Top Health Tips on Treating Moles

Moles - How Laser Treatment Can Help You Get Rid Of Them?

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Moles - How Laser Treatment Can Help You Get Rid Of Them?
Depending on the way you look at it, a mole can be a beauty spot or a blemish. For most people, facial moles are undesired. Moles can be described as clusters of pigmented skin cells. They appear in the form of dark spots on the skin that vary in size, color and texture. Apart from the face, moles appear commonly on the arms and legs but can affect any part of the body. In most cases, moles are harmless but in some cases, they may turn precancerous and need to be removed. However, most moles are removed for only cosmetic reasons. Moles can be removed through home remedies, surgery or laser treatment.

Mole removal depends on the type, size and location of the mole. When treated with lasers, layers of the mole are removed one by one by evaporating the affected cells. This does not cause any sort of bleeding and does not disturb healthy tissues adjacent to the mole. It is also considered to be a largely pain-free procedure but you may feel a slight tingling sensation. After the laser procedure, a scab forms over the affected area which later falls off. You may also notice slight swelling and redness in the area for a few days after the procedure.

Laser treatment for mole removal has a number of advantages.

As it is a non-invasive procedure, there are minimal chances of infection
Multiple moles can be treated in a single session
Laser beams can reach parts of the face, nose and ears that may be difficult to reach through other procedures.
There are minimal disturbance and injury to the adjacent healthy tissues
Healing is much faster than with other procedures
There is a very low chance of scarring
However, one of the biggest disadvantages of laser therapy is that it can only be used to treat surface moles as the laser beam cannot penetrate deep into the skin. Also, laser treatment, if not recommended in cases where the mole may be considered precancerous as the laser beam will destroy the mole leaving nothing that can be used for a biopsy. Lasers are also seldom used to treat large moles or birthmarks. The cost of removing a mole with laser treatment depends on the size, location and number of moles. In some cases, more than one session may be required and this too could influence the cost of the procedure.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Chickenpox Marks - 5 Ways to Treat Them!

Chickenpox Marks - 5 Ways to Treat Them!
The worst part about being diagnosed with chicken pox is that even after the virus leaves your body, your skin is still marked with scars from the blisters. Like any other scar, in most cases these scars fade with time but this process can be quite slow. Scars, especially those on your face can also affect your self confidence and image. Luckily, there are a number of ways to deal with scars and fasten the fading process.

Here are a few tips to help reduce scars caused by chickenpox:

Vitamin E: Vitamin E not only helps hydrate the skin, but is rich in anti-oxidants that promote the production of collagen and protect the skin from free radicals and other impurities. Vitamin E can be found in foods such as almonds, spinach and papaya. They can also be consumed in form a capsule or used in form of oil. Including vitamin E rich foods in your diet or massaging the scars with vitamin E oil can work wonders in getting rid of scars.
Coconut water: Coconut water is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients essential for the skin and lauric acid and cytokines. This helps regulate cell growth in the skin and balances the pH levels. It also has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties that prevent breakouts. Along with drinking coconut water, you could also apply it directly on the affected areas to help speed the recovery process.
Lemon juice: Lemon juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. This aids in collagen production and keeps the skin elastic and strong. It is also rich in alpha hydroxyl acids that help heal damaged skin. Lemon juice also has bleaching properties that help scars fade. Lemon juice can be diluted with water or applied directly on the skin.
Aloe vera: Aloe vera is known for its anti oxidant and anti microbial properties. This can protect the skin from bacterial infection and help soothe and heal skin. Its anti inflammatory properties also help relieve itching and redness caused by chickenpox blisters. Aloe vera also boosts collagen production and moisturizes the skin. Aloe vera can be used by applying the gel within its leaves directly on the skin and allowing it to dry. This can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day for best results.
Baking soda: Scarring in cases of chicken pox is caused by scratching the blisters to relieve irritation and itchiness. Baking soda helps prevent the formation of scars by soothing this irritation and exfoliating the skin. It also helps balance the pH levels of the skin. A paste of baking soda and water can be massaged onto the affected areas to remove dead skin cells and prevent scarring.
All the above mentioned remedies will help you get rid of the scars and give you a beautifully glowing skin.
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Moles and Freckles? How They Can Be Treated?

Dermatology Backed Expert Skin & Hair Care Solution
Dermatologist, Kolkata
Moles and Freckles? How They Can Be Treated?
Moles are a common form of growth or formation on your skin that appear often in the form of small, black spots. They can develop anywhere on the body. They usually occur during adolescence or childhood and with the passage of time, they may change colour. Moles are a type of skin growth, which usually do not go away with time.

On the other hand, freckles are often described as round, flat, dark colour spots which vary in size from about 2mm to 4mm. They may result from pigment precipitation in one particular area as the skin that surrounds the dark spot is comparatively lighter in shade. Being sensitive to the sun s ultra violet rays, freckles become more noticeable during or after sunlight exposure. Although freckles are usually found in areas which are not covered from the sun s exposure, they could also occur anywhere on your body.

What causes them?
Moles are caused due to certain skin cells, known as melanocytes, grow in a very close group instead of being evenly and normally spread across the skin. Moles that occur during birth are called congenital nevi and their chances of occurring are around 1 in a 100. These moles are more prone to develop into skin cancer (melanoma) in later stages of life.

Freckles on the other hand are

Genetically transferred, so the chance of you becoming affected are higher, if any of your parents have it.
If there s a prolonged exposure to the sunrays, then freckles may appear on your skin and they become even more prominent on a fair skin. Since the presence of melanin is less in people with fair skin the sunlight exposure causes these dark spots to surface easily
Hormonal imbalances could be yet another reason for freckles to appear as estrogen could be over-stimulate cells that produce pigment and thus become more prominent in the presence of sunlight.
Rare disorders like Xeroderma Pigmentosum (a condition leading to extreme light sensitivity and also skin cancer in certain cases) can make your skin more sensitive to the UV rays, thus resulting in freckles.
Treatment of moles and freckles

Laser Treatment: There are different types of lasers which are absolutely safe and can help reduce or lighten these dark spots effectively.
Cryosurgery: The physician would use a light freeze in conjunction with liquid nitrogen to reduce the spots of freckles. However, not every spot responds to this kind of treatment.
Retinoids: Mostly used with a combination of other bleaching creams, retinoids help reduce freckles when used continuously for a couple of months.
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Olives & Lemons - Know The Benefits!

Masters Of Science In Dietetics And Food Service Management Msc. (DFSM), Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), Advanced Clinical Nutrition Program, Post Graduate Diploma In Clinical Nutrition And Dietetics PGD, Bachelors Degree In Applied Nutrition Bhsc
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Olives & Lemons - Know The Benefits!
Olive Oil

Olive plants grow mainly in the Mediterranean basin and olive oil is extracted from the fruit. It has a wide range of beneficial uses. It is used as a cooking oil, as a pharmaceutical, as a cosmetic, in soaps and creams, and as a fuel. This wonderful extract has worked magic in attaining a healthy living and can also cure you of certain disorders. Let us peek into the world of this lipid legend!

Health benefits
Olive oil is advised to be incorporated in the daily diet to control cholesterol, relieve constipation and aid in weight loss. It is also known to work as an aphrodisiac. The oil improves bone quality, nail growth and helps in development and lustre of hair.

Benefits for the skin
It is used as an ingredient in makeup removers, soaps, and scrubs for better outcomes. Olive oil contains anti-ageing properties that are searched for by almost every middle-aged woman in a population. They are also used as moisturisers and for enhancing the skin quality.

How does it work against diseases?
Olive oil is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E, phyto-nutrients (which act as anti-inflammatory agents), and it works as a preventive agent against cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, and similar diseases.

Lemon is another all-time favourite citric fruit, found in Asia in large quantities and qualities. It has many health benefits as well. Lemon is also a choice of the general population in both culinary and non-culinary units.

Why are lemons favourable?
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is much more than the daily consumable value. They are also packed with flavonoids, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, copper, and folates. Modestly, it can be assured that they work as anti-toxic and anti-infectious substances.

How lemons contribute to a healthy lifestyle?
Lemons help in breaking down free radicals, which, when more in number, can cause serious damage to blood vessels and cause cholesterol formation.

Its citrus quantity helps prevent acne, resulting in a healthy, glowing skin.
It helps in iron absorption due to its high content of vitamin C
It relieves problems related to indigestion and constipation.
It is used in hair care. It can treat dandruff, hair loss, and provide additional shine to the hair.
It is also good for throat infections, due to its functions as an antibiotic.
These two gifts from nature are so common to the human eye that we fail to provide them the importance they deserve. Nature has provided many such gifts to us. Open your eyes and start searching for more!
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Acne And Pimples: 6 Most Effective Homeopathic Remedies!

Homeopathy Doctor, Agra
Acne And Pimples: 6 Most Effective Homeopathic Remedies!
Acne and pimples mostly occur due to hormonal changes occurring in the body. They are most prominent among teenagers undergoing hormonal transition. The growth hormones become ultra active and the oil glands present in the skin produce more. The glands present under hair follicles are infected and get inflamed, resulting in pimples. Pimples are a nightmare for teenagers, who are conscious about their look and appearance. Eruptions of pimples of different sizes, blisters and rashes of black or red colours are bound to worry appearance conscious individuals. Acne and pimples do not usually have easy solutions or quick remedies.

When it comes to treatment of acnes and pimples, Homeopathic medicines are considered the most effective and paramount. Homeopathic cure does not intend to quick-fix acne and pimples. The objective being the correction of inner causes, it allows the pimples to heal slowly on their own instead of taking any medicine of high dose. The process might take some time, but it surely is the most effective. The problem gets solved from its roots. Scars from previous eruptions are also permanently healed using homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is, therefore, the best way to cure acnes and pimples.

Popular Homeopathic Remedies for Acne and Pimples
Here is a list of the most common solutions for acne and pimples and what they indicate:
1. Sulphur

It is a very common cure, especially for chronic cases of acne
The eruptions cause great pain.
They are present in the form of abscesses.
Patient is vulnerable to cold and pain. Increased rate of perspiration.
Patient tends to get agitated and irritated very easily
2. Silicea

In cases where there is pus formation
The best homeopathic medicine for acne
Increased rate of perspiration. The patient cannot bear cold at all.
Skin turns pale and tender.
3. Pulsatilla

For cases where the intake of rich junk food and indigestion are the causes of acne.
Also in cases of girls suffering from menstrual problems
Symptoms include decreased thirst.
Patient is usually very sensitive to heat
4. Nux Vomica

For cases where acne formation is because of gastric disruptions.
Skin seems to appear red and blotchy
Caused because of having too much spicy food
Signs of constipation and over sensitiveness to cold
5. Antimonium Crudum

Formation of tiny red pimples all over the face
Very irritable in nature
Arthritic pain in fingers and loss of appetite
White, thick coating on tongue
6. Bovista

Formed due to cosmetic use, especially during summer
Skin tends to itch
Cheeks swell up and become pale
Makes patient restless.
Homeopathy is certainly the best way to deal with and to get rid of unwanted, ugly acne, which ruin your face. There are more homeopathic cures for other types of acne and pimples for which you can consult any homeopathy physician.
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Keratosis Pilaris - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

MBBS, Diploma In Dermatology And Venerology And Leprosy (DDVL), DNB (Dermatology), MNAMS
Dermatologist, Delhi
Keratosis Pilaris - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
As complex as it may sound, Keratosis Pilaris is a harmless, non-contagious type of skin disorder, which primarily affects people with dry skin. This disease has the potential to convert a person s once smooth skin into skin as rough as sandpaper.


A number of light-coloured small bumps start appearing on the skin and in most cases, they tend to appear on the upper arms, thighs and buttocks of the affected person. In certain cases, there may be some swelling or redness, which comes along with the bumps. The skin loses its original glow and colour.


As mentioned above, people with dry skin suffer from Keratosis Pilaris. Also anyone with extra sensitive skin who is prone to be allergic to various substances tend to fall prey to this disease. Often Keratosis Pilaris is inherited from other family members as well. Persons suffering from asthma and eczema have higher chances of getting affected by Keratosis Pilaris.

But what leads to such a condition? A protein in our body called keratin , which protects our skin from various infections, is the main cause behind Keratosis Pilaris. Although there is no particular reason for excess building up of keratin in our body, too much of it under the skin leads to blockages of hair follicles and growth of rashes.


For people who are scared of medical tests, it may be a relief to know that Keratosis Pilaris does not need any sort of testing. Treatment of Keratosis Pilaris is a time taking process and immediate results may not be seen after applying a particular lotion or cream. However, sometimes it gets cured on its own without any medication.

To start off, the amount of time which is spent in water should be limited. In addition to this, there are other steps which may be taken. For example, while taking a shower, hot water should be substituted by warm water. Also, it is vital to ensure that the skin is adequately moist. Two ways of going about doing this are using moisturizers and making use of a humidifier. Make sure you use mild soaps for regular hygiene and for your shower.

Who gets Keratosis Pilaris?

Anyone can get Keratosis Pilaris. It is estimated to affect between 50-80% of all adolescents and approximately 40% of adults. Females may be more frequently affected than males. Age of onset is often within the first 10 years of life and can particularly get worse during puberty. Keratosis Pilaris may however begin at any age. A large percentage of patients have other people in their family with the same condition. It has commonly been seen in twins. Keratosis Pilaris is also seen in atopic dermatitis patients and patients with very dry skin.

One big relief when it comes to having Keratosis Pilaris is the fact that there is little risk at all if a person has it as it is not threatening. That being said, the sooner it is under control, the better!
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Say Yes to Vitamins and No to Hair Fall

MD - Ayurveda, Diploma In Trichology, Skin Aesthetics and Cosmetology, Diploma In skin aesthetics, Diploma In cosmetology, Diploma In Trichology, Diploma In Nutrition & Diet Planning, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Trichologist, Mumbai
Say Yes to Vitamins and No to Hair Fall
Hair fall is a very common phenomenon that plagues millions of people around the globe. Most of you take supplements of vitamin on a regular basis as it aids the buildup of new hair and skin cells. Read on to find out how exactly do the various vitamins help your hair:

Vitamin A: This vitamin controls the production of retinoic acid in your hair follicle. It is not only helpful for skin care but stimulates hair growth. It is immensely fruitful in moisturizing your hair and keeping it healthy. Vitamin A is usually found in sweet potatoes, carrots, tuna, lettuce, mango, sweet red peppers, green leafy vegetables and spinach.
Vitamin B: Variants of this, such as B12, aid in hair growth by managing stress. Vitamin B is found in fruits such as oranges and papayas, and beans.
Vitamin C: This vitamin helps you absorb iron from the food you eat which is an absolute essential for hair growth. It also boosts the synthesis of collagen that is required to repair the damage and sustain the structure of your hair. Fruits such as papayas, guavas, lemons, sweet lime, orange, kiwi, vegetables such as broccoli, yellow bell peppers and leafy vegetables are replete with Vitamin C.
Vitamin D: This vitamin rejuvenates the hair cells in order to form new shafts of hair. Vitamin D is found in dairy products, mushrooms, soy milk, tofu, and cheese. Vitamin D is also naturally made by your body when you expose your skin to the sun, and is called the sun-shine vitamin.
Vitamin E: This aids in stimulating capillaries and enhancing blood circulation on the scalp. This additionally contributes to hair growth due to its high anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant content. Certain foods loaded with Vitamin E are pumpkin, broccoli, olive oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, tofu and spinach.
Vitamin B5: It is also known as Panthenol, is a vital ingredient that is used in medicines to regulate hair hall. Foods enriched with Vitamin B5 are sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, avocados, cheese and mushrooms.
Other Ways to Help Hair-
We have gone over the vitamins that may be important for the health of your hair. But lifestyle changes can help just as much. Try:

cutting back on gels, blow-drying, and brushing hair when wet
lowering your stress by exercising at least 30 minutes a day
drinking enough water, 6-8 glasses a day
Being mindful of the foods and drinks you consume, the products you use, and the way you manage stress, can all help improve the well-being of your hair.
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Rashes on Skin - Ayurvedic Remedies for Treating it!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Alternate Medicine
Ayurvedic Doctor, Karnal
Rashes on Skin - Ayurvedic Remedies for Treating it!
Ayurveda believes health is managed by 3 components i.e. pitta, vata and kapha dosha. The type of skin that a person has also depends on which of these is predominant. Accordingly, in people where pitta is dominant, it is warm to the touch and more prone to breakouts and moles and freckles. In people where vata is dominant, the skin is thin and remains cool, gets dehydrated easily and is easily affected by dry weather. In people with kapha dominance, the skin is thick and greasy and is more tolerant to sun exposure.

Allergy is when the body responds adversely to a component which might have reached the system either through air, food or contact. Various substances cause allergies and with most allergies, skin rashes are common, can be of mainly 4 types:

Contact dermatitis: When the skin comes in touch with an allergy-causing agent, the skin breaks out into a rash. The inducing agent could be rubber, chemicals, metals, pets, etc.
Bites and stings: When insects such as bees or other insects sting or bite, the surrounding area develops a rash.
Warm weather: When the weather is too warm, there is prickly heat effect, which produces a rash.
Food induced: When certain food items like peanuts or eggs are consumed, some people develop a skin rash.
Whatever the reason, the mode of management would be to try to achieve a balance between the three components.

Poppy seeds: A paste of poppy seeds powder mixed with lemon juice and water can help get rid of rashes.
Buttermilk and baking soda: Use a cotton swab to apply a mixture of buttermilk and baking soda on the affected skin area and see the rashes disappear. The soothing effect and relief will be felt immediately.
Basil leaves, garlic and olive oil: Crush some basil leaves and add some garlic, salt, pepper, and olive oil to form a smooth paste. Apply over the skin rash for 1 to 2 days until the rashes disappear.
Oatmeal bath: Adding a cup of uncooked oatmeal into the bath water and using this water for a bath after 5 minutes is a great way to get rid of rashes and their redness and itching.
Essential oils: Almond oil, chamomile oil, and tea tree oil can be mixed in equal proportions to get relief from rashes of almost all causes.
Cold tea bags: Using cold tea bags on the skin helps relief of the rashes through tannin contained in the tea, which has great healing properties.
Just as skin rash is very common, so is the treatment. These substances are readily available in the kitchen and so treating a skin rash is very easy.
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Important Reasons Why Should You Get Your Moles Checked!

MBBS, MD - Dermatology, Diploma in Aesthetic Mesotherapy
Dermatologist, Gurgaon
Important Reasons Why Should You Get Your Moles Checked!
A mole, sometimes known as a birthmark, is a non-cancerous disorder of pigmented skin cells. They can vary in color and shade and by and large, can be medium to dark brown, sometimes they can be skin-colored or black too. Most of them are regular in shape, flat to moderately even as well. Sometimes, they appear to be slightly raised above the skin, are delicate to touch and lighter in shade. Also, they may or may not cause any kind of pain.

You need to get your moles checked at least once in every three months, because of the following reasons:

In case you have noticed the growth of new moles or have a family history with medical background marked by melanoma.

You need to watch out for moles that do not look like your other moles specifically. Dysplastic moles are the ones that look different from the normal ones and may lead to melanoma. In case you have different dysplastic moles, you are in serious danger of getting melanoma.

In case you have any moles that are bigger than the others and are smudgy or have unpredictable edges, which are uneven in shading or have some pinkness, you need to see a specialist and get them checked. Also, if you notice a change in the color or shade or it gets itchy, agonizingly painful or begins to bleed, it can be a sign of something serious. Thus you must visit a specialist immediately.

Although, most of them are non-cancerous and not that dangerous. However, there are some types that can convert into lumps and can be cancerous in nature. Although the chance of something like that happening is very rare, still it is a possibility.

In case you notice a liquid discharge or pus formation in the mole, you must consult a doctor immediately.

Being proactive about your well-being is the best way to avoid serious health conditions and you must look out for moles that can be risky as they are connected to skin cancer. Self-diagnose and examine your skin in front of a mirror. Give careful consideration to the zones of your skin that are frequently exposed to the sun, for example, the hands, arms, abdomen, face and head. Along with limiting your exposure to sunlight and utilizing sunscreens, inspecting yourself for moles can help with early detection of melanoma (the deadliest kind of skin tumor) and hence, get treated for the same. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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5 Ways You Can Treat Moles & Freckles!

Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
5 Ways You Can Treat Moles & Freckles!
Moles are the most common form of physical identification proof, but are often unwanted. Moles and freckles are common skin irregularities that make a person consider cosmetic surgery. Moles can be described as non-cancerous skin lesions that develop when dark skin cells are bound together in small clusters. Almost everyone has one or more mole on their body. However, freckles are simply skin discolorations that appear on light skinned people.

There are a number of ways in which moles and freckles can be removed.

Dermabrasion: This is a procedure where a small wheel is run over your skin to remove the top layer. Dermabrasion is performed under anaesthesia and is a very effective way of removing freckles and flat moles.
Laser Surgery: Laser surgery involves the use of concentrated beams of light to remove the topmost layer of skin. As this top layer is removed, freckles and light, flat moles are also destroyed thus leaving you with a clear complexion. In some cases, multiple sessions may be required to completely remove moles and freckles. Laser surgery is not recommended for large moles or moles that protrude out of the skin.
Shave excision: This is a surgical procedure that involves cutting off the raised section of a mole with a sharp scalpel. It does not require any sutures, but may not remove the entire mole. This surgery is often suggested in cases where a mole had grown to protrude from the skin but the discolouration itself does not bother the person. There is a very low risk of scarring associated with this procedure but the mole may recur.
Punch Excision: Small protruding moles can also be removed with a punch excision procedure. Here, a doctor will use a small cutting apparatus in the form of a small, cylindrical punch to twist and remove the entire mole. One of two sutures may be required to close the skin in this area.
Surgical Excision: This procedure is suggested in cases of large moles. In such cases, the surgeon will remove the entire mole and close the skin with sutures. This procedure may leave a scar behind, but in most cases, this scar is not very prominent.
In rare cases, moles can be malignant and hence it is not recommended to try removing a mole at home. For this reason, you should always a consult a surgeon if a mole appears suddenly appears or begins to look suspicious.
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