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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Chronic Pain - Ways You Can Cope With It!

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Dr. Shantanu MallickPain Management Specialist • 38 Years Exp.FIPP ( UK ), DA, MBBS, MD
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There are numerous people worldwide who suffer from chronic pain. The experience can be quite annoying and painful, not only for the affected person but also for their loved ones and family members. Coping with the situation can be quite a challenge. Chronic pain can leave a person physically as well as emotionally exhausted. Thus, proper management is needed to deal with the situation better.

Causes of chronic pain
Chronic pain can be due to numerous reasons such as

  1. Use of wrong footwear (especially high heels in case of women).
  2. Injury due to rigorous and strenuous exercise.
  3. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, poor posture.
  4. Chronic pain can also result from a traumatic injury.
  5. Medical conditions such as Fibromyalgia (a condition characterized by muscular pain, especially in the shoulder and neck region), AIDS, Cancer, Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis), Multiple sclerosis, to name a few, can give rise to chronic pain. Obese people are at a greater risk of suffering from chronic pain.
  6. In some people, incorrect sleeping posture and the wrong choice of sleeping mattress can cause chronic pain.
  7. With age, a person is likely to suffer from chronic pain (age related problems and disorders).

The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the severity as well as the factors responsible for the chronic pain.

  1. Medications such as NSAID (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), Tylenol, provide relief in case the pain is not very severe.
  2. In severe cases, doctors may recommend the use of corticosteroid injection as well as powerful painkillers such as Fentanyl, Lortab or Roxicet.
  3. Certain antidepressants and antianxiety drugs such as Duloxetine and Valium respectively may also be used to improve the condition.
  4. Physiotherapy and Bioelectric therapy (the bioelectric therapy works by blocking the pain messages or signals to the brain, thereby relieving the pain) also bear fruitful results.

In addition to the above treatment and medications, certain changes and modifications in lifestyle habits can also help to cope with the chronic pain better.

  1. People with chronic pain should avoid stress, anxiety, and depression as much as they can. These are nemesis that can aggravate the pain further. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercise, are great stress busters and mood enhancers.
  2. Obesity is one of the underlying factors responsible for chronic pain. Maintain a healthy body weight. Eat healthy and nutritious diet, exercise regularly (even if it is only for 30 minutes). For obese people with chronic pain, rigorous exercise can prove to be harmful. Indulge in light to moderate exercise. Seek an expert help if necessary.
  3. Do not compromise on your sleep. Sound sleep can work wonders for the chronic pain. Follow a healthy sleeping routine.
  4. Refrain from smoking and drinking. These can make the situation worse.
  5. Gentle massages can help relieve the pain to some extent. Again, it is advised to seek an expert guidance.
  6. Alternate medications like Chiropractic and Acupuncture have helped many patients with chronic pain.
  7. Avoid doing very strenuous physical activities.
  8. Join a support group. You will not only feel better but will also be able to deal with the situation better.

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