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Last Updated: Aug 29, 2019

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Dr. Malhotra Ayurveda (Clinic)Sexologist • 62 Years Exp.Vaidya Visharad

Treating RA With Biologics
Eat to Move
Though diet doesn't cure RA, the same healthy eating habits that are good for the rest of you are also good for your joints. That includes whole grains, vegetables, fruit, fish, and other types of lean protein. Some foods may help with joint swelling, such as fish oils, nuts, and tea. Limit sugar, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and any foods that seem to aggravate your joints.
Stay Active
Exercise helps keep your joints moving and strengthens the muscles around them. If you're overweight, exercise can also help you lose pounds, which will ease the stress on your joints. Include aerobic or cardio exercise, strength training, and flexibility movements. A physical therapist or a trainer with experience in RA can help you get started safely.
Rest When You Need To
Though you need to be active, make time for rest, too. RA can make you feel especially tired. Don’t try to do more than you can handle. Take breaks whenever you need them. Get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, plus an extra nap during the day if you feel drained.
Try Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can make your life easier. A physical therapist can teach you exercises to help you get stronger and move better, without hurting yourself. If getting around or doing simple tasks is hard, ask your therapist about tools and devices that can help.
If You Smoke, Quit
Smoking makes your RA symptoms worse and your treatments less effective. If you've tried to quit before, keep trying! And while an occasional drink may be OK for some people, check with your doctor, since alcohol can interact with RA drugs and damage your liver.
Give Your Doctor Feedback
You and your doctor are a team. It helps them to know how you're really doing, so be open. If you're noticing side effects or not getting the results you hope for, or if you're not able to take your medicine for some other reason, tell your doctor. Don't stop taking medicine or change the dose unless you've checked with your doctor first.

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