Common Dental Problems
I am Dr. Shruti Malik and I am a specialist in endodontics which is the branch which deals with the root canal treatments. We have all the dental facilities under one roof, be it for children or for adults. So here we cater all the classes and the ages of people suffering from a dental problem. We all know that there are almost 80-90% of the people suffering from dental ailments but due to unawareness, they do not come to us and get themselves treated.
So here, we want to focus more on the preventive dentistry so that we can stop the progressive ailments at a very early stage and help them attain good oral health. Now coming on to our departments, we have all the departments treating all kinds and giving all kinds of treatments so that patient doesn't have to run here and there and can get its complete treatment done at one place. We have all this specialist be it an orthodontist, prosthodontist and oral surgeon and endodontist, everyone periodontist to take care of your teeth with the best kind of treatment that can be given to our patient.