Cleaning Your Ears Safely!
Cleaning your ears safely:
Earwax, known medically as cerumen, is a naturally-occuring substance which is important in ear health. It traps bacteria and debris to prevent infection and lubricates the ear canal and prevents dryness and itching.
Tips for cleaning your ears safely at home:
1. Ear wax can get impacted in those who wear hearing aids or earplugs regulaly.
2. Never insert any sharp objects inside your canal for cleaning ear.
3. Use ear wax softeners like glycerine, mineral oil or over the counter wax solvents.
4. Wrap your index finger with a warm damp cloth and wipe off the canal.
5. Gentle irrigation of the ear canal can be done using warm saline and syringe to gently rinse out the ear canals.
6. If still you are not able to get rid of the wax and the symptoms kindly visit an ent specialist.