Last Updated: 8 years ago• Featured Tip
Insect bites and stings ( bee, wasp, fire ant, mosquitoes, snakes ) can be painfully annoying. The stings are often accompanied by redness, swelling, pain and inflammation. Some of the stings and bites, if not treated timely, can prove to be fatal. The goodness of homeopathy is known to all.
There are excellent homeopathic medicines available for insect stings and bites:
Formica rufa: Stings from fire ants can be an awful experience. There is blistering and the affected area appears reddish. The sting results in an excruciating stinging pain. There is uncontrollable itching at the affected site. However, the sting does not result in much swelling. Formica Rufa is an effective homeopathic medicine to treat such stings.
Apis mellifica: Sometimes, insect bites or stings result in immediate swelling and inflammation at the site of the sting. The unbearable stinging pain is followed by itching. There is a burning sensation and the affected area appears red and hot. In extreme cases, there is considerable swelling of the throat and the mouth (the mucous membrane swells). Apis Mellifica is a powerful medicine providing immense relief. Since the sting site feels hot, a cold compression can be a good option.
Staphysagria: Do not lose sleep over mosquitoes and mosquito bites. Staphysagria is an excellent homeopathic option to deal with mosquito bites. The medicine serves dual purpose. It can be effectively used before (Prophylactic) as well as after the bite. Caladium Seguinum can also be used to treat mosquito and fly bites.
Ledum and lachesis: Ledum is the best homeopathic remedy against poisonous animal bites. When it comes to snake bites, nothing can be more helpful than Ledum. The area affected by the bite turns slightly bluish. The area feels cold and there is a pricking pain and inflammation. Sepsis from animal bite can also be prevented by Ledum.
Lachesis is equally helpful against snake bites and other poisonous insect bites. This medicine is recommended in case the injury site appears bluish purple. There may be a haemorrhage, with the blood appearing few shades darker (almost black in some cases).
Though Ledum and Lachesis provide great relief, getting medical assistance is still very important:
At times, an insect sting can leave a person traumatised. There may be a stinging pain with swelling and tingling. Aconitum Napellus is the best option to treat and deal with such situations.
Urtica Urens is helpful against allergic reactions resulting from insect bites and some foodstuffs (shellfish).
Histaminum is useful against insect bites and hay fever.
Cantharis provides relief from stings and bites resulting in inflammation and redness.
Most of the Homeopathic medicines provide almost instant relief from insect bites and stings.