI) , Certificate In Advanced Endodontics,Laser Dentistry, BDS
Dentist, Gurgaon
Dental Implants - Types and Benefits
DentalImplant is a titanium post (like a tooth root) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line that allows your dentist to mount replacement teeth or a bridge into that area. An implant doesn't come loose like a denture can.

Why tooth loss matters?
A missing tooth or teeth can not only take away from the beauty of your smile, but tooth loss can also have many negative effects on your oral health, including:

Bone loss
Shifting and drifting teeth
Bite changes
Chewing difficulty
Wearing down of remaining teeth
Changes in the jaw joint
Types of Implant Placement
Whether an implant is placed immediately or in 2 phases depends on a variety of factors like bone density,initial fit of the implant during surgery,the other teeth,area of jaw,loads received during chewing etc.

Dental implant placement can be of two types:

Immediate single stage placement: In this type we place an implant and give you at least a temporary crown immediately,followed by a permanent crown shortly thereafter.
Delayed (2 stage) Implants: Such a placement is usually to safeguard the implant from any early forces when its just healing and fusing within the bone.After the placement the implant is kept covered below the gum for 3 months and uncovered after this period to give you a permanent crown.
Now that you know about the different types, it is time to move on to the benefits of getting these.

Long lasting: Compared to other treatments such as tooth bridges which last for 5-10 years, dental implants can last for an entire lifetime if maintained properly.The only part to replace is the crown.
Mimicking natural teeth: Your replacement teeth will feel similar to your actual teeth, so you do not need to worry about your self-image issues. Flash that wonderful smile of yours without thinking over it the second time.
Preserve surrounding teeth: When an implant is inserted in place of a missing tooth, adjacent healthy teeth are not damaged.
Comfort: Dental implants being a fixed replacement they have none of the problems that removable dentures or other substitutes may cause.Patients who replace all of their teeth with dental implants can feel more comfortable talking, smiling and eating.
Things to keep in mind post Dental Implant:

Careful brushing: Only soft bristle brush needs to be used in this regard and do not pressurize the treated areas. In this case, tenderness needs to be considered so that brushing can be conducted carefully without injuring or hurting implants.
Maintaining oral hygiene: Oral hygiene is the most important thing, and this is the reason you are advised to use any special mouthwash or any other flossing solution. This step needs to be continued for preventing the growth of unwanted infectious elements as that can ruin the implants completely. You should also carefully brush your teeth without affecting the implanted area.
Avoid smoking: You are not allowed to continue smoking after implants, as that can make the situation complicated, as a result, of which you might even experience dreadful consequences. You should follow different steps to completely curtail the smoking habit from your lifestyle.
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