Acne, Cause & Treatment!
I am Dr. Monisha Kapoor, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon. I have been practicing from the past 10 years and most of the practice is aesthetic both surgical and non-surgical. Today I am shooting for the non-surgical facility. As a surgeon, I make sure whatever I buy is the top line skincare and aesthetic for my clients because I believe in brands. I have seen that the people who invest in aesthetics, results are equivalent to the money. So, today I am going to speak about acne. Because it is one of the most disturbing things which is happening in young as well as adults. And one of the major causes is makeup among teenagers. I have seen teenagers have started developing comedians on their face if you touch their face, their face you will not feel smooth. This can be because of the influence of social media, TV, these children have learned to use a lot of makeup. Maybe because they have learned from their family or friends that makeup is not wrong but wearing makeup to the gym is what causes the problem. These children wear makeup 24/7 because they do not like their faces without makeup. So, what happens when you wear the thick coat of the makeup and you go to the gym, and when you sweat out, it is not able to come out of the surface of the makeup and your sweat gets clogged. So, this has given birth to a lot of comedones.
This gives the rise to acne in such patients. So, the no. 1 cause is wearing makeup to the gym. So, always make sure to keep your face clean before going to the gym and after the gym also, clean your face with the cold water and mild cleanser. So, I will make you understand a very simple thing without medication how can you prevent acne. Beneath the skin, there are oil glands that keep your skin moisturized. So, when you put the makeup, your pores get clogged. And if it will not get space to come out, it will affect the surface of the skin and will form into whiteheads. This oil is the rich source for bacteria for the skin which is over the surface. If this bacteria will start eating it, it will get inflamed, it becomes red and the whitehead will become acne. Now the next thing that if your body is not able to control the inflammation and redness, this oil gland is gona burst into the skin and that will lead to painful acne which we call cystic acne. And this is when people say that acne is inside the skin. How will it happen? It will happen when you try to squeeze them out because you are not a Dr or the surgeon to squeeze out the oil from the surface. So, what will happen, either it will come out of the surface or it will burst inside your skin. So, the lesson is never played with your pimples. So, if you will do this thing, you will give birth t more acne inside your skin as it is going to affect the oil gland. If you use a knife to cut of squeeze that part is equal to squeezing the acne. So, now you need to understand that it is not always makeup which causes acne, there are a lot of internal factors that can also give rise to acne. So, you should not struggle with acne, let the professional treat it.
The only thing you need to understand that something is not under your control. So, all and all you should avoid using makeup to the gym. Don't land u having acne, comedones. Regarding other causes of acne, there can hormonal because, at the stage up of growing up, there is a surge of certain hormones in teenage which influence the oil gland of the skin to make more oil. And when the number of oil glands also increases, it becomes hyperactive under the influence of such hormones. So, you don't have to be worried and need to ensure that the pores of the skin are clear, they are not blocked. Because if it will be blocked, there will be no way for the oil gland to secret the oil. This will lead you to more acne formation. So, you have to treat the skin very gently. Don't treat it like utensils and start cleaning it more and more. First, you have to be stress-free. Understand, why is this happening and treat your skin gently. What you need to do is exfoliate, so all those people who have acne-prone skin, how will decide whether they have acne-prone skin or not. Acne-prone is skin is the skin where you see a lot of porosity.
Like if I talk about my skin, so I do not have a lot of pores. My skin is relatively normal skin because it does not make too much of oil that I have to wipe out the oil. If you see an acne-prone skin, you will see that there are a lot of pores on the skin, it will be slightly inflamed and red, it will always be shiny on the nose, area near the nose will be shiny because there will be a lot of oil production and these people will complain that my hair becomes too oily, becomes flaky. So, what exactly is this? The people who have a large number of sebaceous glands produce a lot of oil, they have a hyperactive gland, the skin sheds up at a normal rate because of the overproduction of oil and they get stuck with each other. That is seen as flakiness around the nose, around the scalp, because when there is a lot of oil in the skin, the shed up dead cells on the skin, they get clumped together. So, this is going to block the opening of these glands. So, how you gonna make sure that you will declogged your skin? Wither you go to a professional and get the deep cleaning done so that your skin is without any impurities and these clumped cells or you do it yourself by using an exfoliating face wash that contains salicylic acid twice a day. It is a very simple thing. You don't have to wash your face 10 times. Only wash it twice a day.
And then you can use a mild scrub. A scrub which contains alpha hydroxy acid and beta hydroxy acid. These are fruit-based acid which removes the clumped up cells. And then your skin is able to shed up at a faster rate. You need to use this scrub depending upon the oil which your skin produces, you can use it every day or every alternate day. It entirely depends on the skin that how much oil it produces. There are many other things that are available in the market like salicylic acid pads to wipe your face. So, by doing all those things, you are calming down your sebaceous glands. The opening of the skin is being cleared out. And by doing this the gland is not under any kind of stress. Whatever the oil is coming over the skin, it is being drained, so you are not going to feel any ingrown concretion, swelling, comedones if you follow these simple steps. So, wash your face, exfoliate with scrub and 3rd is the use of oil control pads. So, doing all these will make your skin less acne-prone. These are just simple steps and no medications are required. I usually clear out a lot of acne for my patients without the use of anti-biotics topical as well as oral.
So, it is a different science in dealing with the skin. Sometimes simple things work a lot. Not every time you can apply the things that are available in your kitchen. This is not how you take a natural remedy. So, I will do the actual science which is gonna benefit you. So, all those people who have acne-prone skin, please stay away from moisturizer as your skin does not require the moisturizer. Your skin is already producing a lot of oil to keep it moisturized. Then people ask that my skin is producing a lot of oil but why still I feel it dry. So, the reason is that the oil is on the surface and your skin has to shed some number of dead cells of the surface and dead cells clumped together because of the oil which leads to flakiness and it leads to dryness. So, very important to exfoliate and this will be cured. But if you have infected cystic acne then to treat it, you may need a short course of antibiotics. So, do not think if I have said that medicines are not required and by doing a few steps it can get cured. For the infected one, you need medications. So, consult a Dr because Dr knows the best. My only point is to teach you simple steps that can prevent acne in acne-prone skin. So, in my center, I have a staff who does natural treatment for the acne without the use of os heavy antibiotics. So, my way is a little different from the traditional ones.
I do simple things. Like I target the things which cause acne. So, this is the reason I have success stories to share with you, and how my patients were benefitted and they have to get rid of acne forever. So, the simple steps I taught you today. I hope you will remember this and it will help you to gain healthy skin forever. So, never overtreat, overreact, let your natural body healing rather you squeezing it, poping it, creating more problems for yourself and for the treating Dr. I have told the same things to my client. I also do the same but I am trained that how this thing has to be done. I will drain it in a way where it will not go under the skin and cause more problems. So, do not try this thing out at home. So, my take-home message is that if you have a can prone skin, do not get over-anxious, don't over treat, don't change the Dr and if you will do that, you are not allowing the Dr to treat you because I have seen this tendency in a lot of people. Like if they are not satisfied in a week or 10 days, they will switch Dr. So, you need to be patient and you need to understand that why is this happening. This can be happening because of the overuse of makeup i.e. clogging your pores, inherent overproduction of oil that may be genetic or under the influence of hormones. If it is because of hormoes then you need to see an endocrinologist do the correction in hormones.
The healthy tips that I taught you, you stick to that, your skin would be clean and refraining from over moisturizer on your skin because it can also lead you to zit formation, and acne formation. Nowadays, a skincare specialist designs a package as per your skin problem. Like in my center we do a skin scanning system. This will scan your skin and whatever your skin needs, we design the ingredients and cream what your skin requires rather than buying over the counter products. So, only a professional can do all such things as per your skin type. So, trust your professional, stay healthy, eat and drink healthy and it will reflect on your skin. Thanks for watching and stay tunned for more healthy tips.
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