5 Ways To Deal With Hair Loss
Hair loss often starts as a problem we tend to brush aside until it actually starts showing up in worrying quantities on the hair brush. Suddenly, we observe our scalp to be more visible, there is more hair in the shower drain, on our shoulders and on our seats. It is common to shed around 50 hairs in a day but when this dramatically changes to 150+ a day, you need to take action as quickly as possible.
Hair loss can occur in men and women at any age. It can be a temporary phenomenon or an ongoing one and be caused by a range of reasons like change of environment, shampoo, genetic problems, health problems and more. The main thing is to first identify the reason for the hair fall before treating it for long term solutions. Here are some of the common ways to deal with hair loss:
- Wash it right: Detangle your hair fully and slowly before you get into the shower. That way it won't get tangled and messy when wet. Next, use cold water to wash your hair. If the water is too hot, it may dry your hair and add to your woes. The most important step here is to use the right products for your hair wash. Use a mild shampoo as much as possible and take time out to deep condition your hair. Be sure to use products that you have tried and tested before only. Last but not the least, use a hair serum after your wash to strengthen it and prevent breakage. Refrain from combing wet hair.
- Get to the root of the cause: The most common reason for hair loss in both men and women is androgenetic alopecia, also called pattern baldness. The most common occurrence happens around menopause. The other causes can be side effects of brief illness, stress and reaction to drugs. Once you catch the cause, the course of treatment can chart an effective path.
- Try medication: There are several medicines out there that promise to revitalize your locks and enhance new hair growth. These include massage oils, scalp creams and oral pills all of which can be taken individually or in combination to promote hair growth. Be sure to consult a doctor before you start on this.
- Improve your diet: Eating iron rich food with a copious quantity of protein and zinc can also work wonders to internally strengthen your hair. Pumpkin seeds, eggs, shellfish, wheat germ are some of the items you can include in your daily diet to improve your hair quality.
- Hairstyle with care: Women can start with the simple hairstyling trick of adding layers which gives a sense of volume and bounce. Couple it with large curls and you have a perfect illusion of lush healthy hair. But limit the parlor to only haircuts. Avoid the blow dry or colouring, straightening or ironing that can cause further damage.
If you are losing sleep over losing your hair, it's time you consult a professional.