Top Health Tips on Treating Liver Failure

Alcohol - How Much Should You Drink Everyday?

MD, House Job Certificate ( SKIN & STD) , MBBS
General Physician, Gurgaon
Alcohol - How Much Should You Drink Everyday?
How much alcohol can you safely drink every day? Moderate, say the experts. Alcohol abuse has serious health downsizes, but moderate drinking can actually be good for your heart. Moderate alcohol use has a few other health benefits too. Let s see what these are.

Reduces risk of developing and dying from heart disease
Reduces your risk of ischemic stroke during which the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing reduction of blood flow to your brain
Reduces your risk of diabetes
The link between alcohol and health is tenuous at best and the health benefits of moderate drinking are by no means certain. Also every one may not benefit from alcohol. Moderate alcohol use - Guidelines
One drink a day is considered moderate for healthy women of any age and men older than 65, and up to two drinks a day for men younger than 65. This alcoholic drink can be:

Beer: 12 ounces
Wine: 5 ounces
Distilled spirits : 1.5 ounces
Moderate alcohol use can be counter-productive for you, if you have risk factors for heart disease. It s always better to take care to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a heart-healthy diet to reduce your heart attack risks.

Risks of heavy alcohol use
We know about the definition of moderate drinking, but what s heavy drinking? It is defined as more than three drinks a day for women and men older than 65 (or more than seven drinks a week), and more than four drinks a day for men less than 65 (or more than 14 drinks a week).
Binge drinking is even worse. If you drink four or more drinks within two hours as a woman and five or more drinks within two hours as a man, it is referred to as binge drinking. Heavy drinking, including binge drinking, can increase your risk of serious health problems, like:

Cancer, including breast cancer and cancers of the mouth, throat and esophagus
Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas
Sudden death due to pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Alcoholic myopathy or damage to heart muscle, which causes heart failure
High blood pressure
Liver disease
Brain damage in fetuses
It s best to ditch alcohol altogether. It is the healthiest thing you could ever do. The guidelines make it very clear that you shouldn t start drinking alcohol, albeit moderately, to make your heart healthy. The best way to have a healthy heart is to eat and exercise right. However, if you are an occasional drinker, you could make sure that your alcohol intake is within limits and you drink moderately at all times so that you don t attract any health penalties associated with heavy alcohol use.
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Alcohol Related Liver Diseases - How Ayurveda Can Help?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Mumbai
Alcohol Related Liver Diseases - How Ayurveda Can Help?
The liver is a vital organ in our body because it performs many important functions. This includes filtering harmful substances in our blood, producing bile to facilitate digestion of food, storing energy and nutrients as well as producing hormones and enzymes that the body uses for performing essential functions.However, too much consumption of alcohol can affect the liver, lead to serious consequences related to our health, and also result in an alcohol-related liver disease (ALD). An ALD may, in turn, cause disruption of the digestion process and weaker immune system. It may even increase the risk of developing cancer.


As the name suggests, the prime cause behind the development of the alcohol-induced liver disease is the consumption of alcohol for a long duration. However, some of the other causes behind the development of alcohol-induced liver disease include the presence of an existing liver disease such as fatty liver or hepatitis, inherited liver disease, or a liver disease induced due to excessive or prolonged consumption of certain drugs.

Alcohol-induced liver diseases (ALD) can be of three types.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease: Alcoholic fatty liver disease or steatosis occurs due to the deposition of fats in the liver, which is an end result of excessive alcohol consumption.
Alcoholic hepatitis: Too much of alcohol consumption can also lead to liver inflammation, which is called alcoholic hepatitis.
Alcoholic cirrhosis: This alcoholic-liver disease occurs when the liver is scarred due to excessive consumption of alcohol. In this case, the healthy and soft liver tissues are replaced with dead and hard tissues.
Symptoms: Some of the signs and symptoms, mostly related to ALD, are not noticed in the initial stage. It is only after a few years that the symptoms may appear. Some of the common symptoms include abdominal pain, loss of appetite and weight loss, swelling in the abdomen as well as the legs, feet, and ankles, a yellowish appearance of the skin, itchy skin with hair loss, and bleeding and complications such as liver cancer or ascites.

Diagnosing alcohol-related liver disease is based on your history of alcohol consumption. But, there is no single test that can detect this type of disease, so a combination of tests will be suggested by your physician before a specific type of alcoholic liver disease is diagnosed.

Ayurvedic home remedies

Ayurveda is known to be greatly beneficial for the treatment of alcohol-induced liver diseases. The use of natural ingredients like herbs can not only treat the liver disease but also promote the overall well-being of the liver. The treatment will include abstinence from alcohol, as it is very important when it comes to undoing the damage that alcohol has caused to your liver. The natural ingredients that can treat alcohol-induced liver disease include:

Phyllanthus or bhumi amla: This natural ingredient acts as a liver cleanser. A great Ayurvedic herb, it will also rejuvenate your liver and protect it.
Turmeric: Packed with antioxidants, turmeric can improve your liver s health considerably. Additionally, its antiseptic and antiviral properties will help to prevent the buildup of virus that causes hepatitis B or C.
Green Tea: Another amazing remedy that works in an amazing way is green tea. The catechins present in green tea supports the functioning of the liver.
Flax seeds: Flax seeds prevent the hormones from circulating in the blood. This reduces the strain on the liver and promotes the well-being of your liver. Additionally, it is also recommended that you choose a healthy diet filled with fresh vegetables and fruits and reduce the consumption of salt, oily, and spicy fried food. Too much of strenuous exercise must be avoided as well.
Home remedies are supportive only in case of Alcoholic fatty liver, but if you are suffering from alcoholic hepatitis and ALD related liver cirrhosis you must need proper line of treatment under a well experienced and expert Ayurvedic doctor.
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Sugar Addiction - Tips To Overcome It!

B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Faridabad
Sugar Addiction - Tips To Overcome It!
You can be very much addicted to having sugar that many-a-times you might find it difficult to cut down on the amount of your intake. You might find it impossible to stop eating sugar. You might crave to have anything which has a lot of sugar in it.

Why is it bad?

Sugar is a fattening compound as it contains fructose. Sugar causes you to overeat, which in turn causes weight gain. It can bring anatomical changes in the brain, which gets you into an addiction. Sugar addiction is just like any other addiction, like that with nicotine or any other drugs. The only difference is the substance being used. Sugar can mess with the chemical balance of the brain to make you crave for it more.

A 2009 study from the University of California shows how a high-fructose diet can cause you to build new fat cells around your heart, liver, and digestive organs in just 10 weeks, plunging you into the early stages of diabetes and heart disease (whereas a high glucose diet did not have the same effects)
Excess fructose consumption is a major contributor to insulin resistance and obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis, and other diseases
Fructose is metabolized very differently in your body from glucose; all of the metabolic burden falls on your liver, in much the same way as for alcohol, and your body becomes a sea of toxic by-products.
Glucose, on the other hand, is your body s nearly ideal source of fuel, meaning it has none of the damaging metabolic effects of fructose; glucose also suppresses your appetite, unlike fructose, which stimulates your appetite and encourages overeating and the accumulation of excess body fat
How to overcome it?

To overcome sugar addiction, here are a few steps you can take:

Observe yourself: This is the first step you should take. Observe what you eat, how much of sugar it contains. Take a note of how you feel after having sugar or something, which is laden with sugar. Keep a diary entry of whatever you observe about yourself and your sugar consumption.
Practice self care: It is extremely difficult for any sugar addict to transition into a diet without any sugar or low sugar content. You will have to take it slow and add regular practice of self care. Do not avoid breakfast every morning. Remember to add in the required amount of fats and proteins (learn more about the Importance of Protein). Do not skip out on meals. Drink a lot of water and fluids like fresh fruit juice and sleep for at least 7 hours or more so that you get proper rest.
Be honest with yourself: If you are trying to get rid of the sugar addiction, you have to be extremely honest without yourself. If you succumb to temptation and end up eating a few too many candies, then be honest with yourself and admit it. Make it a point to overcome the temptation the next time.
If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult the doctor and ask a free question.
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Ayurveda for Fatty Liver - What All Should You Know

B.A. Sanskrit, BAMS, M.A. Sanskrit, MS -Gynaecology Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Thane
Ayurveda for Fatty Liver - What All Should You Know
Fatty liver or steatosis refers to the condition in which excess fat gets accumulated in the liver causing the liver to dysfunction. Some percentage of fat in the liver is normal but if it gets beyond the figure of 5 to 10 percent, then it is surely a cause of concern. Such a condition warrants treatment and if fatty liver is not treated on time, it can lead to liver cirrhosis or cancer. Therefore, the signs and symptoms of fatty liver should be taken seriously.

Some of the common symptoms of fatty liver include pain in the abdomen, loss of weight, swelling in the foot, jaundice, and inflammation of the liver. Anyone who suffers from these symptoms is likely to suffer from fatty liver. But the good news is that it can be treated. There are medicines in Ayurveda, homeopathy, and allopathy for fatty liver and if one talks about Ayurveda, it treats fatty liver with a holistic approach.

1. Fatty liver and Pitta Imbalance: Ayurveda works on the principles of managing vata, pitta, and kapha the three physical energies present in the human body. It believes that when there is any imbalance in these energies, dosha (disease) affects the body. According to Ayurveda, pitta is related to the metabolic system of the human body, which governs ingestion, digestion, and excretion. The liver, being a part of the metabolic system, is further related to pitta and this is why, when the pitta gets aggravated, the liver becomes diseased and starts to dysfunction. Ayurveda says that pitta imbalance is responsible for fatty liver. In fact, the liver is known as pitta in Ayurveda. It says that when toxins begin to build up in the liver, the liver has to work extra and this causes inflammation, ultimately leading to liver problems. So, Ayurveda tries to correct this imbalance through herbal medicines and detoxification treatment procedures.

2. Ayurveda dos and don ts: Ayurveda is a holistic science and therefore, it does not focus on suppressing the symptoms, similar to what allopathy does. It is also free from side effects and gives a permanent relief. But the patient undergoing Ayurvedic treatment has to be mindful of their lifestyle and eating habits. In case of fatty liver, Ayurveda prohibits alcohol, smoking, and spicy and oily food. So, the patient should avoid these foods. These food items should not be taken by the patient during the treatment duration. Otherwise, the effect of the medicines will get nullified. Anyone who goes for Ayurvedic treatment should remember that diet and lifestyle is a part of the treatment process and both go hand in hand.

Only in mild fatty liver please take simple triphla, avoid fatty food in your diet and exercise regularly. For grade 2 and grade 3 fatty liver, please take proper treatment under the guidance of expert Ayurvedic doctor.
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Hepatic Encephalopathy - How Ayurveda Plays A Role In Its Treatment?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Hepatic Encephalopathy - How Ayurveda Plays A Role In Its Treatment?
Hepatic encephalopathy refers to a serious liver condition in which the toxins build up to such an extent in the body that the liver becomes severely dysfunctional and the patient loses a normal level of consciousness. In this condition, the level of ammonia rises to a dangerous degree in the blood. It is an advanced stage of liver failure and is characterized by disturbing symptoms such as bloating, edema, amnesia, disturbed mind, changes in personality and in very advanced cases, even loss of memory and coma is reported. However, it is curable and Ayurveda offers to be of great help in treating this condition. It has numerous medicines and therapies to treat this condition.

Ayurvedic detox in hepatic encephalopathy
Hepatic encephalopathy is caused by extreme damage to the liver cells. This damage is the result of an excessive buildup of toxins in the liver, which overpower its filtration capabilities making the organ give up. It is similar to liver failure. Ayurveda tackles the disease by treating the root cause, that is, the buildup of toxins. Additionally, it helps strengthen the immunity while also ensuring relief in the painful symptoms. The remedies aim to remove the toxins from the system so that the liver cells can be restored to their normal state. So, such herbs and medicines are administered to the patients that possess diuretic, laxative, and cleansing properties.

Ayurvedic treatment effects
The liver detoxification medicines in ayurveda carry detoxification properties and they work with great efficacy in flushing out the toxins from the liver that have scarred the liver cells so badly. These Ayurvedic medicines also have anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties and thus, they also relax and protect the liver. This is because, in hepatic encephalopathy, the damaged liver cells become inflamed and thus, anti-inflammatory medicines are also required to soothe the damaged cells. Apart from this, the damaged liver also requires protection and thus, proper consultation with an experienced doctor is highly recommended.

Ayurveda dos and don ts
In hepatic encephalopathy, a regulated diet and abstinence from alcohol and smoking are also recommended. The former is given immense emphasis because the liver damage is so advanced that it cannot tolerate heavy and spicy food. A light and easily digestible diet are conducive to the recovery of the liver and in fact, acts as a medicine itself. In Ayurveda, nishedha (prohibition) is also equally important and in addition to oily and spicy food, alcohol and smoking are also prohibited. Alcohol is like poison to the damaged liver and smoking would further affect the immunity, negating the effects of the Ayurvedic treatment.

So, the patient, during the course of the treatment, should adhere to the do's and don ts without any fail. They should eat what is recommended by their Ayurveda specialist and must bear in mind that Ayurveda is a holistic treatment procedure that targets the root cause and ensures permanent relief. Therefore, the patient must respond to the treatment in a holistic manner, adhering to the medicines as well as prohibition.

Take opinion from an expert Ayurveda Doctor for the best result in chronic liver diseases.
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How Smoking is Harmful For Your Health?

General Physician, Gurgaon
How Smoking is Harmful For Your Health?
The risks and harms of smoking are pretty much common knowledge to most people. Especially when the pack of cigarettes practically screams it out to you in bold letters. Yet, as statistics would say, smoking in young adults has been on the rise in the recent years. What makes them take this step? Maybe it is peer pressure, or maybe they do it for the thrill of it. Every country takes a great initiative in educating their population, yet some fail to understand the complexity of the situation.

Here are some of the reasons that will tell you that even a single puff of the deadly tobacco can severely harm your health and general well-being

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of cancer. It can cause cancer in most organs of the body. Smoking cigarettes can cause the following
Nose cancer
Throat cancer
Larynx cancer
Mouth cancer
Oesophageal cancer
Lung cancer
Liver cancer
Cervix cancer
Stomach cancer
Kidney cancer
Colorectal cancer
Cervical cancer etc.
Smokers are more prone to respiratory diseases because smoking is capable of compromising the immune system of the body.
Autoimmune diseases such as Crohn s disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis are more likely to occur in smokers as their immune system is compromised by smoking.
Smoking has been linked to Diabetes type 2. This type of diabetes develops during adulthood. The more cigarettes a person smokes, the more likely is the person to develop this disease.
Smoking puts you at risk of developing several heart diseases such as angina, heart attacks, etc. because the nicotine in the body results in the lowering of good cholesterol. This causes deposition of bad cholesterol in the arteries.
Tobacco can cause tooth decay and several other oral problems such as gingivitis and other problems of the gum.
Cigarettes constrict your blood vessels. This constant narrowing of blood vessels can cause erectile dysfunction in men and leads to the infertility in both men and women. It also makes them difficult to achieve orgasms.
You might find yourself craving for cigarettes when you re stressed out. This is because the effect of nicotine in the cigarettes is lowered by the hormone produced during a stressful situation, i.e. cortisone.
Nicotine that causes momentary central nervous system stimulation can cause addiction and dependence.
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Ascites - Know Its Causes & Treatment In Ayurveda!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Ascites - Know Its Causes & Treatment In Ayurveda!
What is ascites?

Ascites is the build-up of an abnormal amount of fluid inside the abdomen. The problem may keep the patient from moving around comfortably. Approximately 80 to 90 % of patients of chronic/end-stage liver disease develop ascites.

Causes of ascites -

The most common cause of ascites is cirrhosis of the liver. Drinking too much alcohol is one of the most common causes of cirrhosis of the liver.

Different types of cancer, heart problem, low protein level, some type of infections can also cause this condition.

Symptoms of ascites -

* Swelling in the abdomen
* Problem in moving around easily.
* Weight gain
* Sense of fullness
* Bloating
* Sense of heaviness
* Nausea - vomiting.
* Loss of appetite.
* Indigestion.
* Swelling in the lower legs
* Shortness of breath

Diagnosis of Ascites -

* Fluid sample - A sample of fluid from your abdomen may be taken using a needle. This fluid will be checked for signs of disease, such as cancer or an infection. This test may help point to the cause of the ascites.
* Imaging - USG of whole abdomen, MRI or CT scan is very useful to diagnose ascites.

Complications of ascites -

Ascites can make eating, drinking, and moving around difficult. It can also make it hard to breathe. Ascites can lead to abdominal infections, that is SBP Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis which may cause kidney failure.

1. Abdominal pain, discomfort and difficulty breathing: These problems may occur when too much fluid builds up in the abdominal cavity. This may limit a patient's ability to eat, walk and perform daily activities. Moving around is difficult for the patient.

2. Infection: The fluids that build up in the gut as a result of ascites could become infected with bacteria. When this happens, the condition is called spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. It usually causes fever and abdominal pain. The diagnosis is generally made by taking a sample from the abdominal cavity as described above (ie, by performing a paracentesis). Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is a serious condition that requires treatment with IV antibiotics. After recovery from this infection, long-term treatment with oral antibiotics is needed to keep the infection from recurring.

3. Fluid in the lungs: Abdominal fluid fills the lung (mostly on the right side). This results in shortness of breath, cough, hypoxemia (lack of oxygen in the blood) and/or chest discomfort.

4. Kidney failure: End-stage of cirrhosis of the liver can lead to kidney failure. This condition is called hepatorenal syndrome. It is rare, but is a serious condition and may lead to kidney failure.

How is ascites treated?

In modern medicine, they provide some symptomatic relief only in the severe condition they remove a large amount of fluid from the abdomen through needle this procedure called paracentesis. but Ayurveda has the power to reduce abdominal fluid without any surgical intervention. Ayurvedic medicine help to reduce entire accumulated fluid through digestive tract only.

Ayurveda suggests a number of steps to ease your ascites.

* Cut back on your salt intake. Avoid salt substitutes that contain potassium.
* Cut back on the number of fluids you drink, strictly restrict water intake take, use cow milk instead of water to avoid further accumulation of water in the abdomen.
* Stop drinking alcohol.
* Natural Ayurvedic diuretics are very helpful to reduce fluid in the abdomen and also helps to reduce edema and will help to regenerate liver tissue.
* Ayurvedic medicine treats the root cause of ascites - liver disease and treat all other complication related to disease without any side effects.
* Nectar like herbs of Ayurveda boost immunity, stimulate appetite and support the digestive system.
* The root cause of any liver diseases is MANDAGNI according to Ayurvedic principle. Ayurvedic medicine treats this root cause and helps to recover from severe liver diseases including Cirrhosis of the liver.

Can ascites be prevented?

Certain steps to help you avoid cirrhosis of the liver and cancer can prevent ascites. These include:

* Stop drinking alcohol.
* Maintain a healthy weight.
* Exercise regularly.
* Stop smoking.
* Limit salt in your diet.
* Please do not drink water immediately after taking plain fatty foods like ghee.

Important points -

* Ascites is a condition in which fluid collects in spaces within your abdomen.
* As fluid collects in the abdomen, it can affect your lungs, kidneys, and other organs.
* Ascites causes abdominal pain, swelling, nausea, vomiting, and other difficulties.
* Stopping all alcohol intake,
* maintaining a healthy weight,
* exercising, not smoking, avoiding fatty foods
* limiting salt intake can help prevent liver disease, cirrhosis or cancer that may lead to ascites.
* Ascites can be cured by restricting diet, lifestyle changes and with Ayurvedic treatments but it may vary in different patients depends on the severity of disease general immunity of the patient and other complications.

One should consult and discuss with an Ayurveda liver specialist before deciding upon any medication.
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Fatty Liver - Signs You Are Suffering From It!

Post Graduate Diploma in Holistic Healthcare, PG Diploma Clinical research, Diploma in Medical Writing, MSc Biotechnology
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
Fatty Liver - Signs You Are Suffering From It!
The liver is a key organ in metabolism and will have some amount of fat. However, excessive fat accumulation in the liver can be abnormal and is referred to as fatty liver. If the fat content exceeds anything more than 5% to 10% of the liver s weight, it would be referred to as fatty liver.

Types - There are mainly two types based on causes:

Alcoholic fatty liver: This is very common in people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Even a one-off instance of binge drinking can cause increased fat accumulation in the liver, but it would not produce any symptoms though. Preexisting hepatitis, pregnancy, obesity, and genetic predisposition may also lead to alcoholic liver disease.
Non-alcoholic liver disease: This is the less common type of fatty liver, and there would be no alcoholic abuse history here. However, there could be genetic predisposition, obesity, autoimmune liver disease, malnutrition, which can lead to this condition.

Fatty liver disease is a chronic condition with insidious onset (meaning to say, the exact time of onset cannot be pinpointed). However, as the disease condition progresses, symptoms will become evident, which can trigger a medical evaluation to identify the fatty liver. Some of the symptoms include:

Excessive fatigue and weakness
Unexplained weight loss
Loss of appetite
Trouble focusing and concentrating
Impaired judgment
Constant, slow enlargement of the liver can cause pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen (where the liver is)
There could be jaundice, where the skin and the white of the eyes turn pale yellow
Symptoms of liver failure, including increased levels of proteins in the chemical tests.

As noted earlier, it is not easy to identify liver disease, as there are no specific symptoms. However, the above symptoms could point to a potential fatty liver.

Blood tests, especially for liver enzymes
Ultrasound, where the liver is imaged to look for any structural changes
Biopsy, where liver tissue is extracted to confirm the diagnosis of fatty liver

There is no specific treatment for fatty liver. It can be managed through the following, where symptoms reduce in severity, and overall prognosis improves.

Diabetes control: There is a relation between how well diabetes is controlled and severity of fatty liver. Improving diabetes control ensures fatty liver does not progress.
Alcohol: Cutting down or even better quitting alcohol, definitely helps improve symptoms. If it is alcohol induced fatty liver, alcohol should be stopped.
Weight management: Obesity and fatty liver are related, so weight management is essential.
Healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen also helps improve symptoms of fatty liver.
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Fatty Liver - Know Ayurvedic Tips For Liver Healing!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Mumbai
Fatty Liver - Know Ayurvedic Tips For Liver Healing!
Excess fat cells in the human body can settle under the skin and cause obesity, Additionally, they may even settle in specific organs and liver is one of them. When fat starts accumulating in the liver, a condition known as fatty liver manifests itself.

There are two types of fatty liver disease alcoholic and non-alcoholic. As the name suggests, the former is triggered by excessive alcohol consumption, whereas the latter takes place due to other reasons. While non-alcoholic fatty liver disease interferes with the normal functioning of the liver, alcoholic fatty liver disease has specific symptoms such as jaundice, fever, spider veins, and increase white blood cells (WBCs) count.

In the world of Ayurveda, the liver is a pitta organ, which is absolutely essential for normal digestion and elimination. Therefore, the pitta dosha should always be in balance so that toxins are eliminated by the liver from the body. A liver disease results when the pitta is aggravated, which can be treated with the help of lifestyle and dietary modifications, in addition to Ayurvedic remedies.

The following are some of the Ayurvedic tips and guidelines that can support liver healing and reduce the symptoms of fatty liver:

Avoid fatty and fried foods as these can further aggravate pitta and heating and overstimulating.
Incorporate cool and non-acidic food items such as berries, pears and melons into your diet.
Eat a combination of steamed vegetable and whole grains such as quinoa.
Consume aloe juice in moderate quantities as it is cooling.
Regularly consume a mixture of 2 grams of long pepper powder and 1 teaspoon honey once a day for complete 1 month.
Consume a decoction of giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), 30 ml, mixed with a teaspoon of honey once a day. 7. Drink plenty of water to cool the body down and eliminate toxins.
Consume 10 to 20 ml of bhumi amla juice.
Take 1 to 3 grams of kakuti powder twice a day with water after meals.
Lastly, in order to avoid further damage to liver please start Ayurvedic treatment under the expert guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor.
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Liver Diseases - Know How Ayurveda Can Treat It Better Than Liver Transplant!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Liver Diseases - Know How Ayurveda Can Treat It Better Than Liver Transplant!
Liver diseases such as cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Autoimmune hepatitis, PSC, Fatty liver, Alcoholic liver diseases, are not just dreadful, but they also cause irreversible damage to the liver. Modern medicine rely on transplanting the liver when its health reaches a point where treatment can no longer recover or stop its deterioration. So, a liver transplant is the way to go for modern medicine when there is end-stage liver disease. However, transplant is not a cure; rather it is an escape from the cure. An ailing liver can be cured through Ayurveda. This traditional form of medicine dates back to 1400 B.C. and has been tried and tested since then. The number of patients treated successfully by the way of Ayurveda.

Functions of Liver - The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile. This helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down balances, and creates the nutrients and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body or that are nontoxic.

More than 400 to 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver.

Production of bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion.
Production of certain proteins for blood plasma
Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage (glycogen can later be converted back to glucose for energy) and to balance and make glucose as needed
Regulation of blood levels of amino acids, which form the building blocks of proteins
Processing of hemoglobin for use of its iron content (the liver stores iron)
Conversion of poisonous ammonia to urea (urea is an end product of protein metabolism and is excreted in the urine)
Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances
Regulating blood clotting
Resisting infections by making immune factors and removing bacteria from the bloodstream
Clearance of bilirubin, also from red blood cells. If there is an accumulation of bilirubin, the skin and eyes turn yellow.
When the liver has broken down harmful substances, its by-products are excreted into the bile or blood. Bile by-products enter the intestine and leave the body in the form of feces. Blood by-products are filtered out by the kidneys, and leave the body in the form of urine.

The beginning of liver disease -

According to Ayurvedic principles mostly all diseases related to the abdomen are produced due to MANDAGNI (low/poor appetite) including liver diseases. Three main doshas VATA, PITTA and KAPHA are increased aggravate and obstruct the channels of sweat and other body fluids than accumulate in the digestive system disturb the whole abdomen and produce liver diseases.

How Ayurveda treatment work?

Ayurveda treatment helps to treat the root cause of disease nectar-like herbs of Ayurveda stop further scarring of liver tissue and it may regenerate liver cell. Remove accumulated toxins from the body. Help to keep the balance of VATA, PITTA and KAPHA DOSHAS. thus normalizing functions of liver and entire digestive system. As the liver functions improve all other complication (portal hypertension, Ascites, etc)disappear slowly. Moreover, it can help by: -

Diagnosing liver disease early.

Recommending a proper diet and lifestyle to stop the degeneration of the liver tissue.
Using hepato-protective herbs to protect the liver and stop the degeneration of the liver.
Using other nectar-like herbs to regenerate damaged tissue, thereby helping the liver regain its health.
Advising precautions to stop liver damage and keep it healthy.
Take Away -

A liver transplant is not a cure as the functioning of an ailing organ can be cured with attaining and maintaining the balance of natural elements in the body. Ayurveda cures the problem from its root and ensures that it will not occur in the future. However, it is advisable to consult an ayurvedic liver specialist before going for any treatment.
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