Top Health Tips on Treating Hepatitis A

Hepatitis C - Homeopathic Treatment For It!

BHMS, VLIR Belgium, Canadian Academy Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Hepatitis C - Homeopathic Treatment For It!
The liver plays a significant role in the body s various metabolic processes. Infection with hepatitis C virus causes inflammation of the liver, known popularly as Hepatitis C. It is a relatively new discovery (late 1980s), but there are a significant number of cases identified. The challenge in identifying this disease is that the patient does not manifest with any symptoms and can be carrying the virus for years with no signs or symptoms. This makes diagnosis very difficult and in most cases, it is discovered when diagnosing for some other disease. It is transmitted via blood through use of drug needles, tattoo needles, or sexual when the virus is present in the vaginal fluid.

Homeopathic Treatment For Hepatitis C -

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat Hepatitis C infection but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved medicines are available for Hepatitis C treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensation and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person.

Homeopathy offers remedy for hepatitis C by detoxifying and neutralizing viral cells, improving immunity, and stimulating production of healthy cells. The following compounds are useful in this.

Chelidonium Majus: Prepared from the flowers of Celandine, it acts on the hepatobiliary system and restores overall liver function. The patient s presenting symptoms include jaundice with pain, bloated abdomen, significant lethargy, weakness, reduced appetite, nausea and vomiting.

China Officinalis: This is useful in patients who are down with intermittent fevers, headaches, gallstones, dyspepsia and hemorrhages. The patient could also have debility, trembling, ringing in the ears, flatulence in the abdomen, gassy feeling and vomiting of bile.

Bryonia Alba: This is prepared from the plant known as wild hops after potentization. It works on multiple systems including the digestive, hepatobiliary, respiratory, and musculoskeletal systems. This is useful in patients who suffer from dyspepsia, migraine, bronchitis, joint pains, back pain, menstrual issues, and respiratory tract infections. The patient could also experience a burning sensation and soreness in the abdomen, which is extremely tender to the touch, along with nausea and vomiting. The symptoms are aggravated during summer months and with heat.

Kali Carbonicum: The active ingredient acts of multiple bodily systems including kidneys, liver, digestive, blood, bones, lungs, etc. It is widely used in liver dysfunctions like nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis, and hepatitis C. The patient may have liver atrophy, cirrhosis, heaviness in the abdomen or jaundice. He or she could be restless, excitable and nervous. Extreme weakness and reaction to changes in light, sound, touch and odors are some other symptoms. The pain could be relieved by rubbing.

Other medicines like Lycopodium, Belladonna, Nux Vomica, and Aconite are also useful. However, as with all homeopathy medicines, self-medication is not advisable. The doctor will check for all accompanying symptoms and your overall health status and then determine what would work for you.
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Hepatitis A - Top Ayurvedic Remedies For It!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Hepatitis A - Top Ayurvedic Remedies For It!
Hepatitis A is a viral infection caused by the Hepatitis A Virus (HAV). It infects the liver causing it to become inflamed and dysfunctional that causes discomfort to the individual. It is necessary to treat the infection on time because if it is taken lightly, it can become chronic. So, the symptoms such as fever, jaundice, weight loss, and nausea should not be ignored. It should be treated on time and Ayurveda offers to be a complete and side-effect free treatment procedure that can give one permanent cure.

Pitta imbalance in Hepatitis A
According to Ayurveda, any liver infection or disease is caused by the aggravation of pitta in the liver. It is believed that when the pitta becomes vitiated, the body experiences problems. Since the liver is governed by pitta, any aggravation in this life energy instantly affects the liver and makes it prone to infections and diseases. In case of hepatitis A too, the pitta becomes aggravated because of the viral infection and thus, the Ayurvedic remedies and therapies seek to correct this imbalance.

Toxin elimination in Hepatitis A
When the liver is infected by the HAV virus, it is weakened and cannot function to its full potential. It is not able to flush out the toxins properly, which causes the toxins to build up in the liver, causing pitta imbalance. Therefore, the elimination of these toxins also becomes a part of the hepatitis A treatment. The Ayurvedic medicines such as katuki, triphala, and bhumi amla come armed with strong detoxification action and thus, remove the toxins from the system. Even external therapies such as virechana work to cleanse the system of the patient and purify the blood, which relaxes the entire body.

Strengthening digestive system
In hepatitis A, the liver is affected by the infection and since the liver is directly related to metabolism, the infection takes a toll on the digestion too. So, Ayurveda tries to boost the digestive system too and it does so with the help of medicines and regulated diet. The medicines restore the health of the liver and the regulated diet makes sure that no strain is passed on the liver. Also, abstinence from alcohol and smoking further boosts the immunity and expedites healing.

Ayurvedic treatment effects
The impact of Ayurvedic treatment is highly beneficial for the liver. They relax the inflamed liver walls and repair the liver cells helping it revert to its normal state so that it can function properly. They also cure the symptoms like fever, jaundice, weight loss, stomach pain by boosting immunity. The digestion is taken care of too in ayurvedic treatment and thus, the healing happens at a faster rate.

Ayurveda is highly recommended in cases of hepatitis A as the medicines and remedies are not harsh on the body and there is no fear of side-effects. The recovery is comfortable for the patient, irrespective of age, and they can be sure of lasting relief. So, as soon as the infection is diagnosed, the treatment should be started as early treatment helps in quick recovery.

In case you have a concern or query, you can always consult an ayurvedic doctor for proper line of treatment.
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World Hepatitis Day - How You Can Prevent Yourself?

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine Specialist, Faridabad
World Hepatitis Day - How You Can Prevent Yourself?
28th July is considered to be World Hepatitis Day. Viral hepatitis can invade the human body in a variety of ways, but it is in your hands to prevent this infection from intruding your body and mess with your health. Hepatitis is a disease that takes a toll on the human liver. There are 5 different types of hepatitis from Hepatitis A to E, but there are ways you can take to prevent yourself against the same, such as:

Know how the Hepatitis spread: On the basis of the different types of Hepatitis, there are two main ways by which hepatitis gets its way from one person to another, contact with infected blood and body fluid as well as contact with the infected stool. It is important to note here that Hepatitis A and E are carried through the faeces of the affected individual. Also, a person may get infected with Hepatitis A and E even if you consume contaminated food and water. Hepatitis B, C along with D can also spread through the infected blood.
Get the proper immunization: There are vaccines available all across the world to prevent spreading Hepatitis A and B. But it is crucial to point here that it is not possible to prevent Hepatitis C and D and sometimes Hepatitis E as well. But the Hepatitis C can be cured when the patient has received effective anti-viral medications. There are no vaccinations for Hepatitis D but the virus causing this infection requires Hepatitis B for survival. Therefore, getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B will help prevent the disease from affecting you.
Get the right precautions while travelling: When travelling, no one can tell whether you will get access to clean and purified water. Water contaminated with impurities can lead to Hepatitis A as well as E. You should take proper precautions and immunizations in the first place. If you are going to a place that doesn t have access to clean water, you should steer clear from ice cubes, running tap water, cut fruits and raw vegetables which may have been cleaned in the water with impurities.
By being aware and taking necessary precaution, getting affected by hepatitis can be prevented.
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Personal Hygiene - 5 Personal Things That You Must Never Share!

General Physician, Gurgaon
Personal Hygiene - 5 Personal Things That You Must Never Share!
We are all possessive in nature, and we always cling on to things which are ours, be it our home, vehicle, clothes, furniture, jewelry or any other priced possession. While some of us might be okay to share somethings, others are absolutely clear that there is no room for sharing. The other extreme has people who believe that sharing is caring, and there could even be friends who are into sharing clothes and shoes. Whichever group you belong to, there are some things that should never be shared. The following is just a short list, but remember if there is anything that may affect personal hygiene, keep it to yourself.

Toothbrush: The mouth is the dirtiest organ in the human body with billions of germs. The comforting news is that they are part of normal flora. Not all of them are harmful, and most are essential for normal functioning. So using another person s brush can introduce a new set of bacteria that are not normal to your mouth. These could bring in infections like candida or tooth infections. So, avoid using or sharing another one s brush.
Undergarments: The undergarments are loaded with bacteria, which vary from body to body, depending on various factors including food habits, exercise, and living conditions. Also, these areas are prone to sweat and contain different sets of germs. Using another person s underwear, even if washed, can spell danger and introduce new germs into your system.
Soap bars: While some of us have the habit of rinsing someone else s soap bar and using it, it is best avoided. Germs continue to reside on the soap bar and get shifted to your skin. Liquid soaps are still safer and can be shared, as it does not come in contact with anyone s skin directly.
Hair trimming equipment: Be it razors, blades, shaving sets, or hair trimmers, tweezers, or nose hair clippers, they are never to be shared. These come in close touch with the skin and are exposed to a lot more bacteria. In addition, no amount of cleaning can help get rid of the bacteria in the razors and the fine hair which stays back. The razor also could have traces of blood and body fluids (depending on the area of usage) and can even transmit HIV and hepatitis. Sharing hair trimming equipment should be avoided at all costs.
Loofah: Like the soap, the loofah houses loads of bacteria, which can spread from one person to other, leading to bacterial infections. They never dry completely between the uses and provide a good environment for bacterial growth.
The general rule is if anything is wet by use and comes in contact with the body fluids, it is best to refrain from sharing it!
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Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Hepatitis Treatment - Effective Remedies

MD - Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MBBS, D.C.H
Ayurvedic Doctor, Lucknow
Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Hepatitis Treatment - Effective Remedies
Hepatitis B is a viral infection, resulting in the inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B is considered to be acute when it lasts up to six months and is tagged as chronic when the timeline exceeds six months. Some of the common symptoms of this disease are dark urine, queasiness, stomach ache, weakness and joint ache. Ayurveda is known to be an effective agent in treating Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B is diagnosed by presence of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and IgM antibody to Hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgM) which develop in the serum in the early stages of infection at the time symptoms appear. Antibody to HBsAg (anti-HBs) develops after active infection and serves as an indicator of immunity.

Anti-HBs + - individual has been vaccinated, has received immune globulin, is immune, or is an infant who has received antibodies from his/her mother. Anti-HBc + - indicates past or present infection and lasts indefinitely. May be detected in an infant who has received antibodies from its mother. IgM anti-HBc + - indicates recent infection with HBV, usually within 4-6 months. HBeAg + - indicates active viral replication and high infectivity. HBsAg + HBV - acute or chronic HBV; persistence for 6 months after acute infection indicates progression to chronic HBV.

Treatment for Hepatitis B -

While there is no approved treatment for acute hepatitis B, few herbs which works as anti viral to HBV DNA and few as antioxident and heaptocytes protector from antigen now give the name of herbs you have given Infected individuals should practice safe sex. Avoiding contact with infected blood or other body fluids directly or on objects such as needles, razors, toothbrushes, etc., may reduce the risk of transmission. Sores and rashes should be covered with bandages and blood on any surface should be cleaned up with household bleach.

Listed below are some of the natural herbs that help in fighting Hepatitis B:

Katuki: The scientific name of the herb is picrorhiza kurroa. Studies have shown that katuki increases gall bladder shrinkage. It helps in digestion by curing liver ailments. It can be consumed every alternate day to fetch fast recovery.
Kalmegh: This Indian herb is better known as andrographis paniculata in the scientific community. It helps in raising the level of serum and the globulin component of protein.
Poerhavin diffusa: This is part of the actual plant and is better by the name of Punarnava. It addresses blandness and dyspepsia.
Tamarix gallica: Owing to its sugary taste, this herb is easily accepted by children. They have a cleansing effect on the intestine and assist in smooth blood flow of a patient suffering from hepatitis B.
Terminalia chebula: This is also known as Haritaki in the Indian subcontinent and helps in decreasing the level of liver spleen. This herb should be consumed with honey on alternate days.
Eclipta Alba: This herb is more commonly known as bhringraj. It helps in reviving the liver cells and clears toxins from the body. This herb has a certain rejuvenating effect on patients suffering from hepatitis B.
Chicory: This is considered to be a miraculous drug, owing to its ability of revitalising the liver and kidney. It cleanses the blood and speeds up the recovery of hepatitis B.
Solanum indicum: This herb has the ability to counter alkaline phosphate that damages the liver. They also have the capability to renovate the liver cells in a very quick time.
Capparis spinosa: This herb has the ability to address viral hepatitis. Apart from addressing liver problems, they are also known to be extremely effective in countering anxiety and itching. It suits elderly persons. They can be consumed 2 3 times a week in the form of an extract.
Echinacea purpurea: This herb is more commonly known as the echinacia. They have the unique ability of eradicating liver ailments in a short span of time. Apart from being a favourable liver agent, echinacia can bring down swelling of the liver and also safeguard a person from getting the flu. This can be consumed as extract or mixed with fruit juice.
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Ayurvedic Remedies For Hepatitis A!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), BTCM, DTCM
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bargarh
Ayurvedic Remedies For Hepatitis A!
Hepatitis A is an infectious disease caused by the Hepatitis A Virus (HAV), which affects the liver. It leads to inflammation of the liver. Even though it does not cause any severe harm in the initial stages, it can become acute or chronic later if not treated or managed on time. If it becomes chronic, it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and permanent liver failure too.

Hepatitis A is caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water and it can also result due to anal or oral contact during sex. This infectious disease results in specific signs and symptoms, including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, fever, jaundice, anorexia, and rashes on the body. There are many allopathic medicines to cure Hepatitis A but they can be harsh on the body. If one wants to avoid the possible side effects of these medications, then Ayurvedic remedies offer to be a better choice as they do not have any side effects and also cure the infection completely, giving permanent and full relief.

So, here are some Ayurvedic remedies for Hepatitis A.

Virechana: A part of the Panchakarma process, it is a detoxification therapy that flushes out the toxins from the body. In Ayurveda, it is believed that any disorder of the liver is caused by pitta imbalance and this imbalance is rectified by a purgation technique. In the first step, the patient is made to vomit and then is kept on a light diet for a few days and watched over. In the last step, the patient is administered virechana drugs such as sweet herbs to cleanse the toxins and purify the blood. After cleansing, the patient is given a warm bath to calm the senses.
Echinacea: This herb is a natural immunizing agent that helps fight the infection caused by HAV. It is an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory in nature and thus, provides relief to the liver. It also stimulates the secretion of enzymes in the body and improves blood circulation as well. Lastly, it prevents auto-immune diseases.
Phyllanthus niruri: Also known as Bhumi Amla, it is very effective in fighting infections of the liver and can cure all forms of liver diseases. It possesses analgesic, antibacterial, and anti-spasmodic properties. It cures the liver inflammation and corrects the pitta imbalance.
Triphala: A mixture of bibhataki, haritaki and amlaki, triphala is a very effective cleansing herb. It carries laxative properties and thus, helps remove toxins from the intestines.
Katuki: This Ayurvedic herb is very effective in the treatment of different liver diseases and is known as a strong laxative. It helps in the detoxification of the intestines and also kills the intestinal worms.
These Ayurvedic remedies are known to provide lasting relief in Hepatitis A, no matter what the stage of the infection is. The herbal medicines can be consumed in the form of tablets, capsules, mixture (churna), or even taken as a tea. Nevertheless, it is advised to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before resorting to any of these remedies. Proper diagnosis and accurate dosage is a must in the treatment of Hepatitis A.
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Ayurvedic Remedies For Autoimmune Hepatitis!

BAMS, MS - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Hyderabad
Ayurvedic Remedies For Autoimmune Hepatitis!
Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease of the liver that attacks a person when their immune system turns against their liver cells. This condition leads to a dysfunctional liver, which may cause disorders related to the organ. It is not known as to what causes this disease but specific genes are believed to be the reason behind autoimmune hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis manifests in the form of necrosis (death of living cells of the liver), hepatocellular inflammation, and later on also culminates in cirrhosis (scarring of the liver).

A number of women than men are affected by autoimmune hepatitis. The signs and symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis include weakness, weight loss, fever, belly pain, diarrhea, skin rashes, edema, and yellowing of skin or eyes. There is no permanent cure for autoimmune hepatitis and it can be only managed with medicines. There are allopathic medicines to keep the disease under control but they have been found to have side effects. These side effects are not gentle on the body and if one wants to avoid them then Ayurvedic remedies come forward as the ideal option.

Swedana: A natural detoxification treatment, swedana refers to sweat generation therapy. In this therapy, the patient is made to sit in a closed steam chamber and is warmed with the help of steam that carries the aroma of several Ayurvedic herbs. These herbs induce sweating in the patient, thereby, removing the toxins sitting inside the body. Later, the patient is given a gentle massage to relax the body.
Apple cider vinegar: This gives relief in the case of autoimmune hepatitis by reducing the ammonia levels in the blood. High ammonia in blood is believed to cause an imbalance in the body and this imbalance disturbs the immune system, causing it to turn against the body.
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum): Milk thistle has properties that strengthen the immunity of the body. It also contains a flavonoid called silymarin that protects the liver from toxins. It has antioxidant properties that keep the liver damage in check and the anti-inflammatory agents that bring relief in swelling.
Giloy: This is a very potent herb that boosts the immune system of the body by increasing the fighting power of a particular type of white blood cells. It also balances the pH level of the body. It is a natural diuretic and thus, increases secretion of urine, helping to flush out the toxins from the body. Being anti-inflammatory and analgesic in nature, giloy controls swelling and also gives relief from pain.
Haldi (Turmeric): Turmeric is a natural immunity booster that is known to carry a compound called curcumin. This compound is a cleanser and a purifier. It removes the toxins and impurities from the body and the blood. This relaxes the liver and also restores its normal functions.
Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease that can be managed with Ayurvedic remedies but one also needs to make lifestyle changes to keep body s immunity in good shape. Abstinence from alcohol, smoking, and spicy foods are beneficial and so is regular exercise and plenty of water intake. These steps automatically increase the immunity of the body and thus, keeps the disease in check.
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Causes And Symptoms of Hives

MD - Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine, MBBS
Dermatologist, Gurgaon
Causes And Symptoms of Hives
Hives is a very common condition and about 20% of the world has got it at some point in their lives. There are many causes to it ranging from blood transfusions to certain allergic reactions to food. It starts off as an itchy patch of skin but slowly swells and turns into red welts. There are certain factors which makes the itching worse including stress, alcohol and scratching the area of skin which was itchy in the first place.

Here are all the causes and symptoms of hives:

Food: Allergic reactions to foods such as nuts, eggs and shellfish are a common cause of hives.
Medications: Certain medications also have a side effect of causing hives. Penicillin and sulfa are two of the antibiotics, which can cause hives. Ibuprofen and Aspirin are also two other medications, which are commonly known to cause hives.
Infections: Both bacterial and viral infections can lead to hives. Strep throat, urinary tract infections, common cold and hepatitis are some of many bacterial and viral infections, which may cause hives.
Stimuli: Certain factors such as temperature, pressure, sun exposure and other physical stimuli may cause hives as well.
Plants and animals: Dander in animals are the flakes of skin in their fur. Moreover, coming into contact with certain poisonous plants may cause hives.
Insects: When insects sting or bite you, you may get hives.
Latex: Latex is a type of rubber used in many types of clothing. It has been said that wearing clothing made out of latex can cause hives.
Pollen: Pollen is a light powdery substance produced by plants such as oak trees. It travels through the air and may cause hives if it comes into contact with your skin.

Bumps: Itchy red bumps appear on the skin when you have hives. Sometimes, the bumps can be skin-colored as well.
Blanching: When the bumps turn white after you press them, it is known as blanching. Blanching is the only clear symptom of hives.
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Types And Causes of Hepatitis

Gastroenterologist, Kolkata
Types And Causes of Hepatitis
Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver, which may often progress to dangerous complications. There are many types of Hepatitis and each has its own particular set of causes, symptoms, mode of contraction and treatment procedures. Here are the main types of Hepatitis as well as some of the factors which may cause Hepatitis:


Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A virus infection causes this condition. The Hepatitis A virus comes from food or water contaminated with the feces of someone contaminated with Hepatitis A. This is not a chronic form of Hepatitis.
Hepatitis B: This is a chronic form of Hepatitis. It is spread through body fluid, such as blood, saliva and semen. The possible causes of Hepatitis B include use of drugs through injections, having sex with an infected partner and sharing razors or other intimate articles with someone who is infected.
Hepatitis C: This is also a chronic form of Hepatitis.The most common causes of Hepatitis C are injection drug use or having sex.
Hepatitis D: This is a not a chronic form of Hepatitis and is also very uncommon. It is usually contracted along with Hepatitis B. It is usually caused due to puncture wounds or contact with infected blood.
Hepatitis E: This is the most uncommon form of Hepatitis. It is due to poor sanitation and ingesting fecal matter. It is usually found in developing countries.

Virus: This is the usual way of contracting Hepatitis. The virus attacks the liver and causes inflammation leading to the breakdown of a number of body systems.
Alcohol and other toxins: Alcohol and certain prescribed medications cause the liver to swell and that is why this form of Hepatitis is known as alcoholic Hepatitis.
Autoimmune disease: This is the rarest cause of Hepatitis. The immune system malfunctions and begins destroying its own tissues. It attacks the liver because it perceives the liver to be a foreign object.
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Know The Types and Causes of Hepatitis

DM - Gastroenterology, MD - General Medicine, MBBS
Gastroenterologist, Hyderabad
Know The Types and Causes of Hepatitis
Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver, which may often progress to dangerous complications. There are many types of Hepatitis and each has its own particular set of causes, symptoms, mode of contraction and treatment procedures. Here are the main types of Hepatitis as well as some of the factors which may cause Hepatitis:


Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A virus infection causes this condition. The Hepatitis A virus comes from food or water contaminated with the feces of someone contaminated with Hepatitis A. This is not a chronic form of Hepatitis.
Hepatitis B: This is a chronic form of Hepatitis. It is spread through body fluid, such as blood, saliva and semen. The possible causes of Hepatitis B include use of drugs through injections, having sex with an infected partner and sharing razors or other intimate articles with someone who is infected.
Hepatitis C: This is also a chronic form of Hepatitis.The most common causes of Hepatitis C are injection drug use or having sex.
Hepatitis D: This is a not a chronic form of Hepatitis and is also very uncommon. It is usually contracted along with Hepatitis B. It is usually caused due to puncture wounds or contact with infected blood.
Hepatitis E: This is the most uncommon form of Hepatitis. It is due to poor sanitation and ingesting fecal matter. It is usually found in developing countries.

Virus: This is the usual way of contracting Hepatitis. The virus attacks the liver and causes inflammation leading to the breakdown of a number of body systems.
Alcohol and other toxins: Alcohol and certain prescribed medications cause the liver to swell and that is why this form of Hepatitis is known as alcoholic Hepatitis.
Autoimmune disease: This is the rarest cause of Hepatitis. The immune system malfunctions and begins destroying its own tissues. It attacks the liver because it perceives the liver to be a foreign object.
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