Top Health Tips on Treating Pinworms

Vaginismus - Make Sex Less Painful For Your Lady!

MD-Pharmacology, MBBS
Sexologist, Delhi
Vaginismus - Make Sex Less Painful For Your Lady!
Sexual intercourse for humans is not only a reproductive act, but is also considered to be an emotional and pleasurable act. However, statistics report that almost 30% of the women experience pain during intercourse also known as vaginismus. This not only hampers the pleasure, but is also an unhealthy sign since it is indicative of a problem.

Vaginismus / Painful intercourse could be a regular occurrence, or a sporadic one. There could be numerous reasons that cause the discomfort and pain. Though it might be an early manifestation of grave diseases such as endometriosis or fibroids, but more often, it is triggered due to conditions such as vaginal dryness, yeast infection, bacterial vaginiosis, which can be easily treated. It is pertinent to understand that it is not the physical infirmity of the entire female anatomy that causes such pain/ discomfort, but the existence of certain conditions that can be treated by a medical practitioner.

Certain such causal factors associated with painful intercourse and the efficient ways to deal with them are discussed below:

Vaginal dryness- Vaginal dryness is one of the most commonly cited causes for painful intercourse. There are various causal factors of vaginal dryness. These include, but are not limited to, consumption of certain drugs, bathing with hot water, health conditions or even lack of foreplay. Vaginal dryness due to the aforementioned causes is a short-lived condition that can be treated well with the help of a medical practitioner. Usage of lubricants that is suitable for you, as advised by a medical practitioner, could go a long way in aiding the ease of sexual intercourse. The lubricants act as an effective substitute, if the body is unable to naturally secrete vaginal fluids to ease intercourse, thereby greatly reducing the pain that is experienced.

Improper vaginal expansion- The female anatomy is designed in such a way that it expands normally during intercourse. Proper foreplay enables the woman to get excited, which results in the release of vaginal fluids that aids in sexual intercourse. However, in the event that the female is not excited enough prior to the act, sexual intercourse can become a painful act, since the vagina is unable to expand in the absence of vaginal fluids. In such cases, take things slow and give your body time to comfortably go with the flow.

Vaginal itching caused by infection- Vaginal infections can be caused by antibiotics, prior sexual activity that has resulted in contraction of Sexually Transmitted Diseases etc. This results in an itching or burning sensation while having sex. It is essential to rest your body instead of forcing things, and to consult your doctor as soon as possible. The doctor can correctly diagnose the causal factors behind the infection, and prescribe the necessary medicines for it.

Emotional issues including fear of sex, marital issues/ disputes, etc are also leading cause of painful sex


However, symptoms vary from the common ones mentioned above, it is always advisable to consult a experienced doctor including a gynecologist, sexologist or sexual counselor.

Role of sexual counselor is very important, as he she can offer Sex therapy in the form of counseling, brief psychoanalysis, or behavioural therapy .This can help to address any underlying psychological issues, such as fear or anxiety, tackle any irrational beliefs that you have about sex, educate you about sex.

Also some special techniques can be taught eventually stop your vagina closing involuntarily, such as using vaginal trainers and pelvic floor exercises

If you wish to discuss about this problem, you can consult a doctor and ask a question.
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Vaginal Irritation - Effective Ways To Manage It!

Sexologist, Bangalore
Vaginal Irritation - Effective Ways To Manage It!
It is common for women to experience genital irritation and itching. At some point of time, every woman is likely to experience some form of vaginal irritation. It is a condition which often causes great distress and embarrassment. Vaginal irritation is commonly caused by a yeast infection. Irritation may also occur due to certain chemicals and sanitary pads, which are used during menstruation. Persistence of such irritation and itching may cause vaginal pain.

Vaginal irritation can be managed in several ways. Here are some tips on how to manage and control vaginal irritation using simple remedies:

Use apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains antibacterial and antifungal properties. It helps in removal of irritation completely when caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. Take two spoonful of apple cider vinegar, add hot water to it and wash your vagina using this water. The vagina is made acidic due to which the bacteria does not last long.

Apply cold compress: Vaginal irritation during the night can be quite troublesome and is likely to hamper your sleep, leaving you fatigued. Apply a cold compress or ice cubes directly to the vagina. This will provide substantial relief to the irritation.

Take a salt bath: Salt is effective in eliminating bacteria and itching. In case you suffer from itching, wash your vagina using concentrated salt water. This will provide instant relief from the irritation and the risk of further bacterial growth gets reduced.

Use garlic paste: Garlic contains antibacterial properties, which are quite effective in providing relief from irritation and itching symptoms in the vagina. The smell of garlic is also considered effective. Make a garlic paste and apply it inside your vagina.

Use yogurt: Yogurt contains active cultures, which remove bad bacteria by the addition of abundant good bacteria. Have a cup of pure yogurt without sugar regularly. Yogurt takes care of yeast infections quite fast. You may also apply it on the vagina, especially in the area prone to irritation.

Use basil leaves: Basil leaves contain antifungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Boil basil leaves in water and drink the water. This method eliminates bacteria, which causes vaginal irritation.

Antibacterial talc: You can use any antibacterial talc of either medical or herbal variety. A herbal, homeopathic talc is mild on the body, but takes some time to heal the infection. Medicated talcs provide faster healing. The talc destroys bacterial and fungal infections, which may occur because of the moist surroundings.

Keep it dry: Keep your vagina dry as bacterial and fungal infections commonly affect wet areas, which result in irritation. For prevention of vaginal irritation, always wear loose clothes. If the irritation gets out of control, you must consult a doctor.
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Sexual Health - Ways Diabetes Can Affect it!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Jodhpur
Sexual Health - Ways Diabetes Can Affect it!
Diabetes is often considered as deadly as cancer. It is a disease that requires lifestyle changes and diet modifications. It is also a disease that affects almost the entire system of your body. Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, it will do you a world of good to understand the effects of diabetes. Neurovascular damage is one of the most common effects, this means that diabetes will affect the nerves and blood supply of the body.

While Type 1 diabetes makes its presence felt much earlier and is hereditary quite often, Type 2 appears later in life with age and cumulative stress. The effects of diabetes are related to the duration of the disease. Therefore, people with Type 1 diabetes are more likely to have the symptoms early on and need to learn to manage them. Type 2 makes its appearance later, but needs good monitoring for the effects to not surface or prolong the severity of symptoms.

As we all know, all body systems are affected by diabetes, sexual health is no exception. Diabetes decreases blood supply and impacts the nerves in the genitals, thus causing a series of issues right from reduced libido and erectile dysfunction in males to vaginal dryness and painful coitus (perunia) in females.

Listed below are issues diabetic men and women face in terms of sexual health:

In Men:

Diabetes reduces testosterone levels, which is directly reflected in reduced libido. Altered nerve function does not provide proper signals to the penis and there is also reduced blood flow to the organ. Both these can diminish the chances of a good erection. Studies have shown that among men who have had diabetes for 10 years, about 50% have experienced erectile dysfunction.
The affected nerve function also leads to difficulties in reaching a climax. Diabetes in men can additionally cause Peyronie's disease, which leads to a curved penis, and this leads to painful and difficult erections and coitus.
In Women:

It leads to reduced sexual desire due to testosterone levels. Vaginal dryness is very common in females with diabetes and therefore, there is a definite decline in the urge.
The above mentioned neurovascular damage also prevents women from reaching a good climax, as the nerve supply is affected.
Diabetes also increases the predisposition to urinary tract infections, which can lead to painful sexual experience due to additional vaginal dryness and itching.
Finally, as much as it may sound as a cause for concern, it is not. People with diabetes know that making small lifestyle changes can go a long way in terms of onset of symptoms, their severity, and the leading of a normal life. Modifications in diet and lifestyle to include healthy eating, reduced stress, and exercising are very useful. It is also very important to talk to your doctor about how your sexual health has changed with diabetes. It is a sensitive and private topic, but if you are concerned about it, then do not hesitate to seek help.
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4 Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis!

MBBS, DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology
Gynaecologist, Mumbai
4 Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis!
Bacterial vaginosis is an infection that occurs in the vagina due to an imbalance in growth of the vaginal bacteria; It is the overgrowth in the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina causes the imbalance. This disorder is very common among women, especially among pregnant women. This problem is usually not very serious and tends to subside within 4-5 days. However, in certain cases, they are capable of causing serious complications.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include:

Vaginal discharge that is white or grey in colour
Constant itching in your vagina
The vaginal discharge usually has a foul smelling odour
Burning sensation during urination
Vaginal bacteria can be either good or bad. Any disruption in the delicate balance of the vaginal bacteria can lead to bacterial vaginosis. There is no exact known cause of this disorder, but it is believed that having multiple sex partners can aggravate this risks. Other factors include:

Douching: If you clean your vagina with water and other cleansing agents on a regular basis, it might cause a bacterial imbalance, thus leading to this infection.
Multiple partners: Having multiple sex partners puts you at a higher risk of contracting bacterial vaginosis. This disorder may also lead to various complications such as:
STIs: This infection may make you highly susceptible to various infections such as Chlamydia, HIV and gonorrhoea.
Disorders of the pelvic region: Bacterial vaginosis may lead to inflammation in the pelvic region, which in turn may lead to infertility.
Preterm birth: It increases the chances of premature birth
Smoking: Smoking frequently increases the risk of a bacterial vaginosis infection.
Unprotected sex: Having sex without proper protection increases the risk levels of bacterial vaginosis.
There are certain preventive measures that you can adopt to prevent this condition:

Use soaps which contain no or very little chemicals to clean the region around your genitals
Use latex condoms during sexual intercourse to prevent STIs.
Do not clean your vagina (the practice referred to as douching) on a regular basis.
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Trichomonas Vaginalis - What Are The Complications Associated With It?

MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Guwahati
Trichomonas Vaginalis - What Are The Complications Associated With It?
Trichomonas Vaginalis, a virus, which affects almost 7.4 million men and women each year. This virus can cause a sexually transmitted disease upon contact with a person who may be carrying the same. This condition is more common in women than it is in men and causes a variety of symptoms. Let us learn more about this infection.


This disease does not have any obvious symptoms until the problem becomes pretty severe. The symptoms for men include irritation inside the penis, discharge, and a burning sensation upon urination and ejaculation. The symptoms for women include a strong odour filled discharge that may also be greenish yellow in colour, pain in the lower abdomen in case the infection is extremely severe, itching and irritation in the vagina, and pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.


The gynaecologist or the general physician will usually carry out the diagnosis with the help of blood and urine samples that will be sent to the lab for testing. These tests will help in determining the spread and severity of the infection. The doctor will also use vaginal or urethral fluid in order to diagnose the issue with the help of further lab tests. Most doctors will tell you that it is harder to detect the presence of the virus in women, than it is in men.


The treatment of this disease is done with the help of metronidazole, which can be used to treat trichomoniasis in case the patient is pregnant. It is usually recommended that the sexual partner of the patient should also be treated for the infection so as to stem its spread. Also, the doctors will recommend abstinence from sex for the duration of the treatment. Antibiotics will also be prescribed for both partners. Usually, one will be asked to wait for all the symptoms to disappear before becoming sexually active again.


There is a risk of contracting the HIV virus in case pregnant women do not get treated for this disease on time. It can also cause premature rupture of the various membranes that protect the foetus, which can in turn, lead to premature delivery of the baby. Further, women who are suffering from this disease are at higher risk of passing on the HIV virus to their partners. This happens when the woman is also infected with the HIV virus.

There are various ways to prevent this disease including the proper use of condoms and limiting the number of sexual partners. Genital inflammation and pain should be checked by a doctor immediately to rule out the possibility of this STD. Also, one must take the necessary precautions to avoid catching and spreading this disease.

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Homeopathic Medicines to Treat Intestinal Worms in Stomach

BHMS, MD-Homeopathy, PGPC - Preventive Cardiology
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Homeopathic Medicines to Treat Intestinal Worms in Stomach
A number of worms/parasites can infest the stomach and intestines. Children are more prone, and contract them by ingesting uncooked foods or fruits, contact with animals, playing in soil, or even unhygienic water.
The most common worms include pinworm, threadworms, roundworms, whipworms, hookworm, and tapeworm.

Signs and Symptoms

Whatever the type of worm, the symptoms are more or less the same and include the following:

Allergies: When worm infestation happens, there could be blisters on the body and the oral mucous membranes and food sensitivity can occur.
Anemia: The parasites growing inside the stomach suck out nutrition from the food, and therefore the body is deprived of essential nutrition. It could lead to severe anemia in some cases.
Altered bowel movement: While some organisms produce constipation by blocking the colon, others result in diarrhea which is body s way of removing harmful substances from the body
Fatigue: Needless to say, all this results in extreme fatigue and dehydration for the infested person.
Abdominal bloating: The parasites produce gas, which produces a gassy, bloated sensation
Altered immune function: As most parasites induce an allergic reaction, there is an increased amount of immunoglobulin A in the circulation.
Other: Restlessness, dark circles under the eyes, bedwetting, headaches and light sensitivity.
Some of the most popular homeopathic remedies are listed below and aim at strengthening the child s overall health. As always, the child will be asked thoroughly for all symptoms and then a remedy identified.

Cina: Very useful for all types of worm, it is the most popular remedy. The child is irritable, angry, has a pale appearance with rings around the eyes. When asked more, there will be teeth grinding (bruxism) at night, may have had convulsions, crying at night, nose picking, extreme hunger, milky urine, bluish discoloration around the mouth.
Calcarea: The child is usually fat, flabby child with a strong appetite and craving for things like chalk, coal, and pencils. There is aversion to dairy products and meat. There will be a crawling feeling in the rectum and anus. There is profuse sweating from the head, causing a wet pillow.
Spigelia: The child will have a pale face, blue rings around the eyes, tendency to faint, nauseating sensation, and pain around the navel. Stool with mucus and worms are an indication for using Spigelia.
Caladium: The worm travels from the perineum to the vagina and causes the girls to constantly itch around the vagina
Teucrium: Used in pinworm infestation, where there is a lot of irritation in the rectum. A thin dilution or tincture of this medication is used.
Indigo: Very effective in roundworms. The child is usually melancholic, has intense pain around the bellybutton, and may have had convulsions.
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4 Causes Of Vaginal Rashes

MBBS, MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology, Fellowship in Gynecologic Endoscopy
Gynaecologist, Mumbai
4 Causes Of Vaginal Rashes
Vagina is one of the most delicate organs of your body. While you tend to the hygiene of other body parts, caring for the vagina either doesn t strike you or it is too taboo a thing to be discussed about. Vaginal rashes are prevalent among many women and in most cases, they are not aware of ways to approach the problem. Rashes can lead to extreme uneasiness and if neglected, could even cause complicate health disorders. Thus vaginal rashes should be treated with proper medical assistance and watchful sanitation.

Factors that can cause vaginal rashes:

Warts in and around a person s genital: Warts are infections that can have a painful and disturbing effect on your health. Genital warts are the result of sexually transmitted infections. The diverse kinds of human papillomavirus are known to trigger the formation of vaginal rashes.
Infections caused due to the predominance of viruses: Vaginal rashes may exhibit themselves in the form of aching blisters. This symptom could be indicative of Genital Herpes that further needs medical expertise to be dealt with.
Folliculitis could cause suffering: The base of a hair shaft is indeed a sensitive area. Any infection pertaining to hair shafts surfacing usually in the form of a red lump can worsen to cause rashes in your genitalia.
A cyst in the Bartholin gland could be the reason: A Bartholin gland is one of the two glands positioned at the opening of a person s vagina. A cyst might happen to develop in any one of these glands due to accumulation of fluids produced by the glands itself. Secondary symptoms of such a condition could be red, itchy rashes.
Candida Fungal: Candida albicans is the most common type of fungus to cause yeast infections. Sometimes, other types of candida fungus are to blame. Common treatments usually cure a Candida albicans infection. Yeast infections caused by other types of candida fungus can be more difficult to treat, and need more aggressive therapies.
Symptoms that help a doctor identify the prevalence of rashes in your vagina:

Redness of the skin in and around one s vagina is a characteristic feature of an underlying problem.
Your vagina could itch persistently preventing you from free movement. Constant itching can also hamper your otherwise smoothly functioning sex life.
The skin around your vagina can become excessively dry and peel off as a result.
Tenderness and soreness are common symptoms that make sitting or lying down troublesome.
Vaginal rashes may or may not be accompanied by a stinging, throbbing pain.
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8 Effective Ways to Manage Vaginal Irritation Condition

MD - Dermatology, MBBS
Sexologist, Kolkata
8 Effective Ways to Manage Vaginal Irritation Condition
It is common for women to experience genital irritation and itching. At some point in time, every woman is likely to experience some form of vaginal irritation. It is a condition that often causes great distress and embarrassment.

Vaginal irritation is commonly caused by a yeast infection. Irritation may also occur due to certain chemicals and sanitary pads, which are used during menstruation. Persistence of such irritation and itching may cause vaginal pain.

Best Remedies to Treat Vaginal Irritation Problem
Vaginal irritation can be managed in several ways. Here are some tips on how to manage and control vaginal irritation using simple remedies:

Use apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains antibacterial and antifungal properties. It helps in the removal of irritation completely when caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. Take two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar, add hot water to it and wash your vagina using this water. The vagina is made acidic due to which the bacteria does not last long.

Apply a cold compress: Vaginal irritation during the night can be quite troublesome and is likely to hamper your sleep, leaving you fatigued. Apply a cold compress or ice cubes directly to the vagina. This will provide substantial relief to the vaginal irritation.

Take a salt bath: Salt is effective in eliminating bacteria and itching. In case you suffer from itching, wash your vagina using concentrated saltwater. This will provide instant relief from the vagina irritation and the risk of further bacterial growth gets reduced.

Use garlic paste: Garlic contains antibacterial properties, which are quite effective in providing relief from irritation and itching symptoms in the vagina. The smell of garlic is also considered effective. Make a garlic paste and apply it inside your vagina.

Use yogurt: Yogurt contains active cultures, which remove bad bacteria by the addition of abundant good bacteria. Have a cup of pure yogurt without sugar regularly. Yogurt takes care of yeast infections quite fast. You may also apply it to the vagina, especially in the area prone to irritation.

Use basil leaves: Basil leaves contain antifungal, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. Boil basil leaves in water and drinks the water. This method eliminates bacteria, which causes vaginal irritation.

Antibacterial talc for vaginal infection: You can use any antibacterial talc of either medical or herbal variety. Herbal, homeopathic talc is mild on the body but takes some time to heal the vaginal infection. Medicated talcs provide faster healing. The talc destroys bacterial and fungal infections, which may occur because of the moist surroundings.

Keep it dry: Keep your vagina dry as bacterial and fungal infections commonly affect wet areas, which results in irritation. For the prevention of vaginal irritation, always wear loose clothes. If the irritation gets out of control, you must consult a doctor.

Update From Lybrate: Due to stress and hectic lifestyle, sexual bliss has become a dream for many. To keep your sex life alive and kicking, buy these Sexual Wellness Products from Lybrate's GoodKart.
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Vaginal Rashes - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

MD - Skin,VD & Lepxsy, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dermatologist, Hyderabad
Vaginal Rashes - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Rashes in the vulva, which might be caused due to various health problems or due to irritation on skin, usually constitute all the vaginal rashes. The vaginal rashes might be the result of non infectious conditions (it might be an allergic reaction) or it might also be the result of a sexually transmitted infection. The vulva may become red and might have sores and blisters. Many times, the vulva doesn't change color at all, but visible bumps are present in the area.

The symptoms of vaginal rashes are as follows:

Blisters or sores
Reddening of the vulva
Visible bumps
Vaginal discharge
Pain in the pelvic region
Painful urination with a burning feeling
Pain while having sex
Lice or insects in the pubic hair
Enlarged lymph nodes
Ulcers on the groin
Although the symptoms are not usually fatal, sometimes the conditions might become life threatening. If your body temperature rises above 101oF and if you are suffering from a severe abdominal and pelvic pain, the best option is to consult a doctor immediately.

Vaginal rashes can be due both noninfectious causes as well as due to sexually transmitted infections. Some of the infectious causes are:

Genital herpes
Granuloma inguinale
Human papilloma virus
Molluscum contagiosum
Pubic lice
Yeast infections
Some of the noninfectious causes are:

Allergic reactions
Chemical irritants like soap, lubricants, creams, etc
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Although the vaginal rashes aren't very serious in nature, you might face certain complications like infertility, secondary or tertiary syphilis, and transmitting the infection to your partner.

Vaginal rashes are usually treated with home remedies. Here are a few treatments you could try out if you are afflicted with vaginal rashes:

Apple cider vinegar: This particular substance is known for having antifungal and antibacterial properties. It will help you get over the itching which takes place when you are suffering with a vaginal rash. If the rash is due to a fungal or bacterial infection, then apple cider vinegar will help to clear out the infection. Wash your vagina with apple cider vinegar and warm water mixture.
Anti-bacterial talc: Anti-bacterial talc is extremely mild to the skin. It helps to cure fungal infections but this method might take some time to cure the rash.
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Inflammation of The Vagina - Could it be Vaginitis?

MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Advanced Infertility
Gynaecologist, Mumbai
Inflammation of The Vagina - Could it be Vaginitis?
Vaginitis is the inflammation of one s vagina accompanied by pain during intercourse, mild vaginal bleeding, painful urination, vaginal itching or a considerable change in the amount, odor and color of the vaginal discharge.

1. A certain level of bacteria is normally found in one s vagina (lactobacilli). Now if this count is outnumbered by the other bacteria (anaerobes), the balance in the vagina gets disrupted giving rise to bacterial vaginosis. Such kind of vaginitis usually stems from sexual intercourse with multiple sex partners.
2. Yeast infections occur due to an overgrowth of fungal organisms in one s vagina, especially Candida Albicans.
3. Trichomoniasis caused by the one celled microscopic parasite Trichomonas Vaginalis generally spreads through sexual intercourse with an infected partner. The condition also makes one vulnerable to various sexually transmitted infections.
4. Spermicidal products, scented detergents, perfumed soaps, douches, vaginal sprays or foreign objects such as tampons that were not taken out or tissue paper might trigger allergic reactions or irritation in the vaginal tissues.
5. Surgical removal of the ovaries or reduced estrogen count after menopause might cause thinning of the vaginal lining, thereby resulting in vaginal burning, dryness or irritation.

1. For Bacterial vaginosis, your doctor might advise the application of clindamycin cream or metronidazole gel as well as metronidazole tablets which are to be taken orally.
2. Yeast infections might be treated with an anti-fungal suppository or cream, for instance, tioconazole, butoconazole, clotrimazole or miconazole. Oral medication, such as fluconazole is also administered to treat the same.
3. Metronidazole or tinidazole tablets are prescribed for Trichomoniasis.
4. Estrogen in the form of rings, tablets or vaginal creams is effective in treating low estrogen level after menopause.
5. For non-infectious vaginitis primarily caused by objects, such as tampons, sanitary napkins, laundry detergent or new soap, it is essential to pinpoint the source of the irritation and avoid them.
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