Top Health Tips on Treating Epilepsy (Child)

Shankhpushpi - 11 Most Important Reasons To Consume It!

Unani Specialist, Delhi
Shankhpushpi - 11 Most Important Reasons To Consume It!
Shankhpushpi is a perennial herb. It is considered to be one of the most wonderful gifts of nature to mankind. It is a type of morning glory that belongs to the Convolvulaceae plant family. Its scientific name is Convolvulus Pluricaulis. The flowers are blue, pink or white in color, and are about 2mm 5mm in size. They grow in rocky and sandy areas under xerophytic conditions and is mostly found in areas of Bihar and Punjab in India. It is also seen in the deserts of the Sahara.

Importance: Shankhpushpi is a very important herb of Ayurveda due to its therapeutic benefits. It mainly takes care of the nerves by supporting and promoting healthy brain and mind. It enhances brain power, improves memory and concentration and the ability to recall. When combined with other herbs, the formulation created is used for treating conditions, such as schizophrenia, depression, epilepsy and aggressive behavior disorders.

Parts Used: Shankhpushpi is often used as a paste, powder and tonic for different formulations. The parts that are used for these formulations are the leaves, flowers, stem, roots, seeds and ashes.

The Shankhpushpi plant has lots of health benefits

Shankhpushpi syrup is very good for brain development of children. It is effective if children take it regularly for three months. It improves their memory, learning, grasping power and intelligence. It should be given to them along with Bramhi, Sharkara, Nimbu Satva and water
It rejuvenates the nervous function by promoting memory and concentration
It helps in relieving stress and has the ability to calm a mind
It supports the flow of blood in the brain
It treats fatigue, nervous debility and low energy level
A tonic made from Shankhpushpi works as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer
Shankhpushpi tonic is often used to treat hypotensive syndromes
It improves the balance and vitiation in kapha-vata-pitta doshas
It works as antioxidant and antacid
The herbal extract possesses spermatogenic properties, so it is used to treat cases of sperm debility
It can treat urinary system ailments
It is important to keep in mind that to get the best results, one has to use the best quality herbs in the right quantity. Shankhpushpi is a wonderful remedy for a number of problems, however, no herb should be taken without consulting an Ayurveda practitioner. In case of a concern or query consult an expert & get answers!
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9 Benefits of Cow Urine

Cow Urine Theapy
Ayurvedic Doctor, Indore
9 Benefits of Cow Urine
Cow Urine is used for purposes of therapy in traditional Indian medicine and is called Gomutra. The use of cow urine for therapeutic purposes has a long history in Indian culture. In India, cow is considered to be a sign of spirituality. Urine from a cow that is pregnant is believed to contain special minerals and hormones. It should be noted that cow urine therapy is not a nourishing process. Instead, it is cleansing and detoxifying in nature.

Pharmaceutical Benefits of Gomutra are:
1. Used in Ayurvedic treatment of cancer and leprosy.
2. Anaemia can be treated using a mixture containing Triphala (Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula made of three equal parts of Bibhitaki, Haritaki and Amalaki), Cow milk and Gomutra. The mixture is known as Mahayograj Guggul.
3. It is used in the treatment of fever. A mixture that contains Gomutra along with ghee, yoghurt and black pepper is used. Sore throats can be treated by gargling a mixture of cow urine distillate along with honey and turmeric powder.
4. A mixture of daruharidra and gomutra can be used to treat epilepsy.
5. In Nigeria, convulsions in children are treated using a concoction made of garlic, tobacco, rock salt, cow urine and lemon basil juice.
6. Gomutra is also helpful in treatment of peptic ulcer, asthma and certain liver ailments.
7. Some Indian scientists from CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) received a US Patent for a mixture of cow urine distillate, which acts as an antibiotic. The purpose of the cow urine is to behave like a bio-enhancer, which promotes the antimicrobial functions of antifungal and antibiotic agents.
8. A US patent was acquired in 2010 by a research department of Deolapar and National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) for a drug based on gomutra, which validated its claims of being an anti-cancer drug. The mixture is claimed to prevent DNA damage caused by oxidation.
9. A water extract of Daruharidra (Tree Turmeric) called Rasanjana is administered with cow urine as a medication to treat Kapha originated skin diseases.
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Homeopathic Treatment For Epilepsy!

Homeopathy Doctor, Kolkata
Homeopathic Treatment For Epilepsy!
Epilepsy is a disease that affects the brain's nerve cells and triggers the release of abnormal electrical signals. This can cause temporary malfunctioning of the other brain cells and result in sudden loss of consciousness. Epilepsy can affect both children and adults.

Epilepsy can be treated in a number of ways. One of the most preferred forms of treatment is homeopathy. Homeopathy addresses both the physical symptoms of the disease and the underlying factors triggering it. Another big advantage of homeopathic treatment is that it has negligible side effects.

A few homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat epilepsy are:

Cicuta: Cicuta is very effective when used to treat cases of epilepsy where convulsions are marked by violent, body distortions. This can include the horrific backward bending of the spine (learn about the exercises for spine). These convulsions also make the person's face turn blue and trigger a locked jaw. This can also be used to effectively treat epilepsy cases triggered by head injuries and worms.
Artemisia Vulgaris: This is used to often treat cases of Petit Mal Epilepsy which are characterized by staring into space, leaning forwards or backwards and stopping a sentence abruptly. It also addresses fear that triggers epileptic attacks.
Stramonium: Convulsions triggered by exposure to bright lights or shiny objects can be treated with this homeopathic remedy. In such cases, the patient may not lose consciousness but experiences jerks in the muscles of the upper body.
Cuprum Met: This homeopathic remedy is used to treat seizures that are preceded by experiencing an aura in the knees (know more about the Causes and Symptoms of Knee Pain). Other symptoms that characterize this sort of an epileptic attack are spasms that begin in the fingers and toes and gradually spread to the rest of the body and jerking of muscles. This can also be used to treat convulsions that accompany menstruation and follow the delivery of a baby.
Bufo Rana: Not all epileptic attacks occur you are awake. Attacks that occur in your sleep can be treated with bufo rana. Such epileptic attacks are accompanied by experiencing an aura in the genital regions. This is especially helpful for women who experience seizures during menstruation.
Hyoscyamus: Some epileptic fits are followed by a deep sleep. This type of epileptic attacks can be treated with Hyoscyamus. Other symptoms addresses by this homeopathic medicine are fidgeting with bed clothes, fidgeting with fingers and muscular twitching.
These homeopathic remedies can be taken on their own or in combination with other medicines.
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Best Homeopathic Remedies To Treat Epilepsy!

Diploma in Gastroenterology, Diploma In Pulmonary Medicine , MSCP, BHMS, SVD( skin and veneral diseases)
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Best Homeopathic Remedies To Treat Epilepsy!
Epilepsy is a disease that affects the brain's nerve cells and triggers the release of abnormal electrical signals. This can cause temporary malfunctioning of the other brain cells and result in sudden loss of consciousness. Epilepsy can affect both children and adults.

Epilepsy can be treated in a number of ways. One of the most preferred forms of treatment is homeopathy. Homeopathy addresses both the physical symptoms of the disease and the underlying factors triggering it. Another big advantage of homeopathic treatment is that it has negligible side effects.

A few homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat epilepsy are:

Cicuta: Cicuta is very effective when used to treat cases of epilepsy where convulsions are marked by violent, body distortions. This can include the horrific backward bending of the spine (learn about the exercises for spine). These convulsions also make the person's face turn blue and trigger a locked jaw. This can also be used to effectively treat epilepsy cases triggered by head injuries and worms.
Artemisia Vulgaris: This is used to often treat cases of Petit Mal Epilepsy which are characterized by staring into space, leaning forwards or backwards and stopping a sentence abruptly. It also addresses fear that triggers epileptic attacks.
Stramonium: Convulsions triggered by exposure to bright lights or shiny objects can be treated with this homeopathic remedy. In such cases, the patient may not lose consciousness but experiences jerks in the muscles of the upper body.
Cuprum Met: This homeopathic remedy is used to treat seizures that are preceded by experiencing an aura in the knees (know more about the Causes and Symptoms of Knee Pain). Other symptoms that characterize this sort of an epileptic attack are spasms that begin in the fingers and toes and gradually spread to the rest of the body and jerking of muscles. This can also be used to treat convulsions that accompany menstruation and follow the delivery of a baby.
Bufo Rana: Not all epileptic attacks occur you are awake. Attacks that occur in your sleep can be treated with bufo rana. Such epileptic attacks are accompanied by experiencing an aura in the genital regions. This is especially helpful for women who experience seizures during menstruation.
Hyoscyamus: Some epileptic fits are followed by a deep sleep. This type of epileptic attacks can be treated with Hyoscyamus. Other symptoms addresses by this homeopathic medicine are fidgeting with bed clothes, fidgeting with fingers and muscular twitching.
These homeopathic remedies can be taken on their own or in combination with other medicines.
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Psoriasis - 6 Homeopathic Treatments For it!

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Psoriasis - 6 Homeopathic Treatments For it!
Psoriasis is a condition in which rapidly multiplying skin cells cause the area affected to become rough, scaly and itchy. The affected area becomes red and sometimes painful and while the disease can t be cured, it can be managed by limiting the rapidly multiplying cells. The immune system is thought to be compromised in psoriasis which leads to Infection by opportunistic bacteria such as streptococcus.

Till very recently, psoriasis was thought to be idiopathic, but studies show emotional imbalance or triggers such as cold and infections might lead to activating an inherently present gene. Even though it is usually limited to the skin, it can affect the joints and nails too. This autoimmune disorder occurs in patches where the scaly formation might become irksome, especially if it is in uncommon areas such as the mouth and genitalia. Psoriasis is also thought to be a result of alcoholism or medication such as lithium which is used to treat epilepsy or bipolar disorder.

Common homeopathic remedies
When treating psoriasis, homeopathy is a trove of invaluable resources and treatment options. Medication is customised for the patient after taking into account their personal medical history.
Homeopathy acts by trying to manage the root cause of psoriasis which is an immunocompromised state of being. The added advantage of homeopathy in treatment is the lack of side effects.

Here are some of the most feasible treatments for treating psoriasis with homeopathy:

Kalium Bromatum: It is the first line of treatment in a lot of cases of psoriasis, especially when the red patches are covered with silver scales. It is also used in syphilitic psoriasis.
Kalium Arsenicosum: It is an effective treatment for psoriasis that develops on the back and the arms.
Sulphur: It is best suited for skinny people or those who tend to be forgetful.
Calendula: It helps soothe and provide temporary pain relief for affected areas, especially if they are inflamed, but it doesn t address the underlying cause of the disease and hence doesn t treat it.
Kalium Sulphuricum: It is best used for papular psoriasis, especially when sebaceous secretions are also involved.
Arsenic Album: It is used for cases of psoriasis which improve on the application of warmth on the affected areas.
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How To Deal With Rashes Due To Periods?

MD - Dermatology, MBBS
Dermatologist, Delhi
How To Deal With Rashes Due To Periods?
Periods, on their own, can be very uncomfortable but sometimes it can also trigger a rash making it all the more uncomfortable. This is a common problem faced by women who use commercial pads or sanitary napkins during this period. This is because they contain plastics, scents and chemicals that can irritate the sensitive skin in your genital area. Here are a few tips to help you deal with these rashes:

Change Your Pads Regularly: Whether your flow is light or heavy, the same pad should not be worn for more than 4 to 6 hours. Change your pads even if your pad does not look full once this time has passed. Along with menstrual blood, sanitary napkins also soak up sweat and bacteria. The groyne area is naturally moist and warmer than the rest of your body making it the ideal condition for bacteria to grow. Changing your pad regularly keeps these bacteria from multiplying.

Consider Alternatives: One of the main reasons pads cause rashes is because they rub against the skin and this friction irritates the skin. Hence, consider alternatives like tampons and menstrual cups that do not rub against the skin. You could also try cloth pads made using natural unbleached cotton.

Wear Right Underwear: Avoid synthetic underwear and use the only cotton while you are on your periods. This allows the skin to breathe and keeps moisture from building up inside the underwear. Also, ensure that your underwear fits well and can hold your pad in place.

Clean Well: Do not use wipes or tissue to clean your genital area but instead wash gently with water a few times a day. Once washed, dry the skin thoroughly before putting your underwear on. Do not use any type of soap, body wash or scents in the area. Also, avoid bubble baths and saunas.

See a Doctor: In some cases, a rash can also be a symptom of herpes or a vaginal yeast infection. If you alternate between pads and tampons, a rash could also be a sign of toxic shock syndrome. Hence, if the rash persists for a few days, consult a doctor. Your doctor can prescribe a topical cream to be used to relieve the itchiness and inflammation depending on the rash. You could also use an anti-chafing cream on your bikini line. Diaper rash cream is an over the counter cream that usually works well in such cases.
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Epilepsy - How To Deal With It?

MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS
Internal Medicine Specialist, Mumbai
Epilepsy - How To Deal With It?
Epilepsy is a relatively common disorder. Most cases of epilepsy can be controlled with a combination of drug therapy and healthy lifestyle. In some cases, surgery may also be advised. Epilepsy affects not only the lifestyle of the patient but also that of their caregiver. Each person reacts to epilepsy in a different way and hence the type of care needed also varies from person to person. While some patients have few seizures and require care only when they're having a seizure others need round the clock care. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if a loved one suffers from epilepsy.

Know what type of epilepsy you are dealing with.
Not all epileptic seizures are the same. Find out what type of seizures your loved one suffers from and what are the possible triggers associated with Involve yourself in their lifestyle.

Epilepsy should not be a reason for your loved one to lock themselves in a room to stay safe. Participate in activities with them of you feel the activity may be a safety risk if they were to have a seizure; for example - swimming.

Notice seizure triggers.
Often an epileptic patient may not remember the seizure after it has occurred. As their care giver, keep a seizure diary to track their seizures and its related triggers. Look for patterns in the triggers to their epilepsy attacks.

Keep them safe during a seizure.
When experiencing a seizure, the patient will lose consciousness, experience muscle convulsions and may grit his teeth. If the person is standing, hold them so that they do not fall. If they are lying down, try turning them onto their side. Do not put anything into their mouth.

Take care of them after a seizure.
After the seizure, people are most likely to be confused, tired and have a headache. Check for injuries and keep them calm till medical help arrives. Loosen clothing around their neck and ensure that there is nothing inhibiting their breathing.

Medical identification.
While someone who suffers from seizures often is likely to always have someone with them, others who have rare seizures may often venture out alone. In such cases, ensure that they always have medical identification on them. Also make sure that their friends, colleagues etc are aware of their medical condition.

Help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Staying active is essential for people with epilepsy. Avoid contact sports and pick low impact exercises like walking, running or swimming. Following a buddy system is essential when an epileptic person works out.
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Epilepsy - Understanding The Role Of Physiotherapy In It!

Master of Physiotherapy (MPT-Neuro), Bachelor of physiotherapy(BPT)
Physiotherapist, Ahmedabad
Epilepsy - Understanding The Role Of Physiotherapy In It!
A neurological disorder characterized by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, and convulsions associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

Role of physiotherapy in epilepsy

It helps improve strength, mobility, and increases the range of motion and sphere of movement.

It helps improve sensory awareness, response, balance, and coordination.

It helps to improve quality of movement and physical performance.

The goals of physiotherapy

To develop strength enough to support one s head upright

To have balance and motor control to maintain their trunk at midline

To use many different muscle groups

To assist necessary motion in their trunk and extremities

The physiotherapists write short-term goals for each of the items on the problem list that need to be covered to help the patient achieve the long-term goals

To understand what the patient is good at and does well

To focus on what he or she capable of doing rather than on what they can t do

To educate and provide awareness with a view to prevent injuries

For example, advice on special swimming equipment to prevent drowning if he/she gets seizures in the pool

Padding out sharp corners in the house to prevent damage if fallen on

Physiotherapy treatment for a healed fracture consists of strengthening muscles that have got weak from being immobilized and stretching muscles that are stiff owing to being in the cast for a long period of time.

How can physical exercise help with seizures?

Physical exercise improves fitness, energy, and mood and even relieves stress. Improving overall health and well-being in this way can help reduce seizures.

It can also help people feel more in control of their health.
It also helps release feel good hormones into the brain, keeps muscles active, reduces fat levels in the body, and increases oxygen flow to the brain.
It can also increase the bone density.
A research showed that regular sessions of aerobic exercise (for example running, walking, swimming, cycling) for 60 minutes, twice a week, for 15 weeks can result in a significant reduction in the number of seizures they had.
Drink water, diluted fruit juice, or squash while exercising to help replace the fluids and body. Do not exercise straight after a meal.
Team sports or group activities such as walking or gardening groups can also be a good way of increasing self-confidence.
Making new friends may help with any feelings of isolation.
Most sports, including contact sports like football, hockey, basketball and rugby, have not shown to increase the chance of someone having a seizure, but contact sports come with an increased risk of head injuries, which could affect people with a history of epilepsy. Protective sports headgear helps to reduce this risk.
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Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy - How Homeopathy Can Help You?

M.D (HOMEOPATHY), MBA (Healthcare)
Homeopathy Doctor, Gulbarga
Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy - How Homeopathy Can Help You?
Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system which is characterised by the tendency of a person to have seizures. Seizures occur due to abnormal and excessive nerve cell activity in brain. The result is abnormal behaviour and sensations, including loss of consciousness. There are a variety of seizures with different symptoms depending on the part of brain involved. Progressive myoclonus epilepsy is an epilepsy syndrome, which is caused by genetic disorders. It features a combination of myoclonic and tonic-clonic seizures along with progressive neurological decline. It is often characterised by unsteadiness, muscle rigidity, and mental deterioration. Such a type of epilepsy is quite rare. Seizures are difficult to control and patients often lose thinking abilities as well.

Also in such a condition patient may have more than a dozen different diseases. The symptoms get worsened over time. Such a disorder can be present in any of the sexes. It can appear in infants as well as adults.
Progressive myoclonus epilepsy is not a single disorder but is a combination of syndromes with various names. Some of them are severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy which is also called Dravet syndrome, then is Unverricht-Lundborg disease also called Baltic myoclonus, Lafora disease and finally Mitochondrial encephalopathies.

Causes and triggering factors of epilepsy seizures
The main causes of Progressive myoclonus epilepsy include Lafora body disease, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses, Unverricht - Lundborg disease, sialidoses, storage diseases, and some inborn metabolism issues. These seizures can be triggered by light, noise, sleep loss, alcohol intake and cigarette smoking.

Top natural homeopathic remedies for epilepsy

Cicuta is considered by far the best homeopathic remedy for epilepsy where violent distortions occur in the body. The distortions are most frightful. The person is totally unconscious. The face may be blue and the jaw appears locked.
Artemisia Vulgaris is considered for treating epilepsy with Petit Mal seizure. The main symptom is frequent brief episodes of seizures in a short time period.
Stramonium is used for epileptic convulsions which arise after exposure to bright light or shining objects. The patient in this case is conscious but experiences jerk in the muscles of upper body.
Cuprum Met is used for seizure attack in knees.
Bufo Rana is of great help when the patient experiences attacks during sleep.
Hyoscyamus is used in case of epileptic fit.
Homeopathic medicines for epileptic fits during fever (Febrile seizures)
Belladona and Nux Vomica are the natural Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial in cases of febrile seizures.
Natural homeopathic medicines as per type of seizure in Epilepsy
The natural Homeopathic medicines for treating Petit Mal Seizures are Artemisia, Belladona, Zincum, and Hyoscyamus. Agaricus and Cuprum are prescribed for Clonic Seizures. Cicuta and Plumbum are helpful in case of Tonic Seizures.
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Ayurvedic Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Ayurvedic Remedies For High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. Blood pressure is the force that is felt on the artery walls as the blood flows through it. What happens during high blood pressure is that this force of blood against the arterial walls increases.

People who are physically inactive, smoke regularly, consume excessive alcohol or are diagnosed with other underlying health conditions are at the maximum risks of this condition. Factors such as increased levels of stress, old age, psoriasis and pregnancy also contribute to high blood pressure.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure:

The symptoms of high blood pressure include headache that lasts for several days, nausea, vomitting (rare), vertigo, lightheadedness, double vision, blurred vision, nose bleeding (epistaxis), heart palpitation and dyspnea (shortness of your breath). Children with high blood pressure can bear symptoms such as fatigue, seizures, irritability, respiratory disease and Bell s palsy (inability to move facial muscles of either side).

Remedies for High Blood Pressure:

Losing weight- Obesity is one of the chief contributors to this condition. Keeping a regular check on your weight and following a healthy diet plan can help you maintain blood pressure. Exercising everyday for 30 minutes can also lower your blood pressure and prevent it from shooting up.
Eating healthy- Eating foods rich in potassium (fruits and vegetables), whole grains and foods low in LDL count can help reduce blood pressure. Limiting salt and sodium in your diet is also very beneficial in controlling your blood pressure.
Smoking and alcohol consumption- Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can cause sudden spikes in blood pressure. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption can normalize the blood pressure.
Reduce stress- One of the major reasons for high blood pressure is being subject to excessive stress over a prolonged period of time. Try to meditate or practice yoga to be more calm and composed. Keeping mental stress at bay does wonders in reducing blood pressure.
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