Adenoids and Endoscopic Adenoidectomy - What To Expect
Adenoids are tonsils located behind the nose which affect a fair percentage of the population, especially children. Despite a difference in location, adenoids are essentially like tonsils in their characteristic properties which cause a host of issues. These adenoids get reduced in size as a person ages though it is not abnormal for children to have enormous adenoids.
Problems Caused By Adenoids:
The greatest issue concerning adenoids is that the symptoms are often confused with that of allergies or sinusitis which makes it difficult to treat. Since adenoids cause a restriction in airflow in the nasal passage, it may lead to nasal obstruction, congestion, and even nasal sounding speech. A reduction in the normal mucus flow in the throat leads to rhinitis, snotty nose, and allergy-like symptoms. One may also suffer from ear pain and clog of the ear due to the physical blockage of the Eustachian tube in the ears. The location of the adenoids plays a vital role in determining the symptoms that one will be suffering from.
Treating adenoids with endoscopic adenoidectomy:
The issue can be treated efficiently with adenoidectomy, which is a surgical procedure. In endoscopic adenoidectomy, the adenoid tissue is located with the help of a nasal telescope called the endoscope. This offers better control over the situation and performing the surgery with utmost precision. And it is essential to bear in mind that several million adenoidectomies had been performed all across the globe for many years with satisfactory results.
In the recent times, a new tool known as the debrider is available. The combined benefits of the endoscope and the debrider can offer better results and a more comprehensive procedure. This invariably brings about a hike in the cost and those patients who can afford the costing of such an assisted surgery should go for it for better results. Most of the ENT surgeons have easy access to such instruments and can easily operate successful removal of the adenoid tissue.
The effectiveness of endoscopic adenoidectomy:
Nasal endoscopic adenoidectomy helps in easy assessment of the size of the adenoids and enhances the accuracy of the adenoidectomy. This treatment option is particularly useful for treating children who have small oral cavities. And typically, the assessment and the subsequent excision of the adenoids in the affected patients are often tough. With the help of the nasal endoscope, the curette can be precisely inserted at the superior border of the adenoid so that the main bulk of the adenoid tissue can be trans-orally removed.
According to the experts, nasal endoscopic-guided transoral adenoidectomy is a feasible alternative to the conventional adenoidectomy. Moreover, this technique offers the advantage of using commonly available ENT instruments. Hence, it might be recommended for the right candidates, and is known to offer satisfactory results.