Top Health Tips on Treating Ringworm

3 Signs To Identify Ringworm!

B.H.M.S., Senior Homeopath Consultant
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
3 Signs To Identify Ringworm!
Ringworm is a type of fungal infection occurring on the skin of a person. Ringworm does not involve the presence of any kind of actual worms whatsoever. It is so named because of the circular scaly infection on the skin, which almost appears as if a worm is present beneath the skin.

Why the fungi arise on the skin is unclear. However, these skin infections are highly contagious, so people coming in contact with those already having the disease could naturally develop the ringworm lesions. The fungi also require warm and moist conditions to thrive in. People working in waterlogged conditions or those walking barefoot on wet floors near swimming pools; public washrooms etc could all develop ringworm based on their immunity levels.

Symptoms of Ringworm:

Reddish, scaly or white patches on the skin.

The lesions may appear raised and blistered.

The circular lesion might have a clearing in the center.

Hair loss is a common side effect of this disease. Ringworm of scalp especially is characterized by patchy hair loss where the hair might be bent and broken at an odd angle. Dandruff might also be present. Thankfully, there are many effective homeopathic remedies for ringworm on scalp.

Though mostly ringworm is treated with conventional medicines and allopathic treatment, there are certain recurring ringworms on which traditional medicines slowly lose effect. Such infections can be controlled and cured with the help of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy is based on the principle of like curing like . This means, the homeopath takes a bit of the plant material, deactivates it and just like a vaccine, infuses the patient s body with small quantities of it. Popular homeopathic remedies for treating ringworm are:

Sepia: It is obtained from the ink of a squid. It has been found that contact with the squid causes symptoms similar to the ones caused by ringworms. Thus, it is a remarkable cure for this disease. However, before actually administering this medicine, the homeopath doctor would ask several questions to understand the nature of the disease occurring to you. Such questions would include your sensitivity to heat and cold or how many times in the past has ringworm infected you. Only when the practitioner is sure of the fact that sepia is the correct treatment, would he prescribe it to you. This is a great cure for ringworms occurring in children as well.

Sulphur: Ringworms not only affect a person on the skin of his/her body, it might also occur on the scalp. These ringworms can cause a lot of itching, irritation, hair loss, pus in the scalp etc. For treating such types of ringworm, one can apply sulphur-based creams or ointments on the affected area on the scalp. Sulphur is seen to help in fighting the ringworms and thus providing relief from all the itching and irritation on the scalp.

Rhus Toxicodendron: This medicine is obtained when leaves of the poison ivy plants are distilled overnight. Contact with poison ivy leaves also causes similar symptoms as ringworms and thus, it is known to be a good cure for the disease.

Ringworms on Animals-

At times, even animals like cats and dogs can be affected by ringworms. Symptoms would include loss of hair in patches, itchy hair, white or blackish patches on the body and others. A specialised vet should be referred to for a medicated shampoo besides a homeopath. Medicines like Sepia or Chrysarobinum are administered to treat ringworms in animals.

Thus, ringworm is a very common form of a disease and is easily treatable whether in humans or animals. One would need to follow the course of their medicine and take to patience for getting it cured as soon as possible.
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Worm Infestation in Children - How Homeopathy Medicines Can Help?

MBBS, MD (PSM), M.F.Hom (London)
Homeopathy Doctor, Nagpur
Worm Infestation in Children - How Homeopathy Medicines Can Help?
Worms are intestinal parasites, which infest human beings and in addition some animals like dogs, cats and so forth. The most common are roundworms, stick worm, tape worm and snare worms. However, here are a few homoeopathic cures for the same:

Cina [Cina]: For the patient who is irritable, crabby, has a wiped out pale face with circles under the eyes, grinds the teeth around evening time and has convulsions. There is canine appetite or variable hunger. The kid picks his nose and shouts out in his sleep. They tend to twitch their hands and feet and have milky urine. A detectable symptom is a pale blue shading around the mouth.
Santonine. [Sant]: The alkaloid of Cina is additionally a solution for round worms. It is not a protected cure as Cina and not anymore adequate.
Caladium [Calad]: Very effective when worms go over the perineum and get into the vagina in young ladies, with the tendency to excite arousal.
Teucrium. [Teucr]: It is the solution for ascarids or pinworms. There is much disturbance brought about by them in the rectum. Although, it once in a while flops in this condition. Another solution for stick worms is Sinapis nigra.
Pigelia. [Spig]: student jolting with the paleness of the face, blue circles around the eyes, blackout, sickened feeling with nauseated feeling about the navel brought on by the nearness of worms, shows the need of Spigelia. It has stools comprising of bodily fluid, faces and worms. Put a pinch on a cloth and breathe in till the time shivering and convulsions from the worms stop.
Ignatia [Ign]: Is effective where the kid is highly energised and has tickling and itching at the butt.
Indigo [Indg]: Is a solution for ascarids or string worms in melancholic youngsters, with extreme pain in the umbilical locale as well as convulsions from the worms.
Sabadilla [Sabad]: For those who have worm symptoms like nausea, heaving and colic.
Stannum. [Stann]: Stannum so stuns the worms that they are easily dislodged by laxatives. It has many worms symptoms including pale indented face and eyes encircled by blue rings, Sluggish smell, unpleasing odour, bad breath and inactive fever. Stannum is very helpful in this case.
Calcarea [Calc]: Calcarea is a very effective remedy to get rid of ringworms as it kills them and they pass through the stool.
Cuprum oxydatum nigrum. [Cupr-o]: This cure will expel a wide range of worms, cure trichinosis, and even tapeworms. One small cap in addition with Nux vomica four or five times each day for four to six weeks, which dependably promises to cure tapeworm without bringing on the patient any discomfort whatsoever.
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Ringworm - How Homeopathy Can Help You In Getting Rid Of It?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Kolhapur
Ringworm - How Homeopathy Can Help You In Getting Rid Of It?
Ringworm (Dermatophytosis) is a contagious disease, which affects the skin, nails and scalp. It is a fungal infection that can affect diverse areas of your body gravely. Tinea is a medical term for ringworm. It is not a life-threatening or fatal condition as such. It can very easily be treated with homeopathic treatments, all of which will have to prescribed by a doctor specifically. This skin condition is especially normal among teenagers. This condition is not that serious until the time it affects the scalp severely. There are distinctive sorts of ringworm influencing every body part.

Homeopathic cures the contagious disease and turns on the melanin creating cells in the skin. This further enhances the surface of the skin, trims down growth of new patches, and gradually returns to its typical condition without leaving any pigmentation or scars. As Homeopathy treats the scalp ringworms from the inside, when the protected treatment is finished successfully, it is impossible that the patches return again as compared to other kinds of treatments. Homeopathic cures are regular, delicate, safe and simple to take. The treatment might seem like it is not showing immediate effects but it will gradually eradicate the disease from its roots so that it never grows back.

Homeopathy is based on the standard of 'like curing like'. This means that the homeopath takes a touch of the plant material, deactivates it and simply uses it like an antibody or a vaccine. He or she infuses the patient's body with little amounts of it. Most effective and mainstream homeopathy solutions for treating scalp ringworm are:

Sepia: Sepia is acquired from squid's ink as contact with the ink creates the same symptoms as those delivered by the ringworms. The expert will put forward a few questions including those about your eating routine, past ailments, how often the ringworm has happened, and your capacity to handle the heat, cold and so forth. He or she will then recommend Sepia in the right intensity depending on your answers to the above-mentioned questions. Sepia is a very effective homeopathic solution for treating ringworms in children especially the individuals who tend to sweat a lot, especially during the evening.
Sulfur: Sulfur is an extremely powerful homeopathic cure used for treating ringworms in the scalp. It is perfect medicine for when the scalp ringworm infections cause itching, hair loss, pus discharge, blisters and sores. Sulfur-based homeopathy creams can also be used on the scalp to get rid of the ringworm.
Rhus Toxicodendron: This homeopathy solution for ringworm is usually obtained by refining poison ivy leaves overnight. They are distilled for hours. Poison ivy additionally delivers the same symptoms as those of ringworm, so Rhus Tox is perfect homeopathic medicine for treating scalp ringworm side effects like burning sensations, pain in the scalp, continuous itching and so on.
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Causes Of Ringworm And Its Treatment!

Dermatologist, Bangalore
Causes Of Ringworm And Its Treatment!
Ringworm is a skin condition that is caused by certain kinds of fungi. It causes severe itching and is mainly found around the scalp and feet. This contagious skin condition can also occur as athlete's foot. The symptoms include red, itchy and scaly patches on the affected areas. These patches may also develop blisters and develop crusted red edges, giving it the appearance of a ring. These patches are usually raised or defined. There are many myths and facts surrounding ringworm. Let us find out more about them.

Causes: It is a common myth that this skin condition is caused by a worm. This is not true. This fungal skin infection is caused by fungi known as dermatophytes, which can cause a crusty and red patch on the skin. Ringworm is actually the name given to a class of skin ailments and infections caused on the scalp, feet and other parts of the body.
Treatment: Another common myth is that this skin infection will clear up on its own. This is not true either. One will have to start treatment of the condition with the help of proper diagnosis, which can be done by a skin specialist or dermatologist. Not treating this condition on time with topical ointments can lead to a spread of the condition where it can affect other parts of the body. This condition can also lead to other symptoms like hair loss. It can also become a permanent issue if not treated on time and with proper medical intervention.
Over the Counter Medication: Many people think that using over the counter antifungal creams can help in treating this condition effectively. This is part myth and part fact. One will have to visit the doctor in case the condition does not clear up on time with the use of such topical ointments. The creams should typically be prescribed by a skin specialist after due diagnosis of the problem so that it suits your individual symptoms and condition. Further, these creams should usually be prescribed for a period of at least four to six weeks so that the treatment is effective.
Contagious: It is a myth that ringworm is not a contagious skin disease. The fact is that this skin ailment is a highly contagious one, that can happen even when there is contact with an infected animal. There are 50% chances of contracting this condition with mere touch that can happen with an infected animal or person.
Barber's Itch: This is not a form of lice, as many people believe. This is a form of ringworm that can be found in the beard with symptoms like itching as well as swelling.
If you wish to discuss about any specific skin problem, you can consult a specialized dermatologist and ask a free question.
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Homeopathic Treatment For Ringworm Fungal Infection

BHMS, Masters in Homeopathic Remedies, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA)
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Homeopathic Treatment For Ringworm Fungal Infection
Ringworm is a type of fungal infection occurring on the skin of a person. Ringworm does not involve the presence of any kind of actual worms whatsoever. It is so named because of the circular scaly infection on the skin, which almost appears as if a worm is present beneath the skin.

Why the fungi arise on the skin is unclear. However, these skin infections are highly contagious, so people coming in contact with those already having the disease could naturally develop the ringworm lesions. The fungi also require warm and moist conditions to thrive in. People working in waterlogged conditions or those walking barefoot on wet floors near swimming pools; public washrooms etc could all develop ringworm based on their immunity levels.

Symptoms of Ringworm:

Reddish, scaly or white patches on the skin.

The lesions may appear raised and blistered.

The circular lesion might have a clearing in the center.

Hair loss is a common side effect of this disease. Ringworm of scalp especially is characterized by patchy hair loss where the hair might be bent and broken at an odd angle. Dandruff might also be present. Thankfully, there are many effective homeopathic remedies for ringworm on scalp.

Though mostly ringworm is treated with conventional medicines and allopathic treatment, there are certain recurring ringworms on which traditional medicines slowly lose effect. Such infections can be controlled and cured with the help of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy is based on the principle of like curing like . This means, the homeopath takes a bit of the plant material, deactivates it and just like a vaccine, infuses the patient s body with small quantities of it. Popular homeopathic remedies for treating ringworm are:

Sepia: It is obtained from the ink of a squid. It has been found that contact with the squid causes symptoms similar to the ones caused by ringworms. Thus, it is a remarkable cure for this disease. However, before actually administering this medicine, the homeopath doctor would ask several questions to understand the nature of the disease occurring to you. Such questions would include your sensitivity to heat and cold or how many times in the past has ringworm infected you. Only when the practitioner is sure of the fact that sepia is the correct treatment, would he prescribe it to you. This is a great cure for ringworms occurring in children as well.

Sulphur: Ringworms not only affect a person on the skin of his/her body, it might also occur on the scalp. These ringworms can cause a lot of itching, irritation, hair loss, pus in the scalp etc. For treating such types of ringworm, one can apply sulphur-based creams or ointments on the affected area on the scalp. Sulphur is seen to help in fighting the ringworms and thus providing relief from all the itching and irritation on the scalp.

Rhus Toxicodendron: This medicine is obtained when leaves of the poison ivy plants are distilled overnight. Contact with poison ivy leaves also causes similar symptoms as ringworms and thus, it is known to be a good cure for the disease.

Ringworms on Animals-

At times, even animals like cats and dogs can be affected by ringworms. Symptoms would include loss of hair in patches, itchy hair, white or blackish patches on the body and others. A specialised vet should be referred to for a medicated shampoo besides a homeopath. Medicines like Sepia or Chrysarobinum are administered to treat ringworms in animals.

Thus, ringworm is a very common form of a disease and is easily treatable whether in humans or animals. One would need to follow the course of their medicine and take to patience for getting it cured as soon as possible.
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Ringworm - Symptoms, Causes & Ayurvedic Treatment Of It!

BAMS, Diploma In Naturopathy
Ayurvedic Doctor, Gulbarga
Ringworm - Symptoms, Causes & Ayurvedic Treatment Of It!
Ringworm is a kind of skin infection that is brought on about due to fungal growth. Ringworms can occur on the body (tinea corporis), groin area which is sometimes referred to as the jock itch, scalp (tinea capitis) or even on the foot which is known as athlete s foot. Sometimes there can also be several outbreaks of ringworm patches on the body simultaneously.

Symptoms of Ringworm:

The most common sign of ringworms is the red patch that looks a bit scaly and constantly itches. As time goes by this scaly patch can evolve into a circular shape and multiply into more rings. The center of the patch is scaly and clear while the outer lining is slightly raised.when ringworm occurs on the scalp it initially starts out as a tiny sore or bump and then turns flaky.

Causes of Ringworm:

Ringworm is caused by the fungi dermatophytes. Ringworm is highly contagious diseases and the causes for it are:

Ringworm spreads by contact.
You can get infected from your pets who might be carrying the fungi.
The fungi dermatophytes often tend to linger on clothes, towels, surfaces and within brushes or combs.
You can get infected by the fungi by standing barefoot on the soil.

Ayurvedic Treatment for This Condition:

According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, this skin condition is referred to as dad which is the result of the Kapha-Vata dosha. When Kapha symbolizing mucus and vata symbolizing air or wind manifest and lead to the accumulation of harmful toxins it causes contamination and damage to deep tissues. The contamination of the deep tissues and the amplification of the Kapha-Vata dosha leads to the outbreak of ringworm.

If you wish to resort to natural remedies and opt for an ayurvedic treatment of ringworm then here are some dietary and lifestyle changes that you will be required to implement:

Sour, spicy and extremely sweet foods need to be avoided. Therefore you cannot consume foods such as citrus foods, sauces, vinegar, mustard, chutney and pickled items.
You also need to avoid eating foods that are made up of white flour such as cakes, pizza and bread
Non-vegetarian food items are an absolute no.
Drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea and alcoholic drinks should also be avoided. Instead, you can eat foods such as rice, beans, pasta, wholegrain bread, fresh vegetables and non-citrus fruits.
You also need to wash the affected area with water in which neem leaves have been boiled for a couple of minutes.
You can also rub a paste of fresh papaya over the ringworm affected region.
Another very effective home remedy includes applying on the area a paste made out of milk and turmeric. And then washing the area after an hour.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Tinea ( Ringworm) Fungal Infection

BAMS, MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bhavnagar
Ayurvedic Treatment for Tinea ( Ringworm) Fungal Infection
Tinea or ringworm is basically a skin infection caused by fungus. Tinea can affect any part of the body. When the skin is affected it is tinea corporis, scalp (tinea capitis), feet (tinea pedis, this is also called as athlete's foot) and groin area (tinea curis, also known as the jock itch). This presents as several white patches on the skin.

Causes of Tinea
Tinea or the ringworm infection is not due to worms but caused by fungi dermatophytes. The fungus remains alive in the dead tissues of nails, hair and skin. Symptoms of Tinea are red circular patches on the skin along with itching.

As per the Ayurvedic philosophy, tinea is often diagnosed as dadru. The body type or the dosha involved is kapha and vata. Kapha, which is an Ayurvedic humor symbolizes mucus. It is usually dense, sticky and cold in nature. Vata, also an ayurvedic humor represents the wind. It is dry, mobile, subtle and cold. Both kapha and vata when present in the skin lead to accumulation of toxins. These toxins further collect in the deep tissues of the skin like rakta (Blood), rasa (nutrient plasma), lasika (lymphatic) and mansa (muscles).

The toxins lead to contamination of the deeper tissues thereby leading to the aggravation of the kapha-vata dosha, thus leading to ringworm. A third dosha which is involved is pitta. Pitta symbolizes heat or fire. It is often referred to as the tridosha disease, and the prime involved doshas are kapha and vata.

Diet and Lifestyle Modification
1. Spicy and hot food, excessive sweet and sour foods should be avoided. Pickled foods, chutneys, citrus fruits like lemon and oranges, vinegar and mustard should also be avoided.
2. Avoid foods made up of white flour such as bread, pastries, cakes, pizza
3. Artificial and processed foods, fast foods and aerated drinks should be avoided. Excessive salt and tomatoes should be restricted.
4. Since tea, coffee smoking and alcohol aggravate the pitta, these should be avoided
5. Milk and milk products like yogurt and cottage cheese should be given a miss
6. Foods which are sweet, blend and alkaline in nature should be added into the diet
6. Fresh vegetables and fruit should be taken
7. Foods like grains, rice, pasta, beans, breads, dairy products, sweet drinks and juices can be had

Home Remedies
1. In 3 cups of water boil 10 to 15 neem leaves, until half the water evaporates. Washing the tinea lesions with this water helps.
2. Rubbing papaya over the lesions is very effective
3. Make a paste of turmeric and milk and apply on the lesions. Wash this within half an hour of the application and repeat it 3 to 4 times a day.
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How Homeopathy Helps Treat Ringworm?

Homeopathy Doctor, Bhopal
How Homeopathy Helps Treat Ringworm?
Ringworm is a type of fungal infection occurring on the skin of a person. Ringworm does not involve the presence of any kind of actual worms whatsoever. It is so named because of the circular scaly infection on the skin, which almost appears as if a worm is present beneath the skin.

Why the fungi arise on the skin is unclear. However, these skin infections are highly contagious, so people coming in contact with those already having the disease could naturally develop the ringworm lesions. The fungi also require warm and moist conditions to thrive in. People working in waterlogged conditions or those walking barefoot on wet floors near swimming pools; public washrooms etc could all develop ringworm based on their immunity levels.

Symptoms of Ringworm:

Reddish, scaly or white patches on the skin.
The lesions may appear raised and blistered.
The circular lesion might have a clearing in the center.
Hair loss is a common side effect of this disease. Ringworm of scalp especially is characterized by patchy hair loss where the hair might be bent and broken at an odd angle. Dandruff might also be present. Thankfully, there are many effective homeopathic remedies for ringworm on scalp.

Though mostly ringworm is treated with conventional medicines and allopathic treatment, there are certain recurring ringworms on which traditional medicines slowly lose effect. Such infections can be controlled and cured with the help of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Treatment for Ringworm

Homeopathy offers an excellent treatment of Ringworm infection. The natural Homeopathic medicines help in providing relief from the acute symptoms of itching and burning of Ringworm lesions and also eradicating the disease in its entirety. The results are gained through properly selected Homeopathic remedies. With Homeopathic medicines, there is no chance of suppression of Ringworm infection and it is cured in a most gentle and efficient way.

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat ring worm but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person.
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Ringworm - Know Vital Information About It!

Master in Dermatology
Dermatologist, Noida
Ringworm - Know Vital Information About It!
Ringworm is something which is quite unpleasant to have, to say the very least. However, there are just so many myths about it and if a person is to avoid it, debunking of these myths is something which is quite critical!

It comes in all forms!

Ringworm can affect a person even when he or she thinks it is something else. As a matter of fact, a barber s itch is not a form of lice, as many people believe it to be. In actuality, it is beard ringworm! The effect of this sort of ringworm can be quite irritating as what happens is that there is swelling of the face and sometimes even the person s neck. There are various parts of the body which can be affected by ringworm, apart from the face. These include the scalp, the feet and sometimes, even the groin area.

Anyone can get it!

Many people are of the opinion that it is only children who are at risk to get ringworm. While it is true that children seem to have the propensity to be diagnosed with it, it is something which can affect people across all age groups. As a result, it is very important for a person to be aware of ringworm and what it looks like regardless of his or her age.

It is not caused by worms!

No matter how misleading its name may be, there is actually no worm as such which leads to the problem known as ringworm. In fact, it is caused by dermatophytes, which are a sort of fungi. The reason why it is called ringworm is due to the effect it has on the skin; it red spots on the skin in the pattern of rings, usually. However, if a person happens to get ringworm of the scalp, then he or she may not develop the rings which are associated with ringworm. In its stead, he or she may see that the scalp is getting progressively flaky. A flaky scalp is often seen due to the effects of dandruff. In fact, both conditions are often confused.

Antibiotics don t work!

When a person in a house has ringworm, it is generally thought that the problem is one which would go away as a result of following a course of treatment which involves some antibiotics. However, when it comes to ringworm, this is not the case. On account of the fact that it is a fungal infection, it is treated with anti-fungal medicines. Antibiotics kill bacteria. The fact that ringworm can be caught or given to a pet makes it something worth worrying about!
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8 Ways To Prevent Fungal Infection!

Dermatologist, Bangalore
8 Ways To Prevent Fungal Infection!
Fungal skin diseases are brought about by various sorts of fungi and are the main reasons behind an irritated skin. Fungi attack and develop in dead keratin, a protein that makes up your skin, hair and nails. The various sorts of fungal diseases are caused by various groups of fungi. Some common fungal skin infections include ringworm, intertrigo, nail infections, Athlete s foot, etc.

The likelihood of fungal infections increase in the following cases:

If you are overweight
Not drying your skin completely after a shower or wash
Walking barefoot in shower and wet locations
In case of a pregnancy
If you have a weak immune system
If you suffer from diabetes
If you come into contact with a person or animal with fungal infections.
Due to a recent course of antibiotics
Fungal rashes can at times be mistaken for other skin conditions, for example, psoriasis and eczema. Fungal skin diseases can bring about a number of skin rashes; some of them being red, textured and itchy. The organism can influence only one region, or a few zones of your body. In the event that you get a fungal disease of your scalp, you might lose some hair. There are steps which can be performed in order to protect yourself from getting a parasitic skin contamination:

Dry your skin properly after a shower.
Try not to share hairbrushes, towels or combs since they might be carrying fungi
In case a family member has been infected with scalp ringworm, hats, pillows, combs or scissors should be soaked using water and bleach
Allow your shoes sufficient time to dry out by alternating them every two or three days.
In order to keep moisture away from the skin, wear loose clothes that are made of cotton or other breathable materials.
Socks, bed linen and clothes should be washed regularly to prevent the growth of any fungi
In communal and wet areas like saunas, swimming pools, showers, etc., wear clean plastic shoes or flip-flops.
If you have diabetes, try to keep your blood sugar under control
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