Top Health Tips on Treating Anemia

Green Tea - How Having it Right after Your Meal Affects You?

B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
Green Tea - How Having it Right after Your Meal Affects You?
Caffeine is said to be good for the body if it is consumed in limited quantity. It is also to be kept in mind that the form in which it is consumed is also important, and green tea is said to be very good. But what about having green tea very soon after a meal is finished?

There are a lot of health benefits of green tea and as a drink, it has a reputation for being a wonder drink, and quite rightly so, it is to be kept in mind that having the right time to drink green tea is a must. You must avoid consuming just after the meal as there are chemicals, which exist in green tea which are known as phenols. What happens with these phenols if the green tea is taken not long after a meal, is that they can interfere with the absorption of the iron present in the food.

In addition to not drinking green tea at mealtime, or post mealtime, it is perhaps also a good idea to stay away from drinking it when milk and items which are made from milk such as cheese are being consumed. There is a reason why this is the case is that the proteins which exist in milk do not let green tea have its normal effect on the metabolism of the person i.e. raising the metabolism and making the challenge of losing weight a bit easier.

If it is still the case that drinking green tea with or after a meal is a habit, which has no chance at all of being shaken off, then what can be done is that the meals should be changed to an extent to contain a greater amount of iron-rich food. This will go some way in counteracting the effect the phenols have. Apart from just iron-rich food, food that is rich in vitamin C is also to be consumed.

However, that being said, people who are anyway deficient in iron are better off steering clear of green tea consumed after a meal. Instead, what they can do if have it between meals and also at the start of a day. What this will accomplish is that all the benefits of the green tea can be imbibed by the body and none of the nutrition value of the food is lost either. Furthermore, green tea drunk between meals can also reduce the appetite and help weight loss. What could be better? If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a doctor.

Related Content: Auric mind rejuvenation drink, the magical beverage that calm and energises the mind.

There are a lot of health benefits of green tea and as a drink, it has a reputation for being a wonder drink, and quite rightly so, it is to be kept in mind that having the right time to take green tea is a must. You must avoid consuming just after the meal as there are chemicals, which exist in green tea which are known as phenols. What happens with these phenols if the green tea is taken not long after a meal, is that they can interfere with the absorption of the iron present in the food.
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Haemoglobin - Foods That Improve It!

MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS
Internal Medicine Specialist, Mumbai
Haemoglobin - Foods That Improve It!
Haemoglobin is a protein rich in iron and is found in red blood cells. The main function of haemoglobin is to carry oxygen throughout the body. In other words, it carries oxygen from the lungs to the other parts of the body so that the cells can carry on with their basic functions. It also carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs from those cells so that this gas can be exhaled.

Haemoglobin is important for maintaining a healthy life. The normal levels of haemoglobin in human body include:
14-18g/dl for adult men
12-16g/dl for adult women

Foods that improve haemoglobin

Consume iron-rich food products: According to National Anaemia Action Council, lack of iron is the most common cause behind low haemoglobin levels. To improve iron content in your blood, you can take asparagus, tofu, almonds, oysters, fortified breakfast cereals, liver, red meat, shrimp, spinach, dates and lentils. However, consult your doctor for the right intake, as too much consumption of iron may be harmful for your health.
Improve your vitamin C intake: Absorption of iron is improved if vitamin C is taken in adequate quantities. Lemon, tomatoes, papaya, oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, grapefruit, etc. are some of the fruits that are rich in vitamin C. In fact, if there is a deficiency of vitamin C in our blood, haemoglobin levels go down. You may also take vitamin supplements to improve haemoglobin in your body, but consult a doctor first.
Focus on food items rich in folic acid: This acid is basically vitamin B complex, which is required to make red blood cells. Food products that are rich in folic acid include rice, liver, breakfast cereals, sprouts, dried beans, wheat germ, peanuts etc. A diet comprising 200-400 milligrams of foliates is enough to supplement your Vitamin B needs.
Include beetroot as a part of your diet: Rich in iron, folic acid, fibres and potassium, beetroot helps in augmenting haemoglobin levels. Drinking beetroot juice daily increases the iron content in your red blood cells.
Have apples: They are rich in iron and if you have an apple daily, then your haemoglobin level will improve significantly. If possible, take a green apple with its skin. Apple juice mixed with beetroot juice has a marked effect on haemoglobin levels. You can also add some ginger or lemon juice to this mixture and have the concoction twice a day.
Eat blackstrap molasses: This food is rich in iron, vitamin, folic acid etc. and improves the haemoglobin level in your blood. Take 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar each, mix them in a cup of water and drink this concoction once a day.
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Beetroot (Chukundar) - 7 Reasons Why You Must Eat Them!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Fazilka
Beetroot (Chukundar) - 7 Reasons Why You Must Eat Them!
It s been long known about the numerous health benefits of beetroot. Surprisingly though, beetroot has some not-so-known qualities such as increasing stamina, removing skin blemishes and increasing the glow of the face. Apart from this, it can fetch benefits to the skin, hair and the overall health. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of beetroot consumption in vivid detail.

Reduces the impact of aging: Beetroot being a great antioxidant successfully blocks free radicals and helps to fight the symptoms of aging. All it requires is a medium slice beetroot. The juice should be extracted from it and the pulp needs to be removed. The juice then could be applied to the face using cotton balls. Applying this simple solution once in a week can fetch dramatic results.
Reduces blemish and pigmentation: Beetroot is one of the few vegetables that have a large amount of vitamin C embedded in it. It helps the skin to retain its original color, reduces blemishes and pigmentation. 3-4 cubes of beetroot serving twice a week should do the trick.
Hair loss: Beetroot is a great source of food to stay away from hair loss. Being a good source of potassium, beetroot can prevent hair loss and enhance hair growth. A weekly serving of 3-4 cube of beetroot over a span of few months will show visible results.
Improves liver function: Beetroot contains glutathione that is known to be a great agent for the liver. It acts as a detox diet and helps in functioning of the liver. This liver, in turn, helps the body to detox. Beetroot also helps in the regeneration of cells of the liver.
Boost hemoglobin: Beetroot is an excellent source of iron and folate. These are the nutrients that are required for the body to maintain an adequate amount of hemoglobin in the body. A deficiency in the hemoglobin level can lead to anemia. Regular consumption of beetroot can ensure that a person refrains from deadly diseases such as anemia.
Fight inflammation: Some typical symptoms of inflammation include infection, trauma etc. This is a sign of the immune system not acting efficiently against sudden panic. Some typical symptoms include pain, redness, swelling etc. Beetroot in known to have a super-efficient anti-inflammatory response. Injection of beetroot is often suggested by medical practitioners.
Cancer prevention: Beetroot can elevate the level of oxygen in the blood. Since cancer cells are acidic in nature, beetroot can successfully neutralize them due to its alkaline nature. Owing to this anti-cancer properties, oncologists often suggests the intake of beetroot juice on a regular basis to patients suffering from liver, rectal, colon and various other types of cancer. 2 glasses of beetroot juice are often recommended for cancer patients.
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Top 6 Foods To Improve Haemoglobin!

MD - Internal Medicine, FUPDA, FICP, FIACM, FDI
Internal Medicine Specialist, Faizabad
Top 6 Foods To Improve Haemoglobin!
India is facing an alarming health issue as over 51% of women of reproductive age i.e. 15 to 49 years are anaemic as per the recent Global Nutrition Report 2017. Previously, in the year 2015-16 fourth National Family Health Survey also revealed a similar number of 53%. In response to this, the Govt. has decided to put in place dedicated strategies to make India anaemia free.

Haemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that is found in the red blood cells. Its most important function is to carry oxygen throughout the body so that the cells can carry on with their basic functions. It also carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs from those cells so that the gas can be exhaled. The production of haemoglobin is essential for your body, and iron and vitamins B12, B9, and C play an indispensable role in its production. It is important to have a proper diet in order to maintain an optimum level of haemoglobin.

Haemoglobin is important for maintaining a healthy life. The normal level of haemoglobin in the human body is:
14-18g/dl for adult men
12-16g/dl for adult women

So what should you do to improve the level of haemoglobin in your body:

Consume iron-rich food products: According to National Anaemia Action Council, lack of iron is the most common cause of low haemoglobin level in the body. To improve iron content in your blood, you can eat foods like asparagus, tofu, almonds, oysters, fortified breakfast cereals, liver, red meat, shrimp, spinach, dates and lentils. However, consult your doctor for the right intake, as overconsumption of iron can also be harmful to your health.
Improve your vitamin C intake: Absorption of iron is improved if vitamin C is taken in adequate quantities. Lemon, tomatoes, papaya, oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, grapefruit, etc. are some of the fruits that are rich in vitamin C. In fact, if there is a deficiency of vitamin C in our blood, level of haemoglobin can go down. You may also take vitamin supplements to improve haemoglobin in your body, but always consult a doctor first.
Focus on food items rich in folic acid: This acid is basically vitamin B complex, which is required to make red blood cells. Food products that are rich in folic acid include rice, liver, breakfast cereals, sprouts, dried beans, wheat germ, peanuts, etc. A diet comprising 200-400 milligrams of foliates is enough to supplement your Vitamin B needs.
Include beetroot in your daily diet: Rich in iron, folic acid, fiber and potassium, beetroot helps in augmenting haemoglobin levels. Drinking beetroot juice daily increases the iron content in your red blood cells.
Have apples: They are rich in iron and if you eat an apple daily, then your haemoglobin level will improve significantly. If possible, eat a green apple with its skin. Also, apple juice mixed with beetroot juice is known to have marked effect on haemoglobin level. You can also add some ginger or lemon juice to this mixture and can consume the concoction twice a day.
Eat blackstrap molasses: This food is rich in iron, vitamin, folic acid, etc. and improves the level of haemoglobin in your blood. Take 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar each, mix them in a cup of water and drink this concoction once a day.
Maintaining your haemoglobin level is indispensable to your health, and a deficiency can have adverse outcomes. So, it is important to include adequate amounts of iron, vitamins C, vitamins B12 and folate in your routine diet in order to stay healthy.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Cerebral Ischaemia And Cerebral Congestion - Homoeopathic Treatment For It!

BHMS, VLIR Belgium, Canadian Academy Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Cerebral Ischaemia And Cerebral Congestion - Homoeopathic Treatment For It!
Cerebral ischaemia or brain ischemia is a medical condition that restricts the flow of blood to the brain, resulting in an unmet metabolic demand. This leads to limited oxygen supply in the brain, which could result in death of brain tissues, cerebral infarction or an ischemic stroke. Thus, a cardiorespiratory arrest, a stroke, and irreversible brain damage are few possible consequences of cerebral ischaemia.

People with compressed blood vessels, low blood pressure, congenital heart defects or sickle cell anaemia have a high risk of developing cerebral ischaemia, since compressed blood vessels or very low pressure can lead to restricted blood flow. Also, sickle-shaped cells have a greater tendency to clot, causing obstructed blood flow.

Patients with cerebral ischaemia experience a host of symptoms, such as weakness in the body, problems in coordination and movement, vision and speech impairment and unconsciousness.

Cerebral congestion, on the other hand, refers to excessive quantity of blood in the brain vessels, causing pressure on the cerebral substance. Cerebral congestion is of two types. It is termed as active when there is too much arterial blood flow and passive when there is undue quantity of venous blood in the veins of the brain. Both conditions cause symptoms, such as severe headache, insomnia, irritability and unconsciousness. The patient gets little sleep and is disturbed, often followed by dreams. When awake, the patient s mental activity in the brain is very high.

Homeopathy is now a well-established school of medicine backed with years of research and practice. Gone are the days when homeopathy was considered no more than an extension of herbal home remedies. Homeopathic laboratories around the world produce large number of medicines covering almost all ailments. The benefits of homeopathic treatment are now well established due to its holistic approach and minimal side effects. Homeopathy is undoubtedly a ray of hope for patients with cerebral ischaemia and cerebral congestion, as it delivers a comprehensive treatment plan designed to target the signs and symptoms of the disease and address its non-occurrence.

The medications deal with mild to severe symptoms, including inflammation of the brain, headache, vomiting, insomnia, stroke/convulsions and seizures. The stramonium drug, for example, deals with seizures. Belladonna is an effective remedy for sharp shooting headaches, a common symptom of cerebral congestion. Ferrum is believed to be a valuable remedy for brain ischaemia. Few drugs deal with the symptoms of both ischaemia and congestion nux is a suitable drug for the treatment of ischaemia as well as for passive cerebral congestion. Similarly, phosphorus can be used to treat brain ischaemia and congestion. Zincum metallicum is a highly recommended drug for chronic cases of ischaemia.

The treatment is comprehensive and long term and shows substantive results. Regular follow-ups and consultation with a homeopath specialist is the key to an effective treatment.
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Can Iron Deficiency Anemia Be Cured?

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Can Iron Deficiency Anemia Be Cured?
Anemia is a condition where the red blood cell count is reduced due to deficiencies within the system. This is usually caused by a lack of iron, folate and other related nutrients in the diet. Anemia is a major public health concern in India as over 50 percent of women are known to be anemic. This pushes up the mortality rate of young mothers and even children.

Some symptoms of Iron deficiency anemia
Anemia has a wide range of symptoms which varies from person to person. However there are some generic symptoms which can be noticed in most people. Some of these are
1. Pale appearance of skin - Many people exhibit this symptom where their skin appears to be pale as there is a reduced amount of oxy - hemoglobin in the skin.
2. Physical weakness, light headedness and fatigue - This is a general symptom, which many tend to suffer from and complain about. Fatigue and weakness may come in very quickly even with the slightest effort.
3. Hair loss - Many women may complain about hair loss due to Iron deficiency anemia.

Some other symptoms are -
a. Breathlessness
b. Constipation
c. Missed or irregular periods
d. Numbness or burning sensations
e. Depression
f. Tinnitus among others

Causes of Iron deficiency anemia
The primary cause of Iron deficiency anemia is the lack of iron in the diet which causes the hemoglobin in the blood to be reduced. Some of the patients may still have Iron deficiencyanemia as they have developed gastrointestinal disorders which prevents the absorption of nutrients like iron within the body.

How to treat Iron deficiency anemia

Diet related anemia can be easily cured or controlled with changing diets. Inclusion of certain foods within the diet can easily reverse the Iron deficiencies. Some of the food items that help with deficiencies are:
1. Fortified cereals
2. Green dark leafy vegetables
3. Poultry items
4. Eggs
5. Meat
You may also require certain iron supplements if you have certain underlying conditions which is causing issues with iron absorption.

How to prevent Iron deficiency anemia

It is important, especially for women to go for regular checkups to your doctor and also a hemoglobin check up. Your doctor or dietician can tell you to include certain foods in your diet that include folate, iron and vitamin B 12 so that the level of hemoglobin in your blood can be maintained at healthy levels.
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Iron Deficiency - 7 Signs to Help You Spot it!

BHOM, MD - Alternate Medicine, Diploma in Weight Loss, Diploma in Nutrition, DNHE
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Iron Deficiency - 7 Signs to Help You Spot it!
As per the latest statistics published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 9% women suffer from a deficiency of iron. Though the proportion is relatively low, iron deficiency can lead to various diseases, which can be very difficult to cure. So, look out for these telltale signs of iron deficiency and check whether you suffer from any of them.

Fatigue: Your internal system uses iron for the production of haemoglobin, which is a component in the red blood cells, responsible for carrying oxygen to all parts of the body. So when the iron content is low, there is not enough haemoglobin production and all organ do not receive oxygen in the required quantities. This is bound to make you feel tired at most times.
Inability to focus: People with iron deficiency often suffer from alteration in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. This can lead to decreased functionality and focusing abilities. This may also lead to the development of apathy towards all things, including family, friends, books, music or anything that you loved and enjoyed doing.
Breathlessness: Without a proper supply of iron, there could be an oxygen crunch in the body, compelling you to feel breathless. This may happen anytime when you are working out or walking or reading a book.
Paleness: Do you think your skin has lost lustre and become pale in the last few days? That s definitely not a good sign and may be a symptom of decreased flow of blood and reduction in the RBC count.
Trouble doing your daily chores: Low levels of iron in the body can cause your endurance level to suffer. Thus, you may find it difficult to run up the stairs or catch a vehicle or swim for a while.
Soreness of muscles: Even if you could push yourself to reach the gym, you would experience the burns last longer than normal. Lack of right amount of iron prevents your muscles to recover at the right pace. As a result, you are likely to suffer from aches in the muscles.
Brittle nails: If there is a recent a development of spoon shaped or concave depression in the nails, it could be a sign of possible deficiency of iron.
Often people tend to ignore the warning signs that the body gives to inform about the problem that s cropping up. But you can t take chances with your health and so, check for these signs without any delay.
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Anemia - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Of It!

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Anemia - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Of It!
What is anemia?

Anemia is due to lack of haemoglobin in the blood which is below the normal level or due to less than normal levels of red blood cells in blood.

The haemoglobin helps carry oxygen in blood. Lack of haemoglobin thus causes deficiency of life giving oxygen to vital organs. (1-4)

Types of anemia

There are various causes of anemia. It could be due to:

Decreased production of RBCs in blood
Increased blood loss OR
Excessive destruction of RBCs
Causes of anemia
Anemia most commonly occurs due to nutritional problems. This includes lack of iron in the diet.
Iron deficiency is the commonest form of anemia.
In the United States 7% of toddlers ages 1 to 2 years old and 9-16% of menstruating women suffer from iron deficiency.
The poorer nations 30-70% of the people have iron deficiency anemia.
Iron and anemia

Since iron is needed for the manufacture of haemoglobin in the body its deficiency can lead to anemia.
Iron is found in meat, dried fruit and some vegetables.
Lack of iron may be caused due to bleeding especially in stomach ulcers or within the intestines.
Women before menopause commonly suffer from iron deficiency anemia due to heavy periods and increased demands during pregnancy.
Vitamins and anemia

Certain vitamins like vitamin B12 and folic acid or folate are also essential in the normal production of RBCs in blood. Their lack in diet may lead to anemia.
Both vitamin B12 deficiency and folate deficiency are more common in older people, affecting around 1 in 10 people above the age of 75.
There is an inherited condition called Pernicious anemia where patients find it difficult to use the vitamin B 12 in diet for production of healthy RBCs. This is a rare condition and affects 1 in 10,000 people in northern Europe.
Other causes of anemia

Increased blood loss due to surgery or major trauma may lead to anemia.
Excessive destruction of RBCs may occur due to certain conditions called haemolytic anemias. These are often inherited and include Sickle cell anemia, Thalassemia etc. Anemia can also occur in severe infections, cancers and due to exposure to a drug or toxin.
For example, the RBCs are made in bone marrow. If there is cancer in the marrows a shortage of good red blood cells results. This is called aplastic anaemia and may also occur with blood cancers like leukaemia.

Anemia signs and symptoms vary depending on the cause of your anemia. They may include:

Pale or yellowish skin
Irregular heartbeats
Shortness of breath
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Chest pain
Cold hands and feet
At first anemia can be so mild that it goes unnoticed. But symptoms worsen as anemia worsens.

Treatment of anemia

Treatment depends on the cause of the anaemia. If the anaemia is due to a lack of iron, eating iron-rich food or iron supplements may be given. If, however, the cause of anemia is deeper like internal bleeding or cancers, the cause should be explored before treatment. When the anaemia is more severe, a blood transfusion may be prescribed.
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7 Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Karela (Bitter Gourd) Today!

BSC, Diploma in Diet & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
7 Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Karela (Bitter Gourd) Today!
Though it is bitter to taste, karela (bitter gourd) is packed with essential nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, folate, zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and has high dietary fibre. Karela is extremely rich in iron and contains twice the calcium of spinach, twice the beta-carotene of broccoli, and twice the potassium of a banana.

Drinking raw karela juice provides excellent medicinal benefits. It works as a tonic for diabetes and asthma patients. Read on to know some of the health benefits of this wonder gourd.

Weight management: Per 100 grams of this fruit contains just about 20 calories, and is one of the best low-calorie foods. Coupled with its other benefits, this should find its way to anyone wanting to improve overall health.
Diabetes: Karela has the chemical polypeptide-P, also known as plant insulin, actually helps in blood sugar control. It works as an insulin for diabetics. A glass of bitter gourd juice is one of the most well-known and successful remedies for diabetics.
Rich in folate: Bitter gourd is rich in folates and one can get up to 20% of the recommended daily from about 100 grams of this fruit. Karela is widely consumed by pregnant and menstruating women to prevent anemia and to keep blood iron levels in control. In pregnancy, it helps in reducing neural tube defects in the developing embryo.
Loaded with antioxidants: Alpha and beta-carotenes, xanthenes, and lutein - all these help in controlling the release of free radicals from the body and in reducing bodily inflammation. This is the most important reason for the development of diseases like diabetes, cancer, and premature ageing and bitter gourd helps in preventing or prolonging the onset of such diseases. Another independent antioxidant is vitamin C, and about 100 grams of karela provide more than 100% of the daily required dose.
Good for digestion: Bitter gourd is widely used for its digestive properties. It improves mobility, relieves constipation, and reduces problems of indigestion.
Good for the respiratory system: Bitter gourd juice is the best for treating your respiratory problems. Its juice is the best remedy for curing respiratory issues like cold, cough, and even asthma.
Blood purifier: It is an excellent blood purifier. Karela juice is one of the best ways to detoxify the body if consumed in the morning.
Though still to be proven, karela is known to help HIV/AIDS patients, as they contain phytochemicals, which are known to improve immunity and reduce overall infection and inflammation in the body.

Methods of Use:

Both the leaves and the bitter gourd per se can be consumed for their health benefits.
The juice is the most beneficial method, though it might take you some time to acquire this taste. Whether it is for weight loss or diabetes, this offers the best medicinal value.
Curries are usually prepared with karela in different styles depending on cooking preferences in that area.
It can also be baked, boiled, and fried.
After reading these amazing benefits, hope you will relish karela beyond its bitter taste. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Benefits Of Honey!

Vedicgram Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Noida
Benefits Of Honey!
Traditionally, the use of honey stretches back to time immemorial. It is still considered one of the most precious gifts of nature to mankind. Modern research also suggests that honey has unique medicinal and nutritional properties. Honey should be incorporated in your daily diet as it is one food which is naturally beneficial for your overall health and does have any side effects.

Following are the traditional uses of honey, according to ayurveda:

1. Prevents anemia: Honey contains high amounts of iron, manganese and copper which are very essential for building hemoglobin. According to ancient texts, honey is a traditional cure as well as prevention for anemia as it helps in maintaining the optimum level of red blood corpuscles and hemoglobin.

2. Promotes eye health: Honey has been used to treat various eye diseases since ancient times. It is known to improve vision with daily application. It is an effective cure against diseases like conjunctivitis, trachoma or even something as minor as eye itching. It is also beneficial to treat glaucoma in the early stages.

3. Skin care: Ancient texts on ayurveda mention that external application of honey is effective in curing sores or other wounds. It works like an antiseptic and helps to soothe pain and hastens the healing process. It is also used to treat skin burns or carbuncles.

4. Cure for coughs: Honey is extremely useful in treating coughs. It works as a demulcent which aids in soothing the swollen mucous membrane present on the upper respiratory tract. It relieves you from irritating coughs and associated symptoms like frequent spurts of cough while talking and difficulty in swallowing. It is a chief ingredient in ayurvedic cough syrups for the same reason. You can also try honey gargles to relieve pain from throat inflammation.
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