Paracetamol is one of the most commonly consumed medicine to deal with minor pain, body ache, headache, fever etc. It can also be used for getting temporary relief from arthritis pain. This is readily available over the counter and can be obtained without a prescription. The dosage is available in the form of syrup, powder, solution, tablet, suspension, suppository etc.
Considerations to make bef...moreParacetamol is one of the most commonly consumed medicine to deal with minor pain, body ache, headache, fever etc. It can also be used for getting temporary relief from arthritis pain. This is readily available over the counter and can be obtained without a prescription. The dosage is available in the form of syrup, powder, solution, tablet, suspension, suppository etc.
Considerations to make before consuming paracetamol: The risk of the medicine must be considered before consuming it. The health care professional should be reported for any allergy related problems. For a person facing allergy, one should carefully read the label before consuming it. Interaction of 2 paracetamol can prove to be fatal sometimes. The dosage, therefore, of these medicines should be consulted with the doctor. This being said, there are certain medicines which act best when they are consumed together. The outcome of the effect is based on the disease one is facing. The effectivity of this medicine can get influenced if the patient has a history of abusing alcohol, suffered from liver and kidney diseases in the past etc.
Proper use of paracetamol: Paracetamol should be consumed with care. Prolonged consumption can damage the liver. The maximum dosage of this medicine should not exceed 3k milligrams in a day. This can be consumed before or after the consumption of food. Paracetamol in the form of syrup should be shaken well before use. There should be a minimum time span of 4-6 hours between two dosages of paracetamol. In the case of a missed dosage, the medicine should be taken as early as possible. It does not prove to be fatal in case a dosage is missed. Finally, it should be ensured that paracetamol is stored at room temperature and freezing is avoided.
Precautions: It is of utmost importance to check the progress of the patient in case one is consuming paracetamol. During the process of consuming paracetamol, symptoms such as dark urine, stomach ache, nausea, weakness etc should be immediately reported to the stomach. For patients suffering from diabetes, any drastic change in the blood sugar level due to the consumption of paracetamol should be immediately reported to the doctor.
Side effects: Certain rare side-effects of paracetamol include lower back pain, bruising, fever, cloudy urine, tarry stools, yellowish skin, bruising, skin rash, itching etc. Some common symptoms of overdosage of paracetamol include increased sweating, tenderness, swelling and pain in the lower abdomen area, vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, appetite loss, increased thrust etc. If any of these symptoms are faced during the consumption of paracetamol are reported, a healthcare professional should be immediately consulted to avoid any further complication. Frequent usage should also be avoided.
Measles refer to an infection caused by a virus of the same. It mainly affects the respiratory system and its onset is accompanied by high fever, runny nose, frequent coughing and itchy rashes all over the face. It is extremely contagious and spreads through saliva or even mucus. This infection has several symptoms. Some of them are-
1. Persistent coughing
Affecting the respiratory system, the o...moreMeasles refer to an infection caused by a virus of the same. It mainly affects the respiratory system and its onset is accompanied by high fever, runny nose, frequent coughing and itchy rashes all over the face. It is extremely contagious and spreads through saliva or even mucus. This infection has several symptoms. Some of them are-
1. Persistent coughing Affecting the respiratory system, the onset of measles can be identified by persistent and a nagging cough, one that refuses to recuperate.
2. Fever As discussed above, if you are infected by the measles virus, chances are very high that you will suffer from extremely high fever. It is often accompanied by chills.
3. Sore throat The throat forms an important part of the respiratory system and if it is infected, its repercussions can be felt in the throat. You will have extreme difficulty in eating or swallowing food when suffering from measles.
4. Small white spots develop inside the mouth Sometimes you may notice outbreak of small white spots in the interior of your mouth. In case you do, do not take it lightly. This is an important symptom of measles and you must consult a doctor immediately.
Notwithstanding the contagious nature of the infection, there are various treatments available in order to treat this infection. Some of them are-
1. Acetaminophen This is used to relieve one of fever as well as pain in the muscles.
2. Take rest Suffering from measles is an extremely uncomfortable situation and taking rest always helps. Your immune system, being infected by a virus is rattled and needs sufficient rest to recuperate.
3. Drink lots of water Nothing can be an alternative to water. Therefore when suffering from measles, drink as much water as you can. Try to drink at least six to seven glasses of water, a day in order to purge your system.
Mosquitoes might be tiny creatures but are responsible for some of the most dreadful diseases, one of them is malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted through mosquito bites directly or from mother to unborn baby and through blood transfusions. Very widely spread in the Asian and African continents, people travelling here are very cautious of this disease. In areas that are not...moreMosquitoes might be tiny creatures but are responsible for some of the most dreadful diseases, one of them is malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted through mosquito bites directly or from mother to unborn baby and through blood transfusions. Very widely spread in the Asian and African continents, people travelling here are very cautious of this disease. In areas that are notorious for mosquito infestations, the local people also take preventive measures to ensure mosquito breeding is prevented or at least minimised.
Spread of the disease: When a mosquito bites an infected person, it picks up the parasite from the person and when it next bites another person, the infection is also transmitted. From there, the parasite travels to the liver and into the bloodstream before reaching another individual. While all people are prone to getting the infection, elderly people, children, pregnant women, and immunocompromised people are at greater risk. Also, new travellers are at greater risk than local people, who are to some extent immune to mosquito bites.
Symptoms: The disease is characterised by moderate to severe shaking chills which are more common in the evening, high fever, profuse sweating, headache, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Quite often, there is about a 4-week gap between the time of the mosquito bite and the onset of symptoms. However, in many people, the disease could lie dormant and symptoms manifest when the immunity is severely lowered. With the gradual progression of the disease, more severe symptoms of malaria could evolve as below, and that is when malaria becomes life-threatening.
Cerebral malaria: Once the parasites enter the bloodstream, they can block the minor blood vessels in the brain leading to cerebral oedema and even brain damage. It could eventually result in coma. Anaemia: There is large-scale destruction of red blood cells, leading to severe anaemia and weakness and fatigue Breathing problems: Similarly, accumulation of fluid in the lung spaces can lead to pulmonary oedema which causes difficulty breathing and lung failure. Organ failure: Blood flow blockage to other vital organs like kidneys, liver, and spleen are also possible. The spleen may rupture leading to severe haemorrhage. Low blood sugar: The malarial parasite per se and the most commonly used medicine (quinine) are both known to cause low blood sugar levels. This can result in coma and even death. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment usually consists of chloroquine, Mefloquine, quinine sulfate, or hydroxychloroquine. There are various drug-resistant forms of malaria, and they may require combination therapy.
Prevention assumes greater significance with travellers going for vaccines prior to visiting these areas. Even the local people should find ways to avoid breeding of mosquitoes, use mosquito repellents and nets to avoid the infection.
How to prevent dengue fever
A painful, mosquito-borne disease, dengue (pronounced dengue) fever is on the rise. While in some cases, it has proved to be fatal, in most cases dengue is curable. There is no vaccination available to protect against this fever. So the best way to avoid is to take precautions.
Here are a few precautions you can take against dengue.
1. Avoid public spaces - avoid dens...moreHow to prevent dengue fever
A painful, mosquito-borne disease, dengue (pronounced dengue) fever is on the rise. While in some cases, it has proved to be fatal, in most cases dengue is curable. There is no vaccination available to protect against this fever. So the best way to avoid is to take precautions. Here are a few precautions you can take against dengue.
1. Avoid public spaces - avoid densely populated residential areas, as more the people, more the virus can spread. 2. Use insect protection - use mosquito repellents and nets when indoors. Use repellents when going outdoors; this is especially important for children playing outdoors. 3. Use air cooling - use the fan or the air-conditioning when indoors as the air-cooling drives the mosquitoes away. 4. Prevent entry - close all doors and windows tightly before sunset. Ensure there are no gaps for mosquitoes to come indoors. 5. Check for symptoms - if you have any of the symptoms, consult your doctor. It is advisable to keep yourself aware about the symptoms so one can react quickly if needed. Some of the symptoms are:
Severe headaches. Nausea. Vomiting. Sudden rise in body temperature. Mild bleeding in the gums or nose. Severe muscle and joint pain. Acute pain behind the eyes.
The one confusing part of dengue fever is that it can be mistaken for normal fever upon onset. However, it can develop to serious problem. People with a weak immune system and people who have had dengue before, are at the higher risks of contracting this again, and at a bigger scale.
The acronym for 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' is AIDS. In fact, it must be understood that AIDS is not a singular disease, but a syndrome, or rather a set of diseases. People suffering from AIDS suffer from an immensely compromised immune system that makes them vulnerable to a number of diseases. Once infected with HIV, it may take anywhere between 5-10 years to develop AIDS.
Some of the ...moreThe acronym for 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' is AIDS. In fact, it must be understood that AIDS is not a singular disease, but a syndrome, or rather a set of diseases. People suffering from AIDS suffer from an immensely compromised immune system that makes them vulnerable to a number of diseases. Once infected with HIV, it may take anywhere between 5-10 years to develop AIDS.
Some of the major symptoms of AIDS are:
Lethargy and fatigue Skin irritation Drastic loss of weight Loss of appetite Bronchial ailments- which often lead to end stage tuberculosis of the lungs Diarrhea, gastritis and dysentery Prolonged fever Sleeplessness and others How is AIDS treated by Ayurveda? Tonics, also known as Rasayanas in Ayurveda are administered for stimulating appetite and strengthening immunity. Once enough strength is regained, an elimination technique is administered by incorporating enemas, emesis and purgation in the treatment. This process is known as Sodhana and is carried out to eliminate toxins from the body.
Next the patient s blood is purified with appropriate herbal medications. Apart from this, AIDS patients are advised to perform regular exercise, yoga and pranayama.
It is almost winter now. Winter is called the season of cold, flu and infections. Changes of every season require the change in the diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda prescribes a distinctive lifestyle and recommendations to beat the cold. Using only natural ingredients, it offers an excellent treatment option for cold.
Ayurvedic View
In Ayurveda, common cold is called pratishyaya. In this condition, ...moreIt is almost winter now. Winter is called the season of cold, flu and infections. Changes of every season require the change in the diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda prescribes a distinctive lifestyle and recommendations to beat the cold. Using only natural ingredients, it offers an excellent treatment option for cold.
Ayurvedic View
In Ayurveda, common cold is called pratishyaya. In this condition, all the three doshas of your body are responsible. Cold occurring due to vata dosha is indicated by symptoms such as mucus discharge, a runny nose, and dry cough. In case of cold because of pitta dosha, a sore throat, blocked nose, and fever are indicated. People who get cold on account of kapha dosha experience headaches, heaviness in the head, and thick mucus discharge.
Ayurvedic Remedies
There are several Ayurvedic remedies for cold. They include the following:
Several natural herbs are used for treating cold according to Ayurvedic principles.
Cassia roots are effective for treating cold. The roots should be burned and the emitted smoke must be inhaled. As a result of this treatment, your mucous discharge increases rapidly, and totally stops after some time.
Bishop s weed is ideal for opening your clogged nasal passages. You need to tie the seeds of this plant in a cloth and directly inhale it. It helps in clearing congestion and deals with nasal blockages.
Cinnamon is effective in curing cold. Boil cinnamon with pepper and honey in water. Consuming this mixture helps in reducing a sore throat and prevents your cold from worsening.
Having antiseptic properties, cumin seeds are also used for treating cold and its symptoms. It helps with curing fever and throat irritations.
Dietary Changes:
You should fast a whole day after experiencing the various symptoms of cold. This fasting will help you with detoxifying your body and eliminating the toxins. You should choose a diet, which consists of steamed and boiled vegetables, vegetable soups and stews. Stay away from food items, which are difficult to digest, like oily, rich, and spicy foods, milk, and other dairy products. Consume hot food for giving relief to your cold symptoms.
The Lifestyle Recommendations:
The cold climate rips the natural moisture and oiliness from the hair and skin. So it is recommended to have a regular oil massage at least twice a week. Just heat some sesame oil and apply it all over body before taking bath. Also, winter may cause body aches. Oil massage relaxes the body and reduces pain.
Don t take bath in hot water, rather take a bath in warm water.
Do exercises regularly (don t strain yourself) during cold climate. In fact, winter is the best season to get back in shape. Even if you do some simple exercise for a few minutes, you can sweat out a lot and it keeps your body warm.
Ayurvedic Medicines:
You may opt for Bring Asava. This is a prescribed Ayurvedic medicine for cold, which should be taken regularly for a week.
A nasal drop named Anu Taila is effective in treating cold. This drop should be taken after mixing it with honey. It helps in reducing inflammation in your respiratory tract.
It is important for you to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting Ayurvedic treatment for cold on your own. A licensed doctor will be able to prescribe you the best solutions based on your condition and symptoms.
Ghee is commonly referred to as clarified butter, is a traditional dietary source of fat which is used in Indian cooking. It can be easily made at home by heating butter till it boils, yielding ghee. Refined oils are the vegetable oils like mustard, safflower, canola and the rest which are really popular these days as cooking mediums. These are the products of a chemical treatment to get rid of th...moreGhee is commonly referred to as clarified butter, is a traditional dietary source of fat which is used in Indian cooking. It can be easily made at home by heating butter till it boils, yielding ghee. Refined oils are the vegetable oils like mustard, safflower, canola and the rest which are really popular these days as cooking mediums. These are the products of a chemical treatment to get rid of the strong odour and taste, as well as toxins present in the original oil.
Like, unrefined mustard oil has a characteristic pungent odour and taste and a yellow colour, but refined Mustard oil loses all of these when it s refined. Refined mustard oil has a whitish colour and no rancid mustard taste. We shall take a look at the health benefits or the absence thereof of both- clarified butter and refined oils, followed by the final verdict on which one is better for you in the end.
Clarified butter or Ghee Why is ghee good for you?
It is better tolerated by those with dairy sensitivities as it s very low in casein the main protein found in milk and has nil to minimal amounts of lactose, making it better tolerated by those with dairy intolerances. Ghee is also rich in butyrate, a short chain fatty acid which can decrease inflammation and help improve the digestive system. Ghee tastes yummy and It can be eaten on its own as it tastes nutty and wholesome. This makes it ideal for adding as topping for foods like rice, veggies and bread. Ghee is rich in fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K. Just one tablespoon of ghee can provide around 15 percent of your daily requirements of vitamin A. Ghee has one of the highest contents of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA has been shown to improve insulin resistance and potentially fighting cancer in studies. Ghee can be stored easily at room temperature and doesn t need to be refrigerated. Why is ghee bad for you?
Ghee has high saturated fat content so it s bad for the weight-watchers. Eat in moderation is the mantra. Ghee s not good for weight-loss also due to its high- calorie content. Refined Oils
Refined oils are the purified vegetable oils. The vegetable oils are purified with chemicals to remove suspended particles, toxic substances, flavour components, as well as colour and odour, leaving behind clear and bland oil. The refined oils have lesser toxins which may be found in a few vegetable oils but they are full of chemicals according to experts, as they are obtained after treating natural oils with various chemicals to meet your expectations. Refined oils are the equivalent of processed foods if you will. And like fast foods they can be harmful to the digestive and respiratory systems. Refined oils have also been linked to cancer, diabetes, heart and kidney ailments, among others. A chemical nickel is used in the refining of vegetable oils. And it s this element which is implicated for the adverse effects on the respiratory system, liver, and skin. It also acts as a carcinogen. The positives of refined oils are that they have a higher smoke point. This means the temperature at which they start to smoke when heated is higher. Beyond the smoke point, an oil breaks down. So, refined oils can be used for deep frying because they don t break-down at lower temperatures.
Well it is certainly clear that Ghee is healthier than refined oils. Use ghee in moderation though, because it has lots of fats and calories.
Anyone who tells you that blood in your semen or Haemospermia is normal, he/she is wrong. No, it is not normal. In fact, blood coming out of any part of your body can in no way be normal. We often hear some patients say that the doctors they have consulted before, about this very crucial problem, regarded it as not serious. Neglecting blood in your semen is a very bad idea. It will not go away wit...moreAnyone who tells you that blood in your semen or Haemospermia is normal, he/she is wrong. No, it is not normal. In fact, blood coming out of any part of your body can in no way be normal. We often hear some patients say that the doctors they have consulted before, about this very crucial problem, regarded it as not serious. Neglecting blood in your semen is a very bad idea. It will not go away without proper treatment. On the other hand, addressing it at the earliest will help cure the problem completely.
Here is where the role of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Medical Experts becomes extremely important. Causes of Blood in Semen: What is causing you Haemospermia or as per Ayurveda, dooshita shukra? Here are a few causes that are influencing the condition-
Inflammation and infections: Inflammations and infections cause the most common threat to your semen. Infection in any of the tubes, ducts or glands, such as Prostate, Urethra, Seminal Vesicles, Vas Deferens and Epididymis, etc. can become the cause of blood in semen. Sexually transmitted infection: Other bacterial infections along with sexually transmitted infections, such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea are also potent threats to your semen. 40% of the times, it is these kinds of infections that lead to blood in your semen. Forced sexual activity: Though not much discussed, any forced sexual activity might also influence the condition. This kind of activity irritates the pubic region and can also form the cause of genital tract infection, leading to blood in your semen. A recent medical procedure: One of the most common occurrences of blood in the semen is noticed post a medical procedure. Examples of medical procedures that lead to blood in semen include prostate biopsy, any urinary treatment, etc. These treatments cause temporary trauma to the semen for a short span of time, leading to ejaculation of blood along with it. Other major causes that can influence the accompaniment of blood with your semen are internal obstructions, Polyps or Tumours, Blood Vessel Problems, etc. Ayurveda is an effective treatment for Haemospermia. There are some ancillary effects of blood in the semen. Some of these effects include
Burning sensation while urinating, Pain in the lower back, Painful ejaculation, Fever Tenderness of the area around the groin, Swelling of the testes, Tenderness of the scrotum, etc. All these side-effects can be dealt with while addressing the main issue of blood in the semen, with the help of proper Ayurvedic treatment and diet. Apart from practicing pranayama (shitkari/shitali) as a part of your Ayurvedic treatment, it is also important to consult an expert and get yourself diagnosed. This will help you find the best Ayurvedic herbs for your aid. You can also opt for the very famous and much trusted male infertility - complete sperm care package.
Consult an Ayurvedic expert or get a health package today to be benefitted by the most advanced of Ayurvedic treatments.
Sweating during warm weather is very common, but if a person wakes up from bed soaked in sweat, it is not a pleasant feeling. It does not allow for a sound sleep, and may not always be related to warm weather.
There is no serious underlying medical issue, but it is always advisable to see a doctor to get this corrected. The following are some common reasons that could lead to night sweats.
Menop...moreSweating during warm weather is very common, but if a person wakes up from bed soaked in sweat, it is not a pleasant feeling. It does not allow for a sound sleep, and may not always be related to warm weather.
There is no serious underlying medical issue, but it is always advisable to see a doctor to get this corrected. The following are some common reasons that could lead to night sweats.
Menopause: The hot flashes that are so popularly associated with menopause is one of the main reasons for night sweats. The presenting factors (woman, age and other symptoms) should help arrive at this diagnosis. Hormonal levels can be checked to confirm if required. Even puberty and pregnancy can cause night sweats, due to hormonal level alterations. Infections: Most infections present with fever and night sweats are very common. Tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, influenza and even HIV can cause night sweats and hamper a person s sleep. Most infections cause an increase in temperature, which is worse at night. Obstructive sleep apnea: The walls of the windpipe get narrowed, and the person might have short periods where the breathing just stops. These people are three times more likely to develop night sweats. Hypoglycemia: One of the most common symptoms of low blood sugar is night sweat. When the sugar drop happens during the time the person is sleeping, it is very common for the person to wake up soaked in sweat. Cancer: For some cancers, night sweats are one of the first warning signs. These cancers include lymphoma, and presence of symptoms like unexplained weight loss, fatigue, etc. should be addressed to rule out the possibility of cancer. Side effect of medications: Antidepressants, psychiatric drugs, anti-pyretic drugs, anti-virals, steroids, anti-diabetic medications, hormones, etc. can lead to night sweats. Suspected cases of night sweats should have their medications reviewed to see if any drug is causing the night sweats. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease: GERD, as it is popularly known, can cause night sweats in addition to heartburn. They would also have other symptoms of indigestion, which will help in identifying the problem. Neurologic disorders: Stroke, neuropathy and anxiety disorders can cause night sweats and would require psychotherapy in addition to medications. Idiopathic: And despite all these possible reasons, if there is no identifiable reason, it is known as idiopathic hyperhidrosis (increased sweating). The person produces too much sweat without any known underlying cause and can even wake up at night soaked in sweat. Management: Identifying the underlying cause is the first step in treatment. It may require hormonal corrections, changing or withdrawing the causative medications, treating associated conditions, etc., as the case may be.
The trouble with recovering from most illnesses is that we begin to treat the illness too late. Although you cannot expect your body to announce the arrival of a virus, recognizing the signs of falling sick can help treat it earlier. For example, if you can't stop sneezing and can feel the onset of the flu, getting some extra sleep may make you feel better. Here are a few signs that can predict an...moreThe trouble with recovering from most illnesses is that we begin to treat the illness too late. Although you cannot expect your body to announce the arrival of a virus, recognizing the signs of falling sick can help treat it earlier. For example, if you can't stop sneezing and can feel the onset of the flu, getting some extra sleep may make you feel better. Here are a few signs that can predict an illness
Reduced appetite - A slight decrease in appetite during the summer is normal but if the sight of food makes you nauseous or you stop enjoying your food, it may be a sign of an oncoming illness. These illnesses could range from a simple cold to gastroenteritis or strep throat. A diminishing diet can be a result of the production of cytokines by the body as part of its inflammatory response to infections. Lesser food takes lesser time to digest thereby using lesser calories and diverting energy towards fighting the infection. Swollen neck glands - Feel your neck glands, just below the jawbone to check for infections. Swollen neck glands are the body's way of letting you know that you may be falling ill. These are usually a sign of ear infections, cold, dental problems or skin infections. Neck glands are storehouses for white blood cells. When these are activated into fighting infections, the collection of dead cells, bacteria etc result in swollen neck glands. Fatigue - There's a difference between being tired at the end of a long day and being exhausted throughout the day. The latter is a way your body is telling you to slow down and conserve energy to fight an oncoming illness. Muscle aches - Aching muscles can also be a sign of the oncoming flu. One of the main reasons for this is the body's production of antibodies that release histamines and cytokines in the bloodstream. When these travel to various muscles, they can trigger pain receptors leading to body aches. Low fever - The ideal body temperature is 98.7 degrees. If you have a higher temperature that persists for a few days, you may be coming down with an infection. Fever is your body's way of fighting infection by raising its internal temperature. A low fever is a sign of colds, allergies, and even stomach infections. There is a fine line between being a hypochondriac and recognizing signs of falling sick. To differentiate between the two, pay attention to the type, duration, and intensity of symptoms. If you feel like you're on the verge of falling sick, rest your body and take some multivitamins. If you experience a sudden or severe change in symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.