Top Health Tips on Treating Hives

3 Symptoms Of Hives

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
3 Symptoms Of Hives
Hives or urticaria is an outbreak of reddish swollen bumps around the skin surface, formed mainly due to the body s response to particular allergens. Generally, the infectious bumps are of varied shapes and sizes and last for about 5-6 weeks. Although not a serious medical condition, hives can cause tremendous discomfort to the concerned person and affect his/her daily activities. Hives can be cured with a prescribed dosage of antihistamines or oral corticosteroids.

Causes of hives

Although the exact reason behind their formation is still unknown, researchers suggest that this disorder occurs as a response to involuntary histamine release by the skin blood vessels (that in turn, causes a leakage of blood plasma). Some other factors that can be responsible are:

Hives can occur due to insect or parasite bites.
Hives can also result as a side effect of painkillers such as codeine and other anti- inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or ACE inhibitors.
Excessive exposure to sunlight or high levels of stress (leading to high cortisol levels in the body) can also result in hives.
Intense scratching around the same spot can also result to hive formation.
Excessive alcohol intake can render you even more vulnerable to this disease.
Excessive intake of foods such as eggs, fish, nuts, chocolate and berries might also cause hives. Additionally, excessive consumption of certain food preservatives can also trigger the release of histamine.
Suffering from serious underlying medical conditions such as cancer, hepatitis or thyroid disorders can make you prone to chronic cases of hives (which might last for more than 6 weeks).
Symptoms of hives
The symptoms of hives include, but are not limited to:

Appearances of several reddish welts around the face or arms which might cause a severe itchy sensation.
Painful and abnormal swelling around the mouth
You might also feel tightness in your chest along with recurring bouts of dizziness.
If not treated promptly after diagnosis, hives might result in life-threatening allergic reactions, such as Anaphylaxis (narrowing down of the bronchial tubes, thus causing significant breathing trouble) and auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
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Hives Rash or Urticuria - 6 Cause Behind Skin Disorder

Dermatology Backed Expert Skin & Hair Care Solution
Dermatologist, Kolkata
Hives Rash or Urticuria - 6 Cause Behind Skin Disorder
Hives, also known as urticuria is a skin disorder that is characterized by formation of white or red welts on the surface of the skin. The sizes of the welts may vary and can last for up to six weeks or more. The disease is not life threatening but the general discomfort associated with it can interfere with your daily activities. The symptoms of hives are treated by taking anti-histamines and anti-itching medications.

Let s take a look at the symptoms:
1. Development of red or white welts, especially on torso, arms and the face
2. The welts may cause severe itching
3. Painful swelling on various parts of the body such as cheeks, lips and the insides of the throat
4. You may experience tightness in the chest and feel dizzy

What might be the causes?
Hives occur when certain cells are triggered into releasing histamine (an organic nitrogenous compound). The various factors that trigger this condition are:
1. Insects bites or parasite bites
2. Continuous scratching at the same spot
3. Various pain medications
4. Prolonged exposure to sunlight
5. High levels of stress
6. Excessive consumption of alcohol

This disease can lead to severe complications which have been listed below:
1. Severe allergic reaction: Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction that causes the bronchial tubes to narrow down thus, obstructing normal breathing. It is a condition that may, in certain cases, lead to death as well. Hence, you need prompt medical attention if you suffer from this complication.

2. Breathing complications: Swelling on the inner parts of the throat may obstruct normal breathing and cause you to pass out. It can also increase the risk of certain immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and celiac disease (a disorder caused by eating gluten rich foods in excess).

The treatment for this disorder includes taking anti-histamine medications that help in blocking histamine (organic compounds which help to regulate physiological functioning) in the body. You may also be administered anti-inflammation medications to reduce inflammation. Wear loose clothing and stop scratching away at the affected regions of the body to make sure you do not aggravate the condition.
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Causes and Symptoms of Hives

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD)
Dermatologist, Delhi
Causes and Symptoms of Hives
Hives is a very common condition and about 20% of the world has got it at some point in their lives. There are many causes to it ranging from blood transfusions to certain allergic reactions to food. It starts off as an itchy patch of skin but slowly swells and turns into red welts. There are certain factors which makes the itching worse including stress, alcohol and scratching the area of skin which was itchy in the first place.

Here are all the causes and symptoms of hives:


1. Food: Allergic reactions to foods such as nuts, eggs and shellfish are a common cause of hives.
2. Medications: Certain medications also have a side effect of causing hives. Penicillin andsulfa are two of the antibiotics which can cause hives. Ibuprofen and Aspirin are also two other medications which are commonly known to cause hives.
3. Infections: Both bacterial and viral infections can lead to hives. Strep throat, urinary tract infections, common cold and hepatitis are some of many bacterial and viral infections which may cause hives.
4. Stimuli: Certain factors such as temperature, pressure, sun exposure and other physical stimuli may cause hives as well.
5. Plants and animals: Dander in animals are the flakes of skin in their fur. Moreover, coming into contact with certain poisonous plants may cause hives.
6. Insects: When insects sting or bite you, you may get hives.
7. Latex: Latex is a type of rubber used in many types of clothing. It has been said that wearing clothing made out of latex can cause hives.
8. Pollen: Pollen is a light powdery substance produced by plants such as oak trees. It travels through the air and may cause hives if it comes into contact with your skin.


1. Bumps: Itchy red bumps appear on the skin when you have hives. Sometimes, the bumps can be skin-colored as well.
2. Blanching: When the bumps turn white after you press them, it is known as blanching. Blanching is the only clear symptom of hives.
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Treatment For Hives - Why Go For Homeopathy?

CME Course In Diabetes For Family Physicians, Certificate In Child Health, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Treatment For Hives - Why Go For Homeopathy?
Hives or urticaria can be defined as an outbreak of reddish swollen bumps on the skin surface. This happens because of the body s response to involuntary histamine release by the skin s blood vessels (which in turn, cause a leakage of blood plasma). The infection generally lasts for about 5-6 weeks, varying significantly in sizes and shapes. Although it is not a serious medical condition, hives can posit considerable discomfort to the affected person (coupled with severe itching and a constant burning sensation near the spot).

Although the exact reason behind the development of this condition is still unknown, researchers suggest that there are some factors that initiate the disorder.

Hives can occur as a result of insect or parasite bites.
In some cases, this disorder might occur as a side effect of painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Excessive intake of alcohol or foods rich in proteins such as eggs, fish, nuts, chocolate, berries etc. might also cause hives.
Excessive exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun or high levels of stress can also result in hives.
Also, suffering from serious underlying medical conditions such as cancer, hepatitis or thyroid disorders might drastically aggravate chances of chronic hives as well.

Development of numerous reddish welts around the face or the arms along with a severe itchy sensation, recurrent feeling of tightness around the chest and constant dizziness.
Oral inflammation
If not treated immediately after diagnosis, this disorder might cause life- threatening allergic reactions such as Anaphylaxis (a condition which narrows down the bronchial tubes and causes significant breathing troubles) and auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

The homeopathic preparations useful for treating hives have been mentioned below:

Apis mellifica: This medication works best for a case of hives that has resulted from insect or parasite bites. Other symptoms that are taken care of by this medication include severe itching and a stinging sensation that worsens at night or with exposure to cold, coupled with mild fever.
Arsenicum album: This homeopathic preparation is effective to cure hives that include symptoms of a burning sensation, abnormal swelling, and constant restlessness.
Ichthyolum and Astacus: This preparation is effective to cure chronic hives caused due to serious medical conditions such as uric acid, tuberculosis, or excessive alcohol consumption. People suffering from this particular type exhibit symptoms such as a large appetite, irritability, and a constant itchiness.
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Best Remedies for Skin Allergies Used in Homeopathy

M.D Homoeopathy ( Practice of Medicine ), BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Nashik
Best Remedies for Skin Allergies Used  in Homeopathy
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, which measures about 2 square metres approximately 22 square feet. Skin is not just the longest organ alone in our body, but also has numerous amazing roles which most of us don t realise actually. It not only protects our body from chemical, harmful radiations and sun. It also acts as a major storage area of energy, synthesizes vitamin D and the best indicator of any disorder in your digestive and immune system. But most of us don t identify the warning signs that our skin shows from the initial stage unless it becomes more severe and start to show drastic skin changes or allergies.

Homeopathy is the system of medicine, which not only identifies the problem of skin from the root level, but also understands the nature of skin of each individual and treats the skin allergies without causing any harmful side effects. As allergies are not common for everybody it is very much necessary to identify the skin nature of every individual and the type of allergen by which the person is affected. Thus, homeopathy way of treating is best for skin allergies.

Here are few best remedies for skin allergies used in homeopathy

Apis Mellifica: It is the best remedy for hives and utricarial rash. It can be used for any type of allergies with severe burning, itching sensation and rashes
Natrum mur: Natrum mur is the commonly used homeopathy medicine for nasal and skin allergies
Sulfur: It is the top most natural homeopathic medicine for treating the skin allergies. It shows wonder in relieving the excessive itching and burning sensations
Rhus toxicodendron: It is used for treating person with eczema in which the person develops numerous vesicular rashes along with itching, swelling and tingling sensation over the affected area of skin.
Arsenicum: It is used for treating psoriasis, chronic uriticaria and chronic eczema.
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Urticaria - 6 Homeopathic Remedies For Hives Disease

BHMS, MD-Homeopathy, PGPC - Preventive Cardiology
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Urticaria - 6 Homeopathic Remedies For Hives Disease
Urticaria or hives are red, raised lesions that occur anywhere on the body, usually around the trunk, hands and legs. They appear as small round rings or large patches that changes shape, may itch and be surrounded by a red flare. They can be acute or chronic, with acute almost always being an allergic reaction. It is often due to unknown causes, ranging from chronic irritation to parasitic infection to temperatures to water types.

Homeopathy treats diseases as a whole, and similarly, when treating urticaria tries to identify associated symptoms and thereby treat the cause also. After a detailed discussion about predisposition and associated symptoms, a customized remedy will be prescribed, which may include one of the following common homeopathic remedies.

Apis Mell: The hives consist of isolated patches that are painful, tender, itch at night, feel like bee stings, become purple. There is burning pain, slight fever, and warmth of the surrounding skin. It is worsened by changing weather and exercise, causing severe itching and burning. The patient may already have asthma.
Arsenic Album: The urticaria is caused by eating shellfish and causes burning and restlessness. The condition gets worse being at the seaside and by getting into sea water. Arsenic is also useful to treat urticarial symptoms during the recession of the lesions. The person also could be down emotionally with depression, despair, indifference and irritability. If the lesions are more severe, the restlessness is also severe. It is worse after midnight, from 1 to 2 a.m.
Rhus toxicodendron: Prepared from the leaves and bark of the plant poison ivy, Rhus works on multiple body systems including skin, joints, eyes, extremities, and overall vitality. In addition to urticaria, it is also used in cellulitis, arthritis, fevers, etc. It is effective if the urticaria has a burning sensation, inflamed reddened rash that is worsened by cold and improved by warmth.
Urtica urens: Made from a plant called stinging nettle, which itself has a tendency to produce urticaria, it is used when there is urticaria from bee stings or after eating shellfish. The lesions are red with severe burning and itching, recurring every year, could be associated with weather changes.
Natrum Muriaticum: The common salt sodium chloride is potentized, and its inner healing power activated. It is used for chronic urticaria, where the lesions develop after severe irritation.
Dulcamara: The lesions develop followed a general prickly sensation setting in and at night when it is cold and damp. The hives are irregular white patches surrounded by a red area that itch badly. The hives are associated with violent cough, swelling of the lymph nodes, fever, restlessness, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, and intense aching in pit of stomach.
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Hives - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Dermatologist, Bangalore
Hives - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Hives, or Urticaria in medical parlance, is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of itchy swellings on the skin surface. Hives may break out on any part of your body and can be of different sizes. It is not a prolonged condition and generally lasts for a few hours. Urticaria or hives usually occur due to the secretion of certain chemical substances such as histamine from underneath the skin surface.

Some of the possible causes of hives are mentioned below:

Overexposure to sunlight
As a side effect of medicines such as aspirin, painkillers or antibiotics.
Insect bites
Any food related allergy may also trigger hives
People allergic to certain chemicals or latex can also develop hives
Sensitivity to temperature or water can cause hives
Infections such as Hepatitis or chronic diseases such as thyroid may result in the occurrence of hives.
Alcohol or caffeine intake can cause chronic urticaria
The most common symptoms of Hives include:

Skin becomes swollen
Frequent itching sensation
Skin inflammation is also common
You may feel a burning sensation
Within a short span of time, it may disappear and then again reappear on different parts of the body
Red and white patches appear all over the skin surface known as wheals
Hives generally go untreated as the condition subsides within a few hours. But sometimes, hives can be chronic or acute in nature. If so, it would require treatment as it can give rise to further complications. Some of the treatment methods are given below:

Corticosteroids may be prescribed by the doctor to control the formation of hives and give relief from inflammation.
Antihistamines (drugs which hinder the impacts of histamines; mainly used for curing allergies) are advised to patients with chronic urticaria. It controls the effects caused due to the discharge of histamines.
Knowing and avoiding the trigger conditions may prove to be helpful.
Applying menthol creams can give comfort due to its cooling properties.
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Chronic Hives - How Ayurveda Remedies Helpful in Treating it?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Chronic Hives - How Ayurveda Remedies Helpful in Treating it?
Hives, also known as urticaria, is characterized by an outbreak of swollen red bumps on the skin. It may cause symptoms of itching, burning or stinging. The disorder can affect any part of the body including the tongue, throat and face. The size of the bumps can vary, they may join together to form plaques. The bumps or plaques appear and disappear until the disorder runs its course. In case of chronic hives, the bumps can last up to six weeks.

The symptoms of this disorder are formation of bumps on the body, severe itching and pain resulting from the bumps. The symptoms can get aggravated by stress, heat and exercise. You may also experience dizziness, chest pain and a swollen throat.

Chronic hives can be caused when specific cells in the body release histamine in the blood. The exact cause of this disorder is not known. This reaction of releasing histamine in the blood can be triggered by factors like:
1. Insects
2. Medications to control pain
3. Scratching
4. Exposure to cold and heat
5. Excessive consumption of alcohol
6. Heavy exercise

Being a female and being young raises your risk of being affected by this disorder.

Ayurvedic Treatment
The first line of treatment for hives is the use of home remedies. The doctor will aim to treat any underlying condition, if any. Ayurvedic remedies for hives are holistic and free from side effects. They are based on natural ingredients that do not cause any adverse effects on the body.

The Ayurvedic treatment for this disorder are

Herbs: Certain herbs like turmeric are very effective to treat this condition. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve its symptoms. A mixture of rock salt and mustard oil can be applied on the affected part to foster speedy recovery.
Diet: You need to follow certain dietary guidelines so that the symptoms do not get aggravated. Avoid taking foods that are sour and salty. Include plenty of buttermilk as it has a cooling effect on the body.
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Skin Rashes - 5 Homeopathic Remedies For It!

BHMS, DI Hom (London)
Homeopathy Doctor, Varanasi
Skin Rashes - 5 Homeopathic Remedies For It!
Skin rashes can be of many kinds. These may be due to various improper body system. Thankfully, homeopathy has many solutions for the plethora of causative factors for skin rashes. These remedies aim at treating the underlying cause of the affecting ailment. Any skin change that affects the look, colour or texture can be termed as a rash. Rashes might or might not have any accompanying pain. They may be spread all over the body or may affect any one part and be localised. It might affect the body image apart from the discomfort it causes. A few kinds of rashes disappear without treatment, while others require medical attention.

Homeopathy tries to holistically solve the disease by treating the underlying causes than just the symptoms of the disease. Here are the most commonly employed treatments:

Arsenicum (Ars): It is useful in treating skin ailments wherein the skin gets thickened; such as in chronic urticarial, chronic eczema and psoriasis. The rash might be papular and cause a burning sensation. The pustules turn into scabs. It is also effective in treating ringworms and certain kinds of hives. Hives which are formed after consuming fruits or pork are known to show noticeable regression after consuming Arsenicum. Wheals, which are induced due to consistent exposure to cold can also be remedied by this remedy.
Apis Mellifica (Apis): It is useful when urticarial infections have a sudden onset with a widespread appearance of welts. Hives that spread all over the body and bed rashes can also be treated with this drug.
Hepar Sulphur (Hep): This drug is helpful in treating moist eruptions on skin folds and the joints. The skin in such cases is prone to suppuration (the process of pus forming) and becomes very sensitive. This can also be used in eczematous scalp and cases wherein the skin becomes very sensitive. Genital organs affected by boils can especially benefit from Hepar sulphur.
Caladium: It is most commonly used in case of asthmatics who suffer from rashes. This kind of rash alternates with the asthma attacks.
Medorrhinum: Babies having rashes around their anus (diaper rash) are generally recommended this medicine for the eruptions to subside.
Sulphur: This works well for rashes that are extremely itchy and feeling burning. You feel better when something cold is applied to the area. Your skin is rough, dry and peeling. You have blisters and fluid-filled bumps that exist within a patch of dark red skin. It may affect the left side of the body more often than the right, especially at points that bend and folds of the skin.
Psorinum: Psorinum is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for skin rash and itching in the bend of joints, for example the hollow of the knee or elbow. Homeopathic medicine Psorinum has shown the best results where itching is intolerable and the skin gets raw or may even start to bleed from intense and continuous scratching. So severe is the condition that the person often finds it hard to even sleep. In persons showing these vital signs, Psorinum has proved to be one of the most suitable Homeopathic medicines for skin rash and itching. Psorinum is also among the most effective Homeopathic medicines for skin ailments that get worse in winters. Along with the symptoms mentioned above, sensitivity to cold air may also be felt in some cases.
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10 Reasons Behind Hives!

Dermatologist, Mumbai
10 Reasons Behind Hives!
Hives, also called urticaria are swollen welts or bumps that appear on your skin suddenly.

They itch, burn and sting and can happen anywhere on your body. You can get them on your face, lips, tongue, ears or chest. And in size, they can be as small as an eraser to as large as a plate. They also form plaques and can last for hours or up to several days.


Acute urticaria - These type of hives last less than six weeks. The most common causes are allergies due to certain foods and medications, or infections. These hives can also happen due to diseases or insect bites.
Chronic urticaria - Hives lasting more than six weeks come under this category. What causes them is usually more difficult to identify than what causes acute urticaria. In some cases, chronic hives are caused due to thyroid disease, hepatitis or even cancer. This type can affect your internal organs like lungs, muscles, and the gut. Thus, symptoms include muscle soreness, shortness of breath, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Physical urticaria - These types are caused due to direct physical stimulation of the skin due to cold, heat, sun exposure, vibration, pressure, sweating, and exercise.
What causes hives?

Hives happen mostly due to allergies. Some of the common hive triggers are-

Certain foods, especially peanuts, eggs, nuts and shellfish- Fresh foods are more likely to cause hives as compared to cooked foods. Certain food additives and preservatives can also play culprits.
Medicines like penicillin and sulfa-based antibiotics, aspirin and ibuprofen which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, high blood pressure drugs like ACE inhibitors, and painkillers such as codeine can also trigger hives.
Insect bites
Transfusion of blood
Bacterial infections, including urinary tract infections and infected throat
Viral infections like common cold and hepatitis
Pollen grains
Plants like poison oak and poison ivy
Excessive exposure to sunlight
Pet dander
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