Top Health Tips on Treating Loose Stools (Child)

Jeera Water - 8 Reasons Why You Must Drink It!

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bhopal
Jeera Water - 8 Reasons Why You Must Drink It!
Jeera or cumin can do more than add flavour to your food. For your health to benefit from jeera, boil a spoon of raw jeera with a cup of water and strain it. This tea can help resolve a number of health issues, skin and hair problems. This should ideally be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Some of the health benefits of jeera water are:

It aids digestion: A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, glucose and fats. It also enhances your metabolism and prevents diarrhoea, nausea and gaseousness among other indigestion problems.
It helps remove toxins: Jeera water is rich in antioxidants that can help flush toxins from the body and promote the healthy functioning of internal organs. This is especially beneficial for the liver.
It boosts immunity: Jeera is rich in iron, which helps the immune system function optimally. A glass of jeera water can account for up to 7% of the recommended daily iron intake. Vitamins A and C, which help protect the body against infections, are also found in jeera water.
It helps treat anaemia: The high levels of iron in jeera make it ideal for treating anaemic patients. Without adequate iron, the body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells and hence hamper circulation of oxygen-rich blood.
It improves the respiratory system: Jeera has anti-congestive properties. Hence, drinking a glass of jeera water can help dilute and discharge mucus in the chest. Its antiseptic properties also help kill microbes that cause colds and coughs.
It improves the quality of your sleep: Jeera water can help cure insomnia to a large degree. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, it can also ensure you have a better quality of sleep.
It improves memory: Jeera can help enhance ones brainpower. This helps sharpen your memory and increases your attention span.
It helps achieve clear skin: Jeera is full of fibre and free radical scavengers. This helps detoxify the body and helps make their elimination smoother. By fighting free radicals, jeera water helps keep the skin clear and adds a natural glow. This also makes jeera an effective way of treating acne. Jeera also has antioxidant properties that help prevent premature aging. Additionally, jeera water can soothe the skin and increase the skin s ability to absorb nutrients from food.
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Loose Motion: 4 Natural Ways to Cure it!

General Physician, Gurgaon
Loose Motion: 4 Natural Ways to Cure it!
Loose motion, commonly known as diarrhea refers to a state where the affected person suffers from frequent passage of loose, watery or unformed stool. It may lead to exhaustion and dehydration as with frequent passage of stool the body loses water and essential minerals. Here are some natural remedies which are capable of relieving you from loose motion effectively.

1. Lemon

Lemon juice has anti-inflammatory properties that assist in cleansing of the stomach. After extraction of the lemon juice it should be mixed with a tablespoon of sugar and salt. This solution should be consumed every one hour until you feel that all the toxins from your bowels have been flushed out.

2. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek or methi seeds have antibacterial and antifungal properties. You need to mix one to two tablespoon powder of dried up fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and have it in an empty stomach in the morning for three to four days. It may taste bitter might but it's bound to completely relieve you from loose motion.

3. Buttermilk

Butter milk not only works wonders for soothing your stomach but also assists the process of digestion. The acid content in buttermilk fights the bacteria and germs in your digestive system. Adding a pinch of turmeric powder or cumin powder or black pepper powder to your buttermilk increases its efficiency to cure loose motion.

4. Adequate rest

If you are suffering from several bouts of loose motion it is bound to cause weakness and dehydration as the body is drained of essential minerals and water. It is advisable that you take complete best rest for two to three days to recover from this fatigue completely. Using heat bags on your stomach can relieve you of cramps and pains. During this period you should abstain from rich and oily foods.
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10 Foods You Must Avoid Post Expiry

B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
10 Foods You Must Avoid Post Expiry
Though some foods do not expire, but it is advisable not to consume certain foods once they have expired.

Eggs: Eggs contain large amounts of nutrients per calorie. They are a cheap and tasty source of protein. It is no big surprise that they have turned into a breakfast staple; yet in case that you are eating an egg that is past its expiry date, do reconsider. These are the most widely recognized reasons for food-borne illnesses.
Meat: Bacteria are common in both pre-packaged meats, and in the pieces you take from your butcher at the market. The listeria bacteria are especially hazardous, as the type of harm it causes can be lethal in most of the cases. From a general outlook, it is best to avoid processed meat.
Mixed greens: Mixed greens including spinach, arugula, spring blend, bundled plate of mixed greens lettuce and other veggies do not keep extremely well after their due date. So if their withered appearance and disgusting covering does not turn you off, think about the bacteria and pathogens hiding underneath your sandwich bread.
Hay sprouts: It is important that you use them rapidly once you get them, since they tend to be bacteria magnets. Truth be told, hay pulls in a greater number of germs than other vegetables, particularly in case you abandon them unrefrigerated.
Clams/oysters: Bad oysters can be fatal. This is based on the type of microscopic organisms that develop in spoiled oysters. It is known as V. vulnificus. It causes an extreme type of food poisoning. V. vulnificus bacteria affects the circulatory system, sending the body into a septic shock.
Shrimp: Much like clams and shellfish, shrimps are extremely inclined to bacterial contaminations. It is not to be consumed after a while since it can lead to food poisoning or diarrhea.
Crude ground beef: E. coli bacteria are the most basic reason for food poisoning. These bacteria originate from the animal s digestive systems and are available in all hamburger items. In case that the hamburger is prepared and taken care of securely, it will not turn into a problem.
Berries: When berries turn sour, they pull in extensive amounts of cyclospora, a kind of bacteria that leads to food poisoning. While this sort of food poisoning is not as harmful as some others, it is something you definitely need to stay away from.
Soft cheese: With hard cheeses, similar to cheddar, it is regularly safe to remove the external edges and eat the soft cheese underneath. However, this practice does not reach out to soft cheeses, similar to brie. In case you are discovering mold on the edges of your soft cheese, do not eat it. You may end up with an infection.
Chicken: Poultry items, including chicken tend to cause the maximum harm in case that they are not taken care of and cooked properly. Undercooked and old chicken can be very unsafe for health.
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Zinc - 7 Reasons Why It Is Important For You!

Diploma in Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Hyderabad
Zinc - 7 Reasons Why It Is Important For You!
Zinc is chemically a metal and a trace mineral with multiple health benefits. It is required by the body for a number of functions in small quantities on a regular basis. Some of its important roles include improving immunity, hormone production and promoting digestion, controlling inflammation, tissue growth and repair, etc. to name a few. It also helps in controlling free radical production and therefore has anti-inflammatory effects in reversing heart disease and fighting cancer.

About 5 to 8 mg of zinc is needed by a person per day, with smaller children needing it in the lesser range and women needing more of it. Natural sources of zinc include animal rich protein foods like animal meat and seafood. Dairy products, legumes, pulses and whole grains also contain good amounts of zinc. Modern-day foods contain added zinc and therefore are good sources too, though their availability and utility value for the body remain a question.

Zinc improves immunity i.e. the body produces T-cells when there is an infection or foreign body. These T cells also help in controlling and regulating immune responses and in people with zinc deficiency, the immune system is suppressed putting them at risk for infections and illnesses.
Zinc has a great role in maintaining skin integrity: Delayed wound healing is one of the first symptoms of zinc deficiency. People could also develop chronic ulcers or wounds. There is increased bacterial growth (reduced immunity), increased inflammation, and reduced re-epithelialization, all leading to poor skin health and delaying wound healing.
Zinc is essential for healthy gut function and it is one of the best remedies for diarrhoea. Deficiency can lead to leaky gut syndrome.
Zinc reduces free radical damage, which is responsible for chronic inflammation. Including an adequate amount of zinc in diet can reduce this inflammation, leading to preventing heart disease, reducing the incidence of cancer, etc. It also is shown to prevent cellular damage in the retina, thereby reducing the incidence of macular degeneration.
Zinc is essential for proper growth and development. Zinc deficiency is shown to produce shorter stature, anaemia, and delayed sexual maturation. During the growing years especially, it is very important to provide an adequate amount of zinc for the body, either naturally or through supplements.
Fertility and zinc also has a strong correlation. In males, it affects both the quantity and quality of sperm production. The sperm count was shown to improve with zinc supplementation in males who complained of low sperm count.
Controlling memory is another function of zinc. It determines how neurones talk to each other, which is essential for transmission of signals across the brain and formation of memory. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Dysentery - 3 Ayurvedic Home Remedies to Help Treat it

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Dysentery - 3 Ayurvedic Home Remedies to Help Treat it
Dysentery is the inflammation of the intestine that causes appearance of blood and mucous in stool. It is caused by bacteria or parasites. In this condition, the patient passes semi liquid stool many times in a day. It is a contagious disease and is transmitted via the faecal oral route. Thus, a group of people like a family living together or students in a hostel are more prone to picking up the infection. This infection is also transmitted via anal sex.

Ayurveda is a herbal medicinal treatment, originated in India. It is known to have cure for various health problems. Usually Diarrhoea cures itself through diet change, but in case of dysentery, medication is required to combat bacteria and parasites. Some ways to treat Dysentery with Ayurvedic remedies are as follows:

Isabbael for Chronic Amoebiasis: Isabbael is a formulation that treats dysentery caused due to Amoebiasis. When the stool contains mucus and the infected patient feels a cramp before passing stool, it is considered an Amoebiasis infection. Isabbael is very good for bacillary dysentery as well. It is advised to consume 1 teaspoonful twice daily with water for 5 to 7 days for best results.
Ambimap for dysentery: Ambimap herbal formulation possesses a multi-purpose approach to control and cure dysentery (Pravahika). It is known to treat and cure all types of parasitic infection and provides immediate relief. For best results, 1 or 2 tablets should be taken 2 to 3 times a day with water.
Churna for dysentery: Churna is a polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine in powdered form and is high beneficial in treating dysentery.
You can also opt for Ayurvedic remedies that can be formulated at home. They are as follows:

Combine powdered dry ginger root, amla powder, long and black pepper in equal proportions. It is advisable to store this dry mixture in a glass container. For best results, consume one teaspoon of this mixture with lukewarm water two times a day.
Another great way to combat dysentery is to drink buttermilk. Just add a bit of rock salt as well as powdered roasted cumin seeds. Drink this mixture two times a day preferably with breakfast and at lunchtime.
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Role Of Homeopathy In Treating Anxiety Disorder

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Role Of Homeopathy In Treating Anxiety Disorder
All of us undoubtedly experience the hasty pace of life. There are invariable pressures at work and home which load us up with fear and worries, but when this anxiety becomes a disruptive force in our life and begins to dominate our behavior, and starts interfering with work, school, family life it calls for treatment. Anxiety is an emotional turmoil that may incorporate many different feelings and symptoms.

Adults are not the only ones who get stressed out, children are also vulnerable to stress. Some children experience anxiety and may struggle to amend to new situations such as school and friendships, may feel unusually insecure or have intense fear of the dark, insects, animals or other creatures.

Causes of Anxiety Neurosis:

The reason why it occur is very difficult. It is illunderstood also. Socio-economic reason is also precipitating factor - like loss of job, continues target or goals in jobs which are increasing everyday pressure.


Imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain.

Emotional trauma.

Lifestyle choices.

Alcohol, caffeine and certain drugs.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder (neurosis):

Unnecessary, unrealistic and uncontrollable worry about everyday things.

Shortness of breath.

Increased heartbeat.

Trembling and dizziness.



Muscle stiffness.


Sleep disturbances.

Mood changes.


Feeling of hopelessness and Pessimism.

Sexual impotence.

Homoeopathic Treatment:

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat anxiety but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved homeopathy medicines are available for treatment of anxiety disorders that can be selected on the basis of cause, condition, sensation and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person.

If you do not want to opt for allopathic medicines or go into immediate counselling to relieve yourself of anxiety disorders, then the best option for you at hand would be to try and follow homoeopathy. Homeopathy is often seen as an alternate form of medicine and does not have any side effects as such. Thus, it is often preferred by many people.

Anxiety should not be left to accumulate in the body. Thus, it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible with whichever means that would suit your body. Homeopathy is just one form of treatment. It is advised if the results are not as you desire, then you should opt for a medical practitioner who might be able to help you further.
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Magnesium Deficiency - How it Affects Your Body?

PG Diploma Nutrition & Dietetics, B.Sc - Home Science
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Magnesium Deficiency - How it Affects Your Body?
We all know about magnesium as a mineral, but what most individuals do not know is the fact that it is a very important mineral for our bodily health. Magnesium is involved with more or less 300 complex metabolic processes in our body, thus earning the title of master mineral .

Here is a list of reasons why magnesium holds an important place in our body.

It is responsible for transportation of calcium across cell membranes. As such, it helps calcium get into the bone matter. Like we all know, magnesium is anti-inflammatory. It helps in waiving conditions mentioned below:

Alzheimer s disease
High blood pressure
Respiratory issues
So magnesium deficiency can definitely cause numerous problems in the human body. This element works in our body at a cellular level. It is important to have a check up done with the doctor to ensure the magnesium level, however, a simple a blood test cannot determine the presence or absence of it. Here are a few signs that might suggest that an individual is suffering from magnesium deficiency.

A lot of calcium deficiency which means brittle bones
Very poor heart health
A lot of unnecessary weakness
Very frequent muscle cramps at unusual situations
Tremors, nausea and unnecessary anxiety
High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
Difficulty in swallowing the food
Poor memory
Lots and lots of useless confusion
Although individuals with magnesium deficiency suffer from these symptoms, it is not necessary that any individual suffering from such symptoms might have magnesium deficiency. So, the only way to improve magnesium amount in the body is by changing your diet and including magnesium rich foods or my supplementing your food with magnesium-based food products.

Magnesium overdose is close to impossible and so many would not check their magnesium intake. However, consuming too much of anything can never be a good idea. Excessive magnesium intake might end up causing the following issues:

Irregular heartbeats in individuals
Slow breathing
This excess amount of magnesium in the body might be due to the fact that not all supplements can be easily absorbed by the body. So it is a better idea to eat inexpensive food to keep the magnesium levels at par with the bodily requirements.

Here is a list of items that can relieve the deficiency symptoms of low magnesium.

Seeds of pumpkin
Seeds of sun flower
Soya bean
Black beans
Sesame seeds
Spinach and many more
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Flax Seeds - Understanding The Health Benefits!

M.Sc - Clinical Nutrition, B.Sc - Home Science, Certified Diabetes Educator
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Faridabad
Flax Seeds - Understanding The Health Benefits!
With increasing awareness about eating healthy, certain seeds are now being considered as super foods. Flax seeds, also known as Alsi , have amazing benefits and are recommended by all nutritionists.

Listed below are a few benefits of flax seeds:

Help in losing weight: Flax seeds are loaded with required fats and fibre and consuming a handful of these seeds will make you feel full for longer. This reduces the temptation to binge eat and results in fewer calories consumed during the day. The ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) fats present in the flax seeds have also been found to reduce inflammation.

Maintain heart health: Flax seeds are almost phenomenal as the fats contained in them are unsaturated fats which are wonderful for your health. Because these fats remain in the form of ALA fats, they help you in maintaining and improving heart health by reducing bad cholesterol and retaining the good cholesterol. Thus, the chances of getting a stroke or an attack are relatively low.

Flaxseeds are high in antioxidants (lignans): Amongst its other incredible nutrition facts, flax seeds are also packed with antioxidants. Lignans are also known for their anti-viral and antibacterial properties, therefore, consuming flax regularly may help reduce the number or severity of colds and flu.

Improve colon health: These seeds are packed with fibre and are very low in unsaturated fats. This makes them useful in improving digestive health. Also, the fibre content makes bowel movements smoother and reduces constipation and diarrhoea.

Healthy, supple and glowing skin: Adding flax seeds to your daily diet is a great idea as they are packed with ALA fats and Vitamin B which help in reducing flakiness and dryness of skin. Consuming flax seeds regularly also helps in getting rid of the symptoms of acne and eczema and are proven to reduce dry eye syndrome and puffiness.

The above discussed benefits of flax seeds make it a food which must be included in your daily diet. Hence, start consuming them today to optimise your health.
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Apple Cider Vinegar - 8 Amazing Health Benefits You Never Knew!

Ph.D - Food Science and Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Pune
Apple Cider Vinegar - 8 Amazing Health Benefits You Never Knew!
Raw apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural health remedies for detoxification, helping your body digest food more easily and for a quick burst of energy. Apple cider vinegar can also be used for personal care like conditioning your hair, whitening your teeth and as a household cleaner. Some other benefits of apple cider vinegar:

Helps tummy troubles: Apple cider vinegar has some antibiotic properties which help in treating diarrhea, particularly caused by bacterial infection. Sip some apple cider vinegar mixed with water to treat an upset stomach. According to some remedy experts apple cider vinegar contains pectin which helps soothe intestinal spasms.
Remedy for allergies: Apple cider vinegar thins the mucus, supports the immune system & clears the sinus. Drink 1 teaspoon of vinegar mixed in a glass of water for allergies.
Soothes a sore throat: It can be used to soothe sore throat. Acidic properties of apple cider vinegar helps kill the germs in the throat. So, you can gargle with a mixture of apple cider vinegar (1/4 cup) & warm water (1/4 cup) every hour to get a relief from sore throat.
Lowers cholesterol: Several animal studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can lower triglycerides, cholesterol & blood pressure. This has to be confirmed in case of humans.
Helps weight loss: Many human studies suggest that apple cider vinegar if consumed with proper lifestyle changes help in weight loss. Including it in the diet increase the satiety which helps in less consumption of calories & thus helps in losing weight.
Kill fungus on skin: Antibacterial & anti fungal properties of apple cider vinegar kills bacterial & fungal infections on skin. Rub two times a day on the infected area to get a benefit.
You can add apple cider vinegar in salad dressing, homemade mayonnaise etc and get benefit of it. Another popular way of consuming it is mixing with water and drinking as a beverage. The dosages vary from 1-2 tsp to 1-2 tbsp. As excess of anything is harmful. So, do not exceed the recommended dosage. Excess consumption may have harmful effects.
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Love Chewing Gum? 7 Reasons Why You Must Not!

M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, B.Sc Home Science (hons)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Ludhiana
Love Chewing Gum? 7 Reasons Why You Must Not!
Do you love chewing gum? You love popping it and get a kick when chewing gum with friends. You think it s a style statement and a cool thing to do. Above all, you think it s only for fun and is harmless! Well, this article may be an eye opener for you. Here are some facts about chewing gum that can change your thinking.

Chewing gum has been a favourite snack for millions of people, especially children and adolescents. Besides the sweetness, people like it for its flavour. Many people also use it as a replacement for a food craving. One fact that refrained many from consuming chewing gums was that it was loaded with sugar. However, with ever-growing awareness about consumption of sweetened products, the companies have now started offering sugar-free gum to health-conscious people which are made using artificial sweeteners.
The artificial sweetener most commonly used in chewing gums is aspartame whose components metabolizes into wood alcohol and formaldehyde in the body. Both have carcinogenic properties and the body is unable to eliminate them through normal waste. These have been linked to cancers, birth defects and weight gain.
Some tooth whitening gums contain an ingredient called Titanium Dioxide. This gives the chewing gum its glossy white color. It is a dangerous compound linked to many disorders including auto immune disorders, crohn s disease, asthma and cancer.
Gastrointestinal problems are quite common among chewing gum consumers. The symptoms include pain and cramps in abdomen, indigestion and diarrhea. Irritable bowel syndrome has been found to be associated with chewing gum eaters as chewing gum can lead to swallowing of excess air and changing of bowel habits.
Dentists strongly recommend staying away from chewing gum habit, as it can be a cause of tooth decay. Chewing gum may also release mercury from Dental fillings into the system causing host of problems.
Recent research has established a link between eating chewing gum and headache and migraines. It is believed that chewing gum puts an undue pressure on temporomandibular joint causing headaches. It can also lead to pain and lack of mobility in the jaw, causing an inability to chew meals. This is called temporomandibular joint disorder and is commonly found among chewing gum lovers.
A chewing gum base is made from a combination of chemicals and non-edible substances. We generally chew it for flavour and throw the rest. However, the compounds do get stuck to the linings of the mouth and enter our system. A chewing gum adds no nutritive value and diminishes a person s ability to chew and eat normally. For its far-reaching side effects, this habit is a big no to keep. Stay safe!
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