Top Health Tips on Treating Vitiligo

Vitiligo - Know Efficiency Of Homeopathy In It!

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Vitiligo - Know Efficiency Of Homeopathy In It!
People suffering from Vitiligo have patches of discolored skin on face, limbs, and body. Though the condition is neither life-threatening nor contagious, the unsightly patches may beget emotional stress.

Vitiligo may also affect hair, inside of mouth and eyes. It may turn a portion of hair white, discolor a part of the mouth and change the natural color of eyes.

There is traditional treatment for this disease, but the outcome is often unpredictable. Such treatment may also cause serious side effects. Homeopathy may treat this condition successfully. In fact, a study has shown that homeopathy may be quite effective in the early stages of Vitiligo.


Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition characterized by the destruction of epidermal melanin cells, leading to loss of skin pigment. It affects about 2% of the population. Both men and women are likely to suffer from this condition. It mostly develops between the ages of 10 and 30. However, in some people, it may also show up around the age of 40.


The apparent reason for the disease is the destruction of melanocytes; cells that impart color to the skin. An autoimmune condition is considered to be responsible for this. An overactive immune system may turn upon the melanocytes and destroy them.


- Sporadic loss of skin color throughout the body including hair and eyes.
- One may start losing skin color quickly in several areas of the body simultaneously.
- Places like armpits and areas that were previously injured are commonly affected by discoloration.

- Doctors resort to re-pigmenting by UV light, skin lightening, and even skin graft. Even if such treatment is successful, there is no guarantee that the patches will not return. Such treatment often entails the risk of side effects.
- Homeopathic treatment rarely has any side effect. More and more people are turning to homeopathy for the treatment of Vitiligo.

Homeopathic Treatment of Vitiligo

- For people suffering from Vitiligo, it is a war on two fronts, and homeopathy has the distinction of fighting such wars.
- Since Vitiligo is most probably an autoimmune condition, patients need a constitutional remedy to prevent the immune system from attacking skin cells.
- They also need to fight the skin discoloration so that the skin can get back some of its lost color.
- A study conducted on 14 patients to assess the effect of homeopathy on Vitiligo has yielded very positive results. In this study, patients were subjected to customized homeopathic treatment. Patients in the early stages of Vitiligo were found to respond positively to homeopathic treatment.


Traditional treatment for Vitiligo is time-consuming, expensive and entails side effects. Moreover, the condition may relapse after a complete or partial cure. Homeopathy may offer complete or partial relief permanently since it offers both constitutional and symptomatic remedy.
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Vitiligo - Know Important Information About It!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Dehradun
Vitiligo - Know Important Information About It!
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a genetic disorder triggered due to mental stress and constipation. Leucoderma or vitiligo is called Shivitra kushta according to Ayurveda and is caused due to defect in brajak pitta. Brajak pitta is color forming agent in body and defect in formation of brajak pitta causes vitiligo. There are many causes, which can trigger vitiligo other than stress and genetics.

There are certain food combinations like taking milk and sour fruits together can trigger vitiligo. Also, using excessive salty food and meat products with milk can trigger disease. Deficiency of copper and vitamin B12 can trigger this disease. So treatment of vitiligo is done taking in account many factors.

Toxins produces in body are neutralized using herbal medicines, which helps in stopping the spread of disease. External herbal application containing Wrightia Tinctoria help in repigmentation on white skin. According to modern science steroids are used in pulse therapy where steroids are used 2 times a week.

This also prevents the disease from spreading. In some severe cases integration of allopathic and Ayurveda is key to success.

There are few important points which vitiligo patients should always take in account, such as:

When disease is spreading sitting in sun for prolonged period can trigger the spread.
Using Brinjal and raw tomatoes and excess of vitamin C is not good.
Irregular lifestyle is a trigger along with alcohol.
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Dandruff - Can Ayurvedic Remedies Help Treat it?

MD, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), PGDEMS, DNHE, DYA
Ayurvedic Doctor, Mumbai
Dandruff - Can Ayurvedic Remedies Help Treat it?
Dandruff is a non-contagious condition that is characterized by the appearance of skin flakes on your scalp. The disorder is not a serious one, but can be embarrassing for the person concerned. Mild symptoms of this disorder can be taken care of by shampooing with a mild cleanser on a regular basis. In case of severe dandruff symptoms, treatment may be required.

The symptoms of dandruff are easily spotted; white flakes of dead skin appear on the hair and shoulders. You may experience itchiness on the scalp due to the accumulation of the dead skin cells. The condition tends to aggravate in dry and cold weather conditions.

Dandruff can be caused by a variety of factors such as:

Not shampooing regularly: Irregular shampooing can cause dead skin cells to accumulate, leading to dandruff.
Oily and irritated skin: This condition is characterized by the appearance of greasy skin covered by flaky white scales. It occurs in areas, which are rich in oil glands such as the eyebrows and the nose.
Fungus: Yeast like fungus, known as malassezia , lives on the scalp and may lead to the buildup of excess skin cells, thereby, causing irritated skin.
Dry skin: Dry skin is the perfect spot for the accumulation of dead cells, a condition that results in dandruff.
Ayurvedic View
Ayurveda places the problem of dandruff in the category of Shudra Roga, which appears due to an imbalance of all three doshas. The primary doshas involved are Pitta and Vata. Pitta is an Ayurvedic humor which symbolizes heat or fire and Vata is dry and rough in nature. In an aggravated state, both doshas cause production of specific impurities, called ama, which are dry and heating in nature. These impurities accumulate in the deep tissues of the scalp and contaminate them. Contamination of the deep tissues and aggravated Vata-Pitta Dosha cause itching and patches on scalp. Due to these factors, the scalp sheds larger than normal amounts of dead epidermal cells, which leads to the problem of dandruff.

The Ayurvedic line of treatment is to generally pacify Pitta and Vata through herbal medicines, as well as a tailor-made diet and lifestyle plan. Also, special herbs are administered to cleanse the body of accumulated digestive impurities.

Ayurvedic treatment options:

If the cause lies on the scalp such as dry skin, then just hair oil application or local treatment will be sufficient to cure dandruff.
If the cause lies in underlying skin disease such as psoriasis, treatment for the causative disease will be required.
Ayurvedic treatments such as shirodhara, shirobasti helps not only to relieve dandruff and improve hair quality. They also help you to relieve stress and lack of sleep (which also cause for dandruff).

Ayurvedic herbal hair oils for dandruff:

Bhringaraja taila
Triphaladya taila
Durdurapatradi taila
Chemparutyadi taila
Nalpamaradi taila etc
Internal medicines helpful in this complaint are-

Saptamrita loha Contains Indian licorice and Triphala, useful in skin diseases
Bhringarajasava an alcoholic Ayurvedic medicine. Improves immunity, skin complexion
Chandanasava improves immunity, relieves excessive oiliness
Narasimha Rasayana Improves hair quality and scalp skin health. Especially useful when dandruff is caused due to dryness in the scalp.
Diet & Lifestyle Advice

Wash hair regularly 2-3 times a week with a mild shampoo.
Massage your hair with oil every time before washing the head and hair.
Avoid spicy, greasy, hot and penetrating foods, junk food, and aerated drinks.
Have food with good nutritive value; include fiber-rich foods, salads, fruits, and lentils.
Do regular yoga and exercises to minimize stress levels.
Avoid scratching the scalp with hands or any other objects.
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Vitiligo - All You Need To Know!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Kanpur
Vitiligo - All You Need To Know!
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a genetic disorder triggered due to mental stress and constipation. Leucoderma or vitiligo is called Shivita kushta according to Ayurvedaand is caused due to defect in brajak pitta. Brajak pitta is a color forming agent in body and defect in formation of brajak pitta causes vitiligo. There are many causes, which can trigger vitiligo other than stress and genetics.

There are certain food combinations , such as taking milk and sour fruits together can trigger vitiligo. Also, using excessive salty food and meat products with milk can trigger disease. Deficiency of copper and vitamin B12 can trigger this disease. So treatment of vitiligo is done taking in account many factors.

Toxins produced in body are neutralized using herbal medicines, which helps in stopping the spread of disease. External herbal application containing Wrightia Tinctoria help in repigmentation on white skin. According to modern science steroids are used in pulse therapy where steroids are used 2 times a week.

This also prevents the disease from spreading. In some severe cases integration of allopathic and Ayurveda is key to success.

There are few important points, which vitiligo patients should always take in account, such as:

When disease is spreading sitting in sun for prolonged period can trigger the spread.
Using Brinjal and raw tomatoes and excess of vitamin C is not good.
Irregular lifestyle is a trigger the disease along with consumption of alcohol.
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Leucoderma - Ayurvedic Way Of Dealing With It!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Kanpur
Leucoderma - Ayurvedic Way Of Dealing With It!
Leucoderma is more commonly known as vitiligo. It is characterized by white patches developing on your body and it can happen to any part of the body. The reason why vitiligo occurs is because melanocytes, which comprise the pigment known as melanin, get damaged. Melanin imparts your skin its color, hence, a lack of it results in vitiligo. Here are the exact causes, symptoms and treatment of vitiligo:


Vitiligo occurs when the melanocytes, which comprise the pigment "melanin", get damaged.
However, it is worth note that the exact cause of vitiligo is unknown although it does affect dark skinned people a lot more. There have been many theories about what causes this disease however.
Vitiligo, being an autoimmune disease, is caused when the melanocytes attack your immune system.

The most common symptom of leucoderma is that white patches develop on the body.
The white patches appear rapidly at first followed by a rather stable period where the disease does not progress any further.
Leucoderma can even affect the hair and eyelids and it is extremely rare for pigmentation to come back to normal.
Finally, it is worth note that leucoderma has high chances of occurring to the areas of the body which are exposed more to the sun, areas where there were injuries before as well as the area around moles.
Leucoderma can be easily cured with Ayurvedic treatment. Phototherapy and laser also help to treat the condition faster.

Who is at risk?
Men and women are equally likely to suffer from vitiligo. However, factors such as having a family history of vitiligo or leucoderma and having autoimmune disorders make you more susceptible to leucoderma.
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Vitiligo - Does Ayurveda Has An Answer For It?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Vitiligo - Does Ayurveda Has An Answer For It?
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a genetic disorder triggered due to mental stress and constipation. Leucoderma or vitiligo is called Shivitra kushta according to Ayurveda and is caused due to the defect in brajak pitta. Brajak pitta is color forming agent in body and defect in the formation of brajak pitta causes vitiligo. There are many causes, which can trigger vitiligo other than stress and genetics.

There are certain food combinations like taking milk and sour fruits together can trigger vitiligo. Also, using excessive salty food and meat products with milk can trigger the disease. Deficiency of copper and vitamin B12 can trigger this disease. So treatment of vitiligo is done taking into account many factors.

Toxins produce in the body are neutralized using herbal medicines, which helps in stopping the spread of disease. External herbal application containing Wrightia Tinctoria help in repigmentation on white skin. According to modern science, steroids are used in pulse therapy where steroids are used 2 times a week.

This also prevents the disease from spreading. In some severe cases, integration of allopathic and Ayurveda is key to success.

There are few important points which vitiligo patients should always take into account, such as:

When disease is spreading sitting in sun for a prolonged period can trigger the spread.
Using Brinjal and raw tomatoes and excess of vitamin C is not good.
Irregular lifestyle is a trigger along with alcohol.
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Vitiligo And Leucoderma - Homeopathy Remedies Help In Treating Them?

MD (Homoeopathy), DHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, new delhi
Vitiligo And Leucoderma - Homeopathy Remedies Help In Treating Them?
The main pigment responsible for the hair and skin color is melanin. Melanocytes are the cells involved in the formation of melanin. Vitiligo is a dermatological condition (depigmentation) characterized by white spots or patches that appear in the body. Lack or absence of melanin is often responsible for the appearance of the white patches. Improper functioning or destruction of the melanocytes may interfere with the cell's ability to produce melanin. The condition can also affect your hair, scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes, resulting in their premature graying or whitening.

Vitiligo can be localized (only one or very few body parts are affected), generalized (affecting many body parts) or segmented (the condition affects only one side of the body). An autoimmune condition such as Diabetes (Type-1) or Hashimoto's thyroiditis may trigger the destruction of the melanocytes. Vitiligo may also be a hereditary condition. In some cases, stress or exposure to harmful chemicals may be responsible for the destruction of the melanocytes.

While many people confuse vitiligo with leucoderma, there is a small difference between the two. Like vitiligo, the white watches in leucoderma appear due to the destruction of the melanocytes. However, the destruction of the melanocytes in the case of leucoderma may result from an accident, a cut, burn or tear.

When it comes to the treatment, many people prefer homeopathy over conventional treatments and medications. Being natural with negligible or no side effects are the main USP of homeopathic treatment. People with vitiligo and leucoderma have benefitted immensely from the treatment. The treatment may not provide you with immediate results, but it is worth your time and patience. Most of the homeopathic medicines activate the melanocytes. This activation triggers the formation of the melanin, thereby resulting in re-pigmentation.

The following homeopathic medicines are very effective against vitiligo and leucoderma.

Silicea 30: Silicea 30 is helpful for people with a sensitive skin that appears waxy and pale. In such patients, the patches or spots are not typically white but slightly rose-colored. There is extensive sweating of the hands and feet. The fingertips also appear cracked with brittle nails.
Arsenic Album: In some patients with vitiligo or leucoderma, the skin may appear dry and rough. In addition to the white patches, a person may complain of exhaustion and asthma (not in all patients). The person may show signs of extreme restlessness and anxiety. They freak out over cleanliness and neatness. Such patients benefit immensely from Arsenic Album.
Calcarea Carb is used to treat vitiligo where the patches appear milky white in color. There may be a weakness in the bones as well.
Sepia: Sepia is used when people with vitiligo distant themselves from their families and loved ones.
Nitric Acid 30 is used in the case of the white spots appearing at the mouth, nipples, nose, eyes, penis, vulva (mucous junctions).

Also, Sulfur, Psoralea Coryl 3X, Staphysagria, Borax, are equally helpful in treating vitiligo and leucoderma. To play it safe, use the medicines only after consulting a specialist. Self-medication may not be a wise idea.
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Is Green Tea Good For Vitiligo?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
Is Green Tea Good For Vitiligo?
The patches of discoloration on the face are unsightly, to say the least. Yet there is hardly any cure for Vitiligo. Although there are treatments for Vitiligo available, it is not possible to cure the patient completely. Either it comes back or it refuses to completely fade away. This is why people suffering from Vitiligo have been searching for alternative therapies.

Green tea is the go-to beverage when it comes to detoxifying the body and enhancing immunity. Surprisingly, it is used by Vitiligo patients too for treating their symptoms. This is based on facts and studies have confirmed that green tea is indeed beneficial for treatment of Vitiligo.

Research Findings On Effect Of Green Tea On Vitiligo:

Green tea has several constituents that are beneficial for health in some way or the other. It contains caffeine, minerals and catechins. Epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG is a catechin that has been studied for its effect on Vitiligo. EGCG is an important constituent of green tea, and it is the same element that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine. Green tea is found to be medically useful as it has anti-inflammatory, immune modulating and antioxidant character. However, the effect of green tea on Vitiligo was unknown.

The study has confirmed that Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) can delay the onset of Vitiligo, tone down the aggression of Vitiligo, and reduce the area of loss of pigmentation. The study also suggested that the application of green tea on depigmented sites can increase the density of melanin, a prerequisite for treating Vitiligo. Overall, the study suggested that green tea may be an important weapon in the fight against Vitiligo.

However, the benefits of green tea for Vitiligo are not restricted to EGCG. Antioxidants use in bringing down the symptoms of Vitiligo has been studied. It has been found that antioxidants have the effect of abetting pigmentation which, in turn, can bring down Vitiligo. Since green tea is an excellent antioxidant, it can surely be a booster for pigmentation and melanin production, and contribute to reduction in Vitiligo symptoms.

Other Beneficial Effects of Green Tea:

Green tea can be beneficial not only for treating Vitiligo, but also for treating the discomfort of Vitiligo. People suffering from Vitiligo are averse for going outside since long exposure to sunlight can cause itching and discomfort. With about two cups of green tea on a regular basis and application of green tea on the depigmented sites, it is possible to bring down itching, irritation, and discomfort. This implies that using green tea for Vitiligo may be a good option.


It is rarely possible to cure Vitiligo completely. It also appears to be very unlikely to stop recurrence of Vitiligo. However, with regular application and use of green tea one may be able to control the spread of this disease and also bring down its severity. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune modulatory functions of green tea can be a boon for Vitiligo patients as well as for overall health in general.
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5 Best Home Remedies To Treat Vitiligo Diseases

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
5 Best Home Remedies To Treat Vitiligo Diseases
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is an autoimmune disease. In this type of disease, cells (melanin) that are responsible for skin pigmentation are destroyed, attacked, hence stop functioning, which results in irregular white patches on skin. Vitiligo can affect any part of the body and skin type. Vitiligo is not at all life-threatening, but it can be visible by other people easily.

There are a number of treatment options available for Vitiligo. However, by changing dietary and lifestyle choices, one can prevent the worsening and recurrence of the condition.

Home Remedies That Will Help to Treat Vitiligo Effectively:

There are many treatment options available to treat Vitiligo including creams, oral medicines, skin grafting, ultraviolet treatment, etc. However, these treatments totally depend upon the condition and response of the skin cells. These treatments might have some sort of side effects or risks. This is why one of the most effective ways to treat Vitiligo or Leucoderma is by using home remedies. Here are some of the common and effective home remedies used to treat this skin disease without any side effects:

Paste of Mustard Oil and Turmeric:

Turmeric has a lot of medicinal benefits and is also used effectively for the treatment of Vitiligo. One can lower the effects of Vitiligo by using turmeric. Take one tablespoon of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of mustard oil and mix them well to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on the affected area, leave for at least 15 minutes, and then wash it off. For better results, apply this paste twice a day.

Honey and Margosa Leaves:

Another amazing home remedy that can do wonders in this skin disorder treatment is the use of honey and margosa leaves. Take one tablespoon of honey juice and mix it well with a few crushed margosa leaves. Have this concoction to get rid of Vitiligo.

Bakuchi Paste:

To prepare Bakuchi paste, one needs Bakuchi (Psoralea carylifolia) and vinegar. Mix them well to make a thick paste and apply it over the white blotches and patches. This is also one of the most popular remedies to treat Vitiligo.

Ginger Juice:

Since ancient times, ginger is used as a medicine for the treatment of many diseases. One such disease is Vitiligo. Ginger is very much effective for the treatment of white patches. To make this home remedy, take a piece of ginger and blend it with water to make a thin liquid. Pour this juice in a cup with the help of a strainer. Drink this juice twice a day to heal Vitiligo.

Ghee and Pepper:

This is another most effective home remedy used to treat Vitiligo. For this remedy, heat 10 pepper in 10 gm of ghee. Remove the pepper and mix this ghee with normal ghee. One can use this ghee while cooking daily food. Regular consumption of this ghee will purify the blood and improve immunity.

Final Words:

There are other home remedies available to treat this skin disorder like neem paste, tamarind seed paste, pomegranate powder, goosefoot vegetable juice, black gram paste, etc. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before opting for any of these remedies. The condition may vary from patient to patient; this is why consulting a physician is always a great idea.
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Homeopathic Medicine for Vitiligo or White Patches Treatment

M.D (HOMEOPATHY), MBA (Healthcare)
Homeopathy Doctor, Gulbarga
Homeopathic Medicine for Vitiligo or White Patches Treatment
Vitiligo or White patches is medically referred as Leucoderma. It is a disease that causes loss of skin colour resulting in white patches. It can affect the skin on any part of the human body. It occurs when the melanin-forming cells called melanocytes which produce melanin die or stop functioning. The condition is not life threatening or contagious, but it is stressful and makes one feel bad about oneself.

The main sign of vitiligo is loss of skin pigment which produces light or white patches on skin. The discoloration is first visible on sun exposed areas like the hands, feet, arms, face and lips. It can also be coupled with premature greying of hair below the age of mid-thirties, colour loss of retina and inner lining of the mouth.

Vitiligo has no cure, but homeopathic treatment help to stop or slow the process of colour loss and brings back some colour to skin. The failure of melanocytes can be attributed to disorder in which immune system attacks and destroys them. It can also be triggered by sunburn, stress or exposure to industrial chemicals. People with vitiligo are at risk of Social or psychological distress, loss of hearing, sunburn and skin cancer, inflammation of the iris and dry skin.

Homoeopathic treatment enhances the natural production of pigments and Vitiligo is considered as a manifestation of an inner disturbed state of the body. The patient is analysed on mental, physical and familial attributes. The medication is then based the results. Arsenic Sulph Falvus, Arsenic Album, Baryta Mur and Baryta Carb are known to give good results in Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a chronic disorder and it takes a long time even with the best of the homoeopathic treatment.

Calcarea Carb is prescribed to patients of Vitiligo with milky white spots on skin. It is prescribed to free perspiration over the head, neck and chest and persons with intolerance to cold weather.
Arsenic Album is useful remedy for vitiligo in persons prone to dry, rough skin. The skin complaint coupled with asthma is a strong contender for using homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album.
Sepia is prescribed for vitiligo in persons showing unresponsive attitude towards family and life
Silicea is prescribed for vitiligo in patients with pale and waxy skin, tendency to excessive perspiration. If the main mind symptom are timidity and an under-confident nature, then Silicea is a good choice. It is known to work on patients who seem under-confident, fear public speaking.
Sulphur is considered the best for vitiligo treatment as it goes deep inside the basic root cause to exterminate the disease. The persons requiring homeopathic medicine Sulphur show a mind constantly occupied with various theories and plans due to which they suffer from mental fatigue and absent mindedness.
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