4 Best Ayurvedic Remedies To Treat Gastritis!
Gastritis is a very common health issue and is faced by all all age groups. There are many factors that lead to gastritis or compound the already existing situation. Basically, gastritis is swelling of stomach lining. Spicy food, medicines, tobacco, alcohol etc. can cause or increase the gastric acid production and disturb, weaken or damage the normal stomach lining.
Gastritis is of two types:
- Acute gastritis, which occurs suddenly
- Chronic gastritis, which develops over a period of time
In India, gastritis is a very common disorder which occurs at any age but is more widespread in the adolescent age group (12-17 years).
Gastritis occurs when there is an imbalance between the acid production and damage to the stomach lining, resulting in swelling of the stomach lining. However, sometimes gastritis can cause pain in the upper part of the abdomen and may lead to stomach ulcers.
Symptoms of gastritis vary among individuals, and in many people there are even no symptoms. It also depends on the duration of disease, whether it is acute (happening suddenly) or chronic (causing symptoms over a long period of time).
The most common symptoms of acute gastritis include:
- Water brashes (sour fluid or tasteless saliva into the mouth)
- Belching (expelling air from the stomach through the mouth)
- Abdominal bloating or stomach fullness
- Upper abdominal pain or discomfort
- Nausea/feeling of vomiting
- Irregular bowel movement
- Recurrent indigestion
Simple natural ways to treat gastritis:
- Taking half a gram of long pepper powder with honey is an effective way to curb gastritis. It is advisable to take this mixture twice a day.
- Triphla powder is a very good Ayurvedic remedy to treat gastritis. Boil one tablespoon of Triphla powder in one glass of water, reduce it to half its content and then filter it. Consume it hot after dinner.Fennel seeds also very efficiently deals with the condition of gastritis. It is advisable to chew half a teaspoon of fennel seeds after food to keep gastritis at bay.
- Readily available lemon also helps relieve feeling of nausea and bloating. Having lemon juice subsides vomiting sensation and bloating.
- Triphla powder is a very good Ayurvedic remedy to treat gastritis. Boil one tablespoon of Triphla powder in one glass of water, reduce it to half its content and then filter it. Consume it hot 20 minutes after dinner. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an ayurveda.