Chemical Peels - How Do They Benefit Your Skin?
A glowing and clear skin is something that we all aspire to have. Irrespective of age, gender or profession, having a skin free of acne, blackheads, whiteheads and marks is something that is a welcome sight, for your own self as well as others who see you. A lot of people are blessed with impeccably flawless skin but they are many others who may have to go through treatments or medications to make sure that they are able to achieve the look that they desire the most.
As the year's pass, they tend to take a toll on our body as well as our skin. One of the most prominent areas, where the skin starts showing signs of aging is our face. We have many ways with which we can manage to stop this wear and tear and look younger for longer. One of these methods is the use of chemical peels.
How it works:
Chemical peels are basically very light acids which are formulated into a peel with help of other chemicals. It works by dissolving the dead cells of the topmost layer of the skin. This procedure reveals a new layer of skin, which is visibly brighter and younger. After the application of the peel, a neutralizer is applied to cease the action of peel. Different skin types and skin issues may require varied concentrations of and type of chemical peel and only an expert in the field may be able to decide the exact need.
The Aftercare:
Since, the skin may become a bit sensitive after the treatment, it is essential that anyone who undergoes peeling treatment ensures following precautions:
- The skin may become sensitive to soap, which is why washing the skin with soap needs to be avoided for 24 hours or as instructed by the specialist.
- If there is mild redness of the skin, a cold compress can be used to ease the irritation. However, if the irritation or redness is excessive, it needs to be brought to notice of the doctor.
- Bleaching, waxing, facials or other such treatments should be avoided for at least a week or as suggested by the dermatologist.
- It is also advisable to avoid heavy makeup for a short period of time after the chemical peel is carried out so that the skin gets enough time to recover itself.
Chemical peeling has several advantages:
- It is a safe an effective procedure with minimal complications.
- It is inexpensive and totally affordable.
- It can be easily combined with other modalities like micro-needling and microdermabrasion.
- Many peels can be done as a lunch-time procedure and patient can resume work immediately.
With advent of wide variety of peeling agents, a large number of problems can be addressed and peels can be customized according to needs of the patients. With the best medically approved cosmetic practices at your disposal, you may have to look no further for the glowing and radiant skin.