Top Health Tips on Treating Peptic Ulcers

Onions - 9 Reasons You Must Consume Them!

MD, Panchakrma, BAMS, Ayurvedacharya
Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Onions - 9 Reasons You Must Consume Them!
Onions are a part of the Allium group of vegetables and herbs, which additionally include chives, garlic, scallions and leeks. Allium vegetables have been known for a long time for their specialty of sharp flavours as well as for their curing and healing properties. Onions are a thick and layered vegetable and while they are low in calories, they are highly advantageous when it comes to a steady supply of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and cancer prevention agents. Here is how consuming onions can be very beneficial for your health:

Organosulfer compounds: Allium vegetables have broadly been known as cancer prevention agents, particularly stomach and colorectal tumours. They have beneficial and healing impacts are likely due to a limited amount of organosulfur compounds present in them as compared to other vegetables.
Folate: Folate, found in onions, may help with depression by keeping an overabundance of homocysteine from shaping in the body, which can keep blood and different nutrients from reaching the brain. Abundance of homocysteine hinders the growth of serotonin, which is the happiness hormone.
Vitamin C: Adequate intake of vitamin C is required for the building and support of collagen, which gives a sheen and volume to the skin and hair, respectively. Onions have abundance of vitamin C.
Other Vitamins: Onion contains common sugar, vitamins A, B6, C, E and minerals, for example, sodium, potassium, press and dietary fibre. More importantly, onions contain folic acid, which is very important for a woman s health especially for pregnant women.
Prebiotics: Prebiotics are not generally recommended in heavy doses, however, they sustain the good bacteria in your body. These valuable bacteria then help with the processing and digestion of your food. They help the immune system to a great extent. One such prebiotic is inulin, a water-dissolvable type of dietary fibre that is found in onions. It helps in preventing ulcers.
Sulfur: Sulfur helps in bringing down cholesterol and triglycerides. The allium and allyl disulphide in onions have likewise been said to get rid of vein stiffness by discharging nitric oxide. This may reduce the racing heartbeat, get rid of blood clots and decline the danger of heart diseases, vascular diseases and strokes.
Quercetin: Quercetin in onions is additionally helpful. It offers both cancer prevention agents and mitigating properties that may help the heart.
Cardio-vascular diseases: Onions are shockingly high in gainful polyphenols. These play a critical part in averting and decreasing the movement of diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
Regular antihistamin: Quercetin helps in cell reinforcement. It has calming properties that may help fight the painful symptoms of chronic diseases like coronary illness and cancer. Quercetin has been successful in preventing histamine discharge (histamines are the chemicals that cause allergic reactions).
Therefore, onions should be consumed regularly in either a raw form or in your daily vegetables. They not only are easy to consume and digest, but also give you life-long health benefits.
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Ulcerated Leg - Know More About It!

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Ulcerated Leg - Know More About It!
A lower limb ulcer or a leg ulcer is characterized by the formation of a chronic sore. These sores take more than a month to heal, and tend to develop on the insides of the leg. It is characterized by symptoms of pain, swelling in the affected area and itching. The skin around the ulcer tends to harden and get discolored. A foul smelling discharge is also common.


These sores tend to form if there is a minor injury in the leg. This tends to develop when the blood circulation inside the veins of the leg is hampered, that results in an increase in blood pressure. The high blood pressure can damage the vessels under the skin, making them fragile. The skin tends to break and form ulcers easily after a cut or a wound has been sustained.

There are certain factors that increase the risks of lower limb ulcer; them being:

Obesity: Being overweight can lead to an increase in blood pressure in the leg, augmenting the risk of lower leg ulcer.

Varicose Veins: This disorder is characterized by swollen veins resulting from malfunctioning valves. This disorder of the veins increases the risks of lower limb ulcers.

Age: Ageing increases the chances of lower leg ulcer. This is because old age and its related disorders tend to limit your movement.


The symptoms of lower limb include discoloration of the skin, swollen ankles, a heavy feeling in the lower limbs, flaky and itchy skin and enlarged veins in the legs. A foul smelling discharge from the wound and high fever are common symptoms as well.


The treatment begins with cleaning the affected area. Medicines are applied on the area, following which the dressing is applied on the wound. In order to treat the swelling and improve the circulation in the legs, a compression bandage is also wrapped around the area. These bandages help in easing the blood circulation and relieving pain.

In order to facilitate quicker healing of the ulcer, it is recommended to remain active and ditch a sedentary lifestyle completely. It is advised to keep your leg elevated while you are sitting or lying down; this helps better the blood circulation. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol as they inevitably slow down the healing process.
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Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) Health Benefits - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, vijapur
Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) Health Benefits - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!
Black pepper is one of the oldest spices known to mankind. It is found in abundant quantities in the Southern states of Kerala. Its medicinal qualities can successfully counter disorders such as indigestion, pyorrhea, cough, dental problems and cardiovascular diseases. Black pepper is extensively used for food preservation owing to its antibacterial properties. Being rich in fiber, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K, it acts as a great anti-inflammatory agent as well.

Here are some of the well-known benefits of black pepper:

Beneficial for stomach: Black pepper enhances the secretion of HCL i.e. hydrochloric acid in the stomach which in turn facilitates digestion. This ensures proper digestion and keeps away diseases such as colic and diarrhea. Pepper enhances urination and sweating which in turn ensures that external toxin has a safe way out. It also has the capability to limit gas formation within the body.
Weight Loss: Black Pepper s outer layer helps in breaking fat cells. Also, foods that are made with pepper are an effective way to shed weight. Once the fat cells are broken down, the body uses it as a component of enzymatic reactions. The excess fats are eradicated from the body. Black pepper can be used in curries or consumed daily in the morning along with hot water to fetch rich benefits.
Skin Health: Pepper is a very good agent in curing skin diseases such as vitiligo. The latter is a condition where patches of skin lose the normal pigmentation and become white. Recent studies have shown that pepper combined with UV therapy is a better alternative compared to chemical-heavy treatments. Furthermore, black pepper can successfully prevent skin cancer.
Respiratory Relief: Pepper is known to be extremely effective when it comes to cough and cold. It is known to be a great agent for nasal congestion and sinusitis. The expectorant property of the black pepper is known to attack the phlegm and mucus and give instant relief. The fact that it is a natural irritant, helps the mucus to get out of the body through the nostrils. This helps the body to heal quickly.
Peptic ulcer and whooping cough: Quite a few studies have shown that black pepper is beneficial for patients suffering from peptic ulcer and gastric mucosal. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties also help to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma and persistent cough.
Anti-oxidant properties: The anti-oxidant properties of black pepper help to counter the effects of the free radicals, helps in fighting cardiovascular diseases successfully and counter life-threatening diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, it can help the body fight premature ageing conditions such as macular degeneration, spots, wrinkles etc. Studies have also proved that black pepper enhances memory and impair memory loss.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Zinc - 7 Reasons Why It Is Important For You!

Diploma in Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Hyderabad
Zinc - 7 Reasons Why It Is Important For You!
Zinc is chemically a metal and a trace mineral with multiple health benefits. It is required by the body for a number of functions in small quantities on a regular basis. Some of its important roles include improving immunity, hormone production and promoting digestion, controlling inflammation, tissue growth and repair, etc. to name a few. It also helps in controlling free radical production and therefore has anti-inflammatory effects in reversing heart disease and fighting cancer.

About 5 to 8 mg of zinc is needed by a person per day, with smaller children needing it in the lesser range and women needing more of it. Natural sources of zinc include animal rich protein foods like animal meat and seafood. Dairy products, legumes, pulses and whole grains also contain good amounts of zinc. Modern-day foods contain added zinc and therefore are good sources too, though their availability and utility value for the body remain a question.

Zinc improves immunity i.e. the body produces T-cells when there is an infection or foreign body. These T cells also help in controlling and regulating immune responses and in people with zinc deficiency, the immune system is suppressed putting them at risk for infections and illnesses.
Zinc has a great role in maintaining skin integrity: Delayed wound healing is one of the first symptoms of zinc deficiency. People could also develop chronic ulcers or wounds. There is increased bacterial growth (reduced immunity), increased inflammation, and reduced re-epithelialization, all leading to poor skin health and delaying wound healing.
Zinc is essential for healthy gut function and it is one of the best remedies for diarrhoea. Deficiency can lead to leaky gut syndrome.
Zinc reduces free radical damage, which is responsible for chronic inflammation. Including an adequate amount of zinc in diet can reduce this inflammation, leading to preventing heart disease, reducing the incidence of cancer, etc. It also is shown to prevent cellular damage in the retina, thereby reducing the incidence of macular degeneration.
Zinc is essential for proper growth and development. Zinc deficiency is shown to produce shorter stature, anaemia, and delayed sexual maturation. During the growing years especially, it is very important to provide an adequate amount of zinc for the body, either naturally or through supplements.
Fertility and zinc also has a strong correlation. In males, it affects both the quantity and quality of sperm production. The sperm count was shown to improve with zinc supplementation in males who complained of low sperm count.
Controlling memory is another function of zinc. It determines how neurones talk to each other, which is essential for transmission of signals across the brain and formation of memory. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Wonderful Homeopathic Remedies For Peptic Ulcer!

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Wonderful Homeopathic Remedies For Peptic Ulcer!
Peptic ulcer indicates the growth of painful ulcers or sores in the lining of your stomach, digestive tract or small intestine. Ulcers, though curable, can result in serious health problems if are not treated at an early stage. Peptic ulcers occur as a result of the reaction of pepsin and stomach acid.

There are many causes responsible for the growth of peptic ulcers; they are mentioned below:

Smoking regularly: Smoking may increase the risk of peptic ulcers in people who are infected with H. pylori.
Consuming Alcohol: Alcohol can irritate and erode the mucous lining of your stomach, and it increases the amount of stomach acid that's produced.
Taking medicines like aspirin, painkillers frequently. Peptic ulcers are more common in older adults who take these pain medications frequently or in people who take these medications for osteoarthritis.
Production of excess acid is a major risk factor for peptic ulcer.
Radiation Therapy also causes peptic ulcer.
The most common symptoms of peptic ulcer are as follows:

A burning sensation in the stomach
Vomiting or nausea
Pain in the abdomen region
A burning sensation in your heart
Loss of appetite and weight
Passage of blood through stool
The Homeopathic Approach to Curing Peptic Ulcers

The treatment of peptic ulcers in conventional medicine primarily revolves around the treatment of symptoms. The symptoms may be suppressed for some time but eventually come back sooner or later. This results in a vicious cycle where the treatment becomes less and less effective over time. Homeopathy, on the other hand, has an approach of trying to correct the problems from the root and over time, remove the very cause that results in the problem. Some of the things a homeopathic doctor may ask you would include

Family history of ulcers
General health history of the family to determine hereditary health problems
Physical characteristics
Psychological tendencies and likes and dislikes among other information
Homeopathy takes into account not just the symptoms but the general constitution of the patient as well. This helps not only cure the ulcers but also the pre disposition to developing it again.
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9 Benefits of Cow Urine

Cow Urine Theapy
Ayurvedic Doctor, Indore
9 Benefits of Cow Urine
Cow Urine is used for purposes of therapy in traditional Indian medicine and is called Gomutra. The use of cow urine for therapeutic purposes has a long history in Indian culture. In India, cow is considered to be a sign of spirituality. Urine from a cow that is pregnant is believed to contain special minerals and hormones. It should be noted that cow urine therapy is not a nourishing process. Instead, it is cleansing and detoxifying in nature.

Pharmaceutical Benefits of Gomutra are:
1. Used in Ayurvedic treatment of cancer and leprosy.
2. Anaemia can be treated using a mixture containing Triphala (Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula made of three equal parts of Bibhitaki, Haritaki and Amalaki), Cow milk and Gomutra. The mixture is known as Mahayograj Guggul.
3. It is used in the treatment of fever. A mixture that contains Gomutra along with ghee, yoghurt and black pepper is used. Sore throats can be treated by gargling a mixture of cow urine distillate along with honey and turmeric powder.
4. A mixture of daruharidra and gomutra can be used to treat epilepsy.
5. In Nigeria, convulsions in children are treated using a concoction made of garlic, tobacco, rock salt, cow urine and lemon basil juice.
6. Gomutra is also helpful in treatment of peptic ulcer, asthma and certain liver ailments.
7. Some Indian scientists from CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) received a US Patent for a mixture of cow urine distillate, which acts as an antibiotic. The purpose of the cow urine is to behave like a bio-enhancer, which promotes the antimicrobial functions of antifungal and antibiotic agents.
8. A US patent was acquired in 2010 by a research department of Deolapar and National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) for a drug based on gomutra, which validated its claims of being an anti-cancer drug. The mixture is claimed to prevent DNA damage caused by oxidation.
9. A water extract of Daruharidra (Tree Turmeric) called Rasanjana is administered with cow urine as a medication to treat Kapha originated skin diseases.
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How To Treat Gastritis By Ayurvedic Drugs?

How To Treat Gastritis By Ayurvedic Drugs?
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian life science that requires you to make various lifestyle changes along with the use of medication that is based on herbs and condiments with massages and Yogic postures. This field of medicine believes in getting to the root of the problem so as to cure it and prevent it in the future as well. Gastritis is no different and enjoys the same kind of attention when it comes to Ayurveda. Here is everything you need to know about the Ayurvedic perspective of gastritis.

Definition: As per Ayurveda, gastritis is known as Urdhva Amlapitta, which can lead to the occurrence of stomach ulcers when the inflammation of the stomach lining goes untreated for a prolonged period of time. This inflammation is the basic outcome of the condition.

Causes: Problems in the Vata Dosha, one of the four Doshas in the body, can cause this condition. Also, a build up of Ama or toxins due to poor digestive health, can lead to the occurrence of this disease. As per Ayurveda, there are many reasons that may cause this toxin build up and the imbalance in the Vata Dosha. This includes eating spicy food on a regular or frequent basis and taking too many drugs like pain killers and analgesics which can lead to this condition. Also, too much of alcohol consumption and greasy food can cause gastritis. Further, one of the main causes of gastritis as per Ayurveda, is the presence of too much stress and worry, and the lack of a proper routine when it comes to eating, sleeping and exercising.

Symptoms: The main symptoms include appetite loss and nausea, as well as discomfort and pain in the abdomen. Gastrointestinal bleeding and blood discharge may also occur for patients suffering from this condition. Headaches and vomiting are also common symptoms of this condition.

Medication: There are various Ayurvedic medicines that can help in treating this condition. Sukumara Ghrita are ghee based preparations that can be taken every morning with a glass of warm milk in order to activate the digestive fires and improve the digestive powers. The difference can usually be seen in a matter of days. Dhatri Lauha includes amla juice which should be taken twice a day. Lemon juice, ajwain, amla and ginger are also helpful in such situations.

Lifestyle Changes: Avoiding spicy and greasy food as well as stopping alcohol abuse and smoking can help in curing this condition. One should also stay away from excessively stressful mental and physical tasks.

Taking the right steps at the right time for a proper routine with good habits can help in treating this condition as per Ayurveda.
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Skin Disease - Understanding The Role Of Homeopathy In Treating It!

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Skin Disease - Understanding The Role Of Homeopathy In Treating It!
Blessed are the people who enjoy a healthy, flawless and glowing skin with minimum effort, throughout their life. Of late, dermatological problems like acne, pruritus, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema have been affecting all and sundry.

People, irrespective of their age, sex and occupation suffer from skin diseases. While some of the ailments are minor problems, others might be grave enough for one to seek an expert opinion. A number of factors, both internal as well as external, contribute to the skin ailments.

The dermatological problems, if not treated timely, can leave a person physically, mentally and emotionally drained out. In such cases, a person's self confidence is the worst affected. A lot of conventional and Allopathic options are available to treat skin diseases. Ointments, antihistamine tablets and antibacterial medications, though effective, often provide temporary relief. In many cases, it has been observed that in due course of time, the problems tend to relapse. The disease, thus, never really leaves the body, piling on the agony.

In this regard, Homeopathy has been took the medical world by storm. It works effectively to completely eliminate the dermatological problem out of your system, providing permanent relief. Homeopathy adopts a holistic approach in treating a disease. It lays great emphasis towards identifying and treating the underlying cause.

Homeopathic treatment can be a little time consuming, but the time is worth waiting for. Over the past few decades, homeopathy has been the most sought after and reliable medication to deal with dermatological problems. Problems as grave as psoriasis and herpes can be completely cured, all thanks to the goodness of homeopathy.

Some of the homeopathic medications that have effectively dealt with skin diseases include:

Natrum Muriaticum and Rhus Toxicodendron: Both the medications, Rhus Toxicodendron in particular, are very effective against eczema. Natrum Muriaticum has been found to soothe a person suffering from mental depression greatly.
Thuja Occidentalis: Acne problems, warts, freckles, dry and itchy skin, ulcers (anogenital region) can throw life in jeopardy. Embrace the goodness of Thuja Occidentalis and the mentioned skin problems will be a thing of the past.
Arsenicum: If psoriasis and chronic urticaria are giving you sleepless nights, Arsenicum is what you need. Arsenicum is equally effective against chronic eczema.
Sepia: Herpes can make life miserable. Sepia is a powerful medication that gives one a lot to cheer about. People with psoriasis and dry skin can greatly benefit from Sepia.
Cantharis: It provides great relief from blisters, skin eruptions and burns(second and third degree).
To enjoy the everlasting benefits, one needs to be a little patient with the treatment.
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Alcohol - How Does It Spoil Your Body?

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine
General Physician, Pune
Alcohol - How Does It Spoil Your Body?
If you are a heavy drinker or consume alcohol regularly or frequently, you should know about the harmful effects of alcohol or how it affects your body negatively. When you drink, alcohol gets absorbed into your blood and gets distributed all over your body.

Alcohol consumption may cause several physical and emotional changes, which can cause great harm to the body. There are many long-term effects of alcohol abuse, which put your health at great risk.

Here are some ways in which alcohol affects the different parts of your body:

Excretory system: Excessive consumption of alcohol may cause the pancreas to produce toxic substances that interfere with its functioning. As a result, pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas is likely. This is a serious problem, capable of destroying the pancreas. Alcohol affects the liver severely. Excessive intake of alcohol may cause alcoholic hepatitis and lead to jaundice development. Chronic liver inflammation may cause severe scarring or cirrhosis. The formation of scar tissue may destroy your liver. When the liver and pancreas do not work properly, there is a risk of hypoglycemia. The damaged pancreas may cause unbalanced blood sugar levels, which is a serious concern.
Central nervous system: Change in behaviour is one of the primary signs of alcohol being in your system. Alcohol travels through the body and quickly reaches your brain and other parts of the central nervous system or CNS. This may lead to slurred speech and it becomes harder for you to talk. Your overall body coordination is affected along with your balance and the ability to walk properly. Over drinking negatively affects your ability to think clearly, impulse control and your ability to form memories. Long term drinking shrinks the frontal lobes of the brain. Damage to the nervous system because of alcohol may cause pain, abnormal sensations in your limbs, and numbness.
Digestive system: Alcohol also affects your digestive system in several ways. Alcohol can affect the entire digestive system starting from the mouth to the colon and a single incident of excessive drinking can wreck parts of the digestive tract.
Organ damage: Alcohol abuse damages your salivary glands, which cause irritation in the tongue and month. This may result in gum disease, tooth disease or tooth decay. Ulcers in the oesophagus or food pipe, acid reflux and heartburn are other impacts. Excessive drinking may also lead to stomach ulcers and inflammation of the stomach lining.
Inflammation of the pancreas disrupts its ability to help the process of digestion and regulate effective metabolism. Damage to the digestive system from alcohol abuse can also cause diarrhoea, gas, abdominal fullness.
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Stomach Ulcer: 4 Best Ways To Treat It!

Sexologist, Jammu
Stomach Ulcer: 4 Best Ways To Treat It!
Ulcer pain can be uneasy and unbearable at times. It is caused by a bacterium known as the H. Pylori. Pain medication, lifestyle changes, and healthy eating habits can ensure pain relief from this condition. Here is a list of 4 best ways to get instant pain relief from an ulcer:

Medication - H. Pylori is often found in the digestive tract. Doctors suggest various combinations of antibiotics kill this bacterium. Some of those include tetracycline, levofloxacin, metronidazole, and tinidazole. These are prescribed as per the resistance rate of the bacteria. There are other sets of medication that blocks acid production in the body. These drugs which commonly go by the name of PPIs include esomeprazole, lansoprazole, and pantoprazole. The third set of medications reduces acidity in the stomach and gives instant relief. They are readily available over the counter and goes by the name antacid. The final line of medicines that are often prescribed by doctors includes Cytotec and Carafate. They protect the tissue lining of the intestine and the stomach.
Consumption of cranberry - Cranberry has multiple health benefits. One of those includes the ability to fight against bacteria of the urinary tract. They also do not allow the bacteria to settle on the surface of the bladder. Cranberry in the form of juice, supplement and as a whole can be consumed daily to get relief from the stomach ulcer. It should be taken in specific quantity as too much of cranberry consumption can upset the stomach. Packaged cranberry juice from the market can be avoided as they contain high level of fructose which can unsettle the stomach.
Flavonoids - A compound known as bioflavonoids are known to be extremely helpful for pain relief from an ulcer. These compounds naturally occur in many vegetables and fruits such as soybeans, berries, apples, legumes, green tea, broccoli and berries. Bioflavonoids available in red wine and citrus food should be strictly avoided as they can trigger ulcer pain. Bioflavonoids should be taken in measured quantities as too much consumption of it can cause harm in blood clotting. It can be consumed in the form of supplements if the body doesn t receive the same from the daily diet.
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice - This compound is nothing but licorice with the sweet flavour pulled out of it. A study showed that they are capable of completing curing the ulcer containing bacteria by inhibiting their growth. Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice is available in the form of candy and can be consumed once the pain starts. Supplements too are available in the market. Not more than 2 ounces of Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice should be consumed in a day as they can cause fluctuation in blood pressure and lead to heart diseases.
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