Top Health Tips on Overcoming Binge Eating

Walnuts (Akhroat) - 4 Reasons Why They Are Must!

Masters In Dietetics & Food Service Management, B.Sc.- Dietitics / Nutrition, Reebok Instructor Course
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Walnuts (Akhroat) - 4 Reasons Why They Are Must!
As one of the oldest tree foods to be cultivated by humans, walnuts have long since been known as a wonder fruit that can treat and manage many diseases, even as it ensures that one gets to enjoy many other health and cosmetic benefits. This is a nutrient-laden dry fruit that can be eaten in any season and can also be used as a healthy snack.

Read on to know how walnuts can help you in the health department!s

Weight Management: One can obtain weight loss by switching deep fried and other snacks with this fruit as the snack of choice. This will help in weight loss because it is known to be loaded with many ounces of protein as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, which can make your metabolism work overtime so that you end up burning all that useless fat. Regular consumption of walnuts will ensure that you get the right amount of calories in just a fistful of this dry fruit. You can also combine this with almonds and raisins for a healthy breakfast, if sprinkled in your oats or any other cereals.
Glowing Hair: If you have been facing problems like thinning hair, and hair loss as well as dandruff, then walnuts can easily come to your rescue. Eating lots of walnuts will help in restoring the oil and moisture balance of the scalp which will make your hair rich and bouncy again. You can also apply walnut oil to your scalp in order to boost the health of your hair to a great extent. This is due to the fact that walnuts contain Vitamin B7 which is known to prevent hair loss.
Heart Disease: You can prevent a majority of cardiovascular issues and heart disease with the help of walnuts. This is due to the fact that walnuts also contain a lot of antioxidants, which can help in regulating the cholesterol levels as well. One can actually remove the bad cholesterol and keep the good cholesterol so that lifestyle issues and conditions like diabetes and heart disease can be avoided. One should have at least 28 grams of walnuts in a single day so that these kinds of diseases can be successfully prevented.
Fertility: Walnuts are very important for male fertility. One of the main things in male fertility is the sperm, especially the quality of the same. So, if you have had a sperm test and it does not have very encouraging results, then eating walnuts can easily solve this problem along with whatever other medication you may be having for the condition. One should have at least 75 grams of walnuts every day in order to increase the vitality of the sperm for those men who fall in the age group of 21 years to 35 years of age.
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Know The Benefits Of Drinking Water Empty Stomach!

MD - Ayurveda
Sexologist, Thane
Know The Benefits Of Drinking Water Empty Stomach!
Imagine water flowing through a pipe or a tube that has a lot of things passing through it. It would definitely have a cleansing effect, don't you think? Now, apply the same to your stomach which is also a tube through which all the food passes through. When you drink water, it runs through this tube and cleanses it off all the food debris that is along the walls. This helps in a big way by removing the debris and toxins, and is one of the most effective cleansing mechanisms.

The Japanese, in particular, are known to have used this over the centuries. They drink neither cold nor hot water, but water at moderate temperature. If you incorporate the same into your daily lifestyle, it can do wonders.

Here are some other aspects of drinking water empty stomach that you might want to consider:

Drink about 600 ml of water on an empty stomach in the morning, even before brushing.
You can then brush and rinse your mouth, but do not eat anything for the next 45 minutes.
Eat a good breakfast after 60 to 90 minutes.
Again, do not eat anything after that for about 2 hours.
This is a regimen which should be followed religiously as it comes with multiple benefits. The same have been listed below:

Flushing effect on the stomach: This is one of the best ways to clear the bowels. If you are having problems with bowel movement, try water on an empty stomach and see the difference. And needless to say, clearing out the bowels first thing in the morning is one of the healthiest habits to have.

Colon cleanser: As food passes through the food pipe, there is a lot of debris along the walls. Drinking water flushes this debris out and leaves the food pipe walls clean and clear.

Improve appetite: Drinking water on an empty stomach flushes out the waste from it, making way for a good appetite and a good breakfast, which is considered the best meal to have.

Prevents headaches: Dehydration is one of the major causes of headaches, as the cells crave for water for proper functioning. Drinking water, especially on an empty stomach, gives the cells their much-needed hydration, thereby preventing headaches.

Detoxifying effect: Clearing out the bowels helps in releasing toxins from the body. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps fasten the process of bowels in the mornings which are also effective methods of removing toxins.

Weight loss: If you need something to fill your stomach without having to add calories, drink up water. Doing this on an empty stomach is even more effective, as it also reduces bloating feeling and clears out debris and toxins. Water also improves metabolism and so helps in weight loss. Mixing lemon and honey to lukewarm water and drinking it on an empty stomach can help reduce the waistline and keep you energized throughout the day.

Skin care: Drinking water on an empty stomach clears up the skin pores and helps in keeping skin clear.
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Smartphones - Why Should We Avoid Them Before Bedtime?

MD - Medicine , MBBS
General Physician, Vadodara
Smartphones - Why Should We Avoid Them Before Bedtime?
For most of us, our smartphone is the first thing we look at in the morning and the last thing we check before going to bed. But, is it a right practise? Well, it is not. As per a recent study published by the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, using a smartphone right before bedtime actually reduces the overall quality of sleep.

Here's how:

Difficulty in falling asleep - We feel sleepy when our brain releases a hormone called melatonin, which is determined by the body's circadian rhythm. The blue light emitted by the screen of the smartphone interferes with this rhythm and the secretion of melatonin, which makes it difficult for us to fall asleep, even after we keep our phone aside.
Poor quality of sleep - Using a smartphone before going to bed also hampers the overall quality of sleep because, when we check an office email or a text message as the last thing before we sleep, it gets difficult for our brain to relax, due to which we are unable to sleep peacefully.
Decreased attention span - Our productivity suffers during the day, due to lack of proper sleep at night. Also, not getting enough sleep is known to hamper our decision-making skills, impair our long & short-term memory, which leads to unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Increased risk of weight gain - Our body is more likely to feel hungry when we don't get our due share of sleep, as sleep deprivation slows down our metabolism. Thus, use of smartphone right before bedtime can induce cravings, which lead to snacking and weight gain.
Weak immune system - While we are asleep our immune system produces antibodies that help fight infections, it also releases a protein known as cytokines. This protein not only promotes sleep but also fights inflammation and other problems caused by stress. Lack of sound sleep decreases the production of cytokines and increases the risk of falling sick, it also slows down our recovery cycle. Further, long-term sleep deprivation can raise the risk of diseases, such as diabetes, heart problems and obesity.
Skin damage - Sleeping late at night and not getting enough sleep can lead to dark circles, puffy eyes and fine lines across our face. The blue light emitted by our smartphones triggers the secretion of cortisol, which can damage our skin's smoothness and elasticity.
Thus, even if we are spending only some time on our smartphone before going to bed, it affects our overall mental and physical well-being. Want to know more about the problems sleep deprivation can cause or solutions that can help, consult our expert & get answers to questions!
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Can Homeopathy Help In Dissolving And Removing Gallbladder Stones?

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS, PG Hom (Lon)
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Can Homeopathy Help In Dissolving And Removing Gallbladder Stones?
Are you experiencing a sudden pain in the right upper part and at the center of your abdomen? This might be an indication of the presence of gallbladder stones. These stones are deposits of digestive fluid which may form in your gallbladder.

Risk Factors Associated With Gall Stones:

Family history of gallstones

Women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones


High cholesterol

High-fat diet

Rapid weight loss

Over age 60

In the case of gallbladder stones, you need to dissolve and remove them. Among the different modes of treatment of gallbladder stones, homeopathy is considered to be an ideal method.

Homeopathy successfully dissolves small and medium-sized gallstones and help you avoid the gallbladder removal. Homeopathy also provides fast pain relief in gallbladder attacks and can be used for prevention and treatment of biliary colic. The medicines are natural, effective and have no side effects. In patients with gallbladder removal homeopathy can alleviate the digestive disorders after surgery. Here is a list of the top homeopathic medicines, which help in dissolving and removing gallbladder stones:

Chelidonium: This is an effective homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of gallbladder stones. It treats the pain caused because of the stones and jaundice when the bile ducts are obstructed. The medicine is used when the skin turns yellowish, stool turns clay colored and the urine becomes dark. The patient may have an urge for having hot drinks. This medicine is also ideal for gall bladder problems in women during pregnancy.

Lycopodium: This medicine is the best natural cure for gall bladder stones when accompanied by gastric symptoms such as acidity, a bloated abdomen, or gas in the abdomen. Distension in the abdomen may occur even after taking a small meal. Gas rolls in the abdomen and it is difficult for it to pass out. Acidity is likely, which worsens after taking flatulent food containing starch. The patient s appetite may decrease and the craving for sweet and hot drinks increases.

Calcerea Carb: This is another effective homeopathic medicine for gallbladder stones. It is mostly used in case of obese patients who have a flabby and fatty constitution. The abdomen is full of excess fat with hardness and distension. Profuse sweating on the head and an increased sensitivity to cold air are other symptoms. The patient might crave for boiled eggs or unusual things such as lime, chalk and pencils. He may avoid hot food and crave for sweet drinks. The medicine is also used in relieving sour belching and sour vomiting.

Carduus Marianus: This is a very effective medicine in case of an inflamed gallbladder. Pain is experienced in the right upper abdomen and it is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting of burning fluid. It treats jaundice in gall stones as well.

Phosphorus: This homeopathic medicine is used in case of gall bladder stone patients who experience sour belching and vomiting after any meal. The patient will love cold drinks, chicken, ice cream and fish in his diet.

Homeopathic medicines treat gallbladder stones effectively without any side effects. In case you notice the symptoms of gallbladder stones, you should consult a homeopathic practitioner.
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10 Bad Habits That Are Killing You Slowly!

General Physician, Gurgaon
10 Bad Habits That Are Killing You Slowly!
Most of the time people are not even aware of the bad habits which can harm their health in several ways. However, we do them persistently without realizing that these habits are actually harming our health and can lead to problems like heart diseases, sleep or eating disorders, stress, etc.

Here are 10 of those bad habits.

Smoking cigarettes and nicotine addiction: Everybody knows that cigarettes cause cancer, especially when smoked excessively. Very few people know that nicotine also can lead to shrinking of brain and diseases like Alzheimer's. Therefore, one must quit this bad habit right away.
Skipping the most important meal of the day: These days, all of us lead a busy lifestyle which involves skipping breakfast or lunch on a daily basis. Incidentally, many people are not aware of the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and one should not skip it at any cost.
Eating without being hungry and overeating: Just as you should not skip the important meals in a day, overeating is bad as well. There are many of us who love food and are habituated with eating while watching or reading something. Very soon, this habit of overeating can make them obese or popularly known as couch potato.
Extremely bad food habits: Quite often, we prefer to include only those kinds of food items which we love. On the contrary, one should follow a healthy and balanced diet including carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, minerals and water, as per individual body demands.
Skipping exercise and leading an inactive life: Having a balanced diet is not enough, if you want a healthy body and mind. There is no alternative to physical fitness and exercises. Being physically inactive can lead to heart diseases, cholesterol problems, arthritis, obesity, etc.
Sleeping disorders: A person must have seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep to maintain the proper sleep cycle. The sleeping disorder can cause severe health problems.
Watching television or using mobile before going to bed: To get a relaxed sleep, you need to quit the habit of watching any video, television series, movies, playing with mobile phones. Our minds tend to reminiscent of those videos, and that can disrupt our sleep. Instead, you can read a bit.
Excessive consumption of alcohol: An inordinate amount of alcohol in our body might make us excited, and that is not good when you are going to drive or sleep. Always keep a check on your alcohol consumption.
Stress and fatigue: Taking stress can cause us fatigue, sleeping and eating disorders, etc. Therefore, you need to learn how to manage stress o maintain a balance between your private and work life.
Not relaxing or enjoying your leisure: Since we live in a stressful environment, we need to value recreation. Overworking can cause severe stress and psychological problems. Avoid that by doing whatever you like, such as, reading, traveling, etc.
Get rid of these bad habits which can cause harm to your health and start enjoying a healthy and happy life.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Juice Over Fruits - 2 Advantages & Disadvantages

Wellness Coach, Diploma In Diet & Nutrition, Diploma In Weight Loss
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
Juice Over Fruits - 2 Advantages & Disadvantages
Do you love to eat up the whole fruit? Or, is it the freshly crushed juice that appeals to you more. Both as you know are healthy options. However, is there really a difference between the nutritional value of the two, if it involves the same fruit?
The answer is a big 'Yes'.

While freshly squeezed fruit juice is a healthy addition to your daily diet, it cannot replace eating whole fruits (or vegetables). In the choice between juicing and eating whole fruits, though juicing has its advantages, the latter offers more nutrition. Here's why.

Advantage: Juicing is convenient
The convenience of gulping down a glass of juice versus eating a whole fruit is one of the biggest advantages of juicing. However, this counts as a convenience only if you aren't making the juice and cleaning the juicer yourself. When you have to make your own juice, it probably would be easier to simply cut and eat the fruit.

Advantage: Juicing makes it easier for the body to absorb nutrients
Juicing is said to make absorbing nutrients easier for people with digestive diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases. This is because the process of juicing removes fibers thus giving the digestive system less work to do. Another advantage is eating a whole fruit fills you up more than drinking a glass of juice. This allows you to take in higher amounts of vitamins, minerals, enzymes etc. However, this theory has not been proved.

Disadvantage: Juicing removes fiber
Though the removal of fiber makes it easier for the body to digest fruit juice, this loss of fiber is actually a disadvantage for people with a healthy digestive system. Since the digestive system does not have to work on digesting fibers in juice, the body uses fewer calories in the process. Lesser calories burnt imply lesser weight loss. Since juices are digested faster than whole fruits, hunger is satisfied for shorter periods of time leading to an increased appetite.

Disadvantage: Juicing removes flavonoids
Along with a loss of fiber, flavonoids found in the skin and fruit pulp are also lost in the process of juicing. Flavonoids have been linked to longevity and are best known for their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent a number of cardiovascular diseases. In citrus fruits, the whole fruit is said to have five times the flavonoids as a glass of juice made from them.

To fuse the convenience of juice and the healthiness as whole fruit, use a blender instead of a juicer. This way, you don't lose any fruit pulp and can enjoy a tasty glass of juice. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dietitian/Nutritionist.
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How to Check Purity of Turmeric Powder - 4 Smart Ways

Ayurvedic Doctor, Patiala
How to Check Purity of Turmeric Powder - 4 Smart Ways
When it comes to Indian cuisine, it is all about a m lange of flavors and aroma that can entirely transform the face of any dish. One such important spice is turmeric which is not just revered for the amazing color and texture it adds to any food but for its medicinal value as well.

Turmeric or haldi is used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic treatments, and its values are now researched and approved by scientists and researchers all across the globe. But if you have decided to add turmeric in your daily edibles then you should be aware of the tips and tricks that would enable you to choose the pure form of turmeric over the unwanted filtered and chemically dyed ones.

Turmeric often tends to have unwanted additives such as chalk powder or starch or sawdust and sometimes, it is made to look appealing with the help of synthetic colors. Adulteration in spices is a common situation in India and therefore, it pays to ensure that the turmeric you buy and eat is free from Metanil yellow or lead chromate which is some of the toxic chemicals.

Quick tricks that can help you check

Checking for chalk powder: You can take a pinch of turmeric powder in a glass flask and add a few drops of water to it. Now add a few drops of hydrochloric acid, and if you see it to give off bubbles, it is indicative of the presence of yellow soap powder or chalk powder or both.
Presence of Metanil yellow: A few drops of hydrochloric acid in a pinch of turmeric will also help you understand whether it has Metanil yellow. Add some water and shake the mixture as vigorously as you can. If you see the mixture to turn pink, then rest assured that it contains this unwanted additive.
Spotting adulterated turmeric root: Sometimes, we need turmeric root instead of the powder, and you will be surprised to know that it may also be coated with some unwanted substance. To test for it, you will have to place turmeric root on a piece of paper and pour some water on it. If you see it leaving color, it can be impure and polished to give the desired look.
Go for the water test: This is one of the easiest ways to find out if there is any adulteration. You will have to take some warm water in a glass and pour in little quantity of turmeric on the surface. You need not stir or mix it and leave it for around 20 to 30 minutes. If all the turmeric powder settles at the bottom of the glass and the water is crystal clear, then the turmeric is pure. If you find the water to turn cloudy, then you need to look for some other vendor for the Haldi supply.
Such simple measures can go a long way in maintaining the good health of your family. Hence care must be taken in this regard.
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Interesting Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Interesting Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes
The occurrence of diabetes is expanding step by step. Being a silent executioner, it is attacking the youthful generation subtly that builds the weight of exchequer on the general population. Individuals, who are taking cutting edge medicines for diabetes treatment, prompting to searching of option arrangement of medicine where Ayurveda has more prominent application and significance. Ayurveda treats diabetes through diet, drugs, exercise and panchakarma.

Reasons for diabetes

Deficiency of exercise
Diet expanding kapha dosha, for example, fats, sugar, rice, potatoes
Mental stress and strain
Over the top sleep
Straightforward Ayurvedic cure for diabetes

Bitter Gourd Juice: Juice of Karela (30 ml) might be gone up against discharge stomach day by day in the early morning. It is considered as one the best remedies for diabetes. Pulverize the bitter melon into a grinder in the wake of isolating its seeds. Tad bit of water may likewise be included. Strainer this to have juice.
Methi Seeds: Fenugreek seeds or its mix with ayurvedic herbs are helpful remedy to decrease the signs and symptoms of diabetes. Absorbed fenugreek seeds warm water overnight took after by biting it in the morning.
Triphala: Triphala alongside different fixings are helpful in bringing down the sugar levels in blood. The decoction of a balance of base of Triphala, barberry, moth (20ml) and colocynth might be brought with turmeric powder (4gm) twice per day.
Amla: The juice of Amla (Embelica officinalis) (20 ml) twice per day is useful for diabetic patient. The powder of Amla fruit may likewise be taken twice every day.
Aloe Vera and ground sound leaf: The blend of turmeric (1/2 tbsp), ground sound leaf (1/2 tbsp), and aloe vera gel (1 tbsp) if taken twice every prior day lunch and supper, is useful to control sugar in blood along these lines successful for the issue.
Cinnamon powder: This is one of the essential regular home remedies. Step by step instructions to plan: First take one liter of drinkable water. Include 3-4 tbsp of cinnamon powder and warmth it for 20 minutes. Strain the blend and made it cool. Drink it consistently.
Diet: Use Varee, barly, Kulittha, Mung, old rice, Chickpeas, bitter gourd, dudhee gourd, Dodaka, in diet. Incorporate 'Tikta ras' things in diet.
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Infidelity: How to Overcome it

MBBS, MCCEE, Fellowship in Sexual Medicine
Sexologist, Jaipur
Infidelity: How to Overcome it
Over the years, Infidelity has surfaced as the single most common reason that has the ability to shatter and dismantle a perfectly happy relationship. Infidelity can occur in any and every form of relationship and in each of them it is deemed as unacceptable and uncalled for. Lack of affection has been generally identified as the primary cause why people stray. However there are other reasons too that cause infidelity. Some of them are:

Bad judgment
The person who is held responsible for going astray may actually be the victim of bad judgement and an impulsive decision. There may not be anything wrong with the marriage but momentary attraction and a rash decision are possible reasons that lead a person astray.

Search for an emotional connect
A lack of emotional connect with the partner can be a possible reason for infidelity. An unquenchable thirst for attention and the need to be flattered as well finding an emotional connect with a new person causes infidelity. Though the most common and devastating outcome of infidelity is the end of a relationship.

There are ways one that helps one to overcome infidelity. Some of them are as follows:

Ending the affair immediately
The first and foremost step that you must take in overcoming infidelity is to end the affair immediately. If your relationship is important to you, then it would require your complete investment both physically and emotionally. You must snap all contacts with the other person and concentrate on rebuilding your relationship with renewed faith and trust.
Open discussion
If you want the relationship to work then you must have a completely free and open discussion with your partner. Coming clean about your past affair is imperative if you want to begin anew. Your partner deserves a complete, honest discussion and you must do it delicately and with a lot of care.
Willingness to compromise
Beginning a relationship after confessing about the past relationships requires a lot of hard work and compromises. It will take a long time for the relationship to be what it was before the infidelity and you should take complete responsibility for it as well have a willingness to compromise on certain issues.
Marriage therapy
Apart from attempts to amend yourself, you can also use the help of a marriage therapist. A marriage counselor or a therapist through prolonged discussions and sound counsels can avert the possible ending of the relationship.
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Obesity - A Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide!

Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Diabetologist, Bangalore
Obesity - A Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide!
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess accumulation of body fat creates an adverse effect on health. Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing rates in adults and children. In 2015, 600 million adults and 100 million children were obese. Obesity is more common in women than men.It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist-hip ratio (WHR) and total cardiovascular risk factors. Body mass index is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat.

It is defined as the subject's weight divided by the square of their height and is calculated as follows:

BMI = m/h2(Where m and h are the subject's weight and height, respectively)Waist-hip ratio is the dimensionless ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips. This ratio is calculated as waist measurement divided by hip measurement (W H)The WHR has been used as an indicator or measure of health and the risk of developing serious health conditions.

The BMR of the body is classified into the following types:

BMI (kg/m2)
Classification up to 18.5
Underweight18.5 25.0
Normal weight25.0 30.0
Overweight 30.0 35.0
Class I obesity 35.0 40.0
Class II obesity

40.0 and above

Class III obesity

Diet: Excessive food energy intake
Sedentary lifestyle
Other illnesses: Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, growth hormone deficiency, and eating disorders
Certain medications: Insulin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, steroids, certain anticonvulsants, pizotifen, and some forms of hormonal contraception
Gut bacteria Health risks associated with obesity
Bone and cartilage degeneration (osteoarthritis)
Coronary heart disease
Gallbladder disease (gall stone)
High blood pressure (hypertension)
High total cholesterol and high levels of triglycerides (dyslipidemia)
Respiratory problems
Several cancers
Sleep apnea
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Management of obesity
Conservative management

Diet: Limit energy intake from total fats and sugars and increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts.
Eat consistently: Resist the urge to overeat. Your food intake should follow a regular routine. Overeating not only upsets your routine but also impacts your metabolism.
Breakfast: Never miss your breakfast. Breakfast is a crucial meal; it also helps stave off hunger later on in the day, which often leads to overeating and snacking.
Monitor yourself: Keep a close check on what you eat and regularly weigh yourself.
Physical activity: Perform at least 200 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This schedule should be spread out over at least 3 days.
Watching TV: Limit watching TV to no more than 10 hours each week.
Surgical management

The surgical management of obesity involves the following two procedures:

Restrictive procedures
Malabsorptive procedures
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