5 Signs You Are In A Relationship With A Narcissist!
Relationships are entirely dependent on the personalities of the two individuals involved in it. While some are easy going and make it seem like a cakewalk, others have a tough time keeping the relationship stable and happy. If one of the partners is a narcissist, the relationship is going to suffer, as relationships are about mutual give-and-take, which never happens with narcissists.
By definition, they give themselves too much importance and do not have much regard for the other person. The good news though is that there are tell-tale signs which can help one identify if they are dealing with a narcissist and become aware at the earliest before too much physical or emotional damage is done. Read up and for best results!
- Right over you and your stuff: They feel that they are entitled to all their wants, irrespective of how the other person feels. There is also no reciprocation involved here.
- No rules apply: The person behaves as if no rules apply to them and do not feel any shame in skipping queues, jumping lanes or traffic signals, etc. They feel rules are not for them but only others.
- Emotional swings: Blow hot, blow cold syndrome where they are blowing praises on you one minute and embarrassing you and mocking you the next.
- Think too much of themselves: They also make their partner feel like they are indispensable and the person cannot live without them.
- Take credit: If the partner has done or achieved something good, the narcissist will make sure they draw credit for it or they might not give credit or might praise them for their achievements.
If one feels that a person has narcissism that could be causing harm to oneself or to others around, and if you are unable to handle the situations yourself then they can seek professional help or counseling.