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Last Updated: Mar 31, 2021

Asthma: Breathing Made Easy with Homeopathy!

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Dr. Prashant K VaidyaHomeopathy Doctor • 16 Years Exp.Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder. In asthma, the airways of the lungs get inflamed. Due to this inflammation, there is swelling inside the airways. This also causes excess production of mucous. The combined effect of swelling and mucus production is that the passage of air gets obstructed. This makes breathing difficult. A whistling sound or wheezing is often heard in such patients. Often the patient gets cough due to this obstruction of the airways. This cough is a reflex of the body to get rid of the excess mucous in the airways. A sense of tightness or heaviness is felt in the chest. One cannot expand the chest fully while inhaling. This is a medical condition characterized by paroxysmal wheezing respiration dyspnoea.

Causes of Asthma

  • Caesarean sections,
  • Antibiotic use in early life,
  • Vaccines,
  • Family history of asthma.

Asthma Triggers

  • Poor or polluted air,
  • Emotional stress,
  • Tobacco smoke, well
  • Cold air,
  • Upper respiratory tract infections (head colds and sore throats),
  • Exercise,
  • Exposure to things that provoke an allergic response.

Signs And Symptoms

  • Recurrent episode of paroxysmal dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing).
  • The breathing is laboured, with a wheezing sound, mainly on expiration.
  • Asthma attacks often occur in the early hours of morning (when there is no immediate precipitating cause). During the attack patients often prefers to sit then lie down.

Homeopathy for Asthma-

When it comes to the treatment of Asthma, Homeopathy is much better at treating asthma. It is in stark contrast to allopathy, where inhalers and steroids are used to suppress inflammation. Homeopathic medicines do not aim at just reducing inflammation. They also intend to cure the basic cause of the recurrent inflammation. This way, not only the symptoms of asthma are treated but the incidence of asthmatic attacks is completely eliminated. With a couple of months of Homeopathic treatment, you will be able to live a disease-free and medicine-free life. It is worthwhile to mention here that all Homeopathic remedies are natural and do not contain any chemicals. That is why these purely natural homeopathic remedies do not have any side effects at all.

Things to do: 

  • Deep breathing exercises e.g. Pranayama 25 times a day. 
  • Stop smoking completely, if you are a smoker. 
  • Avoid all allergens. 
  • Avoid dust. A housewife having asthma may be greatly helped by vacuum cleaner to clean dust. Use a mask while dusting. 
  • Avoid carpets on the floor, which harbor dust. 
  • Avoid pets if you are asthmatic. 
  • Avoid industrial fumes in factory workers. 
  • Ask your doctor or healthcare provider how to manage in emergency. If a particular food triggers an attack of asthma, avoid it e.g. cold drinks, particular fruits, fish, chocolates. 
  • If any emotional or family problem, try to sort out, or use tranquillizer or consult phsician. 
  • For repeated attacks, advise change of weather i.e. a holiday in dry climate, will help more than medicines. 
  • Avoid mosquito coils and mats. Use mosquito net instead or topical mosquito repelling cream. 
  • Avoid passive smoking. Asthma is one of psychosomatic illness. So mind tranquility is very important part of treatment. 
  • If a patient of asthma gets a dramatic relief in dry climate and attack otherwise, he or she should change the residence, if possible to a dry climate place. 
  • Take a glass of warm water early in the morning; take warm drinks like tea, coffee, soups often. 

Things to avoid: 

  • Junk food or deep fried food like pizzas, hamburgers, chips. 
  • Cold foods items like ice creams, cold drinks. 
  • Sour foods like non-fresh curds, raw onion. 
  • Avoid sour fruits like citrus fruits (orange, lemon), sour grapes. 

By trial and error method and keen observation, note if any particular food is causing an attack of asthma, such food must be totally avoided.

  • Avoid heavy meals eat in small quantity of meals and take dinner early. 
  • Avoid sleep at least for 2 hours after meals. 
  • Stress: Learn to manage stress as it can directly prompt the asthma attack. Try Yoga and meditation as it helps to relieve stress.