5 Super Fruits That Prevent Hair Fall!
5 super fruits that prevent hair fall
1. Strawberries: The benefits of this beautiful fruit are many so many that beauty and health enthusiasts can write an ode to the strawberry. This fruit comes loaded with silica a component that’s known to prevent baldness and aid hair growth.
2. Apples
Apple is filled with soluble fibre, phenolic compound in apple skin, antioxidants and vitamins, this fruit sings to your body and serenades your hair. So much so that if eaten regularly, it will prevent hair fall and benefit your overall health in many ways. When buying apples, be wary of the amount of wax on them.
3. Grapes
Grape seed oil is full of antioxidants, vitamins, natural sugars and a lot more, grapes clean out your system and prevent hair fall. One of the most delicious fruits that are high in water content, these little ovals of joy will do your crowning glory a world of good.
4. Bananas
This potassium-loaded fruit comes packed with vitamin b, magnesium, fibre, pectin and a host of other goodies that do nothing but enhance your overall health. And as if that’s not enough, this sunshine fruits ensures that your strands of hair maintain their thickness by preventing hair fall.
5. Oranges
Vitamin c – this fruits practically sings this vitamin. Besides the fabulous c, it’s loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids, beta-carotene, magnesium, fibre and a host of essential vitamins and minerals.