Top Health Tips on Treating Dandruff

Walnuts (Akhroat) - 4 Reasons Why They Are Must!

Masters In Dietetics & Food Service Management, B.Sc.- Dietitics / Nutrition, Reebok Instructor Course
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Walnuts (Akhroat) - 4 Reasons Why They Are Must!
As one of the oldest tree foods to be cultivated by humans, walnuts have long since been known as a wonder fruit that can treat and manage many diseases, even as it ensures that one gets to enjoy many other health and cosmetic benefits. This is a nutrient-laden dry fruit that can be eaten in any season and can also be used as a healthy snack.

Read on to know how walnuts can help you in the health department!s

Weight Management: One can obtain weight loss by switching deep fried and other snacks with this fruit as the snack of choice. This will help in weight loss because it is known to be loaded with many ounces of protein as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, which can make your metabolism work overtime so that you end up burning all that useless fat. Regular consumption of walnuts will ensure that you get the right amount of calories in just a fistful of this dry fruit. You can also combine this with almonds and raisins for a healthy breakfast, if sprinkled in your oats or any other cereals.
Glowing Hair: If you have been facing problems like thinning hair, and hair loss as well as dandruff, then walnuts can easily come to your rescue. Eating lots of walnuts will help in restoring the oil and moisture balance of the scalp which will make your hair rich and bouncy again. You can also apply walnut oil to your scalp in order to boost the health of your hair to a great extent. This is due to the fact that walnuts contain Vitamin B7 which is known to prevent hair loss.
Heart Disease: You can prevent a majority of cardiovascular issues and heart disease with the help of walnuts. This is due to the fact that walnuts also contain a lot of antioxidants, which can help in regulating the cholesterol levels as well. One can actually remove the bad cholesterol and keep the good cholesterol so that lifestyle issues and conditions like diabetes and heart disease can be avoided. One should have at least 28 grams of walnuts in a single day so that these kinds of diseases can be successfully prevented.
Fertility: Walnuts are very important for male fertility. One of the main things in male fertility is the sperm, especially the quality of the same. So, if you have had a sperm test and it does not have very encouraging results, then eating walnuts can easily solve this problem along with whatever other medication you may be having for the condition. One should have at least 75 grams of walnuts every day in order to increase the vitality of the sperm for those men who fall in the age group of 21 years to 35 years of age.
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Saying Goodbye to Acne Caused Due to Dandruff

MBBS, MD - Dermatology, DNB
Dermatologist, Mumbai
Saying Goodbye to Acne Caused Due to Dandruff
Dandruff is a major cause for hairfall and hair weakening. It is estimated to affect as many as one in five individuals in india. Acne is a skin condition that happens when pores get clogged with dead skin cells and oil, giving rise to pimples. It can be caused by numerous reasons like hormonal changes, dandruff, improper diet, stress, consumption of specific drugs, excessive use of cosmetic products etc.

Dandruff has been associated with presence of yeast or fungi, it is also associated with abnormal skin ultrastructure. Dandruff makes the skin on your scalp flaky. These dry flakes of skin are often responsible for clogging the pores on your face, mostly affecting your forehead. In this way, dandruff triggers appearance of acne and can worsen the condition of your skin if you already have pimples.

Eradicating dandruff from your scalp is the best way to prevent acne breakouts on your skin due to dandruff.

Here are some simple ways to keep acne due to dandruff away from your skin:
1. Brush your hair at least twice a day - Brushing your hair at least two times a day will ensure that the dead cells on your scalp are removed and don't get a chance to clog pores. This option is highly beneficial in getting rid of acne caused by dandruff.
2. Use medicated anti-dandruff shampoo - Topical medicated solutions like a medicated shampoo should be used as a treatment. Short contact period of shampoo with scalp is important for more benefit. Good conditioner should also be used after head wash with shampoo.
3. Ensure that your hair stays off your face - Keeping hair off your face will ensure that dandruff doesn't come in contact with your skin and clog pores, preventing pimples. For this, you can use hair bands or tie your hair in a ponytail or braid.
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Dandruff v/s. Dry Scalp - What's The Difference?

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Dandruff v/s. Dry Scalp - What's The Difference?
The skin on your scalp renews its cells like every other skin cell on your body. They restore every twenty-four days by forming new types skin cells underneath the old cells to reveal the new ones eventually. Dry skin and dandruff are caused due to many reasons, however, are different than each other. Here are a few signs and causes that separate the two:

Dandruff is not caused by dryness but instead an excessive amount of oil. In a few people, the yeast begins to feast upon the excessive oil and dead skin cells on the scalp, making the skin cells shed off and form flakes on the head. Here are a few reasons why dandruff is caused:

Excessive intake of sugar, fat, starch
Improper nourishment
Heredity problems
Allergies or sensitive skin
Lack of rest
Emotional anxiety
Hormonal changes
Poor well-being
Dry scalp

Dry scalp is caused because of loss of oil and moisture from the skin and can be caused because of certain shampoos, cleansers, climate, water, or even your eating routine. Signs and side effects include itching and tingling and little white flakes that fall off excessively.

Here are a few ways in which you can fight dry skin:

Dry scalp can be dealt with by using normal cures, for example, apple cider vinegar since help in normalizing the pH on your scalp and remove the flakes and residue left behind by shampoos, conditioners, and other hair items.
You can likewise do a light scalp message using regular oils, for example, additional virgin olive oil, jojoba oil, and so on.
Yogurt and honey can help the hair recover by hydrating them and adding dampness to your scalp to fight the dry scalp.
Here are a few ways in which you can treat dandruff on your scalp:
Wash your hair consistently with a delicate shampoo to decrease the amount of oil on your scalp. qIn case that your dandruff is more serious or a normal shampoo doesn't work, try an anti-dandruff shampoo. Most dandruff shampoos contain solutions like Pyrithione zinc and Selenium sulfide that kill the fungus on your scalp or evacuates flaky skin.

Pyrithione zinc: It contains antifungal properties that kill the bacterial growth on your scalp that causes the flakes to appear.
Selenium sulfide: This helps in diminishing the signs of dandruff growth and keep an excessive number of skin cells from being killed along with it. In case you have coloured hair, ask your specialist before using the dandruff shampoo containing selenium sulfide. It can change the shade of your colour.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Dandruff - 5 Myths Busted!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Dandruff - 5 Myths Busted!
Dandruff is one of the most common chronic hair conditions. It is characterized by a white, flaky substance on the scalp. Dandruff is not a serious condition and neither is it contagious. However, people still want it gone so that their hair looks better.

Following are the misleading conceptions about Dandruff :
Myth 1: Dandruff results from bad hygiene? Fact: While regular shampooing can help keep dandruff under control, this condition does not stem from a lack of hygiene as even the most diligent hair washers can find themselves suffering from it. This is because dandruff is caused by various components, which include a characteristic overproduction of hair oil or an excess of parasitic microorganisms that live normally on our scalps.

Myth 2: Dandruff only occurs on the scalp? Fact: It's true that your scalp is the most widely recognised spot to experience dandruff, yet it's by all account is not the only possibility. A few individuals additionally observe that areas such as the eyebrows, ears, and around the nose are inclined to flaking too.

Myth 3: All flakes in your hair is dandruff? Fact: Sometimes flakes are only a consequence of dry skin on your scalp. While the difference between dryness and dandruff might be unclear to the common individual, medical experts do make a distinction between the two. If your flakes are relatively small and white, chances are you are dealing with a dry scalp - dandruff flakes tend to be larger and yellowish in colour.

Myth 4: Dandruff is contagious? Fact: Dandruff is not something that you can catch from someone else. The fungal bacteria that can lead to the appearance of dandruff are present on everybody?s scalp, which means all our scalps are naturally predisposed to the condition.

Myth 5: Dandruff can cause hair fall? Fact: Hair fall is at some point connected with dandruff and an irritated scalp; however, these conditions are not mutually exclusive. Hair fall is not brought about by dandruff, but rather might be prompted by the incessant need to scratch a bothersome scalp. When we scratch our heads, the activity causes breakage in the hair. The root cause of hair fall includes anxiety, diet and the overall health of your scalp.
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4 Ways To Control Dandruff!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
4 Ways To Control Dandruff!
Who would have thought that a little dry scalp could make a multitude of people feel terrible about their lives! Dandruff is not only upsetting because of the physical constraints it brings along, but also because it is a compelling cause of mental setback. Peers and relatives judge you silently; they might choose to avoid your company. Some might even console you that you are making the issue more embarrassing. Instead of feeling depressed about flaky scalp skin that recurrently keeps worsening, one must make efforts to deal with it. A wide mass of people will suggest you with tips and ideas to tackle the situation; in most cases, a majority of these tips arise from popular assumptions. The best-suited option for you is to consult an expert dermatologist and to maintain the health of your hair through natural home remedies alongside.

Ways to curb dandruff -

1. Apply a fenugreek hair pack at least once a week: Fenugreek or methi is known for its inimitable medicinal purposes. Fenugreek paste can be applied on the roots of your hair to remedy dandruff. This protein rich ingredient provides strength and nourishment to one's hair while curing flaky skin. It is also rich in amino acids. Lecithin, an emollient, can prove to be effective in strengthening the hair roots and preventing them from falling off due to dandruff and subsequent itchiness.

2. Use egg white in combination with lemon juice: Lemon juice has a high concentration of citric acid. When used in combination with egg whites, it can treat a dry and itchy scalp. This concoction is also acclaimed for its smoothing effect on rough and brittle hair.

3. Listerine is a multifaceted product: You knew it could only act within the realm of your mouth and you were very wrong. Listerine has more to itself than a person can think of. Listerine is meant to fight fungal and bacterial infections and it therefore, can be used on a person's scalp. One part of this liquid should be mixed with two parts of plain water and then poured into a spray bottle. This mixture should be applied on your head to make you experience the difference.

4. Neem leaves could be your ready solution: Neem leaves are held in high regard for their antifungal properties. Apply neem paste on your scalp to get rid of dandruff. One may even boil a fistful of these leaves in water and wash his or her hair with the lukewarm liquid after a head bath.
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Shaving - Why You Must Do It Daily!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Shaving - Why You Must Do It Daily!
Having a beard is considered to be extremely popular these days as indicated by the increasing number of people sporting beards. However, shaving regularly has numerous benefits such as dead cells removal and making you look more refreshed.

The various benefits of shaving regularly are:

It removes dead cells from the skin: Scraping of the skin with a razor during shaving facilitates removal of dead cells from your face. These dead cells in your skin can make your skin look dull and greasy. Regular shaving keeps your skin fresh and healthy.
It reduces chances of ingrown hairs: Shaving on a regular basis does not allow ingrown hair to develop as their length is always small. The chances of getting a razor bump is drastically reduced due to the fact that you would be shaving smaller beard hair.
Eliminates a reason to itch in summers: Sporting a beard in summers can be irritating as beards can cause itching on your face. You may also develop rashes due to the constant itching. Shaving regularly allows you to avoid this problem.
It is beneficial for people with lots of facial hair: If you have lots of facial hair then you have increased chances of getting oily skin and acne. So shaving dense facial hair may help you in getting rid of acne.
Dandruff: Long beards may tend to harbour dandruff as the skin below the beard gets itchy and flaky. This is a result of the accumulation of the dead cells that the skin sheds on a regular basis.
Eating food: Eating food can be irritating with a long beard, as food particles may fall on a dense beard and remain there. This may cause skin problems as these food particles may harm your skin.
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Skin Trouble - Can Your Dandruff Be The Culprit?

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Skin Trouble - Can Your Dandruff Be The Culprit?
Dandruff or seborrhea refers to the flaky condition of your skin or scalp caused primarily due to dryness. It is a very common problem for young adults and middle aged people but can happen to any person regardless of age. Dandruff itself being an embarrassing problem, can also sometimes lead to other skin problems.

The following are a few skin problems that can crop up due to dandruff-

Can cause pimple: If dandruff or the white flakes fall on your T-zone region very often, then it may lead to the break out of pimples on your skin.
May result in pigmentation: The pimples which can happen due to dandruff can further lead to the problem of pigmentation. This condition leads to the appearance of unwanted black spots all over your face.
Trigger eczema: Dandruff makes skin problems like eczema and psoriasis even worse. Eczema and psoriasis which causes itching of the skin can get severe due to dandruff.
Rashes are also a possibility: Facial rashes can also develop due to dandruff. Often areas around the eyebrows, nose and ears get affected. Sometimes, in case of men, beard rashes also pop up.
Chest rashes: Dandruff often falls all over your body.This can lead to the problem of chest rashes. This condition results in the appearance of red spots all around your chest region.
Dandruff can be a very distressing problem. If your skin type is oily, dandruff can make conditions far worse. Dandruff is such a problem that cannot be completely cured but can only be controlled. So, it is highly advisable to take preventive measures as soon as it is detected to avoid further problems.
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Damaged Hair - Try These Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat It!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) And Naturopath (ND)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Surat
Damaged Hair - Try These Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat It!
Ayurveda is one of the most ancient ways by which Indians have been treating different kinds of health disorders and hair-related problems. Ayurvedic remedies consist brilliant ingredients which do not possess any kind of side effects and therefore, they are safe for use. Damaged hair is a very common problem which affects millions of people across the world every year and many of them look for natural ways to treat it.

Here are some brilliant Ayurvedic ways in which you can treat damaged hair and help yourself to regain the lost shine.


Bhringraj leaves help in increasing the strength of your hair and prevent baldness. This brilliant herb is present in both powder and oil form. So, you can use either of them depending on your personal preference. Mix the leaves with some water and turn it into a paste. After you have done so, apply it over your scalp and let it be for 20 minutes. Do this for 3 times a week and you will see brilliant results.


Amla is a very useful natural ingredient which holds high praise in Ayurvedic remedies. This increases the scalp health and tackles dandruff. It improves the overall condition of the hair and scalp which keeps it healthy. Amla rejuvenates damaged hair and helps you get back the natural beauty of your hair. Use some amla paste and apply it on your scalp for about 30 minutes to get better results. You must do this at least thrice a week.


Ritha seeds for hundreds of years have been used by women as an Ayurvedic remedy for damaged hair. Ritha promotes hair growth, scalp nourishment and removes dandruff effectively. All of these consequently help to maintain a good hair condition. Since it is a very mild ingredient, you can use it everyday to cleanse your hair. Take some Ritha seeds and soak them overnight. The next day boil them in the same water and collect the Ritha solution. Apply it on your hair and see some amazing results over time.


Another brilliant Ayurvedic ingredient which is truly meant to improve damaged hair condition. The rich antioxidant composition of this particular ingredient makes it very effective to cleanse your hair. It does not wash away the natural oils of your hair and prevents any potential damage to your cells from external pollutants. It will help you to detangle your hair, remove dandruff and strengthens the hair roots. Mix it with some water and form a slimy solution which you can apply on your hair and leave it for 10 minutes before washing it with water. Do this thrice a every week and you will yield positive results.

So here are some of the most effective and brilliant Ayurvedic ingredients which will help you to recover from your damaged hair. All of these ingredients are easily available and they also do not have any proven side effects as well.
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Do You Know that Dandruff Causes ACNE?

Dermatologist, Bangalore
Do You Know that Dandruff Causes ACNE?
Do you know that dandruff causes acne?

Acne is a skin condition that happens when pores get clogged with dead skin cells and oil, giving rise to pimples. It can be caused by numerous reasons like hormonal changes, improper diet, stress, consumption of specific drugs, excessive use of cosmetic products etc. In addition to these factors, acne can be caused by dandruff too, which may not be known to most of you. It has been observed that people who suffer from dandruff problems are more prone to getting pimples.

How does dandruff cause acne?

Dandruff has been associated with presence of yeast or fungi, it is also associated with abnormal skin ultrastructure. Dandruff makes the skin on your scalp flaky. These dry flakes of skin are often responsible for clogging the pores on your face, mostly affecting your forehead. In this way, dandruff triggers appearance of acne and can worsen the condition of your skin if you already have pimples. Though acne is more common among teenagers, acne due to dandruff is mostly experienced by people above the age of 20.

How can you prevent acne due to dandruff?

Eradicating dandruff from your scalp is the best way to prevent acne breakouts on your skin due to dandruff. Here are some simple ways to keep acne due to dandruff away from your skin.

1. Ensure that your hair stays off your face

Keeping hair off your face will ensure that dandruff doesn't come in contact with your skin and clog pores, preventing pimples. For this, you can use hair bands or tie your hair in a ponytail or braid.

2. Brush your hair at least twice a day

Brushing your hair at least two times a day will ensure that the dead cells on your scalp are removed and don't get a chance to clog pores. This option is highly beneficial in getting rid of acne caused by dandruff.

3. Use medicated anti-dandruff shampoo

Topical medicated solutions like a medicated shampoo should be used as a treatment. Short contact period of shampoo with scalp is important for more benefit. Good conditioner should also be used after head wash with shampoo.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on consult.
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Dandruff - Can Ayurvedic Remedies Help Treat it?

MD, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), PGDEMS, DNHE, DYA
Ayurvedic Doctor, Mumbai
Dandruff - Can Ayurvedic Remedies Help Treat it?
Dandruff is a non-contagious condition that is characterized by the appearance of skin flakes on your scalp. The disorder is not a serious one, but can be embarrassing for the person concerned. Mild symptoms of this disorder can be taken care of by shampooing with a mild cleanser on a regular basis. In case of severe dandruff symptoms, treatment may be required.

The symptoms of dandruff are easily spotted; white flakes of dead skin appear on the hair and shoulders. You may experience itchiness on the scalp due to the accumulation of the dead skin cells. The condition tends to aggravate in dry and cold weather conditions.

Dandruff can be caused by a variety of factors such as:

Not shampooing regularly: Irregular shampooing can cause dead skin cells to accumulate, leading to dandruff.
Oily and irritated skin: This condition is characterized by the appearance of greasy skin covered by flaky white scales. It occurs in areas, which are rich in oil glands such as the eyebrows and the nose.
Fungus: Yeast like fungus, known as malassezia , lives on the scalp and may lead to the buildup of excess skin cells, thereby, causing irritated skin.
Dry skin: Dry skin is the perfect spot for the accumulation of dead cells, a condition that results in dandruff.
Ayurvedic View
Ayurveda places the problem of dandruff in the category of Shudra Roga, which appears due to an imbalance of all three doshas. The primary doshas involved are Pitta and Vata. Pitta is an Ayurvedic humor which symbolizes heat or fire and Vata is dry and rough in nature. In an aggravated state, both doshas cause production of specific impurities, called ama, which are dry and heating in nature. These impurities accumulate in the deep tissues of the scalp and contaminate them. Contamination of the deep tissues and aggravated Vata-Pitta Dosha cause itching and patches on scalp. Due to these factors, the scalp sheds larger than normal amounts of dead epidermal cells, which leads to the problem of dandruff.

The Ayurvedic line of treatment is to generally pacify Pitta and Vata through herbal medicines, as well as a tailor-made diet and lifestyle plan. Also, special herbs are administered to cleanse the body of accumulated digestive impurities.

Ayurvedic treatment options:

If the cause lies on the scalp such as dry skin, then just hair oil application or local treatment will be sufficient to cure dandruff.
If the cause lies in underlying skin disease such as psoriasis, treatment for the causative disease will be required.
Ayurvedic treatments such as shirodhara, shirobasti helps not only to relieve dandruff and improve hair quality. They also help you to relieve stress and lack of sleep (which also cause for dandruff).

Ayurvedic herbal hair oils for dandruff:

Bhringaraja taila
Triphaladya taila
Durdurapatradi taila
Chemparutyadi taila
Nalpamaradi taila etc
Internal medicines helpful in this complaint are-

Saptamrita loha Contains Indian licorice and Triphala, useful in skin diseases
Bhringarajasava an alcoholic Ayurvedic medicine. Improves immunity, skin complexion
Chandanasava improves immunity, relieves excessive oiliness
Narasimha Rasayana Improves hair quality and scalp skin health. Especially useful when dandruff is caused due to dryness in the scalp.
Diet & Lifestyle Advice

Wash hair regularly 2-3 times a week with a mild shampoo.
Massage your hair with oil every time before washing the head and hair.
Avoid spicy, greasy, hot and penetrating foods, junk food, and aerated drinks.
Have food with good nutritive value; include fiber-rich foods, salads, fruits, and lentils.
Do regular yoga and exercises to minimize stress levels.
Avoid scratching the scalp with hands or any other objects.
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