Top Health Tips on Sleeping Well

Do You Sleep Naked? Know Its Impact On Health!

Sexologist, Panchkula
Do You Sleep Naked? Know Its Impact On Health!
We always think of wearing something cosy to bed to get a good night's sleep. We even dress up kids to be comfortable and bundled up so they can get a sound sleep. Studies have shown that contrary to popular belief, sleeping nude is the best way to a sound sleep.  In addition to good sleep, there are other benefits that have been identified too, as listed below:

1) Improves sleep quality - While most of us think of keeping ourselves cosy in our nightwear leads to good sleep, science believes otherwise. A reduced core body temperature is what leads to better sleep. This happens when you sleep with no extra layers of clothes to keep you warm. Research conducted showed better depth of sleep and reduced number of awakenings when there are no extra clothing layers.

2) Better skin and hair health - Melatonin and growth hormone are essential for anti-aging and they are released when the body temperature is cooler, which happens when sleeping in the nude. Growth hormone is essential for bone mineralization, improved immunity, and muscle mass building. Melatonin is a good hormone regulator, and manages the functioning of other hormones essential for our body. The armpits and groin area are always covered, and sleeping without clothes can help these areas breathe and feel fresher. The chances of yeast infection are also reduced.

3) Reduced stress levels - The stress hormone cortisol is also optimal, both in release and function, when the body gets a good sleep. This is essential for better immunity and cognitive function, better sugar regulation. Reduced stress leads to reduced chances of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc. Therefore, sleeping without clothes helps to better equip you with fighting stress.

4) Weight loss - Our body has two types of fat - brown and white. While fat helps to keep the body warm, sleeping without clothes burns more of this fat and thereby increases weight loss. Another mechanism also is that the good sleep that you get when sleeping without clothes helps improve metabolism, reduce fatty and sugar cravings, thereby further adding to weight loss.

5) Improved relationships - Needless to say, getting into the habit of sleeping without clothes will help your sex life. The science behind it is the improved released of oxytocin, which is the cuddle hormone.

6) Better sperm quality - The testes produce better sperm quality when body temperature is cooler, thereby improving male fertility. Warm clothes at night also has a bad effect on testosterone, which is essential for boosting libido and other male sexual features.

There you go - a lot of valid scientifically proven reasons to drop those night suits and pajamas off - what is more, there is also a cost saving here!
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Fox Nuts (Makhana) - 12 Reasons Why You Should Eat Them!

Masters in Nutritional Therapy, Lifestyle & Weight Management, Sport Nutritions, graduation in Nutrition & Dietics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Fox Nuts (Makhana) - 12 Reasons Why You Should Eat Them!
When we think of a light evening snack, we often think of a packet of fried chips or Kurkure. However, it is time to think of something healthier, as we are already aware of the ill effects of these snacks all around us. This is where snacks like fox nuts are gaining popularity. Grown in the wetlands of Asian countries, they are also known as phool makhana (because of their flowery appearance) and lotus seeds.

They are a great snack and have multiple benefits. Read on to know about this wonderful, economical, tasty, and healthy dish.

They are low in calories, fat, and sodium. They are therefore the perfect in-between-meal snack. They also make you feel full, so further cravings for binge eating are reduced
Their low sodium and high potassium and magnesium content makes them very useful for people with high blood pressure
The high calcium content is good for bone and teeth health
Their sugar content is low, and so are highly useful for diabetics, who have the urge to eat at short intervals
The fox nuts have astringent properties and are useful for kidney ailments
People looking for weight loss should try makhana, as they are very low in calories but can fill the stomach. This helps control hunger pangs and intake of high-calorie foods
It is rich in fiber and so can be used in weight loss as well as for digestion problems like constipation
Fox nuts are rich in antioxidants and therefore useful in fighting ageing and chronic inflammation and stress in the body
In both men and women, makhana is believed to improve fertility rates. The sperm quality and quantity is believed to improve when makhana is consumed
Given its multiple benefits, especially calcium and iron, pregnant women are given makhana. It also helps prevent hypertension and diabetes in the pregnant mother
Fox nuts are believed to help get rid of insomnia
If addiction to coffee is your problem, try some fox nuts to get rid of the addiction
Methods of use:

The seeds are actually tasteless and so whether it is salt or sweet, they take on the added taste
Roast the seeds with a little ghee on a light flame. Sprinkle salt, and the yummy snack is good to go
Other spices like cinnamon or oregano can be added to suit one s taste
They can also be used in sweet dishes like kheer and other desserts
If you are looking for a super snack that is highly healthy, economical, and has little hazards on your health, grab a bowl of fox nuts.
15908 people found this helpful

Jeera Water - 8 Reasons Why You Must Drink It!

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bhopal
Jeera Water - 8 Reasons Why You Must Drink It!
Jeera or cumin can do more than add flavour to your food. For your health to benefit from jeera, boil a spoon of raw jeera with a cup of water and strain it. This tea can help resolve a number of health issues, skin and hair problems. This should ideally be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Some of the health benefits of jeera water are:

It aids digestion: A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, glucose and fats. It also enhances your metabolism and prevents diarrhoea, nausea and gaseousness among other indigestion problems.
It helps remove toxins: Jeera water is rich in antioxidants that can help flush toxins from the body and promote the healthy functioning of internal organs. This is especially beneficial for the liver.
It boosts immunity: Jeera is rich in iron, which helps the immune system function optimally. A glass of jeera water can account for up to 7% of the recommended daily iron intake. Vitamins A and C, which help protect the body against infections, are also found in jeera water.
It helps treat anaemia: The high levels of iron in jeera make it ideal for treating anaemic patients. Without adequate iron, the body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells and hence hamper circulation of oxygen-rich blood.
It improves the respiratory system: Jeera has anti-congestive properties. Hence, drinking a glass of jeera water can help dilute and discharge mucus in the chest. Its antiseptic properties also help kill microbes that cause colds and coughs.
It improves the quality of your sleep: Jeera water can help cure insomnia to a large degree. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, it can also ensure you have a better quality of sleep.
It improves memory: Jeera can help enhance ones brainpower. This helps sharpen your memory and increases your attention span.
It helps achieve clear skin: Jeera is full of fibre and free radical scavengers. This helps detoxify the body and helps make their elimination smoother. By fighting free radicals, jeera water helps keep the skin clear and adds a natural glow. This also makes jeera an effective way of treating acne. Jeera also has antioxidant properties that help prevent premature aging. Additionally, jeera water can soothe the skin and increase the skin s ability to absorb nutrients from food.
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Sleep Problems - How Homeopathy Can Help You Get Rid Of It?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor,
Sleep Problems - How Homeopathy Can Help You Get Rid Of It?
Sleep disorders are grouped into those conditions that alter the sleep wellness ability of an individual on a daily basis. Majorly, the people experience sleeping disorders because of increasing stress level, changing lifestyles, busy schedules, etc. However, this is a very rising and increasing problem as it alters our day to day functioning. Due to sleep disorders, the person feels difficulty in sleeping and remains tired for all day. Due to the lack of sleep, tiredness persists throughout the day and negatively influences energy, mood, concentration, and health.

Symptoms of sleep disorders
The symptoms of sleep disorders vary due to the severity of the problem as well as the type of sleep disorder. The common symptoms of sleep disorders include difficulty in sleeping on time, tiredness, anxiety, agitation, frustration, concentration problems, depression, and a strong need for relaxing in the daytime.

Causes of sleep disorders
Sometimes, medical illnesses such as common cold or flu or respiratory infection make the breathing process difficult and this may cause you difficulty in sleeping. The problem of urinating frequently disturbs the sleeping pattern. Hormonal influences and urinary tract infections may also cause a problem. Pervasive pain in certain body part also makes it difficult to sleep especially those patients who are suffering from arthritis, headaches, lower back pain, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. Those people who remain stressful and anxious could not able to sleep properly.

Types of sleeping disorders
There are several types of sleeping disorders which are mentioned below:

Insomnia refers to the inability to sleep and is the main cause of stress and anxiety these days. It can further be divided into three stages: Chronic, intermittent, and transient.
Sleep apnea which is mainly characterized by the breaks in breathing while sleeping
Parasomnia is a class of disorders in which a person behaves abnormally while sleeping such as sleepwalking, talking in sleep, nightmares, bedwetting, etc.
Restless leg syndrome in which constant movements of legs occur
Usually, a physical examination is performed and then medical history is taken. There could be various tests that can be performed such as polysomnography, electroencephalogram, genetic blood testing.


If a person is suffering from sleep disorders then it is the cause of great concern, however, homeopathy can be of immense help in handling such problems. A homoeopathic practitioner will study in detail as to why the problem is occurring in the first place i.e. what is the root cause of the problem. As, homeopathy believes in treating the actual reason behind the problem being faced and not just symptomatic relief. Lifestyle changes are also promoted such as maintaining a proper diet, regular exercising, and reduction of stress by following relaxation therapies, forming a sleeping schedule, etc.

The doctors recommend incorporating more vegetables and fish into your diet. Also, the caffeine intake should be limited especially at the time of late afternoon or evening. One should not do substance abuse and eat low carbohydrate meals at dinner.
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Ashwagandha - The Magical Herb!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Valsad
Ashwagandha - The Magical Herb!
Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs and is commonly known as the Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha can be loosely translated to mean the strength of ten horses . It can be used to treat a number of diseases, relieve stress and fatigue, helps heal injuries and may also be used as an aphrodisiac and can help prevent male infertility.

Ashwagandha helps rejuvenate the body: This herb not only calms a person down, but also restores the balance of their body. Hence, it is also known as rayasana or a herb that rejuvenates. Ashwagandha stimulates the immune system and boosts the production of white blood cells thereby, elevating levels of antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The effects of this herb on a person s nervous system and endocrine system can also harmonise the body, mind and spirit.
It increases positivity: Stress and anxiety can lead to negative thinking and ultimately to depression. By fighting stress Ashwagandha helps negate these problems and instead boosts positive thinking. It may also be used to treat depression itself.
It helps regenerate nerve cells: Along with diseases such as asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema and gynaecological disorders, Ashwagandha can also be used to treat neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson s disease or Alzheimer s. It helps regenerate nerve cells and dendrite growth and even improves communication between nerve cells. This stimulates the body s ability to heal any damage to the nervous system.
It enhances memory and treats insomnia: Ashwagandha is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies to treat insomnia. It not only helps you fall asleep faster but can also improve your sleep quality. A restful sleep increases a person s ability to concentrate and prevents drowsiness through the day. Ashwagandha also increases the levels of acetylcholine in the brain. This has a direct effect on boosting memory and elevating brain functioning and intelligence. Ashwagandha also increases the production of nitric oxide that helps regulate blood flow and blood pressure thus elevating the brain s oxygen levels.
It boosts libido: Ashwagandha helps optimise the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands and helps deal with both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Similarly, this Ayurvedic herb also benefits the adrenal glands and thus influences the overall mental and physical health of a person. The functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands have a direct effect on a person s sexual health and libido. Thus by enhancing the functioning of these glands, Ashwagandha improves sexual health and boosts libido. The nitric oxide produced by Ashwagandha also helps improve fertility.
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Calcium Deficiency - 3 Signs You are Suffering from it

General Physician, Delhi
Calcium Deficiency - 3 Signs You are Suffering from it
Calcium is known for its role in maintaining the bone health, from keeping your teeth stronger to normal functioning of the cells. But there are various factors, which lead to a deficiency of calcium in the human body and paves the way for several complications.

Here are the top three signs that indicate you are suffering from calcium deficiency.

Difficulty in sleeping: Sleep is essential for your bone health and calcium is directly associated with your sleep cycle. The level of calcium in your bones rises and falls when you are asleep and it reaches its peak when you are in deep slumber. This indicates that when you are unable to sleep properly, it is a warning sign of calcium deficiency. There are various researches that have confirmed, that by increasing the level of calcium, it is possible to restore the normal sleep cycle of an individual. This is also related to the role that calcium plays in the production of a sleep hormone called melatonin. When the calcium content in the body is really low, this hormone is not produced, thus, making it difficult for a person to sleep.
Difficulty in losing extra pounds: Yet another frustrating aspect of any individual s life is the inability to shed off excess pounds. This issue is also linked with the lack of calcium supply in the body. The calcium that s stored in the cells assists in the processing and storage of fat. So the fat cells with high calcium content burn faster, making you lose weight. Thus, if you have trouble losing weight in spite of having a well-regulated diet and regular workout, it s a sign that you are suffering from low calcium.
Paresthesia: Though this ailment is not much heard of, it could be a sign of calcium deficiency. Paresthesia is a nervous disorder, which causes tingling sensation, tremors, numbness and loss of sensitivity. It could also lead to poor concentration, amnesia, confusion, hearing impairment, twitches and other physical as well as neurological impairment. This is because low calcium in the blood is connected with the health of your nerves.
The deficiency of calcium can manifest itself in different intensity, ranging from the non-existent to minimal to severe levels. Chronic calcium deficiency can lead to life-threatening diseases like rickets, osteopenia, and even osteoporosis. Therefore, you shouldn t ignore these signs and consult an expert without delay.
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Ways To Snap Out Of Feeling Sleepy During The Day Time!

MD Physician
General Physician, Delhi
Ways To Snap Out Of Feeling Sleepy During The Day Time!
You know how it feels when you are in the middle of an important presentation or a meeting and just can't keep your eyes open. You will often come across people who feel sleepy and drowsy throughout the day. Have you ever wondered why do you feel sleepy all the time? There must be some factors or health conditions that trigger this drowsiness. The condition is a serious matter that requires a thorough investigation.

What causes the drowsiness throughout the day?

Sleep deprivation: One of the major and obvious reasons for feeling sleepy throughout the day can be a lack of sound sleep at night. The trigger could be insomnia or sleep apnea. You wake up feeling tired, sleepy and exhausted throughout the day.
Depression: Depression, stress (personal as well as professional), anxiety can leave you physically as well as mentally exhausted. As a result, throughout the day you will feel tired and sleepy.
Chronic Fatigue: This is a condition that can affect people even without them realizing it. A person with chronic fatigue will feel lethargic all the time. In addition to this, there will be muscular and joint ache, headache, lack of concentration. What is even worse, the exact trigger for this condition is not known.
You can also feel sleepy all the time due to certain disorders and medical conditions such as

Anemia: Anemia, often resulting from an iron or vitamin deficiency can leave you feeling tired. In anemia, the RBCs will be present in reduced amount. The RBC's are responsible for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the cells and tissues of the body. In the case of anemia, your hemoglobin level will be low causing weakness and drowsiness.
Diabetes: The harmful effects of diabetes are not new. In diabetes, especially type-2, the body is unable to use the glucose (the concentration shoots up in the blood). In the absence of glucose which is the major source of energy, you will feel sleepy and exhausted.
Thyroid problems: For your body to function properly, the thyroid hormones should be present in the recommended amount. Any deviation from the normal range can wreak havoc. In the case of the thyroid hormones produced below the normal range, medically termed as Hypothyroidism, the overall metabolic processes in the body slow down. As a result, you end up feeling drowsy and fatigued.
In some cases, dehydration and lack of physical activities can also make you sleepy all day.

How to deal with the situation?

Lethargy and drowsiness can be effectively managed if you know the underlying factors responsible for the condition. In addition to the medical assistance and treatments,

Follow a healthy sleep routine (Sleep early and wake up early). Make sure you sleep for 6-8 hours daily.
Keep your body well hydrated. Drink water and fluids at short intervals.
Maintain a healthy body weight.
Avoid getting over stressed. Meditate and exercise regularly without fail.
Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
10245 people found this helpful

Feeling Sleepy During The Day - Tips To Help You Deal With It!

Pathologist, Faridabad
Feeling Sleepy During The Day - Tips To Help You Deal With It!
You know how it feels when you are in the middle of an important presentation or a meeting and just can't keep your eyes open. You will often come across people who feel sleepy and drowsy throughout the day. Have you ever wondered why do you feel sleepy all the time? There must be some factors or health conditions that trigger this drowsiness. The condition is a serious matter that requires a thorough investigation.

What causes the drowsiness throughout the day?

Sleep deprivation: One of the major and obvious reasons for feeling sleepy throughout the day can be a lack of sound sleep at night. The trigger could be insomnia or sleep apnea. You wake up feeling tired, sleepy and exhausted throughout the day.
Depression: Depression, stress (personal as well as professional), anxiety can leave you physically as well as mentally exhausted. As a result, throughout the day you will feel tired and sleepy.
Chronic Fatigue: This is a condition that can affect people even without them realizing it. A person with chronic fatigue will feel lethargic all the time. In addition to this, there will be muscular and joint ache, headache, lack of concentration. What is even worse, the exact trigger for this condition is not known.
You can also feel sleepy all the time due to certain disorders and medical conditions such as

Anemia: Anemia, often resulting from an iron or vitamin deficiency can leave you feeling tired. In anemia, the RBCs will be present in reduced amount. The RBC's are responsible for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the cells and tissues of the body. In the case of anemia, your hemoglobin level will be low causing weakness and drowsiness.
Diabetes: The harmful effects of diabetes are not new. In diabetes, especially type-2, the body is unable to use the glucose (the concentration shoots up in the blood). In the absence of glucose which is the major source of energy, you will feel sleepy and exhausted.
Thyroid problems: For your body to function properly, the thyroid hormones should be present in the recommended amount. Any deviation from the normal range can wreak havoc. In the case of the thyroid hormones produced below the normal range, medically termed as Hypothyroidism, the overall metabolic processes in the body slow down. As a result, you end up feeling drowsy and fatigued.
In some cases, dehydration and lack of physical activities can also make you sleepy all day.

How to deal with the situation?

Lethargy and drowsiness can be effectively managed if you know the underlying factors responsible for the condition. In addition to the medical assistance and treatments,
Follow a healthy sleep routine (Sleep early and wake up early). Make sure you sleep for 6-8 hours daily.
Keep your body well hydrated. Drink water and fluids at short intervals.
Maintain a healthy body weight.
Avoid getting over stressed. Meditate and exercise regularly without fail.
Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
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Beer - How Much Is Safe?

General Physician, Bangalore
Beer - How Much Is Safe?
Can beer be a healthy drink? Despite the common myths surrounding alcohol consumption and the adverse effects that it has on a person in the long run, a controlled and well-balanced intake of beer is not as bad as it would seem.

Here are a few reasons proving that beer can be healthy for you if taken in the right amount and quantity.

In comparison to other alcoholic beverages, beer is relatively healthier for your kidneys. As a matter of fact, studies show that a bottle of beer can actually reduce the risk of acquiring kidney stones by up to 40%.
Fiber, as we all know, plays a vital role in digestion. The presence of up to one gram of soluble fiber in just a 30 ml glass of beer (dark beer, in particular) makes the beverage very beneficial for digestion.
Fiber present in beer can also help reduce the level of LDL cholesterol (a harmful proponent of cholesterol).
It has been proved that beer is a rich source of various B vitamins like vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.
The presence of both nicotinic acid and Lactoflavin in beer makes it an effective cure for insomnia.
Beer is also helpful in the prevention of blood clots.
The presence of high levels of silicon in beer is responsible for bestowing a stronger bone density.
Studies have concluded that beer can also reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack.
Unlike their non-drinking counterparts, beer drinkers are less vulnerable of experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Because of the presence of certain vitamins, beer has a ton healthy nourishing benefits for the skin.
Beer is also useful in fighting against stress.
What are the recommended safe limits of Beer?

Men should drink no more than 14 units of Beer per week, these units should be spread out through the week and they should have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
Women should drink no more than 14 units of Beer per week, these units should be spread out through the week and they should have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
Pregnant women or women trying to conceive should not drink alcohol at all. If they do choose to drink, to minimise the risk to the baby, they should not drink more than 1-2 units of beer once or twice a week and should not get drunk.
Despite the above people with increased Triglyceride, Uric Acid should be restricted for consumption of alcohol. People with fatty liver patient with other medication for hypertension, etc. also should refrain from drinking.
People with diabetes who drink should follow these alcohol consumption guidelines:

Do not drink more than two drinks of alcohol in a one-day period if you are a man, or one drink if you are a woman.
Drink beer only with food.
Drink slowly.
Avoid "sugary" mixed drinks, sweet wines, or cordials.
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Chronic Sleep Disoreder - 3 Ways It Impacts Sex Life

Sexual Health Clinic
Sexologist, Delhi
Chronic Sleep Disoreder - 3 Ways It Impacts Sex Life
Apart from affecting your memory, health and looks, sleep deprivation can lead to decreased sex function as well. People who have trouble sleeping have a difficult time coping with their relationships as with almost all aspects of their lives. Similarly, in the modern world of continuous work pressure and fast paced lifestyle, stress generally takes away all the energy required to enjoy a fulfilling sex life.

The following are some of the ways chronic sleep disorders and stress may affect your sex life:

1. Mood swings: Sleep disorders often lead to perpetual mood swings. It can make a person grumpy and quarrelsome. If you're sleep deprived, you may get very agitated even by minor stress. This can hurt interaction between you and your partner, leading to a disruptive relationship in the bedroom.

2. Anxiety: Increased levels of anxiety and stress attributed to lack of sleep can lead to loss of sexual function and even sexual disorders at times. Lack of sleep generally decreases your experience of positive emotions, which may lead to pessimism and subsequently lack of sexual interest.

3. Decreased social activity - Lack of sleep may decrease your likelihood of engaging in social interactions. People with sleep disorders usually avoid social engagements, as they believe it may disrupt their sleep patterns. They rearrange their sleeping patterns by avoiding social interactions, which leaves them with lesser opportunities to meet with people of the opposite sex, thereby affecting their sex lives.

So, what you should do?

1. Focus on getting rid of other stressful issues from your life: Common tensions of your daily life and everyday issues like the normal household chores, and your duties and responsibilities towards your family often leave you too exhausted to spend time with your partner. Moreover, getting preoccupied with social commitments also minimises the time available for just the two of you.

2. Go to sleep and wake up at roughly the same time everyday to tune your sleep cycle. Avoid waking up late into night as far as possible.

Avoid afternoon sleep or take only a nap.

Don't take heavy foods, big and late meals.

Eat at least 2-3 hrs before sleep.

Avoid coffee and tea in the night.

Don't get glued to the tv, computer, or mobile till sleep time. Shut them down 30 mins. before retiring to bed.

Read something calming, meditate, or listen to quiet music just before sleeping.

Regular workouts helps you get good sleep.

Avoid serious discussions, work or complex decisions 2-3 hrs before sleep. If any of them bother you much, jot them down on a paper. That will lighten your mind help you get better sleep.

If sexual problems and concerns make you sleepless, seek help from a sex counselor. If your sleep problems are due to work in shifts or night-only shifts, take the help of a specialist in sleep problems. This way you can overcome sexual problems arising out of sleep disturbances, and have an improved sex life.
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