Boosting Your Immunity - Why Homeopathy Is Best For It?
Eating healthy food and getting enough rest and exercise may not be enough to boost your immune system, particularly when you are being exposed to bacteria and viruses in your increasingly polluted environment. Your immune system needs a bit more help and Homeopathy offers more than a helping hand, find why it should be the first line of treatment?
The immune system is like a fort to protect the body against foreign invaders (or pathogens) like fungi or parasites, bacteria, viruses etc. Inimical entities are also being created from within, auto-immune disorders and diseases like cancer. Proper immune function is a complex balancing act which nature has to carry out but with a little help. While functioning properly, our immune systems are able to discriminate effectively, between body’s own tissues and foreign pathogens. A weakened immune system makes you vulnerable to virtually every type of illness. If the immune response becomes overactive or misdirected it begins to target the body’s own tissues for foreign invaders and starts attacking them
Immunity is influenced by the digestive capabilities and our ability to digest, assimilate and absorb nutrients in our bodies. In a healthy body where immune function is strong, any invaders are neutralized or destroyed and then expelled and normalcy is restored. If digestive capabilities are impaired by an imbalance, metabolism is affected and the immune response and natural resistance are lowered. If the body is unhealthy by stored toxins from undigested food, then an environment is created in which invaders are encouraged to thrive. What makes us sick is the deranged, disturbed immune system not the disease tonsillitis or headache or bacteria. These are all end products of disease.The disturbance in the normal functioning of vitality is the real sickness.
Boosting the Immune System:
It is absolutely vital that you have a good strong immune system. A strong immune system means your body can fight back very well when it is under attack. Thousands of times a day your immune system helps combat all sorts of minor invasions, from bacteria, viruses, parasites and many other "intruders". However, this internal self-defence mechanism can sometimes function poorly. There are many reasons for this and at these times it is important to try and recover as quickly as possible.
A point well worth remembering is that prevention is always better than cure. So a strong immune system can stop one getting ill in the first place.
Why Homeopathy is best for boosting your immunity?
- Unlike antibiotics homeopathy does not ‘neutralize’ an infection, instead it strengthens the body’s immune system to fight disease or infection.
- The modern system of homeopathy looks towards systemic detoxification that causes weakening of defense mechanism. It, therefore, works on removing poisoning or toxicity from bone marrow, liver, spleen, lymphocytes, lymph nodes that play a vital role in immune defense mechanism.
- Homeopathy is more palatable than many conventional medicines since the mildly sweet pills, powders or liquids are easy to dispense and consume.
- Homeopathy is effective in any problem associated with a compromised immune system or lowered immune response.
- Patient on Homeopathy regains appetite after few days thus helping the patient gain weight.
- Homeopathy helps control opportunistic infections associated with a compromised immune system.
- Homeopathy decreases the viral load after few months of regular consumption.
- Homeopathy is well tolerated in patients of all age groups and has been used by thousands of patients in several countries with no adverse effects reported.
Being totally natural, homeopathic medicines are ideal. Homeopathy uses a very small amount of therapeutic substances for easing several symptoms and conditions. The top homeopathic medicines used in boosting your overall immunity are as follows:
- Allium cepa- This medicine contains a low amount of red onion. It is used for relieving nasal congestion and treats teary eyes. It is ideal for improving immunity against cold and influenza.
- Gelsemium- This remedy is derived from the vine called Gelsemium sempervirens. It treats cold and flu symptoms. Your immunity against body aches and fever get reduced.
- Oscillococcinuim- This homeopathic medicine is also known as Oscillo. This remedy contains a small amount of duck liver and duck heart. It should be taken on the first day when you experience flu symptoms. It strengthens your immune system against germs, which cause cold and related conditions.
There is no specific homeopathic medicine, which is only meant for boosting your immunity. The medicines are actually used for treating some specific conditions and symptoms, and they also improve your immunity against the conditions it fights. It is always recommended to consult a specialized homeopath before you undergo any medication.