7 Homeopathic Medicines To Treat Painful Periods!
Dysmenorrhea or painful periods occur when a woman feels pain in the stomach area, thighs, back and legs. This kind of a pain is very common during periods. While many consider this to be a common problem, extreme pain and cramps are not supposed to be taken too lightly.
The nature and severity of pain vary from one female to another. In some patients, the pain is mild. In others, the pain is severe. In fact, it may be so severe that one is forced to be in bed. While some have cramping pains, others feel discomfort only. In some cases, the pain is in the abdomen or lower abdomen. In others, the pain occurs in the back or legs. Some other symptoms too accompany the pain. Nausea or vomiting are commonly present with the pain. Irritability may also be seen. Some patients lose appetite. In most of the cases, the onset of pain is a little before the menses. The pain is usually relieved when the flow begins or at the most by the second day. Relief in pain is felt with hot fomentation or by bending double.
Homeopathic Medicines For Painful Menses:
Most females keep taking painkillers when they have pain. This is repeated at every menstrual cycle as they start thinking that this is normal. There is no need to think so. Homeopathic medicines are very effective in curing this problem. There are dozens of medicines that can be indicated according to the symptoms. All of the medicines have given wonderful results in my hands. Here I have compiled a list of the most commonly used medicines. The list has been named as the 5 best Homeopathic medicines for painful menses.
The extent and nature of the pain differ from one woman to another. In a few patients, the pain is very subtle. In others, the pain is extreme. Here are a few homeopathic cures that can help get rid of the period pain:
Lac Caninum helps in getting rid of painful swelling and tenderness in breasts that occur before the period and the pain may occur alternately.
Pulsatilla is the most commonly used homeopathic medication. Mood swings are common during periods; hence it helps in curing them as well. It is more suited for the women who experience subtle and tender pain. The person tends to get very emotional. Periods are generally late. The patient usually feels better outdoors and they do not feel thirsty easily. All these can be cured with Pulsatilla.
Cimicifuga is used when there is a pain that feels like cramps. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for painful periods. It is also one of the best homeopathic medicine for extremely painful periods when other side effects show up as well. The pain usually occurs in the lower stomach area, but tends to shoot down towards the legs as well.
Mag Phos is very helpful in situations where the pain is usually relieved by using heating pads. The pain is likewise improved by applying pressure. The periods are dull. The pain increases due to cold and at night. Mag Phos is hence, one of the best homeopathic medicines for periods as well.
Nux Vomica is used when there is a continuous urge to pass stool while experiencing pain in the pelvic area. Nux Vomica is one of the best homeopathic treatments for such painful periods.
Belladonna is effective in situations where the pain begins and stops all of a sudden. The face tends to become hot, red and flushed. The blood flow is extremely red. The pain might be in the form of cramps as well.
- Chamomilla is used when the individual might be excessively touchy and feels extreme pain even if it is not that painful. The blood might be dark with large clots with a scarlet red hue. The person might also have extreme mood swings. Also, excruciating pain extends down the inner thighs. The individual tends to crave frosty beverages and the pain is more pronounced when she is lying down.