Can You Get an STD From A Toilet or Shower?
While the term STD clearly explains that it is transmitted only through penetrative intimacy, is it always the case? Quite often, there is paranoia about using a public rest room, which brings up an image of a place highly populated with germs. Is it possible to get an STD from there?
These places are, of course, full of germs, and there are multiple instances of developing a urinary tract infection from these areas. However, the chances of developing an STD from these areas are quite low. Read on to get a little more clarity on the same.
- The organisms causing STD are like any other germs, except that they grow and flourish in the mucosa (oral/genital/rectal), which is conducive for their growth. These germs cannot flourish under any other circumstances. So even if an infected person uses the toilet seat before you, the chances that those germs remain active enough to cause an infection are quite low. These germs cannot survive in the outside environment and die very quickly. Also note that the public restrooms are drier and hotter compared to the mucous membranes that these germs thrive on.
- The mucous membranes (genital/oral/anal) can get infected only, if they come in contact with someone’s infected fluids (vaginal secretions or ejaculate).
- Moreover, STDs spread through contact from one point to another. Given this fact, the chances that the sexual organs come into contact with the public restroom are very low. The body parts are vulnerable to sexual contact and therefore infection do not come in direct contact with the toilet seat. If there was a cut or a bruise that could get exposed to the fluid, there is a slim chance of catching an STI, but this situation is extremely rare.
- Our body has a natural immune system which fights most germs and infections effectively. So in people with good immunity, the chances of developing an infection are highly unlikely.
Preventative measures
While the chances of actually getting an infection are quite low, there are still some precautions that can be taken to improve the safety levels. Always think of hygiene while in a public bathroom.
- After using the bathroom, wash and dry your hands, which helps in preventing the spread of different viruses.
- Do not touch your face until after the hands are washed, especially after a visit to the bathroom.
- Wash hands with soap and dry them thoroughly. Touching surfaces like doorknobs without drying your hands helps create a moist environment in which these germs can thrive.
If you follow these precautionary measures, rest assured, you are not going to catch an STI by using any public toilet or shower. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.