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I have heard that if aloevera juice (one teaspoon) daily it will damage kidney and other side effect will take place in the body. Please tell me in...
My age is 19 years female and 62 kg with 5 foot 2 inch height. I have dark circles and feel sunken my eyes sometimes. I feel tired if I work a litt...
I joined gym just for stay fit and body slim. I was all ok just like a girl have to be. But its my option to join gym just to stay fit. But after s...
How many days mother have to give breast milk to baby? Can be breastfeeding extended for long days.
I am 22 years 1 month old. I have frequent night fall problem. I eat normal food, sometimes junk, no cold drinks only juice. I do not smoke and not...
I am 29 y old. My weight is 70. My organs are working like 47y. How you loose weight and get healthy.
Chicken VS Egg- Which has more protein?
Drinking Water During Meals: Good or Bad?
Milk Tea Vs Black Tea Vs Green Tea - Is Your Choice the Best?
Cow Milk vs Buffalo Milk - Which is More Healthy?
Nothing s more dangerous than drinking water in plastic bottles!
8 Alcoholic Drinks That Might Secretly Keep You Healthy