Benefits Of supplements On Your Sex Life!
First of all, it is important to note that your sex life does not depend on supplements. Various other factors can both positively and negatively affect your sex life. Exercise, weight and medications you take can have both adverse and positive effects. Try to improve your sex life by altering these aspects before you use supplements. Nevertheless, here are some supplements which may be beneficial for your sex life.
1. Iron
Iron is used to boost the libido of women. The libido comprises the arousal, desire as well as the ability to have an orgasm. However, too much iron is not good for you. Over 20 mg can cause stomach problems and constipation while over 60 mg is life threatening.
2. Niacin
There are two types of cholesterol in your body. One is a good cholesterol while the other is a bad cholesterol. Niacin is a type of B vitamin which raises your good cholesterol level. Men who have high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction tend to see improvements in their symptoms by taking 1500 mg of niacin for 12 weeks.
3. Yohimbine
This is a type of herbal supplement only used for men. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction and should only be used on men. However, it is worth note that high blood pressure, heart palpitations, anxiety, headaches and dizziness are all caused by yohimbine. Therefore, it should be used with care only when the doctor prescribes it.
4. Panax ginseng
This is one of those rare drugs which raises sexual desire in women and also corrects erectile dysfunction in men as well. It is worth mentioning that panax ginseng also causes insomnia. Insomnia is one of the side effects of this medication along with diarrhea and painful periods for women.
5. Maca
This is a type of Peruvian root vegetable. It primarily helps women who are taking antidepressants and have lost their sex drive as a result. It can also be tried safely as it is a type of food as well and therefore it is not as dangerous as some of the other supplements on this list.