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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023
7 Foods That Aid in Weight Loss!
Dr. Zubeda TumbiDietitian/Nutritionist • 36 Years Exp.PhD Nutrition & Diete, MSc Nutrition, BSc Nutrition, Fod map certification
Starving yourself can be the worst way to lose weight. Not only does this affect your health, but it also slows down your metabolism to conserve energy. A slow metabolism means that the body will take longer to burn fats. This is the opposite of what is needed for weight loss. On the other hand, eating certain types of food can boost your metabolism and aid weight loss. These foods are high in nutrient value and low on fats. Let’s take a look at some of these types of food.
- Grapefruit: Eating half a grapefruit a day can make you see a rapid fall in your weight. This fruit is not only rich in vitamins and proteins but also contains a compound that can lower the hormones that affect fat storage such as insulin. Grapefruit is also 90% water and hence satiates hunger faster.
- Brown rice: Many people find it impossible to imagine a meal without rice. White rice may look nicer but brown rice is richer in fiber and healthier to eat. Brown rice also contains healthy carbs that burn fat and boost metabolism. Additionally, it has a low calorific value.
- Salmon: Of all meats, salmon is the leanest and least fattening. This rich source of protein keeps the stomach feeling satiated for longer without adding fat to your body. The best way to eat salmon for weight loss is to grill it or steam it.
- Green Tea Benefits: Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help burn fat and shed calories. Green tea should ideally be had without milk or sugar and in this way it also keeps the body hydrated. you can find out the best green tea for weight loss.
- Nuts: Unroasted and unsalted nuts are a healthy snack that can help you lose weight. Nuts like almonds are rich in an amino acid known as L-arginine which helps burn fat and carbs while working out. Pine nuts are rich in healthy fatty acids that subdue hunger hormones and burn abdominal fat. Pistachios are also excellent for weight loss as they are rich in fiber, proteins and healthy, unsaturated fats.
- Oats: Oats are a key element in many weight-loss diets. This is because oats are high in fiber content and keep you satiated for longer. Oats also aid in digestion and help in the elimination of wastes. It also absorbs fats and hence can lower cholesterol.
- Dark chocolate: A little bit of dessert can actually aid weight loss as long as it’s dark chocolate. This type of chocolate boosts metabolism by burning fats and calories. It also helps curb the craving for sweets and salty snacks. If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a dietitian-nutritionist.
Updates From Lybrate: We hope this information was helpful to you. Moreover, you can also check out these weight loss supplements from Lybrate to support your weight loss journey.