About The Liposuction Procedure
Hello, I am Dr Sandeep Bhasin from Carewell medical centre. I am a laparoscopic and cosmetic surgeon.
Today I’ll be talking about something about liposuction and ways of liposuction.
You know liposuction is a procedure in which we remove the fat from the body. It is a surgical procedure in which we first put some fluid which we call tumescent through small holes and then we remove the fat through some special cannulas. In this, we can remove up to 10% of the body weight as a fat through liposuction cannulas. Now, this method is there from 1970’s. It is there in vogue. It has been used to remove fat for body contouring. Liposuction is a body contouring procedure. It means it causes inch loss. It is not meant for weight loss. This has to be very clear that liposuction does not cause weight loss, it is only for inch loss.
Now I am going to talk about a special method of liposuction called VASER liposuction. VASER liposuction is ultra sound assisted liposuction. The advantage with this VASER liposuction is it emulsifies fat, so blood loss during liposuction is minimum. Because of the heat wave that is generated through ultrasound, there is also skin tightening or fibrosis so as a result there is a better body contouring.
Nowadays, we are shifting from liposuction to lipo sculpting. What it means we remove fat from certain areas and put fat in certain other areas of the body to give a special shape to the body like we want to create six packs, so we can create six packs. If you want to give a special shape to the body according to the body aesthetics, you can do that. VASER liposuction is very helpful in that. So VASER liposuction is also used for lipo sculpting which is also called 3-D liposuction.
If you have any queries you can reach me in my clinic, personally, meet me or you can reach me online on Lybrate.
Thank You.