Busting the Myths About Pap smear
To live a healthy life, you need to enforce healthy habits. Annual screenings such as Pap smear should be included in every woman’s checklist. The Pap smear test comprises a sample collection from the cervical cells to look for cancerous and pre-cancerous cells in the cervix.
Even so, many women, believing in several myths associated with Pap smear, hesitate to take the test. It is time that you bust these myths and know the facts that might change your perspective altogether.
1) Myth – The test is a painful one
Fact – Pap smear does not cause any pain. Rather it is a painless procedure. However, some people may experience mild discomfort or cramps while undergoing screening but that gets over quickly, and can be eased by relaxing.
2) Myth – The test is done only for STDs
Fact – Pap smear is performed to detect abnormal cells that may possibly turn cancerous. In case the patient suffers from a sexually transmitted disease, the gynaecologist will probably examine her during the screening.
3) Myth – Women who are vaccinated against HPV do not need Pap smear screening
Fact – Human Papilloma Virus is certainly a major risk factor for cervical cancer in young women. However, being vaccinated against the disease does not guarantee that you will never develop cancer. Factors like family history, smoking, poor immunity and others may contribute to pre-cancerous cervical changes.
4) Myth – Taking Pap smear tests before sexual intercourse takes away one’s virginity
Fact – Pap smear has nothing to do with the patient’s virginity. It does not affect your sexual activities. You can indulge sexually even as you undergo screening periodically.
5) Myth – Pap smear is only meant for those who have had sex
Fact – Cervical cancer may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases like HPV, but that does not immune those, with no history of sexual intercourse, against cancer of the cervix. Several other factors besides STDs may trigger cancer.
The chances of developing cervical cancer increases as you grow old. Hence, the need for time-to-time screenings – Pap smear test – is essential. Nevertheless, before you opt for the procedure, learn to distinguish the myths and facts. If you need help understanding the procedure better, feel free to talk to your doctor.