Concerned About Dental X-rays - Know More About Them!
Dental x-rays are images of your teeth and jaw that a dentist uses to evaluate your oral health. We come across a lot of patients who express concerns about exposure to dental x-rays
While dental x-rays do involve radiation but the exposure levels are so low that they are considered safe for children and adults. Apart from keeping the exposure levels to minimum, the dental clinics also make patients wear lead apron and thyroid collar to avoid unnecessary exposure.
A dentist would generally order for a dental x-ray only after a thorough clinical checkup and if the clinical condition really demands for it. We don't need x-rays for all patients and the decision to take it is patient specific and risk based (eg- pregnancy, young children etc). The frequency with which it is taken also depends on the patient's oral condition. In addition digital x-rays have radiation level significantly lower than the traditional method.