All About Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is a condition when the nerve ending in the teeth are overly sensitive to hold hot and cold conditions. Drinking and eating hot or cold food may cause a sharp pain in the tooth. A material called dentin, which is what makes up the inside of your tooth, is protected by the enamel in the crown and the cementum in the root of the tooth. In cases when the dentin loses its covering, teeth may be become sensitive.
Causes of sensitive teeth
1. Inflammation caused by bacteria may lead to sensitive teeth.
2. Gum diseases such as gingivitis may cause the gums to retract and reveal the roots of your teeth.
3. Constantly grinding your teeth can cause the enamel to break down, which leads to exposure of the dentin.
4. Accumulation of plaque can cause sensitive teeth.
5. Various acidic foods such as lemon cause the enamel to be worn out.
6. Sensitive teeth is caused by decay of the tooth.
7. Various dental procedures such as teeth restoration and cleaning of the teeth cause the teeth to be sensitive.
Treatments for sensitive teeth
1. You need to use dental products that contain fluoride. Fluoride products tend to decrease teeth sensitivity.
2. Restrict consumption of acidic foods such as lemon and some dairy products.
3. If you grind your teeth then start using mouth guard.
4. Follow proper dental hygiene, such as brushing and flossing on a regular basis to keep teeth sensitivity at bay.
5. You should use a toothbrush that has soft bristles so that the gum tissue is not affected while brushing.
6. You may use a toothpaste that has been made for people who have sensitive teeth.
7. You may apply fluoride varnishes to root surfaces that have been exposed.
8. You may cover up root surfaces with white fillings.
9. Application of dentin sealers to root surfaces that have been exposed may help in preventing tooth sensitivity.
10. Laser is also effective to fix tooth sensitivity.