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Last Updated: Oct 23, 2019

Breast Cancer - Is Homeopathy The Best Line Of Treatment?

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Dr. Subhajit DasHomeopathy Doctor • 14 Years Exp.BHMS, CGO, MPH, PG Diploma in Hospital Management & Hospital Administration (PGDH&HM), WEBSITE:
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The incidence of breast cancer is increasing worldwide, especially in the western world due to a variety of factors like diet, genetics and lifestyle, including body weight. Other predominant factors are ovarian function and oestrogen exposure, pregnancy, and lactation. It is the second most common carcinoma in women and it occurs mostly after the age of 30. It’s most commonly seen in the age group of 40-60. Even though there is so much of awareness about this cancer, there is a high incidence of this cancer going undetected.

This cancer is treatable if detected early. For this, we need to know its common symptoms, which are

  1. Lump in breast i.e. presence of a hard mass in the breast with no defined margins
  2. Bleeding from nipple
  3. Nipple retraction
  4. Redness and pain

If left undetected, cancer in the breasts can spread to the bones, liver and even the brain.

Chemotherapy is immunosuppressant therapy which has a loads of side effects. This therapy hurts the already suppressed immunity of the Cancer patients.Whereas Homoeopathy is side-effectless and will help in managing the patients conditions without hurting the patients immunity. Alongside Homoeopathy also handles the side-effects of Chemotherapy. Though Homoeopathy cannot still cure cancer but can help the patient to lead an extended life without any ease which comes with the disease.

Homeopathic treatment
We all know that Homeopathy, a popular holistic system of medicine cures by using the principle of ‘Like cures like’. Homeopathy relies on a specialised remedy based on the physical, psychological and emotional symptoms of a patient. This is the reason that self-medication fails abysmally in homoeopathy. The homoeopathic medicines for breast cancer in this article thus should be used just as a reference and you should consult a good homoeopath for a complete cure. Several proven homoeopathic remedies are available to treat symptoms of breast cancer like:

  1. Conium Mac: It is an excellent cure for breast cancer, especially when the breasts are hard and tender. The breast becomes rock-hard and there is a stinging pain in this type of breast cancer which starts in the milk ducts and spreads to outer regions. This type of breast cancer is tackled by Conium Mac.
  2. Baryta Carb: This homoeopathic drug is used when the breast is enlarged and inflamed. The mammary gland is also hard and stony plus sensitive to touch. The milk glands in this type of cancer become enlarged and tender. Blood from the nipple is another indication for use of Baryta carb.
  3. Hydrastis Can: The patient has to swell of the mammary glands and complains of pain and tenderness. Her nipples are engorged, have cracks and a watery discharge.
  4. IodineThis homoeopathic remedy works mostly on the enlargement of the breasts which may be malignant or malign. In this type of cancer, the mucous membrane of the mammary glands as well as the breast tissue gets inflamed. The breast tissue becomes enlarged and hard and presents with nodes.
  5. Phytolacca: A hard, irregular tumour with retracted nipples is the main indication for this homoeopathic remedy. A sore that extends from the breasts to the arms is another predominant feature.