Asperger's Syndrome - Know Risk Factors Of It!
A peek into the problem:-
Asperger's syndrome has been found to affect people at a tender age. The augmented impacts of this syndrome are felt as you grow up. It is a neurological disorder falling under the scope of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. However it is a milder form of autism and has similarly unidentifiable causes. A person afflicted with Asperger's syndrome will not exhibit stark signs of the disorder. These persons are usually smart and brilliant but face issues in communicating or interacting socially.
Factors that may result in this disorder:-
a) Genetic factors could also afflict you with such a syndrome. Thus, it is important to carry your family history while consulting a doctor.
b) Certain changes in a person's brain could create trouble.
c) Your body could be susceptible to external toxins: many times bacteria and viruses from a polluted environment can lead you to such a serious neurological condition.
Ways to diagnose Asperger's syndrome:-
1. A doctor would concentrate on your child's speech- Language development can hint at many underlying health issues. Your child might fail to process speech around him or her which impairs its own speech.
2. Exchanges in a social setup could be indicative of something- Children or adults could find social gatherings challenging. They feel awkward to interact with friends, relatives and colleagues. It takes a lot of effort on their part to exchange basic pleasantries. A doctor will be able to deduce from such symptoms.
3. Facial expressions while conversing could help diagnosis- A person's facial expressions tell a lot about how they formulate or feel about things. Their words, at the same time, could be contrary. Counselors lay stress on frequent sittings to closely note a patient's gestures.
4. Comprehension and coordination capabilities- Your child or loved one might find it difficult to handle motor regulated appliances. Comprehending instructions could also be a test. People suffering from Asperger's syndrome face problems in understanding simple things whereas complicate stuff could just be their ideal game.
5. Responses to change will also be taken into consideration- Patients trying to cope with this syndrome are usually not open to change. They take a very long time to adapt to a given way of life; a sudden change will thwart their idea of normalcy.