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Last Updated: Feb 16, 2023

9 Healthy Ways to diet for NAVRATRI

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Dt. Vinita JaiswalDietitian/Nutritionist • 28 Years Exp.M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, B.Sc. - Dietitics / Nutrition
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Navratri is a nine day religious celebration in which the majority of the Hindu population likes to fast. Some of us could take the advantage of this nine day navratri fasting to completely detox our body, make our body look a bit better than it is now.and lose the extra weight that we have gained over time. 

This nine day of navratri fasting could prove to be a boon for all those people who have wanted to lose some weight and want their body to become toned. But, you need to be very careful regarding the diet schedule that you follow as this nine day fasting can turn the tide and make you gain more weight and it can happen due to certain obvious reasons which are to be avoided and that are listed below:

  • When the fast gets over many of us go crazy as we become so hungry and we want to eat everything and anything that we see and have and this kind of step makes us gain a lot of weight due to overeating.
  • You just focus on eating and do not drink enough water that is required by the body.
  • You start eating grains, potatoes etc and you avoid eating any green vegetables or fruits which are full of nutrition and provide so much energy to you to go through the day without eating food.
  • You focus on eating packaged food products and fast food items like chips, food thalis, laddoos juice etc instead of eating fresh made food and freshly squeezed juice.
  • You do not eat the navratri food that is cooked at your home and eat a lot of the navratri food products that you get from the market which is a very unhealthy decision.

These were certain reasons and mistakes that will lead you to gain weight while fasting during the nine days of Navratri. 

You can follow some easy diets and tips that will help you detox your body and lose the extra weight. You can adopt the following tips to lose weight during the nine days of fasting in Navratri:

Consumption of more vegetables in the diet

When you break your fast you must include or have vegetables in your diet as vegetables keep your stomach full for a longer period of time and that will stop your habit of binge eating. You can also include more stuff made up of vegetables which are navratri friendly like vegetable salad and vegetable soup. 

You should have small and frequent meals

Most of the people have a lot of misconception regarding the fasting during the nine days of Navratri that the fasting is all about avoiding food, not eating enough food or even starving without consuming food. If you are practicing this during the fasting you are going to notice a drop in the blood glucose levels and this will drain your energy. So to avoid this kind of situation it is suggested that you avoid one heavy meal and instead of that you take 3 to 4 small meals throughout your day of fasting.

Keep your body hydrated

When navratri is around the corner you might notice that the extremity of the summer season is at its peak which makes us feel dry and dehydrated. Following this, if you are fasting during the nine days of Navratri and you take or consume very less amount of water, your body becomes weak and increases your hunger for the food. If you do not like to drink the normal and plain water during the fasting days you can have lemon water, various fruit or vegetable juices or coconut water for yourself and this will keep you hydrated for a longtime. So it is recommended to drink water as soon as you start feeling thirsty as thirst is considered as the first sign of dehydration.

You should keep on moving

Not eating for a long time will make you feel very tired and your body will want to take rest for the maximum period of time, hindering you from doing any kind of movement. But practicing this kind of thing is not at all suggested as this will indirectly affect your metabolism and thus, you start to gain weight. The person who is fasting is suggested to take a balanced diet full of nutrition so that he does not feel any kind of weakness and instead of this you will feel very happy and your body will become energetic. You should not only focus on the food items that you are going to have but you should do some physical labor as well like exercises, jogging, mild running etc.

You should try to eat snacks which are made at your home

The most common mistakes that people commit during the nine days of fasting is they find it very easy to consume unhealthy packaged food as they do not want to do the labor associated with the process of cooking food and is generally seen in the case of snacks. When you opt in for a snack which is made at your home you will surely notice that it is very healthy and helpful in the process of weight loss. At your home you can roast some peanuts, chanas or makhana and eat them instead of going for the snacks which are available in the market like the laddoos, chips for fasting and many other products. 

You should consume food which are calorie deficient or have low fat composition

If you want to drink milk or eat cheese then it is suggested to drink milk or eat cheese which have low fat cream in it rather than consuming those which are made up of full cream. You should know that these low fat products also provide all the essential nutrients like proteins, minerals and amino acids in adequate amounts which makes us healthy.

Prevent yourself from acidity

If you take small and frequent diets you will keep yourself away from getting acidic and this will help you in maintaining the proper body energy throughout the day.

You should avoid any kind of stress

During the nine days of fasting if you take any kind of stress this will ruin your health and weaken your body. To keep your stress level in check try to drink an adequate amount of liquid and take timely diets.

Take proper rest

Taking proper rest is also an important factor to keep your body active, healthy and fit. You can practice yoga, meditation and other relaxing techniques to take proper rest.


If you want to lose weight then you can take advantage of all the chances that are provided to you. These steps will make you feel healthy and full alongside making you lose weight, toning your body and making you feel confident about yourself again.



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