Detoxifying With Homeopathy - Learn More!
Detoxification is a physiological and medical process of blood cleansing by removing impurities from the blood. It is a means of cleaning and nourishing the body from inside and it is done at least once in a year. It includes one or more of the following: dieting, fasting, colon cleansing, removal of dental fillings or cutting out specific foods from your diet.
Benefits of detoxifying your body
1. Gets rid of excess waste
2. Boosts up your energy
3. Strengthens your immune system
4. Improves your respiration process
5. Reduces weight
6. Provides anti-aging benefits
Majority of the detoxification of your body is carried out by these 4 systems; Digestive, Respiratory, Urinary and Dermal. Any disturbance in these 4 systems results in accumulation of toxins in your body and may cause serious medical illnesses.
Homeopathy approach helps in maintaining the proper functioning and balance of the 4 systems. It is a gentle, natural and one of the safest ways of removing toxins. Homeopathic remedies for treating detoxification are as follows:
1. Berberis Vulgaris
It acts as a stimulator of liver, gall bladder and kidneys. It is best suited for people who face rapid change of symptoms, pain all over the body, repeated diarrhea and stone in the kidney.
2. Chelidonium tincture
It is a reliable liver and gall bladder drainer. It supports liver in removing toxin from your body due to heavy usage of drugs and antibiotics.
3. Senega
It is an effective detoxification remedy for people exposed to respiratory issues with allergies.
4. Nux Vomica
It acts as an intestine and liver stimulator. It is mostly used for symptoms linked with a sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs, caffeine, and tobacco.
5. Taraxacum Officinale
It is used by people having stomach and digestion issues.
6. Fumaria Officinalis
It detoxifies your body by purifying the blood and leading to enhanced functioning of the liver.
7. Uva Ursi
It is an effective urinary antiseptic that supports the functioning of kidneys and reproductive system.
8. Saponaria
It is used for skin draining purpose.
9. Aloe
It is used for detoxification of the rectum.
Apart from the homeopathy remedies, other self care measures such as drinking lots of water, healthy eating, exercising regularly, minimizing stress and avoiding alcohol and drugs can help in detoxifying.