Constipation in Children - 3 Ways it Can Be Treated
Constipation in children may be caused by a variety of factors. What is misleading about children with constipation is that it initially might seem like diarrhea as the more liquid stool passes around the hardened stool. The leading cause of constipation in children are:
Lack of roughage in diet: Low water intake coupled with improper eating habits may lead to constipation as well.
Medications: Side effects of a few medications, such as certain antidepressants.
Deliberately not letting the stool pass: Traumatic toilet training or unpleasantness while letting stool pass once might create an unpleasant memory, thus making the child not want to poop.
Treatment of constipation in children can be achieved by multiple techniques best used together:
Regularising the toilet time: Using the toilet first thing in the morning makes it habitual for the child to automatically make it a part of their system to flush out their innards. This sets the body’s pattern to want to expel its contents after a few weeks at the same time as it gets habituated in doing so.
Consuming a diet rich in roughage: Plenty of fiber is of utmost importance in preventing constipation. Whole wheat and multigrain bread, ragi, legumes, beans and raw vegetables incorporated into the daily diet help clearing the bowels. Fruits should be made habitual and those, which can be consumed with their peels should be eaten that way to provide for maximum roughage. In addition to changing food habits, consuming plenty of water throughout the day is important as roughage without water will worsen the symptoms of constipation. Yogurt and other probiotic drinks help with constipation too.
Stool Softeners: Ask the pediatrician on the kind of stool softener recommended for your child and follow the prescribed duration of the course of the medication as they should not be discontinued even if the child starts to pass clear stools. Discontinuing the prescribe drugs will only make matters worse.
The above three methods, when combined together, best help in the treatment of constipation in children. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult the best pediatrician in Gurgaon & get answers to your questions!