5 Ways You Can Deal With Emotional Problems!
A song. A poem. The smile on someone special’s face. Each interaction that we are a part of evokes an emotion. Emotions are the most powerful and sometimes the most painful forces in our lives. They form our decisions, no matter how trivial. They dictate our actions and thoughts. Our emotional responses to different situations are what define us as an individual.
Emotions tend to oscillate between volatile extremes of rage and euphoria. Steer too far to either extreme and you might be courting danger. Much like the other aspects of life, emotions should be handled with moderation and rational thought. Here are five methods by which you can control your emotions.
- Take a moment: Losing your temper at the slightest provocation can be distressing to both yourself and those in your vicinity. If you react immediately, you are sure to do or say something that you will later regret. So, take a deep breath and control your impulse to lash out. Take your time to control your heart rate and bring it back to normal and loosen your muscles. When you feel calmer, you will find that an outburst would have been completely unnecessary.
- Ask for help: We all have that one friend whom we seek out when we need to vent. There is no shame in asking for help. A friend who can give us a rational, unbiased perspective on things. Someone who wants the best for us and knows our worst impulses is often times the best person to seek advice from. If you feel overwhelmed, or don’t know how to react, ask for guidance.
- Find an outlet: Having controlled your impulsive behavior, you need to find a way to express your feelings in a positive manner. Art thrives when infused with emotions. Painting and music are enriching pursuits that can help you achieve closure. Keeping a journal where you can pen your thoughts will broaden your awareness of your own emotions.
- Look at the larger picture: You will become more cautious of your negative emotions when you realize that your words and actions have consequences for others. Your rage at a harmless joke amongst friends could cost you a meaningful relationship. Pause and contemplate the larger picture. Do not be hasty and thus disregard how your actions might affect your future.
- Forgive and replace: Each one of us has a number of “triggers” that arouse extreme emotions in us. These triggers can be a person, our family or friends, or they can be things and incidents. You must learn how to let the past be past. Forgive those who may have wronged and replace the negative thoughts that you have associated with something. Do not let the recollection of a negative memory influence your behavior and actions.
Emotional resilience is a big part of becoming an adult. Learn to manage and lessen your emotional responses so that you may live a much more productive and stress-free life.