5 Common Types of Anxiety!
Anxiety and stress are regular occurrences that happen to all individuals in certain situations. But if these become habitual and take place in excessive frequency, then it is symptomatic of a psychological problem. Anxiety disorders require proper treatment through counseling and therapy for leading a healthy stress-free life.
Anxiety impacts each person at a different level and is accompanied by various types of irrational phobias. Hence it differs from case to case. There are a few general types into which anxiety disorders can be categorized. Some of these types are as follows:
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): This kind of anxiety is constant and vague and does not appear to stem from any specific factor. Those suffering from it are affected during all waking hours and even in sleep when it is disturbed and irregular due to unending stress.
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): A person suffering from ocd experiences uncontrollable compulsions and is unable to keep from obsessing over issues of trivial nature. This manifests itself in definite behavioral patterns which become rigid and inflexible.
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): This is an extreme form of anxiety disorder that is caused when the patient experiences a traumatic event or life-threatening accident that leaves a mental scar. It takes the form of panic attacks, nightmares, sudden mental breakdowns, hyper vigilance, and excessive nervousness.
- Panic Disorder: The patients of this disorder experience sudden panic attacks which occur frequently without any specific trigger. It is also accompanied by the fear of having such attacks, as well as a fear of being in places from where it is difficult to escape in the event of an attack.
- Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD): Also known as social phobia, sad causes a person to be in constant fear of being negatively viewed by people. It involves constant fear of public humiliation and also gives rise to performance anxiety or stage fright.
How to Recognize An Anxiety Disorder?
There are many symptoms of anxiety disorders which have both physical and emotional symptoms. Following are the most common signs of chronic anxiety:
- Attacks of panic and fear
- Feelings of unease
- Heart palpitations
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Dizziness and Vertigo
- Feelings of Numbness or A Tingling Sensation
- Dryness of the Mouth
- Cold or Sweaty Palms
- Breathing Difficulties. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Psychologist.