Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
Swollen ankles are very common among older people. Sometimes even young people suffer from this disease. There can be many possible reasons for swollen ankles. Some of the main and most relevant causes for swollen ankles are as follows:
Injury on ankle
Sprained ankle
Venous insufficiency
Lymph edema
Heart disease
Kidney disease
Liver disease
Some medications, including calcium channel blockers, steroids or even antidepressants
Homeopathic treatment for swollen ankles
The main treatment for swollen ankles actually requires a great deal of investigation in the field of homeopathic genre. Each and every case is investigated thoroughly and also analysed to a huge depth before prescribing any kind of homeopathic medication. The swollen ankles which are caused due to injury, sprain and arthritis can be independently handled by a homeopathic treatment. But in case of any other serious organ injury, homeopathic medicines are mainly used for treatment along with other kinds of advanced medications. Homeopathic medication should be considered only after consulting a good physician. Self-medication must be strictly avoided.
Some of the homeopathic medicines for treating swollen ankles include the following:
Apis Mellifica and Apocynum: Apis Mellifica and Apocynum are considered to be the best medicines for dropsical swollen ankles, also referred to as edema. Here the swelling is caused due to excess water retention or even due to water accumulation in the tissues.
Ledum Pal: If you are experiencing swollen ankles due to arthritis, Ledum Pal is your go-to homeopathic medicine. In such cases, the affected person usually experiences painful and hot swollen ankles.
Arnica: Another medicine of all times, especially for swollen ankles, is Arnica. It is the most effective medicine for swollen ankles caused due to an injury. Arnica works in a wondrous way to reduce the pain and the swelling of the ankles from injury which are bruised and feel sore to touch.
Ruta: Ruta is primarily prescribed for swollen ankles resulting from sprain. A sprain is defined as the overstretching of the ligaments, mainly in the area of joints.
Hamamelis: This homeopathic medicine, which is highly effective in treating swollen ankles, primarily caused due to varicose veins or venous insufficiency, is Hamamelis. It is the best rated medicine among its category.
If you are suffering from a swollen ankle, neither be indifferent it to, nor delay its treatment for long. It is recommended that you consult an experienced homeopathic practitioner to get the best medicine for your condition.